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File: 29 KB, 1505x1259, bitcoincash-white.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4389708 No.4389708 [Reply] [Original]

just a quick reminder that the lightening network for Bitcoin WILL BE centralized. also, you guys aren't actually holding chainlink & ark? ffs you guys, it better be a meme.

>> No.4389739
File: 589 KB, 517x518, 1509455794952.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4389818

what, you think big blocks solves interoperability problems?


>> No.4389820
File: 354 KB, 1000x1000, 1509575866343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4389825

bitcoin cash is the meme lol

>> No.4389830
File: 231 KB, 643x537, 1495979895603.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>corecucks don't know about graphene

>> No.4389842

bitcoin cash is the only crypto that will scale globally on-chain. this is your chance to buy bitcoin again for $1k

>> No.4389846

Keep sucking roger ver's dick. He certainly doesn't give a fuck about his supporters and is just in it for the money.

Thanks for setting back crypto months.

>> No.4389887

That's such a stupid fucking comment. You really think the guy that almost broke into angry tears on video over the shit the US government does is "just in it for the money"?
You think the guy who wants to create his own free country is "just in it for the money"? He could've sold his 100mil+ bitcoin and spent the rest of his life on an island fucking hookers if it only cared about money. He legitimately wants to bring bitcoin to the masses and improve the world.

You are a fucking moron.

>> No.4389906

>and is just in it for the money.
Of course he is. Who the fuck isn't in this for the money?

>You really think the guy that almost broke into angry tears on video over the shit the US government does is "just in it for the money"?

>He could've sold his 100mil+ bitcoin and spent the rest of his life on an island fucking hookers if it only cared about money.
kek, he obviously wants more than that chump change.

>> No.4389930

and how do you know that? why do you think he doesn't want some easy money? why people go for 100m or 1b when 10mil is reasonably enough?
You think so highly of this guy anon.

>> No.4389942

the problem with graphene is that it only matches VISA... and thats if it works perfectly.

but yeah.. its good. it should scare bitcoin. but it has nothing to do with chainlinks viability.

>> No.4389957

Only poorfags like you think that your life would be incredibly different if you had 300mil instead of 100mil.

>> No.4389976

I don't use BCH but I do see a problem with the fees. Right now, the avg transaction fee is 0.0011526 BTC / ~$8USD, which is perfectly fine with me. When BTC is at $20k, this fee will now be $23. Competition for space on chain will increase I'm sure, so I feel like regular people will be priced out. Thoughts?

>> No.4389986

who ever said about lifestyle different? I was just saying even rich people don't say no to easy money. You seem to have trouble reading and just throw insult left and right like 13yo.

>> No.4389989

And knowing that, what do you think the market will do? Will they just adapt to new fees, or will they switch over to a new currency? Or maybe just use both because everyone who's anyone uses an exchange?