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4177266 No.4177266 [Reply] [Original]

Bitcoin or Bitcoin Cash?

>> No.4177279


>> No.4177280

Bitcoin Gold

>> No.4177287

BCC. Segwit is everzthing nakamoto was against. BCC is the true coin. I bough in early, and i will keep holding this for years untill it will reach 50k per coin. Take from this what you want, but BCC is love

>> No.4177402
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>desperate bcash bagholders shilling heavier than linkies

>> No.4177413
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Here's a hint: connects your bits

>> No.4177418

BCH is Trump BTC is Hillary. Get the story straight you leftypol faggot.

>> No.4177436

why not invest in both?

>> No.4177448


>> No.4177644

i'm still low on money

>> No.4177723

To use the parlance of our time yes

>> No.4178443

Bitconnect. On long term it's theh best investment.

>> No.4178467

i think bch is better and will end up being "true btc",
that said, i keep the same amount of btc and bch

>> No.4178505
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Riiiiiiiiise young BTH.

>> No.4178515

Tell me why BCH won't crash when miners will flock to Segwit?

>> No.4178524
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>> No.4178537

BTC will never be knocked from its dominant position or price.

If it was knocked then that would be the end of crypto as we know it.

>> No.4178784
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>whats bigger blocks so poorfag niggers can transact at the cost of centralizing network
>doesn't realize he is the delusional leftist faggot

>> No.4178788

Because it will.

>> No.4178802

One coin offers utility; instant, cheap transactions with onchain scaling. The other coin offers a change of narrative from "currency" to "store of value" and will be gridlocked on Nov.14. Figure out which is which and decide for yourself

>> No.4178829
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>the world ends because some shitcoin loses its dominant position


>> No.4179221
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Bitcoin of course

Bcash is absolutely piece of shit, designed to abuse the difficulty adjustment to ripoff retards
>No devs, no improvements
>Linear scale

Richard Heart point the problems of this shitcoin at the 44 minutes mark.

>> No.4179323

No devs? Are you full retard?

>> No.4179368

show me the Bcash Github

>> No.4179459
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>> No.4179482

you see this post right here gentlemen?
This is how you know that alts are not done getting fucked in the ass by bitcoin.

>> No.4179502

Ok so they dont have a official github. They copy pasted failed forks from 2-3 years ago. Very nice devs you have there

>> No.4179530

Everyone is here for the pump n dump anyway.

>> No.4179563


>completely fud accusations
>links richard heart


anywho, bitcoiner from 2009 here.
Bitcoin cash is what bitcoin was always meant to be before blockstream usurped the github repo (to be fair, gavin stepped down, but still..)

if you truly understand segwit + LN, you'd know how backwards it is to say that a centralized piece of shit vaporware like LN is going to save bitcoin... in 18 months.

It's a battle for fees, Blockstream trying to funnel it from the miners to their exclusive hardware/services. Of course they'll lose b/c that's no longer bitcoin.


>> No.4179580


>> No.4179616

Your advocating for Bitcoin to change to benefit kikes that have admitted to gimping the Bitcoin network for profit.

>> No.4179620

People are just trying to make $$ out of BCH. I don't see CME planning to trade futures on BCH. The only reason for the rise of BCH is due to the uncertainty behind S2X which they've already said they'll leave it running on core 1.4. As soon as the fork happens bch will crash big time.