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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4352893 No.4352893 [Reply] [Original]

In light of Vit's tweet, I HIGHLY, HIGHLY recommend you take these actions:

1. Immediately sell your ETH. Whether it be USDT, USD, another currency, whatever -- sell it.
2. Wait 24-48 hours to see what press coverage comes of his tweets and how the market reacts.
3. Buy back in if the market is OK

Thats it. There is nothing to lose with this strategy. Cheers.

>> No.4352927

Why is /biz/ littered with fud against mETH all of sudden?

>> No.4352929

>implying it will go straight to $400 and ath

>> No.4352937

ETH could very well be branded as the pedo coin, in which case it will be hard to gain corporate adoption.

>> No.4352939

Fuck off, retard.

>> No.4352946

He posted a tweet that the media will construe as him being in favor of CP

>> No.4352951

ive been searching on his twitter for awhile now.... where exactly is this tweet?

>> No.4352952

this. wow you eth tards are screwed

>> No.4352956

>why does /biz/ not like a pedo commie faggot?? It's not his fault he holds these views!!!
Kys kiddo

>> No.4352964

he deleted it, but it's been archived.

>> No.4352977

>BCH shills are losing the war
>turn on ETH and money skelly
>make up a bunch of fake tweets

>> No.4353054


>> No.4353068

Not even fud it's good advice. You have unlimited downside and based on eth history the upside is maybe a $20 more.

>> No.4353071
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>> No.4353083

BTC will die for sure this time. BCH or ETH will win. Going to be interesting.

>> No.4353155


>> No.4353181

Ladies and gentlemen, I'd just like to announce that I am briefly fully in fiat for my first time since I started dabbling with crypto :) What a feeling. Will probably reenter tomorrow.

>> No.4353282

Anybody seriously selling their ETH for a little while?

>> No.4353312


Jesus Christ what a fucking retard.
Sold my Eth let's see what happens

>> No.4353598

an autist might scramble abhor with hoard, but this might be a reach.

>> No.4353816

I JUST got into eth on coinbase last week and I can't withdraw yet... What are the fucking chances?

>> No.4354093

I have to hold 0.1 in MEW, Exodus and Eden just to trade other ERC0's. God dammit monely skelly, why do you have to be such a leftist commie fuck-stain?

>> No.4354111

Nobody gives a shit you spergs hahaha

>> No.4354141

buy ethereum classic

>> No.4354223
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lol yeah, all that pandering to normies the mainstream media will do to smear Vitalik Buterin, cofounder of Ethereum!

i fucking hate vitalik but this is some shittier fud.