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4405017 No.4405017 [Reply] [Original]

It's a SCAM boys.

See those colored periods on the graph?
Every time BTC turns bearish, a large amount of USDT is suddenly created.

It's a scaaam.

>> No.4405027

delete this, bitcoin is priced by genuine market action and pure supply and demand, there is nothing to see behind the curtain go home

>> No.4405034

LISTEN you deluded altfag I'M NOT BUYING YOUR BAGS

SO FUCK OFF with this weak ass fud

>> No.4405039


>> No.4405045
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>Tether is responsible for everything moving up
>Biggest injection of Tether over time was in a crash

>> No.4405050

It's probably nothing. Even if they explained it you'd say it was fraudulent.

>> No.4405053

If true we're all about to get MtGox 2.0'ed.

>> No.4405067

When does the music stop? This year?

>> No.4405071

Anyone with half a brain or not willfully ignorant knows that this Bitfinex tether bullshit is the BIGGEST fraud of all not altcoins. Even your god CME thinks so.

> Six bitcoin exchanges underpinned the index as recently as April, when CME removed the Bitfinex and OKCoin exchanges after banks blocked their customers from wiring dollars in and out.

20m new tethers and the price goes up $300. If this the accusations are true and are discovered by the regulators then not only will this bring back BTC's price to 3 digits in a day it will also ruin crypto as a whole permanently.

I even saw threads where Bitcoin maximalists say its impossible to pump billions in marketcap with 20m tether. Are you fags retarded? But when people use the marketcap meme to speculate that Bitcoin's growth will be slow you guys say "but you dont need to pump billions to increase the marketcap by billions you brainlet". The absolute state of bitcoiners lmao.

Tether has printed $200 million in new coins in the last 30 days kek.

>> No.4405084


Nice, just picked up 120k

>> No.4405087
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sounds like nocoiner fud to me

>> No.4405091

Bitfinex got hacked ages ago, and they've had all banking services cut off.

So they came up with this tether BS to pay their debts with. And USD-USDT trade isn't a real thing, everyone trades their USDT for other real cryptos.

>> No.4405092

>Biggest injection of Tether over time was in a crash
Are you retarded? did you see the jump after the crash? They dont inject the tethers right after they are minted all the fucking time lmao. Also they have to dump the bags on you fags from time to time.

>> No.4405094

>I'm gay

>> No.4405100
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Fuck off /r/btc cultist. Nobody gives a FUCK about your weak ass fud. Go back to your shitcoin ain't nobody buying your bags.

>> No.4405101
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anyone feel sleepy?

>> No.4405110
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>> No.4405111

post literally ANY evidence tether is fraudulent

oh right... you cant

i bet you bought bch at 2k you stupid faggot

>> No.4405115

Nice arguments faggots. You think this shit will continue for years? The CME futures that you fags are so excited about will be the catalyst for someone to launch an investigation against Tether. The financial incentive to short it and expose the scam is too huge especially for the "institutional money" lmao.

>> No.4405131

Bitfinex lost a bunch of their customers money. Then they lost access to any banking services, so they created this tether bs to repay people.

It's free for Bitfinex to print more Tether, any time they like. And every time they print a large amount, the BTC price goes up. hmmmm

>> No.4405157

Same crap always, bitfinex rigging the market, buy bcash bro!!!

>> No.4405407

Lol you’re retarded buying into the tether conspiracy shit. Where is your proof that tether isn’t 1 to 1 usd? They still have banking in Taiwan where fiat can be deposited and withdrawn.

>> No.4405423

Secondly, it was bitstamp and gdax that lead this push, finex was lagging behind the entire time

>> No.4405443

burden on proof is on bitfinex to prove they have real USD reserves for all tethers.
oh you can't do that since they audit themselves and hide their banks now.

>> No.4405446

Doesn't matter which exchange the trades happen on, if it's Bitfinex that issues the tethers. There is no rule that those tethers have to be traded on their exchange only.

Because you can't withdraw/deposit. Try and withdraw usd from your tether yourself, it can't be done. The Bitfinex audits have been a sham, haven't happened.

>> No.4405484

thats not proof you dumb fuck. opinion disregarded. you better just sell those bch and link bags man.

>> No.4405504

i have withdrawn usd from tether multiple times in excess of 10k at a time even. kill yourself, bcash shill

>> No.4405568

I don't believe you.

>> No.4405586
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>thats not proof you dumb fuck. opinion disregarded.
>i have withdrawn usd from tether multiple times in excess of 10k at a time even.

He literally got BTFO by himself

>> No.4405616

I'm feeling really sleepy... Think I might go to bed early tonight, don't you feel sleepy too anon?

>> No.4405662
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>> No.4405697
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>tfw you lay down in bed next to mummy and give her a goodnight kiss on the lips but can't stop checking your blockfolio

>> No.4405731

People are buying tether on Chinese forums all the time, they are buying it as a USD hedge. It takes a week to get verified after you sign up on tether and you’ll get a place to deposit. The people doing the arb is making bank.

>> No.4405754


Anecdotal POS. You don't know what proof means.

>> No.4405771

Where is your evidence other than some shitpost from a retard that sold btc at 2k and has been crying for a crash since rofl

>> No.4405780

agencies are already watching this waiting for the right time to pounce. Its going to be a blood bath.

>> No.4405788

Dumb fucks on /biz/ don't listen man.

If the Tether claims are true, Imma short the fuck out of bitcoin.

>> No.4405793


>> No.4405887

Coinbase and gdax doesn't trade tether you dumb fuck.

They were leading the price with "real" USD

>> No.4406354

Just read https://tether.to/legal/

It's worst than the federal reserve counterfeit shitcoin.

The whole market will go down, not just BTC. It's going to cause destruction like we've never seen before. Great chance to buy if you aren't some overly emotional wuss

>> No.4406378

And have a fat stack of fiat waiting to buy that dip kek. These bitcoin fags dont realize that if tether blows up BTC will literally be in freefall. 3 digit BTC in a single fucking day.

>> No.4406480

>oh shit btc is falling buy buy buy
errr yeh what do you think will happen when you buy? also a lot of people are going to buy

not a marximalist, theres really no stopping a speculative market until a outright ban or regulations or the pyramid legs give out

visa already patented a blockchain so yeah.... sucks to be crypto at this point

>> No.4406516

> artificially inflating BTC price with Tether

Why does this get posted every time BTC reaches ATH? Are we really buying tether and not BTC...wow really makes u think!

>> No.4406533

You're an idiot. Do you even know how Tether works?

>> No.4406566

Why don't you guys trade something respectable like stocks and bonds?

>> No.4406700
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If tether is a scam and we get mt.goxed great. Good riddance and fuck those guys.

We all cash out a little wealthier and buy the dip. I'm willing to grant we see a bear market for 2-4 years. Makes no difference to me. BTC will remain king and I'll hit an accumulation phase. The politics die down, remember willy bot, satoshi has been found, or the China/Russia bans?

How long do we have until it comes crashing down this time? Where's the next top, the next bottom?

When the next bull run happens BTC will face a while new level of shit. Quantum computers and bloated blockchain. Who knows. I don't have a crystal ball. Forget all the bullshit and focus on making money. Now who has the next shitcoin I can look at?

>> No.4406821

So if the tinfoil theories are true, basically BTC can't go down because we have based Tether to prop it up.


>> No.4406842

expect tether v2 to pop up by next year, crypto will die in 2018

>> No.4407737

PROTIP: The FED makes magic money as well. They don't care. Why do you think that inflation occurs?

>> No.4407767
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>20 MM pumps in feather tether is a big deal
This guy gets it. BTFX can't even compete.

>> No.4407780

>The FED makes magic money as well.
So what are you going to do? Catch the feds? Meanwhile the feds can catch Bitfinex. This isnt about morals, its about getting caught.

>> No.4407824

I want this shit show to end, but I'm scared that this time they could regulate cryptos if a lot of normies get JUST'd.

>> No.4407847

This would explain the price behavior. I had a really hard time believing that the market was dumb enough to buy into ATH when bitcoin has the biggest threats it has ever had against it right now combined with a scaling solution being 2 years off still.

>> No.4407854
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>> No.4407892

>when bitcoin has the biggest threats it has ever had against it right now
Such as?

>> No.4407915

Tether is a drop in the bucket. The wealthy are too busy trying to keep their own exit scams in order. The bond market was all over the place this week. Crypto is part of their exit plan. They are fiat whales and expecting you to buy their pumped equities/re/bnds.

Do you think they are going to give that up? There isn't enough physical wealth to cash out with that much fiat. Crypto is a way for them to retain some of that value. Also the media would be on a full frontal attack if they didn't find it viable.

Crypto is the exit scam from the fiat scam.

Exactly, nothing.

>> No.4408208
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> not glowing