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4222565 No.4222565[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


>> No.4222632

Fuck this guy. I wish he would stay out of politics. Just STFU and develop your tech nigger

>> No.4222646


I hate nazis. I hate alt right retards.

>> No.4222675

>Tfw everyone you don't like is alt right.

>> No.4222680

Communist wants to censor people. What a surprise. Reminder that he is a brilliant autisic programmer and you shouldn't listen to any monetary or political advice he gives.

>> No.4222700
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Is he talking about us? Maybe he's fed up of all the shit we say about him

>> No.4222722

the only public backlash will be against the oversensitive crowd that keeps crying rape or biggot against anybody they don't like.

people have already stopped taking them as seriously as they were 3 years ago, and they're only losing their ability to rile new people up.

don't even bother wasting time on them.

>> No.4222725


he's unironically 100% correct

if the media starts associating decentralized sytstems with nazis, less normie money flows into crpyto

less normie money in crypto = less money for me

I am already an early investor and need as many people as possible to come in after me

>> No.4222727

top jej

>> No.4222748


>> No.4222754

Thanks god, less pajeet, but no it's wrong, when people can make money, they don't fucking care about politics or ideology, normies will keep flowing

>> No.4222763

lol, MSM has been associating Bitcoin with criminals, terrorists and worse all these years but it's Nazi's liking it that finally breaks the back of crypto.

>> No.4222768

>if the media starts associating decentralized sytstems with nazis
They tried that with Trump and look where it got them

>> No.4222771

Eww just sold 100k.

>> No.4222781

shoo shoo

>> No.4222782


>> No.4222813

>if the media starts associating decentralized sytstems with nazis
Do you realize how ridiculous this sounds?

I hope this ETH crashes and burns along with this autistic commie kike at it's head

>> No.4222827
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Vitalik is a "Michael Moore" level socialist

>> No.4222828

Why does the money skeleton have to be such a faggot?

>> No.4222840

He's from Canada, which arguably has the largest liberal brainwashing force on the continent.

Look at their cuck leader to understand what's being propagated to their citizens

>> No.4222859
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>> No.4222868


The truth hurts. Look at his twitter post history and you'll see this statement is true.

>> No.4222871

He's a Canadian Jew.

>> No.4222872

That would just make more people standing against (((them))) and make nazis look good.

>> No.4222873

good point

>> No.4222879

Vitalik probably unironically gets his news from CNN.

>> No.4222895

he is a jew though, there's a video interview of him saying he went to Israel as a teen. only jews go to israel to visit during that age. it's part of what they do. i should also add: privileged jews. obviously if he wasn't from a decently mid-to-upper class family he wouldn't be able to afford such a trip abroad.

fuck ETH and fuck Vitalik. soon he'll tweet something like "on behalf of white people i am sorry for ___"

>> No.4222900

I just don't understand how one man can be such a genius and a complete retard at the same time.

>> No.4222907

It's true. I grew up in Toronto and it's force-fed to you in school. It's probably only gotten worse. I wore a Trump shirt downtown on Yonge Street and a literal fag called me disgusting as I walked past him.

>> No.4222911
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>Nazis using it

I have no clue what he's talking about. Can someone fill me in?

Also, why is "Nazis" used by Americans as synonmyous with evil people? Or are there literally neo nazis interested in blockchain now. And if so, why?

>> No.4222917

he's a faggot

>> No.4222932

Aliyah is free for all Jews on the planet, you dip. It's completely paid for by US goyim slave taxpayers

>> No.4222937

your viewpoint makes crypto look more like a ponzi but you're too much of a faggot to realize it because you have absolutely no self-awareness.

it is better if crypto grows organically and slowly through real tech advancement, over the course of years, rather than have normies and institutional/banks pump it up like a super-bubble. you fucking idiot.

>hurrr durr btc isn't a ponzi scheme it's real tech
>huurrr but i want more normies in to bid the price higher because i'm an early investor and need new idiots to buy what i bought years ago for a lower price.

faggots like you make crypto look bad.

>> No.4222938

Hopefully he finds his way to the oven soon, especially if he's going to be injecting himself into political faggotry

>> No.4222945
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>born in russia
>age of six when his parents immigrated to Canada in search of better employment opportunities.
of course this poor piece of shit who flees russia for a better life would grow up to support communism, in canada. pure pottery.

>> No.4222946

Right leaning identity politics is often just labelled nazi, I think that's what he'd be referring to.

>> No.4222953

He's young and impressionable. Isn't he only like 23?

Being really smart doesn't protect someone from constant media and state propaganda, sadly

>> No.4222957
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As identity politics and leftists destroy everything, they did it to ETH too.
Better get rid of your bags.
May ETC take over.

>> No.4222965

aside from kryptoprogramming he is basically a normie. and i guess he is surrounded by nu-males the whole day so he starts to just repeat their words.

>> No.4222968
File: 61 KB, 620x494, firefox_2017-11-06_21-10-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Game Over.

>> No.4222972

"Nazi" has become a liberal retort for anyone who supports Trump. Not even an exaggeration.

They literally think half the country is this way.

>> No.4222975

heh you almost had a point with your armchair history analysis but you lost it here

>> No.4222976

This is a valid point. I was left leaning until about age 26 which was 3 years ago

>> No.4222988

i can't believe these people who fell for the alt-right meme. you legitimately got memed into being a nazi. you are fucking retarded

>> No.4222998
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I think he is transitioning too.
He is on hormones or some shit, this will only get worse from here on out.

>> No.4222999

their leader is literally cucking them. read the new paradise papers

>> No.4223003

Nazi has devolved into a buzzword for socialists that basically means 'person I disagree with politically' So from their perspective; Conservatives, classic Liberals, Libertarians, centrists are all Nazis.

>> No.4223009

Hahahahaha what an idiot, he's digging his own grave with these autistic emotional outbursts online.

>> No.4223025
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Why are people with opposing views called nazis? In 5 years people are going to answer with "yeah so what if I am?"

Same with the 'racist' meme, and it always seems to be betas spouting this shit, exhibit A. Vitalik butercuckin

>> No.4223034

canada is for peasant refugees; it's the poor slav's America. surely if the buterin's had shekels they wouldn't have settled for canada.

>> No.4223039

he's probably talking about how dailystormer (when it was still live) accepted donations via btc

>> No.4223064

oh he has plenty of shekels now

>> No.4223080

fucking retard. you knew what i meant and you just want to babble.

>> No.4223098

Pretending race doesn't exist makes you the retard, not us.

>> No.4223120

Weak people tend to be leftists. How you look dictates your politics, appearance is ideology.


>> No.4223124

Because they can't legally execute you for disagreeing with them yet. They have to use the strongest social condemnations they can use but it's starting to stop working.

Which is why they are suddenly getting really violent.

>> No.4223126

your posts are fucking embarassing, fix yourself

>> No.4223143

Alt left spotted

>> No.4223144

Why get upset over this? It's true it could quickly spiral into hedge funds withdrawing because of perceived backlash. Is that even a political issue? Seems like common sense.

>> No.4223158 [DELETED] 

>Same with the 'racist' meme

but the racist meme has been going on for as long as i live and so far it has only been getting worse. the accusation of being racist has become increasingly threatening to ones life.
a few sjws slandering you and calling you racist on facebook or twitter and suddenly your job is gone and you are vilified and sentenced by a horde of people who know nothing about you. 10 years ago such things were rare and had no traction without msm coverage. now its the norm.

>> No.4223162

You seriously have no clue. There are some people who are absolutely brilliant programmers but retarded in almost every other aspect of life.

>> No.4223179

I might be upset if the top guy or ceo of the company im invested in decided to make alienating comments against half the US population.

>> No.4223188
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The funniest part about all this is Vitalik's original sugar Daddy (Peter Thiel) supported Trump.

I bet this really rustled his jimmies

>> No.4223215

Very true. I totally forgot this.

If it wasn't for Thiel scholarship vitalik would be just a low 6 figure programmer.

>> No.4223217

Cry more plebbit

>> No.4223313

Honestly this. Would unironically join antifa if I was American just because of all the /pol/ posters on this site

>> No.4223357


What are you talking about goys?

>> No.4223376
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Antifa isn't for kikes dumbarse, it's for retarded goyim only.

>> No.4223389

This guy is literally implying that for his work on Ethereum to flourish, he must cater to the normies and remove "our" rights in using his magnum opus.

>> No.4223391
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I know you love us really

>> No.4223400

alt righter calling people alt lefters and vice versa

the true redpill is that both sides are fucking retarded

human waste

>> No.4223410
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>> No.4223413

Explain this, how?

>> No.4223482

>When you spend all your ether dollars on meth.

>> No.4223653

I don't think he is advocating to push that idea, but there is something to it.

You are on /biz/, people here want to make money.

>> No.4223691

Guess it's time to go back to ETC. We all know what happened to IOTA

>> No.4223720
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Dig deep on these threads, there is a battle for the mind here.

>> No.4223737

>We all know what happened to IOTA
First ISIS lost Raqqa and now Deir ez Zor, IOTA is bleeding to death.

>> No.4223755

Backpedaling already.

>> No.4223758

People have snubbed their nose at Tezos for a variety of reasons. I would rather deal with an anarcho capitalist who believes in no government creating a crypto platform than this autistic commie.

>> No.4223771

Down with nazism.

>> No.4223782

YOu guys realise that’s he right you know? If Nazi’s were to associate with bitcoin there would 100% be a backlash. Not saying I agree that there should be but to deny reality makes you a moron.

Few examples, Pepe. I send this meme to a few normie friends and they say ‘Oh, that’s a racist picture you know?’
Trump. Everyone was fine with him until these extreme right wing folks started to associate with him. If you want Crypto to prosper FOR YOUR MONETARY GAIN YOU SHOULD 100% BE WORRIED IF EXTREME RIGHT WINGERS ASSOCIATE WITH CRYPTO.

If you have some moral high ground, whatever go exercise your rights. You’re gonna lose money for it though.

>> No.4223787

Not back pedaling, he's young, he's working through the problem.

>> No.4223809

>If Nazi’s were to associate with bitcoin there would 100% be a backlash.
Ahh, to be 12 years old.

>> No.4223812

Lmao he's right though. being associated with nazis will be bad for ethereum. not super bad, but a little bad, at least.

>He mentions this as a truth.

>Triggered burgers suddenly leaps a 5 mile logical chasm in order to assume he is advocating censorship in some way and cry and feel indignified

The "alt-right" are truly the new "im a victim" crybabies on the block. Coming ever closer to being as bad the most deranged SJWs every year.

>> No.4223842
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but if ETH crashes and burns then link does so with it

>> No.4223852

>"crypto is the victim of the evil nazis!!"
>"evil nazis play the victim"

You just said these two things.

>> No.4223855

>To be so blissfully unaware that you actually think /pol represents real life.

Please go wave a Nazi flag in public and see what people’s reactions are.

>> No.4223860

The point is he never really said he didn't support censorship in that capacity, only forlornly admitted it could never happen

>> No.4223875


You have it wrong.
Nobody gave a shit until the media told liberals that Pepe was Nazi related and Trunp gives off super secret Nazi dog whistles that only the media seems to be able to hear... like they are dogs.

So Bitcoin is fine until the media whips up liberals into a tizzy by saying its racist or sexist or rape culture.

>> No.4223883

Isn't antifa larger in socalist Europe?

>> No.4223885

Jesus christ.

>> No.4223891

Good I hope they all sell and pile into FAANG stawk so they can get financially raped.

>> No.4223892

>he doesn't know what divide-and-rule is and how its being applied in our modern society through supporting BOTH sides of racist and anti-racist organizations


>> No.4223895

No I am 100% right and you just repeated what I said. Go away you idiot. The people hear what the media say.

>> No.4223907

Oh look, another retard. Do you people get paid to cruise the internet posting shit like this or are you just completely intellectually crippled?

>> No.4223917

I never said crypto is the victim of nazis. It would be the victim of the implications of people's attitudes towards people who they deem to be nazis.

Even if I was a nazi I would acknowledge this truth. Perhaps especially so, because I would be very aware of the discrimination against anything that gets associated with nazis.

Keep being a brainlet nazi crybaby though.

>> No.4223921

What is there to now you fucking moron? I don’t give a shit about politics. Muslims can cuck my country all they want as long as I’m on the right side of the fence when it happens.

How is what you said even relevant? Do you just go on reddit and quote the place?

>> No.4223927

>I never said crypto is the victim of nazis.
>It would be the victim of the implications of people's attitudes towards people who they deem to be nazis.

>> No.4223935

Yes, I am galaxybrain.

>> No.4223944

You're a moron. What does waving a nazi flag in public have to do with anything we're discussing?
Openly expressing commie views like our pal Vitalik is doing right now is doing more harm to his project than some "nazi".
You're one of those fear mongers who doesn't know what he's talking about but he's just there to be a good goy and tell le ebil nazis to go away.
There are all kinds of people in crypto, from pedophiles to nazis and furries, it's open to everyone and if you don't like it then fuck off.

>> No.4223946
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Even if literal Neo Nazi's were to praise ETH and BTC leftists would still be tripping over each other trying to get in. Have you guys ever talked to one? They have zero idea of the value proposition they just speculate it will go up and that's it.

>> No.4223948
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Ethereum and IOTA should do a partnership, they are perfect for eachother

>> No.4223957


>> No.4223966

>taking advice from an autistic 90lb communist homo
sounds like he fall victim to the "everyone who doesn't share my incredibly progressive and totally original beliefs is literally hitler" I guess he can be somewhat forgiven since he obviously has no idea what the real world is like. Maybe he should go on down to Somalia or Palestine and set up a computer and enlighten the people on the wonders of blockchain and smart contracts. I'm sure they wouldn't immediately burn him on a pile of tires or smash his head in and steal his computer. Hopefully one day Canada or California becomes a true socialist paradise. Where due to his undesirable appearance, and his invention being perceived as a threat to the politburo, he would promptly be forced against a wall and made to look upon the Glorious face of Comrade Marx before he gets a couple rounds from a Tokarev through the forehead.

>> No.4223969

>Suddenly changing positions

This place needs to cleanse all 12-year olds like you. Putting ideological issues in a motherfucking CRYPTOCURRENCY and saying "its reality, deal with it" is fucking stupid. Did Satoshi Nakamoto ever denounce Nazis and Communists using his magnum opus? No, because what drives innovation is profit and creating your own opinions is different from USING YOUR OWN CREATION TO DENOUNCE A SHITTY IDEOLOGY.

>> No.4223988

Do you not understand how the media works? You do NOT want the media to start bashing crypto so the government can start looking into and then find all the problems with how it harbours criminals and what not.

It’s avtually like you hate money you brainlet. Don’t call me a fear monger either, I am As centralist as you can get.

>> No.4224011

>implying the media are ahead of the curve compared to the government
Dumbass. Tripfag please go.

>> No.4224017

The media bashed Trump to no end, and look what happened.

You have exactly the wrong type of mindset for crypto.

>> No.4224022

Yayaya, I’m not taking advice. I’m thonking real world here. You guys are such NEETs that you’ve forgotten that the majority of the West is democratic. >>4223969
I cba repeating myself. You don’t want Nazi associating with crypto. You are basically agreeing with me. You want the tech to stand for itself so it remains a immune from external influences. Unfortunately that’s not how the world works. You get a huge right wing support for crypto what do you think democrats will begin to say? What will the media say?

>> No.4224026

Our government is run by greedy lobbyists and central bankers. The media would just never use the word nazi so they could dip their paw into the honey pot. I would rather live in the world of the hard right then your transexual unicorn prozac laced paradise.

>> No.4224040

Thank God this retard is using a trip.

>> No.4224041

Yeah but that was the people deciding, not bought politicians that all have ties with private institutions that have a lot to lose if crypto becomes popular and might use any excuse they can get to shut the goyim down.

>> No.4224050

Ad Hominem
Red Herring
Begging the question
Just World fallacy
Argumentum Ad Populum

Get the fuck out of this board and take your issues on /pol/.

>> No.4224054

Literally facing the worst democratic representative of all time. Lol. Yeah definitely the wrong mindset for crypto....Kk. Hope your investments go well.
Well the government aren’t on top of everything....Rememebee the crackdown on 4chan after the shootings. Of yeah government totally was ahead of that one

>> No.4224059

>Yeah but that was the people deciding
That's the whole point of crypto.

>> No.4224066

>Buzz words >>4224040
Tf is a trip. Sorry, I’m newfag.

>> No.4224067

>you’ve forgotten that the majority of the West is democratic
if this is true why did trump win
could it possibly be that only the media is democratic due to the jews who own it pushing for it

>> No.4224076

Are you fucking 10 years old?

Crypto is almost a decade old, we already went through all these fear mongering phases by the media long ago.
You wouldn't believe what kind of scum of the earth uses Bitcoin, much worse than your "alt-righters" and "nazis who post frog memes online".

>I am As centralist as you can get.
Centrists don't do what you're doing, so you're either a leftie or an idiot who wants to feel superior because he's a "centrist".

>You don’t want Nazi associating with crypto
But it's OK for prostitution rings, child molesters, human trafficking, drug dealers because media has already mentioned these before?
Kill yourself.

>> No.4224079

>the worst democratic representative of all time
Lol, if you say so I guess.

>> No.4224083
File: 93 KB, 516x600, TechCrunch+Disrupt+SF+2017+Day+1+wC9YAZPp8bPl[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I literally just sold 100% of my ETH.
This guy is a joke.

>> No.4224100

Mods, ban this fucktard already. This place is not for logical fallacies, ten-year olds, newfags and stupid arguments


>> No.4224109

The point you are missing is that people who call other people "Nazis" solely for not being cultural Marxists are brain washed leftist nutjobs who are at war with imaginary nazis

>> No.4224121

So paedophiles, drug dealers, human trafficking, terrorism, money laundering and all the other stuff isn't a issue. It is the Edgy alt-right kids that want free speech.

>> No.4224122

>Implying the government isn’t on top of anything money related
Nigga you dumb

>> No.4224143


Please screenshot your posts and look at them in 10 years. You will want to kys. Atleast post anonymous.
>Being 12

>> No.4224145

Already said. Hillary Clinton.


Yeah, I’m sorry but the world turns a blind eye to that shit. Paedophile rings in Hollywood? Investigate more? Na forget that. Jimmy Saville? Allow him brah. Hold up, PEPE FLAGS? Better investigate that and torch everyone that associates with it!

What is there to feel superior about being a centrist? Are you a mind reader that you’re telling me what I and am not?

>> No.4224157

You my friend understand crypto. We don't get to pick or choose who uses a fully decentralized censorship free technology. The exchange of ideas must be kept open at all costs.

God speed

>> No.4224164

Those people are the least productive sectors of society. If all the productive members of economy start using an alternative way of trading "normies" will have to swallow their pride or die.

It's like saying you're against the 1% yet trying to immigrate to countries full of 1%ers

>> No.4224174

You do realize the implications of outlawing many types of cryptoassets and currencies right? They can give everything a major major cucking and good luck to anyone who ever tries to cash out on their crypto in a legally crypto hostile country. It would be like cashing out of the drug business selling kgs of cocaine and then having to explain where they came from.

>> No.4224181



Please explain what I am saying that is stupid? I’ll cliff it for you if you want. Looking at crypto as an investment, you do not want there to be a huge amount of right wing association with crypto as the ‘normies’ will get their pitchforks out. Is that really that stupid of a statement to make?

>> No.4224185

plebbitors really are fucking cancer

>> No.4224189

democrats in the US have spent the last 18 months spending every waking second throwing shit against the wall and trying to get something to stick.
Trump will never win the primary
Trump will never win the Presidency
Trump is a Russian puppet
The DNC is a totally legitimate and honest organization.
Trump is a racist
All white males are nazis
The media reports everything accurately, they've never had to issue retractions
There is no way any powerful figures in Politics or entertainment are sexual degenerates
If elected, Trump and Pence will immediately liquidate all gays and minorities

The democrats/msm/hollywood have lost all credibility. If they start with the Bitcoin is literally the currency of the 4th Reich, it wont make a bit of difference because no one will listen to them

>> No.4224192

Crypto is definitely not your thing, man.

>> No.4224199

Can you mouth breathers please get back to your /pol/ echo chamber.

>> No.4224208

>not an argument

>> No.4224217

Noam Chomsky, brilliant linguist, full-retard political commentator

>> No.4224228

Hey! Come to Europe some time. I think you’ll find a large population genuinely think this. I am sure some states in the US also think like that.

Also, the media never loses credibility. A red pill for you

Tbh, desu

>> No.4224230

Why is this Slav the face of ETH instead of Gavin Wood?

>> No.4224234

>What is there to feel superior about being a centrist? Are you a mind reader that you’re telling me what I and am not?
Because you're so fixated on the "nazi" thing (and we're talking about a bunch of edgy kids online) and missing a bigger picture like I explained in my previous post.

Meanwhile you're not talking about Vitalik's extreme-left views. While I don't agree with this kind of views, I cannot stop people like him from participating in the crypto world, that's the beauty of it.

>> No.4224238

Amusingly enough, yes. The media and popular opinion cares more about edgy frogposters with varying leanings towards ethnonationalism than abdul bin drive a truck into a crowd.

Whether it should be like this or not doesn't detract from the fact that it is like this and essentially this means Vitalik is right.

If the public generally hated anything associated with lemons and suddenly lemonfarmers were all over ethereum and it became public, it would be the same thing. The problem isn't the lemons in themselves but the target on their back that the lemons bring with them. "Alt-righters" have a massive target on their back.

Poo poo pee pee pepe couldn't take pepe back away from the normies, but alt-right pepe made normies discard it like the plague. The power of the hate for the "alt-right" should never be underestimated.

>> No.4224258

Enjoy having to move to another country in order to spend more than a little bit of your gains.

>> No.4224264

Are you retarded
There's no such thing as true nazis
Those skin head larders? Those basement dwelling kek praises? those are not fucking nazis
If Hitler was alive today he'd purge them all just the same
The nazi word has become synonymous with "youre thinking different" to lefties these days

>> No.4224277

Stop calling him a slav. We slavs suffered enough from communism, we hate that shit. You should blame Canada.

>> No.4224302

>echo chamber.
Pick one, faggot

>> No.4224328

We all know about the implications of government crackdown on crypto, anon.

>> No.4224332

Lol. Left wing views are a lot less harmful then right wing ones. Sorry boyo but that’s the 21st century. Don’t be a cuck and think otherwise. And off anyone can participate, do we want everyone to participate and have to deal with the consequences of that? Not really

>> No.4224354

>Left wing views are a lot less harmful then right wing ones
Holy shit you have to be a troll. I was reading your posts in the confido thread and you are seriously fucking retarded. Please unironically kys

>> No.4224379
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>Left wing views are a lot less harmful then right wing ones

Holy shit, you bought the farm with that one

>> No.4224385

What consequences?

Welfare queens and people who despise the decentralized, anti-democratic nature of cryptocurrencies will FUD us in their echo chamber media and not accept cryptos?

Boo hoo

What you don't seem to realize is that putting our resources in cryptos is done precisely to escape these people, when their cuck currencies suffer hyperinflation from the massive capital flight cryptos generate you'll see where their pride stands.

>> No.4224388

I believe he is talking about you, retard.

>> No.4224394

What was wrong with what I said about confido? You realise there was a presale right? Idk. Maybe I’m wrong but I’m pretty sure they’re gonna dump on you.

>> No.4224406

post his mlp shirts

>> No.4224431

Meh. I think it’s true. If I go into London and told everyone I hate migration there would be some bad reactions. If I told everyone that I love migration I think I’d get a lot of support. Most places in the western world would be similar. >>4224385
Thinking you can escape lol. Lol. Lol.

>> No.4224435

Nice, just bought 100k

>> No.4224438

Presale bonus was 10% and only 6 people were selected for it.

>> No.4224448

>Thinking you can escape lol. Lol. Lol.

We'll see, what we won't see is people supporting "leftist" cryptocurrencies with their own wallets.

>> No.4224455

>Left wing views are a lot less harmful then right wing ones

>> No.4224458

Do you understand that not a single person on this board agrees with you?
Do you think you are so far superior to everyone else that all these people disagreeing with you are wrong and that you against many are right?
What are the chances you fucking retard.
Unironically kys

>> No.4224459
File: 43 KB, 469x610, 1503211891616.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>If I go into London and told everyone I hate migration there would be some bad reactions. If I told everyone that I love migration I think I’d get a lot of support.
That's because London is 50% immigrants. Let me guess, you're not white are you.

>> No.4224460

So that’s 10% guaranteed profit. Don’t kid yourself into thinking that’s not a lot.

How much did the purchase?

>> No.4224493

About confido? What do you mean? There’s a ton of people that said the same thing. Even more that think it’s a pajeet scam project? What you on about bruh.


Aaaa yes. Just like how those we love migrant marches were all ethnics....oh wait. They weren’t. And unlucky bruh, I am white.

>> No.4224505
File: 12 KB, 258x245, 354deaa3770912621bb816da070346ab--the-frog-united-states.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks 10% profit is a lot on a sub $400k ICO which sold out in 30 seconds with only 470 token holders.

>> No.4224509

About everything you are spouting you inbred leftist ultranigger

>> No.4224520

>you do not want there to be a huge amount of right wing association with crypto
Guise come on, everyone on plebbit knows right wing retards are bad its not like they are more fiscally responsible than us lefties xD

>> No.4224536

>Not realising it sold it in 30 seconds because the market cap was so ridiculously low.

Yeah whatever maybe I’m wrong on that good luck to you if you invested though. Still though, do you know how much they sold to those 6 presalers?


>> No.4224556

>having tolerance for others is pretending their race doesn't exist

>> No.4224563

>he thinks it sold out in 30 seconds because the market cap is so low
>he doesn't know that ethbet had a very similar market cap at ICO and it took 4 days to finish
Confirmed for not knowing what you are talking about.

>> No.4224576
File: 264 KB, 600x338, cancuckfag.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Cuck him

>> No.4224577

They literally do deny that race exists though. They call it a 'social construct'

>> No.4224599

Lmao. This type of disinfo is going to be extremely effective on him because to normies he's a shady figure from a shady industry.

>> No.4224624

Interesting. I mean EthBet is a bit dumpster atm though?

>> No.4224652

Anyone right of Stalin is a nazi.