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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4513068 No.4513068 [Reply] [Original]

There are people on /biz/ right now who bought:
>btc at $600
>eth at $10
>ltc at $3
>xrp at $0.005
>dash at $15
>lsk at $0.10

How are you fags feeling right now?

>> No.4513132

I've never once held a profitable coin. Ever.

>> No.4513148

Every coin is profitable if you hold it for a month. Literally every single coin is bound to go up at some point or another.

>> No.4513154

I bought eth at $50 but made the mistake of telling my mom and pretty much got kicked out of the house. I lost most of my gains cashing out to pay for bills and food (former neet)

>> No.4513157

Someday we'll be saying the same thing about sub-0.20 link

>> No.4513193


>> No.4513253

Back in the day when bitcoin was 10 dollars I bought 5 and wanted to start mining, but just stopped and forgot about it and I dont know where the wallet is. Its so fucked.

>> No.4513290

>bought BTC at $300 and ETH at $32
Pretty good, wish I'd bought more though.

>> No.4513319

my brother mined over 200 and sold the majority to pay the electric bill.

>> No.4513353

Ouch. I can understand losing track of a couple BTC from way back when this whole thing started, but selling 200 to cover an electricity bill? That stings.

>> No.4513382

Fuck he'd be a millionaire

>> No.4513397

>btc at $600

>> No.4513422

this. it's so easy to make money in this market by just being patient

>> No.4513501

>tfw bought $100 of BTC at $7300 right before the big drop

>> No.4513513

Most people came here around this time.

>> No.4513688

bought eth around july 2016, only got 9.3 of it tho

>> No.4513836


>> No.4513862

Good, because I'm one of them.

I also bought Ark at $1

>> No.4513877

Try XMR at $6. Feels especially good right now

>> No.4513897

> BTC at $200
> ETH at ICO
> LSK at ICO

I'm feeling pretty good about it.

>> No.4513927


lol I bought BTC at 75 Cad in May 2013

>> No.4513969

I'm glad for those who bought early and made bank. Don't fuck it up, lads.

Meanwhile I'm the dumbfuck who was so close to dropping $500 on bitcoin in Feb 2013, but decided against it because I didn't think it was safe. I instead used it on a 3 day trip to NYC to bang a fat jew broad I knew from highschool lmao.


>> No.4513983

It did. If you didn't sell that's your problem.

Post blockfolio

How much?

>> No.4514008
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Hope you sell your tulips before the crash.

>> No.4514019

Simply false, have a look at the long list of alts in the graveyard.

>> No.4514047

>buying a dead coin
Consider not being an absolute retard.

>> No.4514111
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spent a paycheck on btc at $8.

thanks /g/

>> No.4514152

Constantly wondering if I should sell now or tomorrow. I have literally never sold, only bought

>> No.4514156

in 2019 I will be able to make one of these threads when req hits 3$

>> No.4514540

Depends on how much you have. If I had 2 million USD I would just sell. Saves me the stress, and that's all the money I would need for the rest of my life.

>> No.4514551

drowning in hooker pussy

>> No.4514603

proud of holding 4100 xmr, sold 250 at $170 today (yes I was that) already feeling a little bit bad

>> No.4514610

Ehhh bought req during the ico. Bought link during the dip but it dipped more. Waited almost 2 months. Lost 400$. I had no btc because btc was already expensive. I fucked up. I'm almost in the green should I cash out and buy the "crash". Make me made to see everyone gaining thousands and me just loosing some bullshit pocket money.

>> No.4514655

Fuck all I want is 400k to buy a house. Is that so much to ask for? Will 5,000 link get me a house boys?

>> No.4514679

>btc was already expensive
are you illiterate to the point where you're unaware you can own a fraction of a bitcoin?

>> No.4514724

idk DOGE keeps coming back

>> No.4514773

You almost made me laugh. Be smarter next time old sucker

>> No.4514794

Fucking awesome

I work for ConsenSys too. I’m fuckin loaded.

>Put 50k down for the new Tesla roadster.
>eclisped my families wealth 5x over
>looking at a dope pent house in Manhattan
>girls finally like me

I bought ETH before the Microsoft news came out.

>> No.4514803

I've been holding MYST since release and it's gone from $3.6 to $.52. I've held for MONTHS and it's done nothing but bleed me dry. Hodling is bullshit.

>> No.4514811

>girls finally like me
They still don't. They like your penthouse and bank account.

>> No.4514824

Just finished accumulating a fat stack of GVT
I have my moon mission priorities straight.

>> No.4514840

delet this

>> No.4514872

What's your point? Some men have a nice body that they worked for that's attractive to women. He has a lot of money that he worked for that's attractive to women.

>> No.4514910

Bought 60 eth at $1.50, the truth is I just wish I bought more, doesn't even feel that good

>> No.4514933

He didn't work for it. Once again, they don't like him. It's shallow. Meaningless.

>> No.4514968

Do you believe in "love" or something? Of course women are shallow, who cares? He's made it and can fuck whoever he wants, anyone getting married is a fool anyways.

>> No.4515011

I bought 1 eth at $10.
I still feel retarded for not getting more

>> No.4515035

>Do you believe in "love" or something
Are you 14 or something? And it's not just the women that are shallow. That anon is a prime example of a shallow man. Getting to fuck whoever you want isn't something so great.

>> No.4515099

I'm in my 30s, you'll eventually learn that love doesn't exist and that relationships sour as soon as the honeymoon period is over. Just stick with casual things before you fuck up your life, learn the hard way, and end up having to throw your money into a black hole after she divorces you.
>That won't happen to me
Statistically it will.

>> No.4515154

Love is real but I don't expect it to ever happen to me. Despite this I'm not going to waste my life fucking whores or engaging in other lower pleasures. Even if I had the money I wouldn't waste it on stupid shit. So yeah, it won't happen to me.

>> No.4515155


>you'll eventually learn that love doesn't exist

>here take my personal anecdotal evidence of my shit life for how life is for everyone

neck yourself

>> No.4515178

>Its just anecdotal evidence
Majority of marriages end in divorce, majority of divorces are initiated by women. Hardly just anecdotal.

>> No.4515248

>Majority of marriages end in divorce
This shouldn't surprise anyone. There is no religion to hold shallow people together so they just end a marriage that shouldn't have happened to begin with.

>> No.4515274

So you go from:
Do you believe in "love" or something?

To now just saying most marraiges end in divorce. Kind of a goalpost change there, edgefag

>> No.4515295


The stat is 50%, and it accounts for all divorces, people who divorce oftentimes do it more than once so they skew shit

Also think about all of the low class scum and total fuckwads who get married young or on a whim, if you aren't in that camp your odds are suddenly getting much sexier

>> No.4515299

the crypto field is ripe with opportunity just use good judgement when investing in new projects. feels gooood

>> No.4515486

If love was actually real then most marriages would not end in divorce. Love is supposed to be a permanent thing, not something that more often than not vanishes.

>> No.4515525


I entered in all these positions. about 500K profit. cashed out 100K and I am still in 400k.

initial investment 40K

I am happy if I maintain the current portfolio.

>> No.4515668

40fag, got together with my lady when I was 30, relationship started out good and mooned from there, married her at 37, still great. 10 years with her now, by fucking far the best thing that ever happened to me.

Be nice, be compromising, make sure she's nice and compromising, and don't marry fucking thots.

Love is real, but yes, most women (and men) are shitcoins, so YMMV.

>> No.4515947

May take 5 years but yes. At the very least will give you enough to diversify and buy much bigger into a future promising project.

>> No.4516088
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>> No.4516137

Rebecca stop.

>> No.4516158
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Bought 2 bitcoins in 2014. spent 2 btc on drugs in 2015

>> No.4516188

how on earth did that get you kicked out of the house anon?

>> No.4516517


I feel like shit atm

Im under dry spell and I have only 2 friends left one has adhd and its hard to hang out with he is so annoying other is going through rough breakup and is even more annoying to hang out with

one year ago parties were organized because I had a day off and now its like nobody even cares

>> No.4516643


Also, I had sex with a Brazilian today.