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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4196542 No.4196542 [Reply] [Original]

Now that a ton of us are bleeding out from the altcoin massacre, can we revive the Money From Home threads?

>freelance work
>buying and selling stuff
>anything that makes you money and isnt wagecucking

>> No.4196629
File: 10 KB, 236x253, feels.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cant stomach the thought of getting a job, having a schedule, answering to some asshole. On top of that my degree is worthless and im not gonna get hired for more than $15/hr best case scenario.

Opening an ecommerce store is pretty easy. Trying to learn about trends and digital marketing to sell stuff that people will actually buy

>> No.4196631


I make an okay amount doing freelance writing work on sites like Crowd Content and Zerys

Also trying to get some video transcription jobs but they are super anal about the application and testing process

>> No.4196678

You're just scared. You're scared of your self, you're scared of other people. You're deathly afraid of being in any kind of vulnerable position at all. You need to do some work on your insecurity, but first you need to acknowledge that insecurity is really where you're coming from with this.

>> No.4196715

girl needs to hit treadmill and diet for 6 months.

>> No.4196760

nice. I've always hated writing but my major was communications and I'd constantly write copy; I've looked into stuff like that and i think id be ok.
I actually saw a few gigs on Upwork for writing about crypto; they paid well. I'd have to learn a little more about the technology but seems like it could be fun.

Dont know anything about video transcription but theres a lot of freelance stuff for audio. Could be worth it if you type fast i guess

Fuck off. Most people are too scared to do what they actually want and instead wagecuck because "muh financial security".

I'm working towards my ecommerce goals and have learned a lot. Just like hearing from other anons that have been succesful with entrepreneur shit and are living the dream.

>> No.4196804
File: 67 KB, 636x595, 1190284-1444798380-s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


you are doing shit but jerking it to porno and waiting for mommy to make dinner....fag

i eat losers like you alive

mcdonalds employees have more value then you...want to know why? because they are constantly adding to their net....you? you are just a drain..save whoever you are depending on a couple bucks and just kill yourself

>> No.4197138

OP is getting absolutely BTFO his own thread.

>> No.4197220

lol naw....I can contribute to what i've been doing with ecommerce if anyone has questions or is interested.
The old threads died out but there were some good discussions on people actually making it work w/o wagecucking 9-5.

>mcdonalds employees have more value then you...want to know why? because they are constantly adding to their net
Lol you gotta be fucking retarded. I guarantee you most of the poor fucks working at mcdonalds never have more than $100 in their bank account

>> No.4197257


>never have more than $100 in their bank account

And how much do you have?

>> No.4197343
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about $150. I have ~15k in crypto though.
I've known some cool dudes that worked at Mcds but you're probably not very smart if you work at Mcdns longterm or after your teens.

So anyway. Anyone here making 2k+ in passive or /mfh/ income?

>> No.4197409



>> No.4197432

kek i have no idea, but the girl on the right looks a lot like a girl i know but not sure.

>> No.4197448

I don't come to this board wanting to fap but gosh darn it the temptation beckons in every thread.

Why do you do this to us? Have mercy.

>> No.4197469

Because you fucks would ignore the thread hardcore unless theres some ass in here every now and then

>> No.4197473

fatty chasers

>> No.4197589

No I don't. I don't even know what this thread is about I just commented on the ass. I'm in several other threads with no ass focusing on the actual topic there.

Using a banner for the coin you want to talk about or a funny picture works as attention grabbing too without risking attention getting away from the actual topic.

I don't want the one in the middle but actually I do. But only to jackhammer her and squirt a big load in her fat body as fast as possible. IDK why it's just my fetish now I guess even though having significant belly or a flabby ass is kinda disgusting to me.

>> No.4197609

Guys, if you have a girlfriend who is semi hot, you can sell used panties for 50-200USD each. Making about 800~ a month and all she has to do is wear them for 2-3 days without taking each off. Suckers buy them right up.

>> No.4197677

I'm a porn artist who also knows a bit of gamedev and I'm trying to build one of those 6k a month patreon things were I mantain a community around 1 or 2 adult games and do something like 4-6 porn illustrations per month. Still have a looong road ahead of me though. It's a very competitive field.

>> No.4197700


how do i mass produce these?

lol i just laughed out loud at the jewishness of my comment. what have you done to me /biz/.

>> No.4197745

You can also scam dudes online by making them think you're a hot girl and selling them dirty panties you soil yourself.
Would be cool to have a gf who you pimp out through camwhoring and shit like this.

What kind of porn anon?
I commissioned furry porn is a lucrative industry, but i cant imagine people paying a ton for stuff that isnt really weird or out there.

Tell me more about the games. i'm a musician and i'd love to score some game soundtracks.

Good idea on building a community and getting support through patron though. So many youtubers are doing that since youtube ads rekked them.
Was thinking of starting a youtube channel based around my creative projects and building it over time.

>> No.4197751


>> No.4197766


Freelancing is actually wagecucking.

>> No.4197771

**i know commissioned furry porn is a lucrative industry

lol i havent commissioned any myself. I can actually draw well enough to draw that type of shit though. I dont know if my life will take a negative turn if i start doing weird shit like that...or scamming people with the panties thing.

>> No.4198228



Except you have even worse terms than a wagecuck

>> No.4198356

naw you're not really being cucked. You dont have a boss, you have a client. Nobody owns you or comes down on you

If you're just starting out or you're bad at it. If you're killing it you can tell people to fuck off all the time and only do projects you're really interested in

>> No.4198418

Wagecucking is a meme. You probably do the same level of research into a college degree as you do into shitcoins i.e. nothing. It's called a jobs market for a reason. Find a skill in demand and exploit the low supply. I've spent the last 10 years going from 6 month contract to contract doing fuck all and getting paid an extortionate amount of money for my "expertise" which you can get from an afternoon reading Wikipedia. It's basically money for free from stressed as fuck business owners to waste on shitcoins.

>> No.4198446

can you elaborate a little anon? what type of work are you doing?

>> No.4198497


it's normal hentai. i tried furry, although it's true that furries are bad with money (or they just make enough to spend thoughtlessly, who knows) it's no different with regular porn if you're a good artist. either way furry or normal porn won't make you rich. i want to detach my time from my income long term (drawing for money sucks ass).

i do think building a community is massively valuable, and a key to success no matter what you do really. good branding + engagement = win long term

>getting paid an extortionate amount of money for my "expertise" which you can get from an afternoon reading Wikipedia

that's bs

>> No.4198526

>weg industry is incredibly competitive
Heh. Wake me up when developers aren't using DAZ presets anymore.

>> No.4198548


Search agile coach and dyor.

>> No.4198988

winter is approaching
many will need fire wood
makes you strong chopping all that wood

>> No.4199539

more like /brap/ general