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4143989 No.4143989 [Reply] [Original]

>Work a wagie job where I deal with people all day long
>Cute girls and milfs call in all the time for information about our products and services
>They're nice but im a virgin and feel terrible about how I will never actually get to meet them
>They make jokes and giggle all the time

How can I cope?

>> No.4144225


>> No.4144253

>work wagie job
>see girls 'make it' by marrying some guy who was born wealthy
>they act all uppity because they thin they've earned it

>> No.4144254

fake it till you make it. It's not like they know you are a virgin.

>> No.4144255

wank off

>> No.4144273

Yeah I know but I wish I could lose my virginity

>> No.4144299

I mean if you want to bang roasties and sluts there are places for that. Dont expect much else from them though.

>> No.4144339

Id like to bang roasties

>> No.4144352



>> No.4144353


See a whore then mate, they're fun.

>> No.4144460


clubs/bars?? Dont you have friends that invite you to parties?

Also that's incredibly degenerate

>> No.4144679

You can talk to girls. That's a pretty good start.

>> No.4144694

How is that a good start? Everyone can do that, it's not like im having sex with them.

>> No.4144755
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You can't attract women without being rich or good looking. Up your wealth game

>> No.4144773

Call a prostitute.

>> No.4144843

So do people who arent rich or good looking all virgins? Is 99% of society virgins?

>> No.4145018


Low-tier guys are the ones fucking landwhales after nights out at the bar. If you don't want to bed an intoxicated shamu, get your money up

>> No.4145100

Its called 'rapport' OP

Your job is an entirely perfect opportunity to learn the relaxed, carefree, and fun art of just talking to people.

The stakes are low, bro. Its learning time

>> No.4145117

I'm not learning shit u normie. I'm talking to people about business, not banging them.

>> No.4145161


go back to your containment board Elliot

>> No.4145218

With that attitude yull prolly stay a virgin whith agro problems because you get frustrated peepee and cant learn to have a fucking normal conversation without thinking of fucking someone. Just cause you havent fucked a chick doesnt mean shit it just means you need to up your talking skills and not focus on having sex. Theres more to life than that learn to fucking communicate and enjoy that. Youll find chicks easier

>> No.4145250


And this is why you fail.

As a man, you have to come to terms with your biological expendability. Your goal is to stop being a whiny loser and learn how to be appreciative of your own invisibility -- this is the only way to find real reasons and ways to change it.

Until then you're just a bitter faggot that wishes he was a woman. Fuck off

>> No.4145279

Fucking normies u dont understand me

>> No.4145287

Trust me they know

>> No.4145333

So much this. One of my classmates just got to be in playboy. She got herself a rich coke dealer looking husband who financed her countless plastic surgeries.

Now her dream has come true, she was on playboy cover for a local version of my 3rd world shithole.

If anyone wants I can post link to her fb.

>> No.4145809

Goes without saying that everyone wants that.

>> No.4145997

>Everyone can do that
That's not true at all m8

>> No.4146494

Everyone can do it. I'm not saying pickup lines and banging them, I'm talking about business shit.

>> No.4146552

Just get an escort. Thought I might regret throwing my virginity away on one but it was just a weight off my shoulders.

>> No.4146752

so you dont regret going with an escort?

i've been thinking about doing that. I've been approaching women for 8 months and im still to scared to ask for numbers even if they seem interested

>> No.4146978

No, I don't. One thing you have to realize is normies have had years practice at having sex by now. A typical woman would have had tons of sex partners before you to compare your performance with and she's going to know you're a virgin. The only way to get around this issue is to practice with escorts for a few times to learn how to not cum too early and just how to do all the positions.

>> No.4147043

Here's my story: (28yr old male KHV)
Middle-aged women 45+ seem to be interested in me, sometimes they buy me drinks or snacks and talk a lot with me.
Younger women (aged 30 and below) treat me like shit both at clubs and at work.
Now I don't know how to handle this as I am pretty autistic.
I do have that chad face though, but I lack the chad personality.
What do?

>> No.4147247


Don't do anything, Older women eat stable dudes up. The whole middle aged dude fucking 18 year old equivalent is middle aged women fucking stable dudes.

Can't say for or against, its really up to the individual. One man's opinion? Its not worth it. Not from the "special feelings, first time" perspective, just that sex isn't as amazing as neck beards who don't get any seem to think it is, the cost, the risk both legal and health wise, its just not worth it in the end.

I know the feeling OP. I work in a "desirable" industry for women. Its the "hero" complex, "man in uniform" deal. We also happen to work in a region of the country that pays us significantly well, (6 figures). I got into my industry very early on. Women didn't give a shit in the early 20s, infact while I was slaving away at school, doing internships, working 72 hour shifts the roasties were out partying with chad. Now all the single moms come through my work with school tour groups and swoon. I am a 30 year old who is stable, makes decent money, is paid to work out (I'm not ugly as a result) and has my shit together.

You know how I cope? Count my money, county my blessings and buy a brand new motorcycle every 2 years and take 3 months off work to vacation around the world (africa, asia, europe)

The grass is always greener, but just know when it comes to women, and more specifically women in America, you are not missing out on anything. Just meet a nice girl and go slow. That will be worth it, but the girls chasing around the chads? Its draining and once you figure out its not worth it, its too late.

That chad you envy is going to be-
>a.) 40 year old midlife crisis with a divorce, sports car he can't afford
>B.) Suicide
>C.) Drug/alcohol problem
>D.) Living in a shitty apartment paying alimony and child support

You do you OP and work towards lamboland, shit will work out.

>> No.4147300
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>tfw no paid vacation time and just barely make over $2k a month
>TFW not as great of a job as you

>> No.4147404


Keep working. This was the result of 10 years of hard work. I am not done and neither should you.

Just work hard and by the time you hit your 30s you will have your pick. Just know the depressing thing is the older I get the more choice I have, but the less quality there is. Like I said, the grass isn't always greener.

>> No.4147478

I'm 21 and starting to feel lost and confused.

>> No.4147619


It gets better, just keep chugging. Going to school? Learning an industry? Always go into the day asking yourself how you are bettering yourself.

Sometimes that is just going to work and getting one more day on the resume for the future employer to look back at experience.

>> No.4147725

No, just wagecucking. Not really related with the future career I want to do. Not the worst job of course but I feel like I could be doing a lot more if I applied myself.

>> No.4147981


Just keep going, shit gets better.

>> No.4148093

>It gets better

no it doesn't shut the fuck up

>> No.4148110

Treat the older ones nicer and treat the younger ones as they do to you, they get off on the behaviours they exhibit respectively, hence why they do it to you.

>> No.4148226

>Can't say for or against, its really up to the individual. One man's opinion? Its not worth it. Not from the "special feelings, first time" perspective

I think the special feelings would be there anyway, except you're not as nervous about not being able to perform. If you already watch porn and masturbate you've already lusted for, and simulated having sex with thousands of women, you might as well do it for real with an escort.

>> No.4148344


Until you realize you are out cash, feel gross, await your STD tests that could take up to 6 months, and may end up in a sting now adding a criminal record and fines/court fees and embarrassment.

>> No.4148377

>Work a wagie job where I deal with people all day long
>Cute girls and milfs show up all the time for our products and services
>They're nice but im a virgin and feel terrible about how I will never actually get to meet them alone
>They make jokes and giggle all the time
>But I only get to speak to their mothers

How can I cope?

>> No.4148379

What's stopping me from just euthanizing random women?

>> No.4148433

Fucking kill yourself, normie faggot.

>> No.4148580

Your bitterness is a sign that you still value something. Neurotic breaks are reserved for those that want desperately to believe that nothing is good and sacred and thus want to punish the beautiful and innocent, but it's very hard to be this delusional -- because if you really did embrace life's Infinite Bigness and your own ultimate meaninglessness, you'd just stare into space and peacefully fade away.

>> No.4148647

Tfw literally too autistic to make the first move
Thankfully I meet a chick every now and then into me enough to make the first moves

>> No.4148696

There are equally high risks to have sex with a real roastie. You're going to spend hundreds of dollars on her anyway, and she could accuse you of rape if she regrets it, and the typical bar slut probably gets tested for STD's less than a high class escort.