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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4385246 No.4385246 [Reply] [Original]

I'm curious... how many of you with 6 digit blockfolios actively researched and/or traded your way to those gains, and how many of you just got damn fucking lucky (IE you took a gamble on ETH in Jan 16 and just sat on it)?

Be honest.

>> No.4385259

im sure every single one of those people researched and traded you brainlet

>> No.4385266

No one here sits on 6 figures.

>> No.4385302


/biz cashes out to buy new graphics cards, shoes and clothes.

gettin dem yeezee is making it

>> No.4385421

Several of us here do, I'm one

The futurists in the 80s and 90s were predicting a form of digital gold and that it would really rock the centralisers boats. When I read Satoshi's paper in 2013 or so, I instantly knew that the prediction was coming true and put as much as I could into it. That wasn't luck, and it wasn't trading my way, but I made it anyway

>> No.4385476

if you were here since May you could have turned $2k to ~$100k-200k. I started with $2k, now I'm sitting pretty at $140K since. DYOR and stop falling for the shills all the fucking time, faggot. Pretty sure a good portion of anons who got in at May/March are sitting at 6 figures right now, starting from a few k from their NEETbux

>> No.4385635

I mined DGB from day 1 back in 2014, got 1.9millions of it and sold at 2400 sat back in june, made around 120 000$ out of it. I did not not cash out 1 penny yet. Im holding BTC and few other alts. I will wait until im a millionnaire.

>> No.4385675

Well we all got lucky that the normies came so all you really had to do was pick coins that weren't complete shit and sit on them

>> No.4385699

I did start with 2k may 9th, and now have 3k :(. I fucking suck at crypto trading and i want to kill myself.

>> No.4385706


Crypto is gambling. Very little about this is predictable. ETH was guaranteed to explode after the ETH Alliance was announced, obviously. OMG after it had corporate interests. Not much else is in obvious gain territory.

>> No.4385708


What did you do to turn 2k into 140k?

I got in in March and turned a few hundred dollars in ~$5k, but nothing like 70x.

>> No.4385742

Kek i started a little before that and sold almost all my ETH at $50 i should have 6 figs easy looking at my cb history but only have 2k

>> No.4385757

bought a couple grand worth of eth because it was listed on coinbase. sold that and bought antshares. been a good year

>> No.4385778
File: 6 KB, 487x423, 1486305993277.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw we will never be able togo back to 2010 and buy 1000 bitcoins for a couple of dollars

>> No.4385790

>tfw I thought btc was a scam at $.05 and didnt throw $100 at it for the luls

>> No.4385845


I'll tell you something even shittier. I first found out about bitcoin somewhere around 2011. I think it was trading for a nickel or 10 cents or some shit.

I read up on it, even found a couple backwater sites selling real world goods for bitcoin. Trinkets, stickers, shit like that. Nothing to get excited about at all.

I specifically remember thinking along the lines of "This is the dumbest shit I've ever seen. A bunch of uber-nerds trading worthless shit for magic internet money" (hell if I'd spoke it out loud I probably could've coined the term lol).

I came across bitcoin again 2 years later @ $500. MFW I realized a $50 investment just 2 years prior would have paid off my house.


>> No.4385875

There were so many fucking moon missions, how did you miss out on them?
>rode DGB from sub-100 sats to 1500 sats
>RDD from 6 sats 80 sats
>XVG from 10 sats to 100 sats
>ANS from 90k to 500k
>ETH from $80 to $300
>ARK from 15k sats to 80k sats
>WTC, OMG...
and ALL of them were shilled on /biz/ BEFORE they started their moon missions, I seriously find it hard to believe there are /biz/nessmen at sub-$100k that got in at least a few of them

>> No.4385883

>the gayest lambo in existence

>> No.4386121


>> No.4386212

>Spent 100 BTC on Thai whore from deep web
>No profit

>> No.4386245

>and ALL of them were shilled on /biz/ BEFORE they started their moon missions

Thaths because every shitcoin gets shilled on biz.

>> No.4386302

DESU I lucked out and bought $100 worth of ethereum when it was 80 cents. Eth is now only about 30% of my portfolio.

I usually pace for days, researching before I buy anything.

>> No.4386365

Cuz you guys actually had like 5k or more to put in and gamble on shit. Some of us are making like 3k a month or less just trying to eat. We can only put in a few hundred bucks at a time so even a 10x gain gets you maybe 3k at most. Being young and getting into crypto early is sad so many people would have been h had thier parents not been cucks.

>> No.4386369

There's more shitcoins shilled on biz than actual moon missions. XLM for example.

>> No.4386392

>Some of us are making like 3k a month or less just trying to eat

well eat less faggot and buy more crypto.

>> No.4386406
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>> No.4386591

Wrong. I have 600k.

Half of it was from fomoing on eth when it was $14 and the other half from buying bitcoin when it was $300 and extremely stubbornly holding on to it with iron hands through all the crashes and dips. If you were here from January - March there's no excuse to not have six figures. I put no effort into researching or trading at all.

>> No.4386729


Because I don't speculatively "gamble". Of your list the only ones I saw with any real intrinsic value was ARK and ETH, but ETH seemed to have already had it's run.

>> No.4387540

Started with 20k last April then added 16k more along the way up to September-October of 2016. I am now sitting on 86k more in the bank and 305k in my portfolio. I only invested in projects with fundamentals like iconomi, ethereum, omise, iota, ark, taas, 0x, kyber, cosmos, wanchain etc sell a bit once it starts climbing and sit on the rest.