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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4190155 No.4190155[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I fucked up guys.
I fucked up REAAALY hard.

So yesterday i was in complete suicide mode, maybe you saw my thread.
I decided to go one last shift in mccucknalds. I added a free Cheeseburger to every single Take-Home Order (so they wouldnt see it instantly).

When my shift ended my Register was 250$ negative.
I also made a few "mistakes" when giving back money.

You gotta keep in mind at that point i wanted to kill myself and just intended to give everyone else something that would bright up their day.

Now i just got notice from my Bank that (after like 3 weeks?) they will let me take a loan of 5k.
Now here is the problem.
If i cant make those 250$ until monday (supervisor will be back by then), im gonna get fired (since i cant pay them as it stands)

And without a job, i wont get the loan, which is literally my last chance.

Plz help.
If anyone can help me out, please contact me at

I will send back any money i get once i have my loan.
Im gonna all in the rest on 10x Leverage on BTC once it has a major drop.

If this doesnt work im ending myself, my life sucks in every way, not just the financial aspect.

>> No.4190178

This is what you get from trying to fuck over your employer on purpose.

>> No.4190188

>Working at mc Donalds

Yeah get a loan, even if you lie to the bank, then buy a motorcycle, go wherever, feel free for the first time in your life.

Then kill yourself.

>> No.4190197

Brighten someone's day again OP, but this time sell blowjobs for 50 bucks instead of giving away other people's burgers.

>> No.4190202
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>op is stupid
like this anon says>>4190178

just go rent out your asshole

>> No.4190218

OP use your $250 on kneepads, lube, condoms and makeup. You’ll more than make it back over the weekend.

>> No.4190227

Go all in BCH you fool, not BTC

>> No.4190258

just don't kill yourself man.

you're just in a dip in your life, just hodl, it will go up again

>> No.4190259


Jesus christ maybe you shouldn't throw tantrums at work just because you are in a bad mood.

I bet you are one of those pathetic fags who tells everyone how "fucking horrible and soul killing customer service is" when in reality it's easy and simple. I bet you also hate on your coworkers, consider them "fucking normies" and hope they make mistakes and never help out.

Fuck you faggot.

>> No.4190267

just quit. its only mcdonalds.

>> No.4190275

Somehow this makes sense.

>> No.4190290

lol....just say you didn't feel well that day and made some order mistakes. if you never made a mistake before, maybe you'll get away scott free.

>> No.4190293

OP bist du der sandneger der vorgibt deutscher zu sein?

>> No.4190296

Its funny how you assume all that without anything to back it up

>> No.4190303

I need it in order to receive the loan though

I wouldnt be there if i didnt have to

>> No.4190314
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Ja ; bin mir aber ziemlich sicher ich bin weiß

>> No.4190407


you gave away the shareholder's burgers, u deserve a buttpounding!

>> No.4190450

>email address


you're gonna blow the 5k on random shitcoins shilled by pajeets again, aren't you?

>> No.4190467


du bist echt nicht der hellste anon, oder?
als altschwuchtel geb ich dir einen freundlichen rat. such dir einen besseren job. und lass dich nicht so leicht von 4chn autisten trollen.

>> No.4190484

American overseas here, met my family here and went to their house for the first time today, cousins in a 3rd world country, they live in a wooden shed you fucking german faggot I'm happy to see your country go to shit with assholes like you ruining everything. Be a man and do right by your boss, stop that pussy kys talk, and buy some NEO you cuck.

>> No.4190504


Is... is old /biz/ back?!?

>> No.4190538


>> No.4190629

Seriously fgt... These little scams of yours? Do they work ? Do you actually make money of these poor plebs ?
At some point you might just fuck with some ruski that'll find you and break your legs.

>> No.4190767

an hero, save yourself the grief.
btw: i just spilt my pumpkin spice latte, I'm really distraught about this 1F1tAaz5x1HUXrCNLbtMDqcw6o5GNn4xqX plz anons, PLZ!

>> No.4190826

i give you 0,5 btc after you kys

>> No.4190853

always the wurschtfingers

>> No.4190910

This is a classic example that good intentions can lead to horrible outcome. Didn't you consider for a second that one of your costumers could be lactose intolerant or simply disliked cheese? Probably not, and that's the reason why you work at McDonalds.

>> No.4190989


>> No.4191041

So much BS in this post.

Where did all the cheeseburgers come from? If you don't punch that shit in the back doesn't make the food. If you did punch it in how did you bill the proper amount for the customers without the cheeseburger?

OP this is /biz/. Did you really think no one here worked at McDonald's?

>> No.4191043

Don't kys dude, it's just a fucking job, you'll get another/ you will be fine. In 10 years time you'll look back and wonder why you got so worried in the first place

>> No.4191056

>Bride breaks down when husband shows bank accounts on wedding day

>> No.4191097

I'd like to order one large McLarp pls

>> No.4191119
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>> No.4191511

I work at Wendy's. I leave my phone vid on when I'm in drive through. I have like dozens of cards on video with code. I upload a couple a week to Jokers Stash - instant cash.

>> No.4191812

I bet he even kneels during the National Anthem.

>> No.4191823

You’re just going to lose the loan money anyway, might as well continue on with the plan.

>> No.4191844

This is why I don’t go to fast food places.

>> No.4191877

yo can i get the onion link

>> No.4192062

$5,000 in Verge brother!

>> No.4192149

kill yourself already you're too weak for this.

>> No.4192172

Cool story, bro.

>> No.4192185

I'll do it if you give your name, a timestamped pic holding your license, address, social security number, phone number (with verification), etc.

This is a serious offer.

>> No.4192373

This. Larping at its finest.

>> No.4192430

This is why I cover the name, numbers, expiration and security code on my cards with strips of duct tape. Everybody should do this. Just make sure you don't cover the chip or magnetic strip.

>> No.4193000
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Yo this is the faggot that got me to use his referral link and he promised to send eth. Fuck this dude nothing but a fucking liar. Kys

>> No.4193460
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But my life is an irredeemable shitcoin.

>> No.4193493

its literally so easy to get a minimum wage job, just fucking quit MCcucks and get a job at any other fast food or retail place fuckin A retard nigger.

>> No.4193919

LOL dont give this dumb fucking autist any money.

>> No.4193935
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>this thread

>> No.4193939

oh no its not like i can deny the charge and get you busted for credit card fraud. i filed a fbi racketeering complaint on the fbi website just now also

>> No.4193998



>> No.4194021
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>all those people report credit card fraud
>They all have one thing in common..
>Your Wendy's gets flagged
>Don't even need to finish the rest
>The year is now 2020
>Wendy's nigger is still in prison
>/biz/ all got rich off crypto
>Wendy's guy is now someones bottom bitch and had to use all his crypto to get a good lawyer

You're fucked.

>> No.4194499

>I bet you are one of those pathetic fags who tells everyone how "fucking horrible and soul killing customer service is" when in reality it's easy and simple.
The guy is pathetic, no doubt about that, but customer service actually is the worst. My first job I had way back in college was doing tech support shit and it was awful.

If youre not a beta cuck you actually cant stand to be talked down to like everyone does to you in customer service.

>> No.4194771

tell your boss, hope he doesn't fire you and pay him back with the loan. Also, if you are using the loan to buy ICOs and think it is your last chance just kys.

>> No.4194802

This desu. Take the loan of $5K, buy a nice bike for 3-4K & start working odd jobs in California to pay for food & living expenses. You will be much happier, because you can travel wherever you want.

>> No.4194805

OP please post follow-up if somebody helps you out

>> No.4194806

you know it's pretty easy to program a algorithm that seeks out common points of purchase from multiple fraudulent purchases right? example.

20 people report their card has unauthorized usage. you search within those 20 cards, what is the common purchase point. it narrows down to a restaurant, at a specific time.

>> No.4194824

RIP. Enjoy prison.

>> No.4194923


Sounds like a really clever idea

>> No.4194979

Spotted the filthy jew.

>> No.4195008

>Hey Chuck, you better see this. There’s a common theme among all these CC theft cases.... a purchase at Big Al’s Dildo Depot, each of them on a Sunday, and each between $20-$50.
>Doesn’t OP live on that side of town?
>I think we got our man.

>> No.4195028

..........you dont even have 250 saved? gtfo

>> No.4195091

I get being right-wing but being a bootlicker is disgusting. "Oh noo muh cheeseburgers" fuck off

>> No.4195116

Why would they fire you over 250? Literally say these exact words i did it all the time at work at a gas station, works 100% of the time.

"Sorry, i fucked up. Wont happen again."

>> No.4195145

Thats a big hairy pussy

>> No.4195147
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This is why you should always have some cash and not use plastic for every goddamn transaction.

> 2030, anon has a heartdisease
> insurance comes over
> as we can see in your financial history it looks like you been eating fattie foods all your live on a weekly basis, we're sorry but this is your own fault and you'll have to pay for all medical expenses yourself.
Ahhh the future, looking so bright.

>> No.4195206

It's called a promotional! If your manager's smart, they'll claim the idea as their own in order to drive up return customership. Fuck it, that food's garbage which gets thrown out with the rest of the trash as it expires, anyway (or, so we should hope....)

Good for you, anon; if I were your boss, I would *not* fire you.

I would *thank* you for the TWO additional cheeseburgers which, over the next two weeks, on average, WILL be sold to, on average, ALL of the customers you gave ONE free chesseburger to today -- cheeseburgers which we would not have sold otherwise.

So, basically, anon, you did a 33% off special on a single cheeseburger per customer, in the long run, when you average in all the extra times they'll come here instead of going somewhere else that one time, remembering that free cheeseburger they got before, and they're kind of hoping for another free cheeseburger, maybe, by surprise, just like last time.

Relax, kid; don't worry: you made SALES. This business is VOLUME! Good work. Now go back to work.

>> No.4195218

It has nothing to do with jews, it's basic decency.

>> No.4195296

This. The guys who accuses you of being a jew are actually behaving as a jew.
It's typical of jews to accuse others of being jews; they know it's an offense.