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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

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4118926 No.4118926 [Reply] [Original]

The downtrend will continue for a while. 1k sats looks like a solid support, after that we will see 150-200% pump. I recommend pulling out for now.

>> No.4118969

nice fud, but i will accumulate more

>> No.4118995

Are you retarded? I just predicted a pump to 3k sats. Go ahead and buy like an idiot now, when it's clear just by looking at the order book that this whale intends to push it lower.

>> No.4119054
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I am not fucking selling
This is gonna pump at any moment and I am not giving you my tickets

>> No.4119095

thanks for your well written and complete exposition. ill sell

>> No.4119120

Don't worry, my tickets for the ride are secured.

>> No.4119125

>s-sell me your bags

>> No.4119135

what exchange can i buy this from in the us

>> No.4119148

keep it that way bro

lets not fret over a few cents

Coss.io m8

>> No.4119156
File: 26 KB, 428x368, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes, thank you for the clearly-thought out and well written, full of arguments post. You convinced me and there's no way to argue against your rock-solid case as to why COSS will dump to 1k sats. I'm logging on COSS as we speak and I'm dumping my 20k stack because you can clearly forsee the future.

>> No.4119162

Can someone redpill me on this shit?

I read the whitepaper and its claiming to have plans for a decentralized exchange, but the COSS wallets are all based on their server in singapore or something. Am I just misunderstanding decentralized exchanges? How is it any different than having to deposit into, say, your bittrex wallet to trade on bittrex?

>> No.4119166

Dumped another 5% while you wrote this out.

>> No.4119226

I *think* they are two separate projects, the exchange with dividend payouts and token swap, which is the peer to peer option.

>> No.4119243

So what? It can dump 10% more and It could instantly recover in the matter of minutes, it all random. Please do tell me how you predict the market.

>> No.4119258

I can't predict the market. I can predict the whale. This price action has nothing to do with market whatsoever.

>> No.4119300
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don't fall for this obvious FUD

stock up now or miss the moon launch

>> No.4119301

They are adding new coins this week, no fucken way i'm selling now

>> No.4119326
File: 108 KB, 400x381, 03b.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>says he cant predict the market
>original post is about predicting the market

Its another episode of "i can predict price but im not a billionare"

>> No.4119364

There is no market, you faggot. It's a single whale suppressing the price. Literally up 50% today just by selling early and slowly averaging down.

>> No.4119387

lmao and theres a nice green candle

fucking dick
You're not helping anyone.

>> No.4119397

good for you,
keep making your nice profits
what do you have to gain from getting people here to sell?
oh yeah, you wanna buy lower.

>> No.4119412
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>I-its going to 1k sats guys, my crystal ball said so.

>> No.4119431


I will unironically go to COSS right now and buy 100k market orders for every dubs until I run out of Shit Coins Bitcoins and sharpies.
Quads and I all in an order at market.

>> No.4119443
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The king has risen


>> No.4119450

nice, just sold 100k

>> No.4119456


>> No.4119470
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dumping for dubz

meme magic don't fail me now

>> No.4119479

is this true?

>> No.4119499
File: 99 KB, 479x859, 1508990948386.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yep. The cap on this suppression lifts very shortly.

>> No.4119514
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coss will add every relevant coin in the entire cryptoshpere
One at a time boi

>> No.4119531

We need more volume for coss to go up and also we need coins with huge demand that aren't on proper exchanges to get more volume.

>> No.4119542
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Kucocks get in here and be useful for once in you're pajeet lives
help us get repeating digits

>> No.4119546

i dont think it will bring much though, but at least we see some progress.
they need to get to fix the ui, a major facelift supposed to come at the end of november.

>> No.4119564

>korean coin
>all the shillers are pajeets

ok. did one of you guys get cucked by a pajeet? is that where all the hatred comes from?

>> No.4119600

Still waiting

also admittedly the UI is complete dogshit and the thing holding them back. Kucoins dividend, the main selling point of the fucking exchange, is set to decrease a la the white paper. While that coin may be better in the short term. Or at least as long as COSS keeps up this....It's not even pajeet tier UI its less than that. They will be the better buy.

After that though its fucking Mars since COSS cant change the payout ratio.

>> No.4119614

time to buy

>> No.4119652
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>> No.4119682


You're safe for a few hours other exchanges are being stupidly slow having difficulty moving my funds to COSS at present

>> No.4120185

Almost done accumulating. How are you boys doing? Predictions? I'm thinking moon starts today/tonight.

>> No.4120364

I dont think it will pump anytime soon until they improve the UI which will take longer than everyone expects.

>> No.4120405

I think it will not pump up majorly until we get more volume on the exchange. We are now just speculating.

>> No.4120424

wait for me i wanna buy 30k more

>> No.4120456

Hey, the UI could be etherdelta-tier. As it is right now is just barely above coinexchange, but it really needs an improvement.

And I agree on COSS being a more of a slow burner rather than a michael bay pump and dump.

>moon tonight
Try first half of november at best.

>> No.4120469


There will be a mini-FOMO with the LINK release

>> No.4120493

Any idea when the link release is supposed to be?

>> No.4120576

Yeah. 7PM CT tomorrow. See >>4119300

>> No.4120652

>POSW 2.0

Do not buy this literal shitcoin.

>> No.4120723

i dont get why the real shitcoins have higher marketcap than this

>> No.4120756

Right? It's insane that COSS is less than 10 cents.

>> No.4120775

Probably because coss IS a shitcoin.

>> No.4120790

You're trying too hard

>> No.4120817

He is but a simple man with no vision

>> No.4120818

bitconnect IS a shitcoin
there are so many other coins without any plan or product. COSS is super cheap

>> No.4120844

Everyone is trying to dump. Where are all the buyers that are gonna push it up?

>> No.4120920

They fomo back in after selling it as they are the people who are aware of the coin in the first place. First time in crypto?

>> No.4121225

guys this shit is JUSTing me so fucking hard ahh i bought at 20 cents fuck.

>> No.4121299
File: 360 KB, 900x900, Snuggawoo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to scrape together a total of 50k. I am but a small fish in a large pond, but you cannot comprehend my level of comfy.


>> No.4121324

if you sell at a loss you're gonna be justed

if you hold you're gonna be a fat green wojack
you'll be fine m8

>> No.4121352

You'll be fine. Check CMC. Accumulation has picked up on HitBTC without much up or down movement. Accumulation is in full right now.

>> No.4121357
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why you buy only at ATH, anon?

>> No.4121422
File: 129 KB, 600x719, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought at 13 cents a small amount and rode the PnD to 26 cents. It fell under 20 and bounced back for a bit so i thought it would stop falling. Plus the idea behind it seemed so good and undervalued. I bought a lot at 20 cents and been getting fucked ever since.
yeah i wont sell because it defintely will get better with UI updates but the FOMO on other coins is rough.

>> No.4122374
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>> No.4122410

nice friendo

>> No.4122626

>yeah i wont sell because it defintely will get better with UI updates but the FOMO on other coins is rough.
this I can def understand

>> No.4122943

I actually can't believe how cheap this is. It has the potential to be the best exchange.

>> No.4123737

Potential is the key word there, they may fuck it up. Although the rest of the fucking crypto market is based on crazy speculation, this coin may be overlooked in that regard, because rn it's trading at about it's actual current value (%5 div/year)

>> No.4124280

Just woke up and lo and behold, it's lower than when I went to sleep.