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4470022 No.4470022 [Reply] [Original]

So I've been listening to an interview with Roger Ver (https://letstalkbitcoin.com/blog/post/the-crypto-show-roger-ver-on-the-rise-of-bitcoin-cash)) and tried to figure out what his arguments are for BCH over BTC. From what I was able to gather in the roughly 90 minutes his whole argumentation literally comes down to:
>BCH has fast transactions and low fees
>BCH is the future because commerce
>BTC has slow transactions and incredible high fees
>BTC is not the future because they can't handle volume
>Bitcoin Core devs are bad people because they hate freedom
>BTC is doomed because of slow transactions and high fees

Even when asked multiple times *why* bigger block size is important and *how* BCH is superior, his answer always was one or more points from the above list. While he has a point regarding fees and speed, I really fail to see why people listen to anything he says when he argues as stated.


>> No.4470042

Yeah me too.. Bcash is a scam and will die soon

>> No.4470056

1 Tb blocks are the future.

>> No.4470095
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>BCH is faster than BTC is saying a sloth is faster than a slug
If you want a fast coin go with pedocoin (ETH) or bankcoin (Ripple)

>> No.4470101

I mean I get it. Marketing of your coin is really important and he openly admits to doing that. So kudos for honest. But still: As the de-facto BCH spokes person, I would expect him to argue his case properly.

>> No.4470107

Imagine being this scared that you had to make a fud thread to alleviate your butthurt and fear. Shook senpai

>> No.4470110

So young, so naive ;). I rememeber in 2011 when literally every post said BTC is a scam. The market NEEDS this change, in order for normies to get in we need something like Bitcoin Cash, something fresh something new. BCH is the new 25 yo news anchor from harvard, while BTC is the retarded autistic mongoliod 60yo news anchor tlaking about how he defeated hitler.

>> No.4470124

Roger just wants more money. The future isn't in BTC with bigger block sizes, it's an altcoin that probably doesn't exist yet which is better than both

Both coins are fucking dinosaurs technologically and will one day die out

>> No.4470137

Stop giving this shitcoin publicity.... if you want fast confirmations use litecoin. bitcoin IS digital gold.

>> No.4470159
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>Fast coin

>> No.4470161

What do you want him to say, are you retarded? Bigger blocks equals more transactions and lower fees. If he said something else he would be saying something incorrect.

>> No.4470164

He honestly comes across as quite dumb in his interviews. It's hard to trust a currency when the spokesman seems to be low IQ.

>> No.4470184

just look at his face and ask yourself if it was a good decision to buy bch

>> No.4470209

>He honestly comes across as quite dumb in his interviews.

I mean he isn't super bright. He's not a developer he just got in on BTC early in high quantities so he likes to act as a spokesman for it

>> No.4470222

But what else is there right now? I just funded with fiat and my options are buying ATH Bitcoin and Ether. or Rog's fucking scam coin.

>> No.4470233

ETH is pretty fast. I would put all my money on Ripple though. That shit will be the new bitcoin in the long term.

>> No.4470251

No, you're correct. I would expect him to say exactly that. But given his background and standing in the community I would also expect him to go beyond just pushing the same old slogans and actually dive into the issue, so value can be added to the conversation (or at least to the interview).

>> No.4470287

BTC is held hostage by Blockstream, who want to maintain high fees to appease ASIC miners. Bitcoin Cash follows the original vision by scaling to accommodate more transactions. Bitcoin Cash also has automatic difficulty adjustment, so it can respond to changes in hash power. Right now, if miners switched over to Bitcoin Cash, Bitcoin Legacy would be completely unusable due to the high difficulty and the lack of automatic difficulty adjustment. Literally zero transactions would get through.

>> No.4470304

>follows the original vision
>Satoshi's vision

Oh I love this episode

>> No.4470310

since you seem to have no clue right now
look at the XMR USD chart, buy XMR and hold until BTC crashes, then you go into BTC.
do not go into tether (USDT).

>> No.4470322

The guy went to prison. I mean how dumb do you have to be to go to prison in current year as a white male.

>> No.4470343

I can't buy XMR directly. I gotta buy one of these normie coins first. Then wait a week to withdraw because my exchange has a holding period for new clients.

>> No.4470391

It's actually true though. Bitcoin Cash is the original NYA coin. That's why people like Money Skeleton, Roger Ver, etc, endorse Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.4470461

Held hostage how? Does Blockstream hold the majority of the hashpower and this determines consensus?

>> No.4470493
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>these people don't have a vested interest in taking BTC down for their own coins
>the NYA is good or binding in any way
>let's ignore that LTC and BTC just demo'd the first lightning network transaction and it was cross-chain

>> No.4470561

There's a third option, Anon.

>While he has a point regarding fees and speed
That's his only and whole point, you retarded piece of shit.

Low value Bitcoin payments used to be instant, until Core added RBF and full blocks. BCH removes those two "features".

>> No.4470568
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Blockstream doesn't even mine kek; any time the miners (which is actually 40% Jihan) don't like blockstreams code they can just say fuck off and not update their shit.

>> No.4470621

>Go with BTC
>Run by a single development group
>Go with BCH
>Run by miners who effectively call the shots

And this is why they both need to die

>> No.4470646
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>I need this shit to go fast as fuck
Why? You want to buy coffee and condoms with gold? No; that's why when the lightning network comes out you'll be able to spend LTC directly from a BTC wallet for coffee without having to wait for the chain transaction to process.

>muh centralization
Nigger crypto is already centralized; why do you think you give a shit what Jihan and Roger think? Oh ya, because they own it all.

>> No.4470692

Then get your shitty pajeet squad together and make a replacement because with the possible exception of XMR there is literally nothing valuable in the shitcoins. Money skelly fucks up too often to be a real coin; maybe NEO will be legit.

>> No.4470701

> What if I told you that Satoshi forecasted and meant for mining to be centralized? Satoshi never envisioned everyone to have a raspberry pi

>> No.4470712

>maybe NEO will be legit.

NEO isn't acting as a currency crypto you dummy

>> No.4470793

eth is faster and cheaper

>> No.4470804

I don't know shit about shitskins because they're worthless bruh. BTC/LTC/XMR are good, mETH and bcash are tier 2, rest are shitcoins

>> No.4470995

All it takes is to make a brown person uncomfortable and ya get locked up as a white man in the current year.

>> No.4471028

I refuse to believe you are not a paid shill

>> No.4471109

Miners have economic incentive to make the coin as useful as possible on chain whereas blockstream is incentivised to cripple the blockchain and move transactions off chain. There is no reason to side against miners unless you want the coin to fail.

>> No.4471174

Charlie pls go

>> No.4471422
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>> No.4471438

Charlie is the biggest ass kisser i have ever seen. He needs to be decapitated