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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 30 KB, 300x300, BCC.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4380753 No.4380753 [Reply] [Original]

Remember how badly you wanted a second chance and how you missed out on BTC? Well here is your second chance and it is right in front of you, you just haven't realized it yet. Start accumulating; if you think 1.2k is worth a lot you haven't seen nothing yet.

I don't want to hear you next year about how you missed out on this one too.

>> No.4380817

Anon stop trying to sell your bags to poor ignorant anons. This is the slow bleed phase at the end of a coin that's hit its top for a while

>> No.4380846

Look, it's simple. If by Friday, BTC still has a 100,000 backlog. The BTC network will never recover

>> No.4380854

You're a greedy fuck that is trying to accumulate this rare second opportunity all for himself by spreading FUD, don't think that we do not see through your ruse because we do.

>> No.4380874

BTC is a banker controlled coin. We here at /biz/ wont stand for it.
BCH and ETH will rise.

>> No.4380886

where do you monitor this?

>> No.4380887
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This piece of shit isn't going up more than another few hundred sats before it drops like the brick of chink shit that it is.

Nothing will happen friday when bitcoins mempool gets spammed more. Nothing. Just like nothing from the previous chink attempts from Rog Paj and Wu Doodoo

>> No.4380894

when do the koreans get out of jail and pump this shit again? or have they accepted defeat?

>> No.4380904

You're half-right... Anon is a bag-holding cuck trying to offload his shit...

But what's going to happen is he's going to unload at the .23 that he went all in on and giggle that he was finally able to unload... only to realize that he's riding BTC down to chain-death while his former bags are now mooning and lambo-landing the smart money he sold to...

Core cucks never learn...

>> No.4380905

Down to 80,000 from 100,000 earlier this morning ;)

>> No.4380910
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>> No.4380927

>don't think that we do not see through your ruse because we do.

I don't want Jihan's fucking coin. Hell I don't even want BTC as king from how many other coins do its job better


Yeah instead of banker controlled you get Chinese miner controlled. Awesome

>> No.4380941

Bro, 4chan FUD is not going to do anything to a coin with 20b market cap. Looks like anon is just trying to warn people and I agree with him.

>> No.4380942

Isn't it beautiful how Ver fucked himself over? He also took with him a lot of easily impressionable conspiratards, without even mentioning all the poo in loos he is paying for astroturfing his shitcoin.
Feels good not to be a cashcuck

>> No.4380948 [DELETED] 

this desu

>> No.4380972 [DELETED] 

corecucks really have fetish for imprisoning people, i literally heard a guy say that the FTC should look into and stop forks from now on lmao

>> No.4381031
File: 1.07 MB, 245x370, tumblr_mrhtxdDyx71rtsxxvo1_250.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>t. Future Baghodler
In t-minus 2.5 hours, you'll be looking for a gun to kill yourself with because your off-exchange BTC will be at the bottom of the transaction totum-pole as normie whales and FOMOs from this bull-trap are scrambling to get the fuck out...

Meanwhile BCH hodlers will be orgasming with no hands at the sight of their blockfolio lines going straight up vertically....

>> No.4381063

i'll imprison ur mum with ma dick son while you collapse under the weight of your bags

>> No.4381095

bcash classic is satoshis true vision

>> No.4381110

Ver will dump all his BTC and flash crash BTC to 3k. Concurrently he will pump BCH to 4k. At that point it's already game over for BTC.

>> No.4381115

and what is happening in 2.5 hours? another shitty pump attempt that will barely take it to 0.19 and back down again?

>> No.4381126

What happens in 2.5h?

>> No.4381157
File: 214 KB, 713x644, 342424324.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bcash classic
True bcash = Bcash Classic

>> No.4381174

>core associated with kike banks

That's honestly the only reason I need to not buy btc. Call me stupid but if there is one thing I know it's that with jews you lose.

>> No.4381177

wtf is this shit now? fuck satoshi and his vision.. i'm sticking with the bitcoin that is going to the moon the fastest.

>> No.4381187 [DELETED] 

its fud retard

>> No.4381247


>VER is offloading BTC bags into BCH...
>0.1 cock flasher on Bittrex will push his cock up to .2...
>The downward slide of BTC will begin...
>Then tomorrow the final blow will be struck: Seg2x starts
>hashpower for BTC will go down to under 40% due to this along with the amount miners jumping back into BCH in the ensuing panic. >Unconfirmed will skyrocket to 120-200K plus within hours.
>Jihan ASIC boosts...
> BTC dumps further down by the whales...

Your bags will never recover...

>> No.4381372

you little pricks say that everyday..
bch gets a pump.. muh flipening
pump again.. this time we do it..
fork coming.. btc is fucking over guys
didn't do shit.
and now what ever the fuck you're mumbling about. thanks but no thanks i'm not touching that shitty coin.

>> No.4381421


>> No.4381472

I am throurougly enjoying your tears

>> No.4381488


>> No.4381497

Jeez this place is getting out of control, so is reddit. The fact is:

No Matter what Jihan and co wants to prove, it is in common interest to not to fuck with the balance in cryptos like that. Last weekend was just a show off to prove that BCH is there and it is there to stay. BTC and BCH will co-exist in a hedge parity relation. Nothing more, nothing less. Noone wants to fuck with the booming crypto-market because it would only create a lose-lose situation.

Think of it as the new cold war

>> No.4381514

I just sent BTC from bittrex to coinbase in 12 mins. What is this delay you speak of?

>> No.4381517

How is bcoin (Blockstream Coin) going to exist when all the hashing power goes to Bitcoin?

>> No.4381538

If by tomorrow BCH doesn't reach 3K it will never go above 1.5K ever again. See, I can also make up shit.

>> No.4381545 [DELETED] 
File: 124 KB, 728x607, bilderberg btc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If BTC wins there is no point in crypto technology anymore, we might as well all submit to the kikes fully

>inb4 but muh money
kys kike

>> No.4381553

>12 minutes

>> No.4381581

He doesn't know.

>> No.4381625
File: 414 KB, 784x1040, 1462208945680.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

BTC faction used a DDOS attack to stop the bleeding and normies fudded out of BCH... but that was a test run.

Tomorrow's fork will be 9/11.... CAP THIS SHIT

>> No.4381659

Because of the DAA. And because of the higher transaction costs with the congestion from BTC, miners will switch back. The way I see it, it is only about swing mining for the miners, kust like its BTC/alt trading for the traders

>> No.4381719


Look up both DAA's

Figure out the interaction.

Good luck.

>> No.4381825
File: 172 KB, 1324x597, mempool.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A-anon the mempool is almost cleared!!! BTC is king and there's no problems with it at all!

>> No.4381846

What fork?

>> No.4381859
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>> No.4381874
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>> No.4381907
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>See, I can also make up shit.

Did you watch the charts back when BCH went up last time? It's making the exact same moves. Huge jump up, predictable swings slightly down (you could've made really fucking good money on those), followed by the bleed


The least you could do is properly zoom out

>> No.4381954

so, do we wait another 2-3months before the next pump?

>> No.4381962
File: 202 KB, 567x567, JUSTroger.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4381979

if u hate BCH holders so much why do u want them to sell

>> No.4382001


I want to save my fellow /biz/ comrades from certain bankruptcy.

>> No.4382011

BTC will increase more in term of multiples in the next year than BCH will ever rise.

>> No.4382014


CSW may not be satoshi, but he did formulate the BCH DAA.

What do you think that means?

>> No.4382028

One less pink wojack will we have to see when the day comes.

>> No.4382049


Honestly I wouldn't be surprised if it happened again, but after 2/3 times (depending on if you count Bittrex) I'm not sure if the market will go for it again

>> No.4382050

Nobody knows shit in this situation right now, I've watched the fork happening, I've seen BCH being 1.49x more profitable to mine than BTC, where the price of both coins didn't give a flying fuck about. Without the price manipulation, no flippening is happening and there is not enough price manipulation from Jihan and co to keep it sustainable more than an hour. And with CME futures kicking in, there will be less room for that kind of PnD.

BCH is a good hedge to BTC and BTC is a good hedge to BCH. Traders and miners alike will try to make the most out of it. HODLers won't give a shit since they are HODLing both.

My personal view in all this: I'm here to make money but I'm also here for the long run. If I wanted something centralized, I'd stick to my fiat, go for some 20%ish pa gain from stocks. I believe in the lightning network and scaling tx/s through other coins. Fuck if that doesn't work out we still have other solutions including IOTA or whatever might come from tangle approach. I'm not ok with is a bunch of neo /b/tards fucking around with a technology which is the evolution of current economic situation (interest rate getting closer to 0%, even IMF being clueless about how to keep the global economy functioning) and one of the pillar of the fourth industrial revolution.

That being said, I believe the shit happening nowadays in the crypto scene is similar to science. Scientists are driven with curiosity and try to desynthesize existing theories and laws. If that happens another breakthrough comes in. In the world of crypto, BCH fucking up BTC in the way it happened last weekend will only result in two things: Months of bearish market and new, stronger approaches coming in.

But like I said, unless you are capable of getting out there with profits at the right time (which is a shit hard thing to do), you don't want to fuck with this kind of things and as Jihan, being one of the ASIC miner manufacturere, doesn't want to fuck with this...

>> No.4382053

He also got a whole lot of other stuff wrong and has been called out publicly for several of his great ideas. Wait and see where DAA gets it. Hint. Nowhere. There's a fundamental reason why and he doesn't seem to have taken that into account.

>> No.4382063

Bitcoin Cash DAA is still learning. Soon it's going to be the profitable coin to mine constantly. Sure the few Blockstream paid miners will keep on mining Bitcoin Core, but it will take them years to get through 1600 blocks so that Bitcoin Core DAA can re-adjust. The most optimal time for the flippening would be right after the next Bitcoin Core DAA re-adjust, but that's like 16 days away (assuming current hashrate). However, unless they keep pumping Bitcoin Core and dumping Bitcoin Cash, the next Bitcoin Core DAA re-adjust is actually at least months away..

>> No.4382088

And what fundamental reason is that?

>> No.4382109

This is objectively wrong. The BCH block time doesn't adjust downwards that efficiently, which means if the difficulty goes too high and the price drops, it becomes unprofitable.

Look at block times - if the diagram were true it would consistently be hitting 6 blocks an hour, but a couple of hours ago it was 13.

DAA adjusts downward over the last 144 blocks.

Another hard fork incoming.

>> No.4382127

Dude, that's just not happening because of higher transaction fees in case of BTC core tx congestion

>> No.4382144


You can't FUD from a height of 0.5 back down to 0.14. That can only happen if it was a fake pump and dump.

>> No.4382171

This is how smart traders handle waves and spikes like we had with BCH:

And this is how you did:

>> No.4382409

You don't know how this works. If he flash crashes BTC, then it will bounce back in a hurry. Just like what happened to Ethereum the other day when someone fat-fingered the price to 10 cents or so.

>> No.4382458
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Bcash holders should sell now or kill themselves! you got fooled by a scam coin retards

>> No.4382535

These BCH cucks are just sad. Not even funny memes, just angry and pathetic delusions.

>> No.4382589
File: 231 KB, 1920x1080, Screenshot_2017-11-15-00-53-19-067_com.android.chrome.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only regret I have is not buying more.

>> No.4382700

30 min left before you realize that your ass just got JUSTED again

>> No.4382736

Stop putting out times

>> No.4382964

Why would he have a time? TA, inside info, bullshit?

>> No.4382998

read his post and check how long ago he posted.

>> No.4383021

I know but what is his info/time based on. Where did he know 2.5 hours, what is supposed to happen and why?
Also, mempool is at 90k again just now

>> No.4383072

>2,5 hours just wait for the massive pump coming

Still waiting, Bcash drops even more


>> No.4383073


I sold my fork coins at 0.33 on the way up the other day, I'm thinking of buying back, I've got an order in around 0.14. Should I raise it?

>> No.4383100

I don't care I went in at 0.07 and will wait and hold

>> No.4383136


>Paying for BCH


>> No.4383165

he is still x2... so what does it matter?

>> No.4383182

I'd just buy now, target price is around 0.19-0.21 short term.

>> No.4383189

in at .2, holding... what do you think

>> No.4383192


>Confessions of a retard

>> No.4383253

Roger, is that you?

>> No.4383256

fuck me..

>> No.4383349

>Penny dropping
C4$H there's no stopping

>> No.4383393

>remember when you missed out
No, I don’t.
You want this to be another btc. I get that. A man needs a dream.
But seriously you are explicitly advocating FOMO buys right now.

This coin simply isn’t appealing because it’s basically a beefed up bitcoin. It doesn’t solve any problems, it just band-aids them in the immediate term. Imagine if adoption grew 8x. Now it has the same exact problem as btc only less independent miners.
Dismiss this as you will but at least understand why some people aren’t falling for your shill.

>> No.4384282
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Went all in at 38

Don't make the same mistake I did, anons.

>> No.4384299

And still bagholding, in case that wasn't clear.

>> No.4384318
File: 239 KB, 660x883, 3455217E-5E3D-4B9D-9DF5-E0BB56AB4618.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And bitcoin gold? Any good?

>> No.4385220


>> No.4385331

If you want a different POW bitcoin I can see the appeal. But at that point I would just swap to eth.

>> No.4386208

Also, consider that the difficulty adjustment fork is basically minting new BCH at a much more rapid rate. Larger supply means long term depreciation. Miners obviously know this and they aren't willing to hold on to coins that will naturally depreciate in value through mining, so they'll sell their BCH as soon as they can for something more stable.
Nobody is panic selling at this point. Everyone who's devoted to BCH is holding faithfully. It's just the miners who are slowly leaking value out of BCH.
This is why BCH is on a slow decline.