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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4221007 No.4221007 [Reply] [Original]

Did I not try to tell you last night? Image related, was the same picture I used last night. Don't be mad that the train left the station, cause the conductor gave you the final call.

Stay poor fags.

>> No.4221157

Damn man... your pump and dump group is working overtime around here. Anyone who falls for your fraud deserves holding the most notorious bags of all.

>> No.4221260
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I'd be a little standoffish too, but I'm not in PnDs. I don't play whale games or try to ride their stupid waves. I'm into fucking money. If you want screens of my discord to show you I'm not in PnDs. I'll give it to you, but honestly I don't give a shit if you don't get this free fucking money like I told you to.

>> No.4221412
File: 88 KB, 613x720, 1409854370598.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why do you even bother telling them OP? It's not like they are going to listen anyway. Give me some more of that 112 sats Digibyte PLEASE

>> No.4221415

DGB? Man, give it a rest. Wasn't this being shilled as 'mooning' just last Thursday? Fuck, I remember it moon-shilled just a week before on the 23 of October. It's another 25% down since then...

Buying DGB when it's not even within 50% of the pre-pump floor should disqualify people from posting here.

>> No.4221628
File: 196 KB, 500x500, DQmT3Do3YGSvHW3D6hFVaEJ3yHfZU5iHsmjAAjAHuEnerCd.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The "prepump floor" was 112 last night on the 5M buy wall set you ingrate. I tried to tell people last night but you faggots were too worried about fucking memes and names and shit.

>> No.4221713

Prepump floor is 19 sat, and that is not adjusting for the increase of volume from BTC rises since then.

But, of course, all buy walls are real...

>> No.4221817

This anon summed it up pretty well: >>4221415

Even if this was the real moon, there's a fatigue around here due to the very recently (and wrong) calls for mooning. Anyone who was willing to jump on Digibyte has to pretend their portfolio was just melted 25% by it.

>> No.4221862

Thanks for the tip. I'm picking out my lambo colour tomorrow

>> No.4221897
File: 26 KB, 610x343, MECC6102.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Can't tell if you are accumulating or straight up retarded. Nobody will ever sell their DGB below 90-100

>> No.4221925

Last night's thread was listed with major news, announcements and other shit. That was the thread you should have watched, because that was me trying to get people in before it started. Now I'm just reminding people of how mentally retarded they are for not doing it then so that they can FUCKING DO IT NOW.

>> No.4222716