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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4212620 No.4212620 [Reply] [Original]

Let's talk DGB, /biz/. Let's talk about why you SHOULD drop some cash into this coin before the end of the year. This isn't a shill, these are facts my nigga. So listen up my dudes.

DGB has one of the best TPS on the market right now, sitting pretty damn good at 280per second and can handle up to 2000 per second in the future. By comparison, BTC has 4 TPS.

Fuckers can mine this coin far easier than most other coins out there as well, considering it runs 5 algorithms per block and the block time is 15 seconds. FIFTEEN fucking SECONDS. Not gotdamned ten minutes.

DGB is far beyond just some development stage as well. It's not just some "idea" that's waiting to hit the shelves. DGB is all ready on Wirex, Shapeshift and Digusign meaning it all ready has real world applications. ALso, did I mention that you can use this shit to pay for your airport parking now? Oh yeah, you can use DGB to pay for airport parking at 25 international airports.

Also, Jared Tate isn't a giant fucking tool and actually believes in his product and it's real world applications. Sources for everything listed below.


So, why aren't you buying this shit my dudes???

>> No.4212676
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Also, they're being listed on KuCoin so now the Koreans can trade with it.


>> No.4212942

>100 sat

What honestly went wrong?

>> No.4212960

Unironically just bought 24k. Let's see what happens

>> No.4212983

Jared Tate is sexy....count me in

>> No.4213011

280 TPS?!? thats like on par with VISA is it not?

>> No.4213015

It got pumped by a whale group and people got upset about it, but now it's actually stable and at it's floor, check the buy wall. If you get in now, there isn't much failure to be seen.

>> No.4213024

2000 TPS is on par with VISA i mean

>> No.4213038
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Does this mean that I can /break-even/?

>> No.4213058

damn is that really all that happened to this coin for it to become a punching bag? it hasnt even been that long since the pump.

>> No.4213069

If you're a bagholder from that initial hype pump then you might want to just keep holding or buy now and average your purchase price so that you can make profit faster.

With the addition to KuCoin, I see this coin hitting 130 in the next few days. If it can break 150 the way GRS did and the hype pushes it back it could run pretty damned hard Just look at the books.

>> No.4213087
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prepare for lift off my digimarines

>> No.4213119

I'm not even a digimarine. I just saw what was going on with it and knew something was about to go off like it should have the first time before whales dumped on it.

>> No.4213156

Stop posting these shill threads, these newbies make their decisions based on memes. They were too busy buying LINK at ATH to look for opportunities where coins have bottomed out and established a solid floor. DGB is in accumulation phase now.

>> No.4213348

Literally what I'm telling them. Accumulate and profit on the jump when Koreans start trading it.

>> No.4213469
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I tried to tell you, /biz/. I tried to tell you, it's happening, but none of you shits want to listen.

>> No.4214389
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Just placed an order at 104 lads! I believe this thing has potential to reach 600 soon

See y'all on the other side!!

>> No.4214744

Volume has done nothing but increase over the past 24 hours. Korea wants in and she's about to go like hotcakes.


>> No.4214835

I-It c-cant go under 100 sats, r-right g-guys? I-i never got that free btc from the sharpie I put in.. my b-bum is still s-sore..

>> No.4215860

So this is the real deal huh? Kucoin wants in on the cheap digis my niggys

>> No.4215891

lol i told you to do that.
you fell for that reverse psychology, just for some buttcoin?

>> No.4215936

Gay name and logo
Needs another rebrand

>> No.4215958

Typical 4chan. Ignores tech and TA only cares about name and logos? LOL stay broke boy

>> No.4216007

Will do pedro

>> No.4216023
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Scamming a whole new generation of newfriends. Nice!

>> No.4216037

All the while volume steadily pumps in anticipation for Korean overlords. Good luck fixing your civic in a few years buddy.

>> No.4216067

Fuck it. Buy low sell high, that’s the strategy ain’t it? I’m in.

>> No.4216102

Accumulate https://www.tradingview.com/chart/DGBBTC/ojYBCiYa-DigiByte-Buy-Opportunity/

>> No.4216131
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How much longer until Kucoin opens the doors to trading Kucoin? Says 20:00 UTC, so that's 8 PM Korean time right? So 4 more hours?

>> No.4216290

nice just bought 250k

>> No.4216300


>> No.4216339

says the man who later says, "Damn, should have listened."

>> No.4217400

gonna pay for my parking at the airport in Digibyte while i board the space shuttle

>> No.4217409

how many layers of retarded is that DBG working with? it should be plain obvious that speed isnt a metric that is relevant to altcoins.

>> No.4217419

isnt it tho? do you not send money to exchanges and such with LTC as opposed to BTC to avoid the long wait?

>> No.4217447

They need an unbelievably thorough rebranding, and they need to change the name to DUST

>> No.4217534

so the only negative things 4chan can come up with is that they dont like the name and logo?

>> No.4217567
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Brand power matters

>> No.4217586

that chart screams BUY BUY BUY baby

>> No.4217621

This is a joke folks. Do not buy this man's bags, they are full of trash

>> No.4217636

If 4chan starts to talk about a coin

Its probably too late

>> No.4217669

>Also, Jared Tate isn't a giant fucking tool
This is the only point where I just HAVE to disagree.
He's an idiot, he keeps leaking bad information about the company that would kill any other project.
Llike when he told everyone "I sold Digusign", the only part of the DGB project that actually does ANYTHING at the moment, on livestream before someone on team informed him that he was fucking retarded for doing that, and he hilariously corrected himself with "Well, I didn't EXACTLY sell it"

>> No.4217686

well, he is a direct, honest, transparent man. an american made man's man, so to speak. also, he speaks like an evangelist. you can tell he believes his project. you better believe this guy will accomplish great things.

>> No.4217714

If he was transparent, then he would have just fessed up and said "I sold exclusive use of the only good part of our project to some noname legal firm".
But instead, as soon as someone less retarded than him told him what he'd just done, he tried to hide it.
And he does this all the time. He says dumb shit and then tries to patch up the cracks he created to no avail.
Not to mention that they barely communicate publicly anything they do, they post scarce updates of very little substance, and every time they hype up any part of their roadmap, it turns out to be something that wouldn't warrant even a patch note in other projects.

They're a joke and I'm just bitter for dumping 4BTC into this when it was 400Sat during the descent.
I could have had €30k now, instead I have barely €7k and a fear of further losses.

>> No.4218684

and yet, bitcoin is literally controlled by shady miners from china, probably using government funding. but, keep trying to throw dirt on this project. it will keep going up and getting more real world adoption, while the res of the scams and korean pump and dumps fall back to hell.

>> No.4218838

DGB is still 10x or so over previous floor. Buying now is lost money.