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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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File: 70 KB, 740x457, Rich-versus-poor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4514620 No.4514620 [Reply] [Original]

> Going long on bitcoin and ether
> Having a fun time with friends and family while making money
> Literally don't give a shit
> Sleep well at night

> Day "trading" aka speculating like cuck
> Trading based on emotion and anxiety
> Make 5 dollar gains a day and then lose 20 the next
> Wake up in cold sweats in the middle of the night
> Erectile dysfunction from gains anxiety
> Smell terrible from lack of proper hygiene caused by your depression of being poor

The question is why are you not just setting and forgetting your money until it matures and you can then spend the rest of your time making money and having fun in other ways?

>> No.4514648

Because you made 10x this year and I made 50x.

>> No.4514659

Because when you don't have a lot of money, a x2 will not change your life. If you ha e at least 20k ton invest go in btc eth xmr. But when you're a poorfag like me with 3k you need to try the bad way. Work for some, some stagnate (me), some loose everything

>> No.4514672

But the crazy thing is, both of these posters actually lost money gambling on alts and are now merely roleplaying!

>> No.4514685
File: 769 KB, 899x900, 4HEad.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i got in with $400 and now im up to $600 thanks to day "trading" and going after 5-10% profits and not giving a shit about the coin after that, except for more 5-10% profits

>> No.4514708

Every time I see someone reply like you I feel sad for them because the odds are that you yourself lost money if you're so skeptical of others having had gains.

>> No.4514729

>be me
>put entire 40k portfolio in shitcoins
>gain 150k in one month just to lose it all the next month
>still nauseous when thinking about losses
>mostly emotionally numb at this point
>daily portfolio volatility equal to 2 month's salary
>dgaf anymore
>anxiety almost gone

>> No.4514737

Well, if you got into crypto in may or earlier this year you'd have to have been an absolute retard not to make crazy gains. If you got in july or later, it's more or less a matter of luck whether you made gains or not due to all the bullshit that happened.

>> No.4514751

I started with $250. Went into RDD, XBY, and DGB and sold at all of there ATMs. Later on I snagged ANS at $6.
Now I have 15k and while I think I did great, I look at my BTC value now, vs when I first made gains on those three coins and I went from 3BTC to today being at less than 2.

If I would have just held BTC with those initial gains... I would be so much better off.

>> No.4514752
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I had a similar scenario except with 5k
>turn 5k into 19k
>then NMR happens
>worth 3k

>> No.4514756

Got back into crypto in March, saw the writing on the wall in July and went 80% BTC then.

>> No.4514778

I started trading with crypto today and made 50 bucks on an investment of 280$, just flipping POWR lol

>> No.4514810

And Every time I see someone reply like you I feel sad for them because the odds are that you yourself lost money if you're so skeptical of others having had gains

>> No.4515514

Longfag here. Bought 30btc at $70 each in 2013, held ever since. Btc averages $100 every five days. Every Friday kaching! I’m $3000 richer for doing absolutely nothing.

I very much r3commend this comfy life