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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4530379 No.4530379 [Reply] [Original]

What happened to the bitfinex/tether fud? Have the conspiratards finally grown tired?

>> No.4530542

No we all fucking cashed out and off Bitfinex, shitlord.


Hey look, now it's over 40K BTC withdrawn.

PS 肏你吗。

>> No.4530555

Turns out Tether is too convenient to rid of so we kept it

>> No.4530573

>mfw bitfinex is faster now that all the conspiritards left

>> No.4530582

fudders got btfo yet again


>> No.4530584

The conspiracy today is tether is pumping ETH today.

Stay poor.

Scared money no money.

>> No.4530594

In case you haven't noticed, the bch shilling has started up again.

>> No.4530598

If you're still using bitfinex then you're definitely a huge retard.

But what can I say? Some people just want to be scammed. Yell at them all you want, they're going to stay on a fucking exchange with no banking backing them up and imaginary tether backing. Woot.

>> No.4530612

Yea sorry about all the FUD recently. I just checked the Tether website and it says they are backed 1:1 with dollars. Oops my bad.

>> No.4530709


“The Tether hack required a 3 of 4 keys. This means that if they had good security, 3 offline computers in 3 different physical locations had to be compromised.

I find this to be unlikely, unless their security is completely incompetent. ”

>> No.4530716
File: 9 KB, 590x183, 1490851463477.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do the tether conspiracy people not realize that 30mil is nothing in volume?

>> No.4530728

>heh, it's just a conspiracy bro
If you still have money on Bitfinex at this very moment you deserve to lose it all.

>> No.4530749
File: 111 KB, 1160x629, soyboy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4530755

Don't they work with some rundown polish bank that runs scams?

>> No.4530772


> what is leverage
> what is margin trading

>> No.4530792

back to /pol/

yeah the bank data got leaked, the bank is located in a city in Poland that's essentially being ran by some local mafia group
there's also this https://offshoreleaks.icij.org/nodes/82024464

>> No.4530842

fake news

>> No.4530846

So explain how bitfinex leverages their own money?

>> No.4530860

>he's Chinese

You chink fudders are really easy to spot you know?

>> No.4530865
File: 146 KB, 1257x824, Bitfinex Announcement.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

still waiting on the announcement and the audit :^)

>> No.4530866

you cant reason with idiot soyboys who think (((nytimes))) is their bible

>> No.4530877

You are an overpaid shill.

>> No.4530878

also still waiting on their announcement.

interesting read from today too:

>> No.4530897

you can't reason with low iq niggers who don't even bother to read the article
>you're a conspiratard when you link evidence from a whistleblower
>you're a soyboy when you link evidence from mainstream media
simply ebin my dude, how much do you get paid to shill here or do you do it for free?

>> No.4530899

I'm a white Leaf, and I speak Mandarin. Get real. 要是你要肏的,肏你妈吧。

>> No.4530919
File: 495 KB, 953x1282, 1507437172880.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do I have to read it?

Are you saying that you are incapable of delivering an argument that I can interpret its validity here?

>> No.4530970

>bitcoin address

>> No.4530978
File: 169 KB, 500x647, kys.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why do you think you're worth my time to argue with when you instantly start to FUD when any sort of evidence is linked here?

>> No.4531010

bitfinex only goes up to 3.3x

>> No.4531014


Never trust the Jews, my friend.

>> No.4531064
File: 83 KB, 532x396, 1429007545340.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Its only worth my time to post links to NYTimes in hopes people will believe it

>> No.4531093
File: 21 KB, 248x189, 1452512376816.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

stay deluded nigger