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4401997 No.4401997 [Reply] [Original]

Why don't you have any Bitbay yet anon?

>> No.4402107

too volatile

>> No.4402283

plz stop to shill

>> No.4402308

Because oprnbazaar2.0 is up and running and works with bitcoin and is 10000x better?

>> No.4402309

i sold it in January

>> No.4402341
File: 525 KB, 1040x1217, roadmap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I do. The next 6 months are going to be glorious. See the roadmap pic related. It is only getting started.

>> No.4402431
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But Openbazaar is centralized, not anonymous and not safe to use.

Also know that Bitbay is far more than a marketplace as it provides a trustless contracting system + notary. There is so much potential in Bitbay but you gotta look into it to understand. It has tons of good features in addition to its p2p anon marketplaces. That's why it will keep pumping up for at least the next 6 months.

>> No.4402490
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>developer holds over 100 million bitbays in his personal wallet, which is 10% of the supply
>outdated wallet
>marketplace looks like its from the early 90's
>marketplace constantly crashes, is buggy, god awful UI and its resource hoarding as all hell
>you are not allowed to sell child pornography, guns, illegal drugs or fake money on the marketplace, which would be the only reason to actually use a decentralized marketplace
>developer will most likely cash out and disappear once he can sell his coins at 0.10$

literally a pyramid coin, no thanks

>> No.4402532
File: 117 KB, 1895x419, fudder.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Again this paid pajeet spreading his desinfo lies. You may do this in each fucking, your fudding will still NOT WORK.

Pic fucking related. It must be the 50th times I post it.

>> No.4402647

*each thread

>> No.4402684


anyone can simply join the bitbay discord and find out for themselves from the creator himself: bitbay is not truely decentralized and private markets will can be shut down by moderators who have "keys." does that sound decentralized to you?

bitbay shill tries to swing it as "the private markets will be secret so they wont be shut down" but obviously the feds will infiltrate and become mods with keys eventually.

THIS IS NOT DECENTRALIZED REEEEE, its pseudo decentralized, and it uses a stupid fucking pyramid coin instead of bitcoin

>> No.4403256
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The private moderation key only permits to remove items one by one, not a whole marketplace. This works great for the main public marketplace but it is not useful for the rest. Nobody can find the private markets if you keep it private in the first place, and even if a mod do they won't fucking care because the moderation key is only intended for the main public marketplace.They literally has no obligation as it is p2p and not tied to any specific law. The moderation key is just intended to keep a normie friendly public marketplace.
Moreover, if it does get infiltrated by feds, everyone could just fork the software because it is fucking open source. Especially as it has built in decentralized gouvernance through stake voting.
And even in the case of feds corruption, it will just be like torrents. You can create as much private markets you want so you can make mirrors, and you can change them regularly, and they will still be fully anonymous thanks to the Bitmessage protocol and Tor/Proxies, so basically you can still do whatever you want.

TL;DR it remains decentralized and you can do whatever you want with private marketplaces without fearing getting shut down.

>it uses a stupid fucking pyramid coin instead of bitcoin
Lmao stop spreading desinfo. Bitcoin IS the biggest pyramid coin. It is literally controlled by THREE MINING POOLS. It is also slow af and has expensive fees, while Bitbay's currency is a PoS 3.0 currency that is fully decentralized while remaining fast. Just go dig the tech of PoS 3.0 and you will understand if you are not a brainlet.

TL;DR you are fudding, literally all you said is bullshit.

>> No.4403278

yea so not decentralized thanks

>> No.4403345

I'll share my story. Found BitBay some months ago. Looked like perfect coin to me, bought in, started to learn about it's usage and so on.
>downloaded their wallet and bitbay exchange
1. It looked like total shit. I have higher resolution screen and it looked deformed.
>Alright, I thought.
2. Tried to get faucet and sell something on bitbay to see it working.
>After 3 days it was still not synchronized.
3. So ugly, shitty app. Made in Poland.
>Sold everything and I don't care if it moons.

>> No.4403354
File: 7 KB, 280x180, disgust.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It is decentralized. It just has some form of decentralized governance to permits normies to thrive on the main public marketplace without getting attacked by drug dealers and CP vendors. Beyond this public marketplace, you can do whatever you want with private marketplaces. Go fuck around elsewhere if you don't understand this basic fact.

>> No.4403470
File: 142 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_2017-11-16-19-08-23.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It has blazed through the ranks, surpassing many others to become my #5 coin. Will it crush ETH as well?

>> No.4403472
File: 113 KB, 1022x1200, pepe-fbi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bitbay exchange
>3. So ugly, shitty app. Made in Poland.

HAHAHAHA FUDDER SPOTTED. The polish Bitbay is https://bitbay.net/en which is ANOTHER bitbay that is indeed a polish exchange and it has nothing to do with the currency Bitbay that is https://bitbay.market/ and which is not a polish exchange but a made in USA currency.
This proves that you actually did not try Bitbay and that you just made up a bullshit story to fud bitbay. Especially as all you said is false. Bitbay works perfectly fine.

Not a coincidence that you fud it just after >>4402490 and >>4402684. You think I can't spot you with your pathetic attempt at fudding? You must be syscoin shills...Haha I know you are getting scared. Get rekt with your shitcoin. You won't convince people with your blatant lies. Get lost.

>> No.4403544

>Bitbay works perfectly fine
Lol of course. I just said my story. Everything was true, except of that made in Poland. So you should get lost, Bitbay may be good some day, but now it's not.

>> No.4403565
File: 878 KB, 1007x3568, comparison.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Check this out >>4402341. Look at the roadmap and stay tuned because the next 6 months are guaranteed ROIs. I think it will become a top 20 coin once the dynamic peg is released. It will be the first decentralized peg in crypto. It is gonna be huge. Especially as right now Bitbay is the market's leader when it comes to trustless contracting and p2p anon marketplaces (pic related). I am very bullish on it. Too much good tech to be ignored. Also it works well with Blocknet the first DEX and inter-blockchain protocol. The two projects love each others as fellow crypto underdogs. Big potential. I like it.
https://twitter.com/The_Blocknet/status/922714623333330944 t

>> No.4403672

Don't lie. We can tell you made up a bullshit story. You are talking about a Polish Exchange. Bitbay is neither an exchange nor polish. You just googled Bitbay and clicked on the first link that is https://bitbay.net/the actual Polish Exchange and then invented a story based on that. Everything you said doesn't make sense. In the first place you can't use the faucet if you didn't sync first. Go away, your fudding is not working.

>> No.4403757


I'm a huge BayBoy myself but I have to agree with >>4403544 even if he's being a troll/fudder. The UI currently is p ugly and byzantine and does take forever to sync. However it seems like the devs are aware of this and are making steps to correct this. Be patient and hodl.

>> No.4403826
File: 684 KB, 557x565, bale.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The GUI is being remade at the time we are talking so we're fine. Even if right now it is not aesthetically pleasing (I agree on that), the product still works as intended, so saying it does not work is just plain lying. So saying this while talking about a Polish Exchange were clear signs that the guy was just inventing a story to fud Bitbay, Truly pathetic of him. It must be a syscoin shill.

>> No.4403845

My larping blockfolio turned 119.00 in bitbay into 2,250 as of right now. Not a lot of downside @ .00033456 when i "bought" it. Even now it is at .07758857 which is still dirt cheap.

>> No.4403859

>forever to sync
You can just download the blockchain here https://bitbay.market/downloads/ and it will be fast af.

>> No.4403869

Trust me, I'm holding for good, hands of wrought iron my friend.

>> No.4403872
File: 216 KB, 1440x2560, Screenshot_20171116-193438.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgot pic

>> No.4403878

OP I cannot buy drugs on this? Are you serious? The fuck is wrong with you

>> No.4403889
File: 292 KB, 556x392, 123qwerqweqwe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4403985
File: 83 KB, 453x418, bale3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Kys fag, go shitpost elsewhere.

Good job. Check out Blocknet out too, I am expecting for it to pump. They just announced their new GUI.

Good luck to you anon. Bitbay is a good project. I'm sure it will make us some good ROIs. It truly has some fine tech.

>> No.4404030
File: 179 KB, 428x318, bale2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lmao druggie calm down. You can do that but on private marketplaces. The main public marketplace is controlled so that it stays normie friendly because the normie market is the biggest market. Just find some private contractors or private marketplaces to buy what you need. Gotta spread the word so that sellers start to use it.