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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4287491 No.4287491 [Reply] [Original]

>Lots and lots of REALLY small transactions, blockchain unconfirmed queue is enormously huge.
>Super small transactions are buying, super big transactions are selling, yet they somehow almost perfectly cancel each other.

This doesn't strike me like something that occurs naturally. What the fuck is going on? Is blockchain DDOSed? Is this even possible? Did something like this ever happen before?

>> No.4287556

Bitcoin must die in order for crypto to succeed.

>> No.4287568

Yes this is an extremely coordinated attack by Ver and Wu.

>> No.4287589

we can only hope.

>> No.4287644
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>core refuses to upgrade capacity
>mempool is full
>oh noes it must be an attack

>> No.4287711

self regulated they said
trust in math they said
trust computational power they said
people can run themselves they said

>> No.4287736
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any other plausible explanations about why SegWit adoption was rising quickly to 16-18% then suddenly dipped back down? Did the people who were figuring out how to enable SegWit to have their transactions added into blocks for cheaper fees suddenly forget how to do it?

>> No.4287989

To be honest it actually looks like a DDOS attack of sorts, some really nasty price manipulation is going on, but why?

/biz/, some of you are smart, please make something out of it. What's going to happen? What does this indicate? What might be intentions behind this, what's the end game?

>> No.4288126

The endgame is probably the death or at least weakening of BTC. Why? Powerful actors or trolls (people will destroy things for the sake of destruction). If anybody powerful has shorted BTC, this is a huge opportunity.

>> No.4288260

How can you short BTC?

>> No.4288304
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If you don't understand how to short, you need to leave. Now.

>> No.4288340

It depends on the flavor of tinfoil you prefer. It could be simple Jihan fuckery trying to force a flippening into BCC/BCH. This option doesn't bother me too much, I prefer an on chain solution. Also I have a few, so cool.
It could be (((the powers to be))) sowing disention and messin up the market so another coin, which already has quite a lot of pairs and a lot of less drama, can rise. Again, I hold a bit of eth, so cool. The plummeting of the alts seem to contradit this theory tho.
Finally, it could be the standard bait and switch tactic and, when BTC reaches a price deemed appropiate to reenter the market, all problems will magically banish and will reach a new ATH even though no scaling solution has been achieved. I seriously hope this is not the case, but since it would be the most fucked up outcome I can almost guarantee it is exactly what will happen.

>> No.4288361

couple of explanations
1. Someone realized Segwit weakens the BTC security model.
2. Someone realized Segwit reduces miner profits.

>> No.4288485

akko, please put the gun down and tell me how to short please, you'll never learn to fly on a broom with that kind of attitude.

>> No.4288493

I understand what does it mean to short, but I'm not aware of any possiblity to short BTC. Are there futures?

>> No.4288569

little payback never hurt anybody


>> No.4288625
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as predicted

>> No.4288675

There is no such thing as "on-chain" solution

You either have expensive, slow decentralized gold or centralized paypal with a token.

>> No.4288677

bitmex. doesn't allow US customers though

>> No.4288725
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I am mildly concerned
Everything is gonna be alright? right?


>> No.4288761

more like bitshcoin
fucking israeli shitcoiner

>> No.4288766

This. (((Segwit))) is an attack on crypto

>> No.4288767

what does this mean

>> No.4288856

The king is dead, long live the king!

>> No.4288859
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fight for your right...free bitcoin

>> No.4288901

>1. Someone realized Segwit weakens the BTC security model.
This. I personally stopped using Segwit for that reason.

1 GB blocks are literally possible on current day PCs. see scaling bitcoin presentations.

>> No.4288933

well ...

>> No.4289100

So, now BCH is also falling.

What the fuck?

>> No.4289274

>1GB blocks
>A Terabyte each week
>Totally possible
Yeah, if you strangle out every single node that's not a huge server farm filled with HDs

>> No.4289635

just some normies and pajeets freaking out as asians toy with us all..
it's really standard procedure actually..
BTC can still go to 8.5K before the bear comes

>> No.4289660

If there is a greater number of non-Segwit transactions, the % of Segwit transactions will go down.

>> No.4289793
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