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File: 68 KB, 800x635, BCC.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4182085 No.4182085 [Reply] [Original]

Just a daily reminder that Bitcoin Cash is Satoshi's original vision for the currency.

Buy it now

>> No.4182094

Flippening when

>> No.4182116

The best bet in this FUD. Massive potential

>> No.4182127
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>Satoshi's vision

>> No.4182178


I'm expecting 2k by Christmas. Sometime next year is when the flippening will occur

>> No.4182603
File: 375 KB, 710x594, 1509636113822.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bcash is the altcoin that is more far away from the Satoshi's vision.
Hell even Dogecoin is more "Satoshi" than Btrash

>> No.4182918


What's with B2X?

>> No.4182969

FInally a meme that actually portrays the reality.

All the shit segwit enables > the retarded changes on Bcash

>> No.4183003

all the miners are moving over to cash until the fork. Shits not going to stop raising till then

>> No.4183026

>hits not going to stop raising till then

you mean after the fork, the Cash will stop to rise ?

>> No.4183040

There is nothing in Satoshi Nakamoto's whitepaper about increasing block size.,Bch is an attack on the bitcoin network backed by 1 dev and bitcoin Judas.

>> No.4183058

> It can be phased in, like: if (blocknumber > 115000) maxblocksize = largerlimit
> It can start being in versions way ahead, so by the time it reaches that block number and goes into effect, the older versions that don’t have it are already obsolete.
> -Satoshi Nakamoto

don't be absolete, anon. buy bitcoin (cash)

>> No.4183439
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>> No.4183455

/u/theymos please go

>> No.4183513

> Satoshi's original vision for the currency.

>"muh founding fathers. muh constitution!"

You can tell that these cucks are burgers all the way.

>"Someone who had a lot of power and drive decided this was for the best long ago that should be argument enough."

Lmao stupid politically self cucked burgers.

>> No.4183568


Fuck off tones

>> No.4183796

By following Bitcoin’s original economic code BitcoinCash’s market cap is higher today than Bitcoin’s was just one year ago.

>> No.4184210


FUD like this shows you fags are scared. BTC is antiquated and will be forked into oblivion. BCH is now the future

>> No.4184389

Korea is waking up

>> No.4184418
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Time to check on my favorite crypocurren-aaaahhHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH

>> No.4185033
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Fake Satoshi's Vision

>> No.4185176

fuck off faggot boy

>> No.4185312

It's an exit pump to get 1x and 2x btc before fork. But it's going to go high.

>> No.4185336

1k before fork

>> No.4185338

stop spreading bs

>> No.4185344
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>> No.4185349

BTC is antiquated and a shitcoin. BCH is a slightly less antiquated shitcoin.

They're both shit plagued by the worst kinds of miner politics and deserve to die.

>> No.4185367
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Fuck off Somali Butt Pirate.

>> No.4185389

Salty Alty. Back to your alt coin containment scam. Oh wait, Bitcoin Cash IS an Alt Coin Scam. Never mind, carry on.

>> No.4185431

Memes and shitposts asides. Why do you think it's the original idea?

>> No.4185567


Shitposting on the internet all day and getting triggered

>> No.4186051

flippening is about to happen this month bruh. Not sure why you think the segshit chains will be able to hang on with no miner support.

>> No.4186104

BCH has a purpose and a use as digital cash unlike bitcoin segshit which is only used as a speculative bubble fueled by dumb money like yourself buying in because it always seems to go up - until it doesn't.

>> No.4186125
File: 2.27 MB, 1456x1670, flippening.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought it was a meme but the more I look in the shadows, the more the writing is on the wall!

>> No.4186142

BCH supporters are late-entry redditors who can't afford full coins without a flippening.

>> No.4186342

Rodger Ver is worth like 3 billion these day. Don't be deluded

>> No.4186420
File: 40 KB, 1211x633, btcpow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Proof of Work is the only non-arbitrary metric you should be looking at.

BTC is the chain with the most accumulated difficulty. think of the amount of work on a chain as the amount of energy burned to secure the network.

Every day BTC moves further and further away from BCH. BTC will always be the highest difficulty chain with the most proof of work.

>> No.4186433

Fuck BCH.
Fuck BCH shills.
That is all.

>> No.4186458


>> No.4186464




>> No.4186507

I personally agree, but you got to understand the position BTC has taken.

>> No.4186548
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reminder that Bcash is currently on EDA damage control

oh my sides

>> No.4186583
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>> No.4186617

should have bought the real bitcoin with the proof-of-work behind it instead of speculating on a minority chain fork