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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4287060 No.4287060 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4287074

how the fuck is this run even possible, i haven't seen a push with this volume since btc in 2013

>> No.4287104

BCH is bitcoin now. You have to understand that people want to transact with bitcoin. The 2x failure is evidence that segwit 1x will never have a proper scaling solution and is hijacked.

>> No.4287110
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discussion needs to be in Korean otherwise irrelevant

>> No.4287123


>> No.4287130

>Discussing BCH in terms of fiat
>Talking about a flippening

You people are the biggest retards

>> No.4287135

Oh well, that's kind of strange.
Why are koreans pushing this coin?

>> No.4287137

Buy now don't ever wait

>> No.4287151


>> No.4287152

And you will never understand why this is happening. Bitcoin never was just a store of wealth until you marxist retards came along.

>> No.4287153

Don't buy unless you wanna stay poor

>> No.4287156

don't buy bitcoin cash at an all-time high that's fucking retarded

buy bitcoin at the dip (now) and HODL.

>> No.4287167

So many threads telling you all to buy at $400 and $500 and you didn't listen. Get fucked.

>> No.4287173

I don't know, I bought @ 820 USD a couple of monbths ago and I didn't see the 'promised' results, judge for yourself.

>> No.4287181


>> No.4287182

this is literally like asking if you should wait buying BTC early this year at $1000

>> No.4287187

Someone please tell me this is a just a bad dream and Bitcoin Cash will be back to being a 300$ altcoin in a week while BTC goes back to being the top dog please someone tell me this will happen please

>> No.4287192


I'm calling you a retard for caring about the fiat price instead of sats if you really are talking about a flippening, because becoming 1:1 with BTC is all that matters in that case

>> No.4287193

can you guys explain something?

how come 1 korean exchange is pumping 50% of bch?

>> No.4287194

rumor that was posted last night was all the korean volume is coming from Chinese miners who are dumping their BTC for BCH

now why Chinese miners have to trade on Korean exchange I'm not sure

>> No.4287218

So, Antminers are worthless now?
gpu shortage 4 ever

>> No.4287219

Because they can't trade on chinese sites anymore probably.

>> No.4287224

You deserve to lose everything for being so ignorant

>> No.4287232

then why isn't the highest pair that is being traded on their exchange, BTC/BCC
so it's not traders it's retards doing a P&D for flavor of the month.

>> No.4287233

>bought at $825
>sold at $950
ez pz

>> No.4287236

koreans are retards.

>> No.4287240

P U R E !

>> No.4287283

People want to transact with bitcoin and bitcoin won't have a scaling solution for atleast 2 years. What the fuck is so hard to understand about this?

>> No.4287297

so guys, do i short btc or do i long bch? what's more profitable?

>> No.4287329

No way in hell I'm buying this crap at this price, too risky, when coinbase adds BCH the price is going to dump hard, BTC may drop but its bound to recover.. I'd rather be bagholding BTC until the recovery than bagholding BCH hoping it reaches the price I FOMOD at

>> No.4287364

It's not that I'm against bigger blocks, I just wish bigger blocks would be agreed upon by Bitcoin rather than having to put my money on Bitcoin Cash.

>> No.4287504

its literally crashing dumbasses LMAO

>> No.4287549
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BTC = Bitcoin Cash

>> No.4287558



Should I move my Bitcoin to an exchange and exchange it for Bitcoin Cash? What the fuck is going on?
Is "Bitcoin Classic" the actual Bitcoin? The one where the devs abandoned it today?

>> No.4287563

BTC = Bitcoin Classic

>> No.4287573

Should I sell now?

>> No.4287575

Fake new's, your pussys, bitcoin is going back piece of shit niggers! suck ma dick!

>> No.4287580

At least you're not me. I sold my bitcoin cash at $198

>> No.4287586

>up $300 in 1 day
i thought the blind dont use 4chan

>> No.4287615

Ya I don't know what the fuck to do anymore.
Considering moving half my btc over to bch but .13 btc for a bch is a lot


>> No.4287668


I think it'll crash down like last time, but I've got a feeling it's got one more pump in it

>> No.4287697

i dont see a btc/bch pair on that exchange, all pairs are in fiat so they trade btc for fiat and buy bch with fiat

>> No.4287709


>> No.4287765

Buy bit cash while you can because it's going to skyrocket if bitcoin crashes. I Bought about $800 worth about 2 days ago so I'm already making my money back

>> No.4287894

Roger Ver's pump. He wants to exit scam BCH before Coinbase allows people to dump theirs for real BTC.

>> No.4287980

Funny thing is this coin was getting shit on by /biz/ each time a thread came up about it by numerous shills

>> No.4287990

He seems to be a fan of BCH.

>> No.4288000

>BCH about to hit 1k
but why?

>> No.4288006

it was getting shit because the s2x fork was planned

>> No.4288037

but according to fib bch gonna drop any time now so not recommended as an alternative at this point.

>> No.4288064

>mfw almost bought at 1k

Dodged a bullet boys.

>> No.4288076

it just hit 1k

>> No.4288088

Yea ta worked so great with neo and eth lol

>> No.4288141


Yes, do it ASAP. This is not going to end well for BTC bagholders.

BCH is the upgraded bitcoin fork.

>> No.4288175

Dont worry, just bought 0.5. Price is gonna drop now.

>> No.4288185

depth chart on Binance looks like Bitcoin Cash is about to go exponential

>> No.4288217
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Jesus christ. I bought a BCH back when it was $250. Should I sell it now and wait for another crash to buy it again? I'm so hype rn holy shit

>> No.4288235

Lol you sure about that?

>> No.4288263


I'm really fucking tempted to sell my bags then buy this ath.

>> No.4288300

we're going to to 1500 today you fucking moon goons, hope you're on this moon balloon, just get off before it pops

>> No.4288309


I said that in the other thread, and it did drop to under $900. Now it's over $1000.

>> No.4288312

I bought all in at 0.158 now with 2k bucks... Hope i do not get burned. This is all in for me. But this shit is going nuclear right now.

>> No.4288319

wait until BCH=BTC it's happening BTC was too dumb to adapt

>> No.4288320

are we seriously witnessing crypto history? wtf im so spooked right now, but the gains keep pouring in

>> No.4288325


That's what they want you to believe.

It's fucking over boys.

>> No.4288326

All of my bitcoin losses have been balanced out by the BCC pump today. Dollar value of my portfolio is stable at 25k and BTC value is increasing. Based Chinamen.

>> No.4288335

btc is going down tho. if it breaks the 6500 support then bch will fucking moon to 1100 atleast

>> No.4288343


You're wrong fag, here it comes.

>> No.4288352

I thought about going heavily into BCC last night, but it was already up 30% or so. Dumb move. Now I only have a little BCC, not enough to offset the other losses today.

>> No.4288358

i'll mock you exactly in 52 minutes from now

>> No.4288366




>> No.4288378
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>Technical analysis doesn't wor-

>> No.4288399

The economic majority is going to crush BTC

>> No.4288398

Kept mine from the fork to insure against something like this occuring.

>> No.4288409

0.1 BCC for me? I made the price drop.I am the Anti-Gain Prophet.


(Please go up to 0.16 again)

>> No.4288421
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You people don't realise BTC is about to implode because of fear alone, even if people think they're buying into the BCH high (they're not), they'll sell BTC and turn to USD and wait for things to cool down, after the flippening is finished.

>> No.4288428


>> No.4288431




>> No.4288449
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It keeps rising. It was 50 000 a few hours ago. Total BTC blockchain hashrate is going down but it's going down slowly.

>> No.4288451

>he bought at the top
like a true /biz/raeli

>> No.4288465

There will be no flippening this fast. Do you think exchanges will add BCC trading pairs in a few days? Everything is coupled to BTC

Also it will take months if not years to convince wallstreet and normies to buy a different Bitcoin

>> No.4288468


>> No.4288479

don't worry made the same mistake 2 hours ago and a hour ago, give it 20 minutes and you good

>> No.4288503

>bought at $550
>sold at $1k

it was supposed to be a long term hold lol

>> No.4288514


>> No.4288543

Jeah, just never went all in before. Started with 100 bucks, made my way to a measy 2k... Would suck if i lose my gains now. Freakin weak hands.

Hope it will be okay. If not, time for some /biz/ begging like a true pajeet.

>> No.4288545


>> No.4288550

>cant count 52 minutes

>> No.4288555

Best strategy to stay poor

>> No.4288589

key thats exactly where I sold thanks anon

>> No.4288611

aaaaand btc is in free fall

>> No.4288627

Whale here. I can move these markets. Summon me with your planeteer rings if the Bitcoin Cash Price ever shutters.


>> No.4288632

>Buying bch right now

Holy shit, think about it for one fucking second.

>BTC is made by a random
>Has a bunch of BTC, seems like cold storage
>completely anonymous
>young asshole forks BTC
>wants to fork it again
>realizes he's fucking up the BTC community with these forms
>looks like a hero by cancelling his SECOND fork
>pumps his first shitcoin

How about you think for one second. You actually think this is genuine growth? You realize this is Jihan reverting to his old fork since he has a million of them personally and can fully inflate the price himself?

.075 was a real buy in point yes, but right now the real value is actually like .09 and everything above that is artificial pump and everyone buying in above .13 is gonna eat some serious shit. Except jihan.

>> No.4288637

voice of reason

>> No.4288647
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Do you seriously believe that BCC will keep on rising? Freakin sweating cause I dropped the instant I bought it.

Fuck it. Gonna wait the night and kill a bottle of whiskey and cuddle my cat.

And to make my worries lighter: Maybe any freakin rich/biz/ will help ease my panic with some BCC.

bcc adress: 1CuRDDhkwegH4upLBHVUH8obyHdXwhaaoi

>in b4 pajeet begging

Good night lads. I won't let go of my cat tonight. Please lend me luck Sir Cat-Alot

>pic for you guys to help me stay calm.

>> No.4288670

How is Jihan inflation worse than bitfinex inflation?

>> No.4288685


>> No.4288686
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core devs sold all btc for bch

>> No.4288687

Shhhh don't anger spoofy.

>> No.4288758

the king is dead, long live the king!

>> No.4288807
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Daily reminder bcore jewstream is a total shitcoin and BCH is real bitcoin

>> No.4289262


Pairs will be added quickly, this literally can happen overnight.

Wallstreet is smarter than you, they don't sell their hedge in an uncertain market, the only people that sold their BCH are gullible normies.

Normies will buy whatever is provided to them, when Coinbase adds BCH normies will start wondering which one to buy when they're listed side by side and will research.

>> No.4289332

That was a great bit of advice...

>> No.4289619
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pic related
have fun buying chinks and korean's whales bags

>> No.4290108

Have fun not making $$$ today you salty cock smoker.

>> No.4290203


>> No.4290239
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>few months ago
>/biz/ goes hype for bch
>gonna be the next big thing
>literally forgotten and flops within a week
>same thing happens again

>> No.4290263

is korea going to take gains or buy the dip?

>> No.4290266

EZ money

>> No.4290289


Just let them be delusional for the third time

>> No.4290417

>BCH continues to drop

I'll be honest, I'm a bit buttmad. I was selling the BCH swings and had my sell set at .1 sats, but it's time to leave BCH for awhile. Difficulty of mining (and therefore cost:reward of mining) is gonna drop, shits gonna devalue, and people are waking up to it's scammy leadership. I'm not buying again until it's sub 600, which will likely be by early December.

>> No.4290435

lmfao shutup you fucking nigger.
its gonna skyrocket and take over Bitcoin because it has higher block size limit

>> No.4290439

Literally pairs being added before you even said that moron. Go look at wex

>> No.4290441
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>> No.4290488

>take over Bitcoin because it has higher block size limit

Just like the last two times a 'flippening' was happening for BCH?

>> No.4291566

I can say that out of everything, getting into BCH here and reallocating funds has shown me that BCH's faster transfer time is pretty neat.

>> No.4291597

We goin to 1.3k now boys!

>> No.4291622

this means the whale's gonna dump at 1k and then laugh at you niggers with big ol bags