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4458161 No.4458161 [Reply] [Original]

This is so fucking stupid. I cant believe shitcoins like Lykke and Status have almost 2x the marketcap of LINK. I'm quitting crypto and holding LINK, REQ, and SALT until EOY 2018 to Q1 2019. This feels like rage-quitting on fucking vidya. Fuck this market.

>> No.4458186

Same but holding RCN not SALT, I advise you do the same - they're direct competition.

>> No.4458196

Slow and steady anon.

>> No.4458223

I mean look at fucking Bitquence a 100m marketcap and I dont even know what the fuck it is or does. Do you fags even know wtf is Bitquence or GXShares (89m mcap)?

>> No.4458227

Sounds like a good way to keep your sanity. Tbh I'm happy with my holds I should do the same.

>> No.4458237

lol what does your shitcoin even do faggot? Give me one good reason to buy

>> No.4458239

It's because in LINK's case, that fat fuck refuses to hype his product.

>> No.4458271

Bitquence wants to be the next coinbase and help senior citizens get into crypto. One click diversification buys. The ceo is like 13 y/o. The interviews are hilarious. Might want to watch if youre bored tonight.

>> No.4458285

Might wanna sell link and rebuy at 500 sats

>> No.4458305

You could miss your ticket to lamboland then.

>> No.4458362

Thinking of selling ARK or OMG for more LINK, which one should I bail on? I'm not particularly invested in either

>> No.4458435

OMG since it's Vapourware.

ARK atleast has momentum

>> No.4458454

lol enjoy the long term bags

>> No.4458456

ARK sucks balls imo, but it's been getting steady hype, and I was actually just thinking of picking up some OMG as I think it's due for a pump here soon, following all the NEOnsense going about. If I were in your shoes I'd check the upcoming news for each and base my exit plan off that.

But take what I say with a grain of salt!

>> No.4458457

someone told my I was retarded for thinking OMG was all hype, am I wrong in thinking this?

>Muh skateboard

>> No.4458478

This guy, >>4458435 , probably knows much more about those two coins than me. FWIW I think OMG sucks balls too, but can't help but feel it's going to see some NEO-esque hype this week - just a hunch though.

>> No.4458488


theres nothing but shit between LINK and the top 10 really. we'll get there brother

>> No.4458489

OMG's devs consistently hype the shit out of literally nothing, and that's all I really know about them. I think they're trying to do something similar to REQ though, and REQ is absolutely going to REK them.

>> No.4458527

I don't know enough about either to make a choice. Which leads me to believe I shouldn't be seriously invested in either.

>> No.4458550

Fucking this. It was started by some little college shit founder-wannabe.

>> No.4458570

I'm literally in the same boat. I'm leaning towards selling my OMG. Ark has an extensive amount of things coming up in the next few months. At leas hodl for the next decent pump to 50k sats

>> No.4458602

IMO OMG is all hype, if they do come out with substantial news and it pumps just buy the inevitable dip that will follow. ARK is set for a good hike and I wish I had bought more when it was lower.

>> No.4458604

Imagine being this stupid. The actual state of the average link holder.

>> No.4458624

5/10 you can FUD better than this.

>> No.4458625

this shits so fucking stupid if normies stayed out things would be traded on merit not this shitty know nothing hype.

I think the vast majority of people in this market can't even explain what a blockchain is desu

smart move anon

>> No.4458642

Can you explain how that comment was stupid at all?

>> No.4458718


He butthurt OMG bagholder

>> No.4458719

>OMG devs constantly hype the shit out of literally nothing
Developing plasma, poon and moneyskel, backing from thai government, working with a central bank, partners with numerous big banks (received funding for omisego from a MUFG bank not too long ago), and already handling billions in payments...
And he thinks REQ (literally a whitepaper and nothing else) is going to 'absolutely rek them'

Everything you said is straight up retarded. Dont talk if you are a clueless fuck. Just keep quiet.

>> No.4458753

A valid response, do you have a source on the Thai government backing? Haven't hear that yet.

>> No.4458876

That doesn't invalidate my comment though, there have been many circumstances where they've hyped up stuff that wasn't big. I admitted very openly that I don't know much about them, and even recommended OP keep his OMG bags for a bit longer earlier in the thread, as I have read some positive things about them, past the hype train.

And yeah, REQ isn't a product yet. It's a pure leap of faith on my part in order to get in on a product on the ground floor. I'm ok with that.

>> No.4458897

and if you actually read the thread, you'd know I was going to buy some OMG bags for myself

>> No.4459206

Don't get excited, the Thai government is a corrupt piece of shit

>> No.4460029


No, they aren't. SALT has you offer 125% collateral. RCN has more of a traditional loan structure, unless I'm mistaken.

>> No.4460924


the REQ whitepaper is really easy to read, this team seems to a have a special knack for making things extremely simple and elegant

>> No.4460957
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Daily reminder - decentralized JSON parser

>> No.4460971

Link is a long term hold. There's no possible way this project will fail. If you can afford having a part of your stack waiting while everything moons just buy later but you'll run the risk of having to buy at a higher price.
Best of luck, you will make it.

>> No.4460996

I hold both link and OMG. I'll see what it does in 6 months I don't have time to watch the charts constantly or say trade.

>> No.4461307

There's something very weird going on for sure, anon.

Link has one of the biggest names in global finance attached to the project (Swift) as well as probably the most impressive list of specific banks any crypto was ever connected with (AXA, Sony, BNP Paribas, Barclays, Santander, ...); lesser coins have mooned x100s of times on a LOT less
>"Chainlink is a scam, nobody's going to use it"

Chainlink is very far along with its development: godlike peer-reviewed white paper, network developed enough at the time of ICO to be used in a proof of concept for Swift with involvement of 5 major banks, etc.
While 99% of ICOs have zero working product at all even half a year after their ICO.
>"Chainlink is a scam, they weren't even 100% ready and in full mainstream usage yet at ICO"

The use case for the Link token is exactly why tokens (and therefore ETH itself) even exist to begin with: a distinct currency for payment and staking within a distinct network
>"Chainlink is a scam, you could just as easily use ETH"

Lately I've even seen people ask for proof that Swift even knows about Link.
I mean holy shit.

>> No.4461328

Here's the guy asking for proof that Swift even knows about Link: >>4442686

>> No.4461363
File: 266 KB, 1000x740, 1511155761961.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you take a look at the website there's two teenage kids working on this project after raising $32mm, the website is not updated saying there's an upcoming ICO for September, and the latest news on the website is from August.

Then the LINK devs apparently said that Vitalik endorsed their project and vitalik tweeted saying he didn't endorse shit

then there were no updates ever

>> No.4461366

retard, ppl accumulating. it will explode near node network go-live. until then accumulate as much as you can.

>> No.4461400

>the LINK devs apparently said that Vitalik endorsed their project
lmao no they didn't.

>two teenage kids working on this project
epiq trol

>> No.4461522

>Then the LINK devs apparently said that Vitalik endorsed their project
Holy fuck, it was random idiots on twitter. You just believed all the made-up shit-talk about chainlink. Why are you so dumb

>> No.4461715

I know, it blows my mind. Not only does the market not see it, there's an unreasonable amount of retards giving nonsense criticism

>> No.4461954

Not on Bittrex so I don't care.

>> No.4461970

Salt? fucking faggot, maker will outperform 100x

>> No.4462001

Personally I sold my OMG to buy more link, but it was an easy decision since I don't hold ARK in the first place.

>> No.4462044
File: 2.37 MB, 1055x923, sergeyofnazareth.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is already done. Your 4 dimensional self is already rich. You are just experience a 3 dimensional time-slice that occurs before the richness kicks in.

But don't be afraid. It is already done. You are already rich. Now you just have to wait.