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419342 No.419342[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>Be 23
>Finished college last year
>Have a BA in English because stupidity
>Lived with parents through college
>Worked shitty restaurant job since freshman year
>Stay in shitty restaurant job another year because stupidity
>Saved over $13,000
>Quit shitty restaurant job
>Try to find a real job but have no experience
>Currently interning for free
>Internship ends next week, no chance of full employment
>Desperately wants a job
>Desperately wants to move out of parents’ basement

What do /biz/?

>> No.419343

Law school.
At least you'll make more than minimum wage. Take out loans, join JAG, army pays your loans, you get a real job after your army commitment is up.

>> No.419344
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tfw make little money
tfw live on parents still
accumulate everything i earn


>> No.419348

>law school
get a load of this bait

>> No.419352

>Desperately wants to move out of parents’ basement

First of all, don't. Leech off of your parents for as long as you possibly can, as housing will be your biggest expense.

Second of all, what type of interning job did you take? Is that a career area that you have an interest in?

If not, there are many viable career paths for English majors.


Look at the career prospects and educational requirements for those that interest you on O*NET.


You may have to undertake another unpaid internship to transition into a specific path, but it will be worth it.

That $13k is a great start, by the way. Most English majors in your boat are penniless.

>> No.419353

Where do you live, OP?

What sort of internship?

>> No.419356

> there aren't good lawyers
> good lawyers don't make multi-millions
Look at this pleb. Just because a shit load of plebs think it's easy money doesn't mean it isn't a worthwhile profession for a few smart people.
Also, what the duck else is he going to do with an English degree? He could go to grad-school and teach I guess...
> Tfw I know lawyers who have cars, planes, boats, and private islands (plural) worth more than you'll make in a lifetime each.
Not even a law fag, but the ignorant hate of all things law on this board is dumb.

>> No.419357

You do realize the recent job market of law graduates?

I mean if you're exceptional, sure. But based on OP's post, that is not the case. If you'd like to blow smoke up into peoples' asses who make $ then do it man. They make so much to the point where it's just nice to know but ultimately has no bearing on most.

>> No.419359

If he wasn't a pleb he wouldn't have taken a BA in english

>> No.419362

Like I said though, what else is he going to do with an English degree?
I agree with you for the most part, I just don't like how people seem to totally exclude the possibility.

Law is on tier with med school imo, just takes more skill, more risk, more reward for the most part.

>> No.419364
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Yeah ultimately I'm trying to help OP and I guess I've already narrowed out/excluded the possibility of law school. I think if you're grooming someone in high school and want to push them into it, then by all means...I would too if it's someone I cared about.

But realistically speaking, if he picked English BA and is job-less....then clearly taking on more debt is not ideal. This is to imply he can get a job.

OP, go for an entry level job at like a financial firm. The turn over rates are high but just do it. They all just require a placeholder bachelors degree - which you have!

>> No.419365

If you interned and have no chance of full employment it means you fucking suck. Start insisting on honest feedback and take it like a man, not like the pussy bitch you are. Fucking god damnit your parents must be parasites you lazy peice of millennial shit.

>> No.419371

You're probably right, like this guy said >>419359
My way of thinking is that everyone I see who is prelaw at my school are blondes who watch too much law and order (or whatever lawyer show) and I wouldn't think of those people as competition. It's like counting paraplegics as competition in a foot race.
>Tfw law, anything psych related and all arts and crafts shit are full of chicks who can hardly spell their own name and think they'll be famous for no reason
Is this just my school or what? I don't even know how they got the ACT scores to attend...

Anyway, there's always OCS contracts. I seriously don't know where you can get employed with an English degree outside of law, writing and journalism. And the ever present military for you to sell your soul to.

>> No.419394

My girlfriend is pursuing a BA in English. I love her and supportive, I just hope she's able to do something with the degree she's passionate about. She says she doesn't think she wants to go further that a BA right now, which worries me more since a bachelor's in most fields of study is shit. I guess her talent will have to shine through...

>> No.419752

If you go to a fucking tier 2 or tier 3 and expect to get any kind of job, yes it's a joke. Not if you go to a T14, or if you want to be conservative, a T6. Yes, the market has shrunk significantly but it's not the black hole that so many people instantly perceive when they hear 'law school'.

OP, try joining the military. You can join as enlisted and then do an OCS packet while you're on active duty. Try to pick an MOS that will impart you some kind of skills. I spent a few years in the Army, and it was the best decision of my life.

>> No.419793

teach english abroad.

>> No.419816

Get a 2 year IT degree and start networking your ass off. You're not going to have fun, but you made your bed and now you have to lie in it