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File: 1.71 MB, 1848x1039, bitcoin.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4408020 No.4408020 [Reply] [Original]

In a few years people will look back and laugh at how a group of idiots thought that a digital currency that didn't scale would still be worth 10 trillion marketcap because it was "digital gold" and a "store of value". Screen cap this.

>> No.4408036


We already know bcash is hot garbage tho

>> No.4408046

Still salty about those bags, huh? In 10 years I'll give you .000001 dgb so you can recompense all your bch losses

>> No.4408054

BCH is the same tech as BTC but without segwit, 8mb blocks and a better difficulty adjusting algorithm. If you think BCH is garbage then BTC has to also be garbage by extension.

>> No.4408060

>If you think BCH is garbage then BTC has to also be garbage by extension.

Seems about right

>> No.4408064

I bought at $500. I made more profit than you have with bitcoin. Good argument though

>> No.4408075

Im a normie and BCH is like some fake rip off shit for me. Its like Pepsi compared to Coke. Fuck BCH, i dont want it and wouldnt pay for it. Only the original has worth, the tech details are not interesting for me.

>> No.4408090

This is why we are in a bubble and why a bear market is around the corner. Oh well, I'll just put a million into cryptos once everything hits rock bottom and ride the next bull market. You cucks will probably kill yourself when your precious BTC tanks.

>> No.4408106

Lol, assuming my profit, are you?
Btw, it's only profit if you're able to sell it.. and if you're shit posting here, I'd wager you missed the train and bought at 2800..
But yeah, post your dgb deposit so I can get you something that might actually be worth something some day

>> No.4408113

Why is Bitcoin Cash hot garbage?

Besides "muh chink coin", "muh conspiracy" and "my pajeet computer can't download 8 MB in 10 minutes, therefore it's centralized!!!"

>> No.4408124

I just said I bought at $500 you pajeet. During the same time I over doubled my money it would have been impossible for you to double yours on BTC.

>> No.4408160

Why are we in a bubble ? You have any proof or legitimate arguments? I hear this bubble shit since years now. On the other hand there's a literal shitload of reasons why BTC is here to stay if you do your research.

>> No.4408180
File: 31 KB, 492x553, CDD15216-013D-42E7-B690-1AAAFAFC574B-10715-00000D31E1B1FEC0.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bear Market around the corner....yeah as if there's no risk at all. There's always a bear market and a bull market around the corner. What a fucking non argument. Go kill yourself you illiterate fuck

>> No.4408181

Were in a bubble because people like you invest and say shit like

>the tech details are not interesting for me

ICOs are raising 30million dollars off nothing more than a whitepaper and a website. If you have ever created your own business you know how fucking ridiculous that is.

Bitcoins marketcap is unjustifiable unless it can actually function as a currency.

>> No.4408189

Bubbles don't always pop immediately. It can also balloon up for years.

Anons here are just thinking that it's getting real close to popping now, is all.

>> No.4408190

Why does the original the only one that can be worth anything?

>> No.4408197

>Bear Market around the corner....yeah as if there's no risk at all

Do you know how many biztards think that bitcoin will just keeping going up and that its going to hit 100k by eoy 2018

>> No.4408206

He's still on myspace, and uses yahoo search.

>> No.4408223

I'm assuming you know what price will do 5 minutes from now.

>> No.4408256

No its not. There are already coins that provide faster and better transactions than bitcoin and they are still worth nothing. Jihan Wu and co. Forcefully hardforked the currency, premined, AND didn't submit a workable testnet. It was a scam to make them money. Bitcoin was doing just fine and the majority wanted to focus on other issues of higher priority than blocksize. So fuck off with your shitty chink traitorcoin.

>> No.4408269

t. Desperate BCH Bag Holder

>> No.4408270

Bitcoin was doing just fine? You know there are fewer businesses today using bitcoin than there were last year.

Where is your proof they premined it?

>> No.4408282

Those coins are worth nothing because they aren't called bitcoins. At best, you have major alts that are commonly found on exchanges like litecoin and eth, and they're actually doing pretty alright considering.

BCH is an actual competition, a supported fork. It's also gaining acceptance everywhere. If it was any other alt you'd be right.

>> No.4408294

This guy gets it

>> No.4408299

I've said multiple times now that I bought at $500. None of you are even providing any kind of argument and just resulting in childish name calling. I'm going to guess that the majority if you are wagecucks that have never done anything with your life but convinced yourself in this echo chamber that owning 0.1 BTC is going to make you a millionaire while you sit at home playing video games all day.

Don't listen to me. Lose money. When the shit hits the fan I am going to post every single day about how fucking stupid you were.

>> No.4408328

>t. Boomer

>> No.4408582

>Childish namecalling
>I’m going to guess that the majority if you are wagecucks

Nice consistency

>> No.4408626

>Screen cap this

Why? Your post is like the default opinion of cryptocoins that every normie has. Your post has no scarcity. Therefore, it has no value.

>> No.4408671

This may be true, but historians may well view this emergence of encrypted transactions --though it may seem intolerably gradual to many on this board-- as having been fundamental to the expansion of personal freedom, whatever that may mean then

>> No.4408702

>a digital currency that didn't scale
This is a much bigger problem than people here seem to grasp. The fact is Bitcoin has trouble doing more than 350k tx/day. This isn't even enough to handle a small city of people doing just 1 tx/day...

>> No.4408739

They premined it now?
How were they meant to predict the last block before the fork?

Only way to "premine" BCH would be if you controlled more hashpower than the entire known network...

>> No.4408948
File: 42 KB, 480x459, 1416605038907.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

been hearing this shit for years. stay poor faggot

>> No.4408979

no you haven't, btc actually worked a year ago

>> No.4409890

if you cant show me proof that core have no plans to scale im going to have to go with the proof they have for their scaling plans for bitcoin. sorry cucks.

>> No.4410035
File: 448 KB, 629x454, poo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


pajeet != normie

>> No.4410093


It's close to popping because people are realizing BTC is fucking useless compared to BCH

>> No.4410130
File: 36 KB, 316x263, bullyfreezone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Literally called the Lightning Network and is scheduled to roll out in Q1 2018; widely available information if you just fucking google it. Beecash shill bots are the most advanced psy-op I've seen since Shareblue.

>> No.4410165


the lightning network hasn't even been finished coding yet you fucking shilling fuck

>> No.4410217

and once lightning network is available, what's to keep bcash from using it? it will be open source and work on many other blockchains besides just bitcoin core.

>> No.4410219
File: 124 KB, 366x378, 1509740434327.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember /g/ threads when btc jumped to 34$
It was like apocalypse.
>mfw never bought any btc
>never thought of holding one
Still remember people discussing mining and sharing BTC like loaf of bread.
Look what happened. GREED. FARMS....
It's to much exponential.

>> No.4410458

what part of what i said has you so fucking confused you stupid fucking /pol/ tard

you cunts really are delusional.

>> No.4410496

>implying anything "known" actually matters

>> No.4410560

Do you even understand why bcash forked? Without segwit bcash has zero scaling options aside from increasing blocksize which core can easily do. Stupid shit.

>> No.4410692

do you even know how a blockchain works?