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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4219005 No.4219005 [Reply] [Original]

Okay guys lets leave the crypto shilling for a bit. Its obvious that by now if you want out of the rat race crypto for a lot of people is the last chance.

>Lets talk normies...lets talk jobs... lets talk carriers.

I look at my family, my grandparents the family of my friends and what do I see. Honest hard working people... some are wagecucks some are salarymen, but that which connects them is their means of life.

I don't know about your surroundings but anon what i see is families working decades to get a house/apartment and maybe a car or two and that is all. The rest is just tying the ends...food,bills, maybe replace a broken fridge or something and children. Many parents give tons of resources (Time, money) for their children to do good in school,life,work. And they do good they are smarter then their parents more adaptive more everything... but its not enough.

>Even with a good salary and education buying a house is fucking hard. My grandpa told me stories that he saved money for a home for just 6 years working physical jobs.

If i work 6 years i can't even afford a garage.

>I look at my managers, directors at international companies... even with their salaries I would need 10+ year to pay for a home.

And i wonder /biz/ what happened why did it come to this.

>Force wake up
>Force feed
>Force drive to work
>Force work
>Force study so I don't lag behind the job market competition.
>Come home dead tired...
>Stuff some leftovers in my face
>Go to bed.

Day after day i repeat myself... hang in there for a year...
>A year passes...nothing has changed... entry level positions now want 2 years instead of one.

>3 year experience wanted for entry junior... I keep working

>> No.4219070

Pajeet is that you?

>> No.4219090

Pajeet is that you?

>> No.4219092


>> No.4219119

end-phase capitalism
automation and AI will end it

>> No.4219143

>wagecucking is a lot of pain for little gain

What's your fucking point anon? How is this /biz/ related - do you actually have a plan? Otherwise shut the fuck up and grit your teeth and bear it.

>> No.4219150

dont worry friend, nocoiners and fiatmarines will suffer for even greater lengths

the hamster wheel won't reward you

only crypto will, should you play it right

>> No.4219159
File: 16 KB, 280x187, jj.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw escaped the rat race with crypto.

Now I love the system and see why the elite set things up this way. We need the majority of humanity to slave for their entire lives so that some of us can sit on our asses and trick the rest of humanity to voluntarily handing over resources just because we have more imaginary numbers in our banks. Everything is a huge intricate machine from top to bottom of slaves digging resources out of the ground assembling into products, growing food, and bringing it me just because I sat at home jiggled around some numbers on my computer screen. They can't let a lot of us slip through the cracks of this system or it'll all break down.

>> No.4219178
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>> No.4219196

NEET here

i can't imagine what its like working all damn day. but don't think NEETing is the exact opposite of wagecuckery. it is not. eventually you will get tired of it. the loss of meaning and function will kill you. just be glad you still have social circles and disposable income

>> No.4219307


>> No.4219308

this. Man, if I was rich I would hardly ever spend any time at home. I think that's why being a NEET has got me sterotypically depressed. But maybe I have adhd or some shit.

>> No.4219352

>About to start one of those click bait websites for boomers and liberals

I'm not going to spend forty years of my life working a job that I hate to get a house I can barely afford and make car payments to impress plebs that think shiny shit=success. I've seen too many people retire in poverty because they were too retarded to realize that social security pays out just enough for you to not die.
Rich dad, Poor dad gets a lot of shit around here since it's fairly obvious advice for anyone on /biz/, but the alternative is spending your life getting ground into oblivion by your own ignorance.

>> No.4219725

>tfw picked up overtime at my job making $30/hr because I need more crypto

I will not stop investing into crypto until I made it. I'm so, so, so very tired of wagecuckery.