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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4331293 No.4331293 [Reply] [Original]

I thought this was going big with the conference etc. I bought at 19 and now down...

>> No.4331326

just get rid of it, take your losses and move on

>> No.4331329

dumb fuck

>> No.4331377

>he didn't sell the news

>> No.4331414

You bought at $19? I bought at $12 and sold at $19 to dumb fucks like you.

>> No.4331417

>he bought at $20


>> No.4331452

Why would anyone fucking invest in this project?It's founded on principle of 'DURRR CODE IS LAW NO TAKSEY BAKSEYS! I DESERVE THE MONEY I STOLE, BUY MY BAGS ILL PAY YOU FOR THE NODES'

Just shows how vile and toxic crypto space is. I hope we all get JUSTED.

>> No.4331477

>mah immutability

>> No.4331791

What about the conference?

>> No.4331832

I bought at like $3 at thw beginning of the year and sold when it hit $7 i made so much money i bought a truck if i would have held a couple more months i would have been able to buy a Porsche

>> No.4331864

dump this garbage. lol. cant believe ppl bought this shit

>> No.4332171

What about this conference coming?

>> No.4332190

it already happened dickwad. sell the news

>> No.4332290

Conference hasn't happened yet you faggot.

>> No.4332312

You deserve to lose money

>> No.4332339

Someone ddosed the korean exchanges, that caused the crash. Just like when ripple pumped. Alot of mad people out there at ETC for some reason.

>> No.4332349


>> No.4332478

always been a losercoin, always will
CryptoYoda used to shill this garbage and said it would be worth more than ETH.

>> No.4332540
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i dont expect a simpleton such as yourself to understand the importance of having an unwavering code that is set in stone like the US. Constitution

>> No.4332949

IDK why this is like 1/10 of eth either.

>> No.4333434

While that may be more attractive from a philosophical point of view, you can't let your philosophies or politics cloud your investments. Nobody develops on ETC. It's a garbage coin with no tech behind it and no projects. It has no value proposition anymore

I'm sure there are some shithole african countries with a better track record of strict constructionism when it comes to interpreting their constitution than the US and Europe, but I don't see you lining up to move to them over the first world. Same thing