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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4293225 No.4293225 [Reply] [Original]

One Software upgrade to Bitcoin would make Bitcoin cash irrelevant.

>> No.4293241
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>> No.4293245

They tried and couldn't get it done

>> No.4293250

Anything with Segwit is unattractive for me fampai.

>> No.4293262

Not possible, Core's mission is to keep BitcoinLegacy as-is.

High fees and general slowness/unpredictability/bullshit is a feature to Core shills, not a bug.

>> No.4293304

You noobs need to get with the program, desu. THis is exactly what Core supporters have been advocating for the last 3-4 years. THEY DO NOT WANT DIGITAL CASH. THEY WANT A SLOW AND EXPENSIVE "SETTLEMENT LAYER", and for corporations to control the "second layer" "payment channels".

When you take that into consideration, you realize that while what OP says is true, it will also absolutely never, ever happen.

>> No.4293325
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>sidechain (((solutions)))

>> No.4293368
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>it will also absolutely never, ever happen.

Enough outcry from BTC holders will force another attempt to upgrade the network to <1MB blocks.

This NOX2 meme was an orchestrated shill.

>> No.4293409

(((Lightning Network)))
(((300 Kb blocks)))
(((AXA Holdings)))
(((Adam Back)))

They can outcry all they want. Core will just start up another handwaving, goalpost changing, boogeyman campaign to take the heat off the blocksize.

The blocksize is the fundamental thing that makes Bitcoin run. A small blocksize keeps the chain expensive and centralized, meaning Bitcoin becomes a tool of the banks. A large blocksize means fast, cheap transactions, and hurts the banks.

>> No.4293430

It doesn't matter if they forked a solution tomorrow. The truth about Segwit is out and BCash is literally the only solution required. Scaling was never an issue with bitcoin.

>> No.4293630
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That image almost got me

>> No.4293655

I really don't get this meme. Is it like when we used to post the fedora faggots and say things like
>quantum proof

>> No.4293667

This is something my former gf who left me would say, oh yea she's keeping me around alright and fucking other guys alright too, why are all women sluts

>> No.4293705

Started out with white supremacists using it around names of (((jews))), now it's just a meme.

>> No.4293723

Its funny because its the exact opposite... The bigger blocks will inevitably centralize mining.

>> No.4293763
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>muh big blocks
>a terabyte (if that) a year is expensive for miners/node operators

>> No.4293776

Miner centralization is such a shit argument. It's been centralized in china for a very long time. Miners are financially incentivized to have a fast and functional ecosystem. BCH had unknown miners for the vast majority of it's existence and none of the boogyman stories came true.

>> No.4293818

They can't upgrade it because the big miners and pool runners deny the upgrade and they are the ones pushing BCH. In POW networks, the miner oligarchy always wins.

>> No.4293857

1) she wasnt your gf you obsessive liar

2) you are a beta cuck and dont deserve anyone, she knew that you could easily be walked over

>> No.4294451

it already is irrelevant
>muh microtransactions on persistent blockchain
fomoing fourchan fucktards do not understand technology, what a surprise

>> No.4294492

>paying fees
>slow transaction times

why are you clowns not looking at IOTA? you keep talking how BTC is Blockbuster or MySpace. well, IOTA is Netflix or Facebook in comparison.

>> No.4294500
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>> No.4294514


>> No.4294870

Good luck with your PoW change, once that done segcoin will officially become the alt it always was meant to be