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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4299468 No.4299468 [Reply] [Original]

I've lurked this board for over a year, and am finally ready to start da trading crypto. I'm a poor NEET, but after my uncle died I have inherited $1000 fiat to invest in BCH and ride the wave to the inevitable 6000

Which exchange do /biz/raeli's use? (Is there an FAQ post so I dont have to ask these stupid questions, it makes me anxious)

My cousin used Cryptsy and when it turned out to be a scam he lost 2 BTC, so I need something legit.

>> No.4299511


you literally could not pick a worse time to start doing this than right now

>> No.4299569

I think BCH will end up switching valuations with BTC

But I might put 50% in shitcoins just to diversify and be safe...if you have any recommendations?

I really just need to know what exchange to use - I'm paranoid that I'll end up picking the next MtGox and end up hacked.

>> No.4299708

bitcoin will stay king, if they wanted to switch to a better alternative coin then there's many other coins that do better than bitcoin cash

>> No.4299730

why do japanese people sit on the floor

>> No.4299750

You started with crypto right now, but think BCC will be able flip? They failed once and will fail a second time too.

>> No.4299790

Go all in on Bitcoin, its still under 1500 USD. Bclassic is on its death bed and when all those transactions get confirmed its going to dump hard.

>> No.4299819

Diversity is good... 60%-40% or 80%-20%..

Ask everything that you want, I am a beginner myself and I dont know shit about exchange reputation but from what I have seen with my friends and other people, its not hard to make money with crypto, there is a lot of bullshit here but a lot of good info is shared too, stay tuned, and inform yourself, soon or later a good plan will show up.

My advice is to keep check with you anxiety, cryptos are a fucking rollercoaster.. if you buy something to hold it then hold it no matter it goes down, because it will... things here go up and down like crazy.. but if its a solid coin then it will recover it anyway.

>> No.4299960

Thanks, that's reassuring advice.

I still need my question answered though - which exchange does /biz/ recommend?

Something reputable (if this exists) that lets me trade BTC/ETH/BCC and all the shitcoins

>> No.4300055

>which exchange does /biz/ recommend?
To be honest it doesn't really matter, just find one that offers it and has reasonable fees without being some 3rd world pajeet shithole site, and you're good to go, after you're done send to wallet and get comfy waiting for gains.

>> No.4300072


>> No.4300342

Too poor to buy chairs

>> No.4300369

Look here kids, this is what happens when you get all your information from biz.. you go all in Bch at ATH

>> No.4300393

>what exchanges
All of them. But start with Binance bittrex hitbtc. All those are legit and won't run away with your money at least not anytime soon kek.
BCH is a good as bet but don't expect 6000k, maybe 2k out of it.
Don't worry jut ask.

>> No.4300405

Nah, this exchange is only just above coinexchange and cryptopia. It's horrible, nothing but shitcoins for people to FOMO into, anonymous devs, plus they recently put on Bitconnect which shows their intentions. I would not put too much money in HitBTC for too long.

>> No.4300413

Now is the perfect time to be buying ark.

>> No.4300508

Thank you. I see binance have smaller fees than bittrex so I might start with them - looks like they are an app-only exchange?

>> No.4300580

Put that $1k into ARK and forget about it for a year

>> No.4300630

Binance is the best exchange. To actually buy crypto with fiat you'll need to use Coinbase or CEX.io or someplace that sells bitcoin.

>> No.4300635

> i lurked this board for over a year
> which exchanges does /biz/ use
you're a brainlet, you're never gonna make it. and it's too late for the big bucks, stay poor you piece of shit

>> No.4300644

Huh? No I use the website on desktop.

>> No.4300658

But high selll low loser