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File: 414 KB, 883x432, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4477412 No.4477412 [Reply] [Original]

>mfw I'm in an econ 101 class and the professor says Bitcoin is not a store of value so it's not a currency. Then he mentions the tulip bubble and says "at least you can give tulips to a girl after they're worthless, you can't do that for Bitcoin "

Congrats on this (((Jews))). Seriously.

>> No.4477422

Tulip Mania didn't actually happen

>> No.4477437

your teacher is mad smart bro

>> No.4477443

Yes, it did, and like op says, atleast it's tangible

>> No.4477463
File: 134 KB, 1500x844, no coiner.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP's teacher is a salty no coiner that didnt get in on time for the moon launch lmao

>> No.4477467

Gotta love that jewish propaganda. Can't have us using currency printed by the (((banks)))

>> No.4477470

feel free to sell your bitcoin for something tangible then. No one is forcing you not to sell

>> No.4477495

If your (((economics professor))) was smart he's be a cypto billionaire

>unsheathes my katana

>> No.4477499

Now our professor is talking about how Bitcoin will crash and go to zero because it's, and I quote

>It's just 1s and 0s on a computer. What if somebody copies those 1s and 0s? Like how you copy a file. Bitcoin is worthless
>the whole class laughs. I see some people nodding and agreeing with our professor

>> No.4477510

thank god
we still have time to /makeit/ then

>> No.4477513

Tulip mania happened, but it was mostly contained within the scope of dutch horticulture enthusiasts. It's true that the valuation of tulips went off the deep end within this rarefied environment, and eventually crashed, but the majority of dutch normalfags didn't really involve themselves in it. It's sort of equivalent to the valuation of that Wutang album martin Shkreli was holding hostage. Ridiculous, but not really involving the public at large.

>> No.4477523
File: 278 KB, 1200x900, C_OgFp5XcAA7zF2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

normies can keep laughing their way into poverty while we get to chuckle in the front lot of Lambo land

>> No.4477531

source? (((they))) would have you think the tulip bubble affected everyone and their mother

>> No.4477537

Why don't you call him out? I hate it when professors act like pompous know-it-alls

In other news I've been doing quite well copy-pasting bitcoins all day

>> No.4477541

Indeed. The longer normalfags think it's all a scam, the longer I have to accumulate before shit really gets moving.

>> No.4477545

this makes me happy. the bubble is far from popping.

>> No.4477554


>> No.4477555

It's a class of 150 people because it's an intro class lmao. What am I supposed to do, shout at him /biz/ memes?

Maybe I'll raise my hand and call him out on his bullshit

>> No.4477556

>economics professor
Yeah well my fucking witchdoctor who cast a curse on my enemies for me accepts Litecoin as payment so I'll trust him

>> No.4477569

Shit man, I've been manually typing the 1s and 0s. I guess that's why he's the professor.

>> No.4477574

>own 1 BTC
>ctrl+c, Ctrl+v 1000 times
>instant millionaire

dang it feels good to be a crypsta

>> No.4477580
File: 232 KB, 960x640, debt_bubbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>professor says Bitcoin is not a store of value
store of value = stable value =/= exploding in "value" chaotically

>> No.4477586

Yes, this is good news. Thank your prof for helping to keep the majority misinformed while we the early adopters accumulate longer.

>> No.4477593

if you take the proportion of people involved in tulips back then compared to the public, that ratio is probably something akin to the amount of people in crypto.
7 billion people on earth, market cap is low in the sense that only a tiny fraction of all people are in crypto

by the same logic it all leads to a collapse

>> No.4477601

Ok I'm going to raise my hand and ask him a question. What should I ask him?

>> No.4477622

How did the tulip bubble work? Did you trade 50 pounds of tulip petals for a car while the recipient of the tulips would then be left with bags of dried descintigrating tulips? When you try to buy something from ebay did you ship the tulip petals through fedex for $50 while the other guy ships the item to you? I can think of many reasons why tulip petals are a crappier system than a digital currency.

>> No.4477636

well, y'know. Crypto essentially enables an environment of digital scarcity, where ctrl+c+v is not possible, allowing real decentralized digital money to exist in the same way that cash exists in meatspace. It's cash that can be moved across the globe in an instant with next-to-zero tx fees. That's revolutionary. Meanwhile, tulips are fucking flowers.

Anyone equating bitcoin with tulipmania likely has a negative IQ.

>> No.4477656

I'm guessing this is the same kind of boomer moron who doesn't understand how valuable a couple snippets of software code can be

>> No.4477706

Is Bitcoin not backed by cash? You get a cash value for each bitcoin on a min by min basis.

So in a way, without cash there is no Bitcoin.

>> No.4477712

I'm gonna ask this stupid fuck "Isn't Bitcoin different from tulips because Bitcoin has a known limited quantity, you can send and receive Bitcoin to several exact decimal places without the need for a third party (e.g. bank), and it can be sent within a few hours?"

Let's see what this boomer says

>> No.4477713

Their equating the phenomenon of quickly rising asset prices. The asset at question is irrelevant, now we laugh at tulip bulbs, they laughed at south sea company stock certificates, they laughed at Japanese real estate and stocks in 1988, they laughed at dot Com stocks in 99, and they were revolutionary. It has nothing to do with the asset. Years from now we'll be laughing, during the bubble it's too real

>> No.4477848

Ok I just asked this boomer professor and he said

>"Let me guess, you put your student loan money in Bitcoin and expect to become a millionaire in a year right?"
>whole class laughs
>"Anyway, as I was saying..."

mfw my professor never answers my question. Fucking boomers

>> No.4477920

actually we'll be laughing at you

>> No.4477980


It isn't tied to any specific currency. The value is generated by supply and demand, the conversion to USD is just that - a conversion. It can convert to anything of value.

>> No.4478019

This is what I actually did.
Billionaire reporting in

>> No.4478023

Roasted :P

>> No.4478035


Trying to call a bubble is just asking to miss out on gains

Once upon a time the graph showed $100 to $750 and people were pissing their pants about that graph peak. Now they are pissing about $1000 to $8000. But all it is is compounding value. It could easily sky to $100,000 before the "big crash" happens and it tumbles to $50k, but then you still would have made a profit, right? And it would still recover with time.

Trying to call a top and a bottom in investment is inane. Set your risk tolerance and time frame, put your money in, and forget about it. The fearful are always the losers.

>> No.4478036


>> No.4478145

The thing with Bitcoin is that how do you laugh if it actually becomes a global accepted currency which is already happening. Look at the third world shitholes in an disruptive environment that view BTC as literal gold.

I mean it might have extreme highs and lows but when the dust settles it will be worth a lot.

>> No.4478461
File: 73 KB, 241x228, wut.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your Prof is actually accumulating dumbass

>> No.4478512

Ask him why he hasn't jsut copy pasted bitcoins if it's that easy.

>> No.4478531


>> No.4478545

so many fucking (((educated))) fucktards out there actually believe that bitcoin balances are all stored in some server somewhere

>> No.4478562

>raise hand slowly while he's mid-sentence
>'y..yes? do you have a question?'
>entire class lmaos and you get laid by a 10/10 econ hottie

>> No.4478573

When someone does this in public I make a point of openly laughing loudly, mocking them, and making them feel stupid before asking "did you read the whitepaper?"

it feels so good

>> No.4478635

You underestimate the power of group think. His professor has absolute authority and has enraptured his classroom. All of them are, at the least, subconsciously siding with whatever he believes in. If OP speaks out he would only embarrass himself no matter how valid and sound his arguments are.

>> No.4479207

you can buy gold with it..

>> No.4479449

You're economics professor either doesn't understand the technology or doesn't understand economics. For your sake, lets hope it's the first.

>> No.4479475

Not if any of them have a brain and he explains how the blockchain works.