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4395852 No.4395852 [Reply] [Original]

I thought I’d share some of my stock market knowledge to help my fellow HODLers get a perspective on the CME futures that will be launching soon.

First let me explain a bit of history: in 1982 CME group launched futures on the S&P500.

What happened next? The stock market went on a spectacular run for 5 years until it eventually crashed in 1987.

Why does this matter for Bitcoin? Because I believe a similar story is about to unfold. This story is the fundamental story about adding leverage to a new underlying asset.

Bitcoin is a relatively “unleveraged” asset as compared to other financial assets. It’s new, it’s untainted. This is significant because of the mechanics of market prices and the future potential of market prices.

When something enters a levering stage, like Bitcoin is about to, the mechanics of the market are HEAVILY weighted to the buy side and not the sell side. Why? Because to be a seller you MUST be a previous buyer (or if you’re shorting, the supply comes from a previous buyer). This may sound weird, but the potential capacity to sell is a function of those who previously bought. This is why in an early market like Bitcoin it’s very hard for it to consistently fall as there’s not a lot of buyers yet built into the price. It takes years and years of accumulation and volatility to create a normalized market. When it’s new, especially pre leverage, it’s very easy to bid it up.

When the CME futures are added, it will likely lead to spectacular rallies, but you need to arm yourself with the knowledge that the eventual buying will plant the seeds of the future capacity to panic.

This is what happened in 1987: The stock market had a 3 day wipeout of over 22%. It took 5 years to develop the buy side enough to create the conditions for panic. This was caused by the CME futures in 1982.


>> No.4395876

Even since 1987, there has never been a crash of similar magnitude, because that initial levering stage was eventually normalized and a healthy market now exists on both bid side and ask side (sell side).

Why do I tell you this? I want to arm you with expectations to keep your wits when it all goes down. The crash on Bitcoin will likely be of many magnitudes deadlier than the stock market. We just had a 29% correction and it was frankly less than the last two. 20-40% corrections are standard in Bitcoin. When we have the futures levered crash, it’ll likely be 50-60%+. This will be hard on your psychological commitment. Prices do funny things to people’s perception, just like how BCH rose and now suddenly everyone thinks it’s a BTC contender. (Nothing’s changed, price was just pumped up and psychology affected.)

So first thing: prepare for that eventual crash, I suspect it’ll take 1-3 years to create the conditions for an extreme sell side due to leveraging. This sell will start and accelerate, hitting stop losses and margin calls, which is “mechanical selling”. The mechanical selling (forced selling) will cascade and create a feedback loop where more margin calls are hit, more stop losses, etc etc until almost all profits of the last year or 2 are wiped. Combined with the emotional panic caused by extreme falling prices, it will make people think Bitcoin isn’t real and abandon it.

Next thing: the 1987 crash, while devastating in many ways, was completely recovered by the stock market in 8 months. Seriously! The worst crash ever was repaired in 8 months and the market has been much more healthy since then. It is up dramatically since those days, and that crash was just a blip on the screen.

The same will happen with Bitcoin, but my fear is that crash will be worse than even wallsteeters can handle, and it may shake you HODLers to the core.

>> No.4395899

But if you understand that the powerful selling is just a function of the leveraged previous buying, it’s just fundamentally an opportunity.

I will ride this hard as we lever up, and after an extreme period of euphoria, when Bitcoin is on every front page, when every HODLer owns a mansion, when your government-loving socialist neighbour is asking for your help converting money to Bitcoin, I’ll be lightening up heavily, waiting for the crash. I will bet everything at the bottom of the crash, and sail off into the sunset a crypto-god.

Good luck guys. I hope you weather the next 1-3 years with great savvy.

>> No.4395926

Thanks for the info

>> No.4395977

tl;dr ride the wave, don't get JUST'D in 3 years.

>> No.4396027
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This definitely is a great viewpoint. My take on BTC is that the tech right now is shitcoin but it's the best investment because it will be the one world currency that the elites want so bad.

They will have it be popular and adopted, then they will crash it and then they will co opt it.

Just hold the line and keep the coins and they will be worth a lot when it becomes the central currency of the world because of the elite bankers not despite them.

>> No.4396077
File: 12 KB, 275x183, itscoming.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

quality post.

>> No.4396171

Transaction speed isn't great, but neither is an ACH transfer from bank to bank. I think bitcoin will be a good store of value, but it will never be used at the grocery store. Other, faster currencies will emerge as everyday usage while bitcoin will still be a great store of value.

>> No.4396175
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>I will bet everything at the bottom of the crash, and sail off into the sunset a crypto-god.

Could you please explain this more? Thanks.

>> No.4396192

Buy the dip

>> No.4396552

Why is this thread being slid? This is useful info

>> No.4396600

Thanks for quality post, need more of these. As CS student I can judge/rate the tech fundamentals well but still learning the basics of ecos/markets etc as I go along

>> No.4396606

it's copypasta from leddit you nigger

>> No.4396629

still good

>> No.4397129

nice. bought 100k

>> No.4397315

What are your thoughts on the market outside of bitcoin? Will the money flow into the entire market?

>> No.4397333

reddit spacing is real

>> No.4397424

This would be a complete wall of text otherwise senpai
Specifically about the futures, no. Otherwise, yes.

>> No.4397902

Bumping a quality copypasta

>> No.4398023

OP is utter and completely speculating...you could flip a coin its eventually the same. It comes down if you can psychologically survive such strong crashes and thats it.

>> No.4398051

really interesting, thank you.

>> No.4398073

I think the "BTC tech is shit" claim is a bit overplayed. Yes, transactions absolutely need to be quicker, but everyone forgets that speed was never the only or even the main driving force behind the bitcoin blockchain. The blockchain has proven to be remarkably secure and unhackable. That means the network as real, enduring value and the "store of value" meme is true.

>> No.4398919

Fucking quality post op. Well done. I had never thought of btc in those exact terms, but it makes perfect sense.
I've heard bitcoin compared to a "new market" by older investors much more experienced than myself. I'd guess this is what they meant.

The problem I keep running into with bitcoin is that it is a currency. Currency should not be volatile, right?

My question to you is: is it possible (from an economics standpoint) that once bitcoin grows large enough, it's volatility will completely go away? At what point will bitcoin be as safe to hold as the dollar or the euro?

Once bitcoin achieves this type of stability, only then will it be worth using as it was intended to be used. As a currency. And yes I believe transaction fees will be sorted out by this time.

>> No.4399585

BTC has been riding up and up this year making massive gains and recovering from its +30% drops like its nothing. Is there really no chance of an enormous crash with a year+ long bear market without something like the scenario OP's pasta is describing? Can we actually keep going up for this long?

>> No.4399753

yeah it will reach a point when movements will be like on stocks .

i would estimate around $500-$1,000,000/BTC that time

remember, 99% people can still be decived about what the real bitcoin is

and 99% of the world are normies who still struggle to even hear about bitcoin

we are very,very, very early.

>> No.4399785


I meant $500,000 - $1,000,000 USD / BTC

>> No.4399860

Nice info. Good job, OP

>> No.4399905

Thanks for this. Do you think there is the potential for futures/derivatives contracts to create a "paper market" for Bitcoin price exposure that will hold down price increases (the same way a lot of gold bugs think that gold prices are manipulated down)?

>> No.4399944

can u kys brainlet?