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4102673 No.4102673 [Reply] [Original]

At what age should men move out according to /biz/?

I'm starting to really hate living with my parents. There's few good jobs here unless I commute for two hours a day to the big city and I'm a virgin at 22 so I'm starting to wonder how much that's related.

I know saving money is important but honestly I'm starting to wonder when it's enough and I should move out.

>> No.4102843


>> No.4102887

25 here and comfy parasiting of my parents only immature kids chose to adventure into life with nothing at all
Also .
>muh independence

>> No.4102930

How is "muh x" an argument? I brought up a couple reasons that are important to me.

>with nothing at all
But I have a fulltime job and savings / investments.

>> No.4102934

18 not a year later

>> No.4102956

Getting more responsibility and having no one else to rely on besides yourself is immature?
Dude what fucking distortion of realtiy do you have? I wish I could cope with living with my parents like that.

>> No.4102987

Turning 26 and I'm still a leech

I also have a full time job though so it helps since I'm not in constant contact with them

>> No.4103009

Accumulate money through crypto for a year or two and bear the pain. Don't fuck it up, keep it simple, count your money.

If you can live comfy with just 10-20% of your net worth then that's the time to move out.

Keep your cool and maintain a low profile, patiently building support to your rise to power. Once you learn patience, your options suddenly expand.

>> No.4103029

I don't really trade crypto though. I have like 80% of my money in index funds, 10% in chequing account and 10% in cryptos.

>> No.4103038

Traditionally I think it was pretty young (~18-22 range) but nowadays it seems like everyone's a fucking NEET leeching off their parents until 25+

Personally I'm a bit older, born in the mid 80s. My parents gave me an ultimatum after highschool: get a job and pay them rent, or get the fuck out. Kind of sucked but neither of them were academics so there was no encouragement for me to go to college/uni. It was all about making money straight away.

So anyway I did get a job and paid them rent for awhile, ended up moving out with a girlfriend though around ~19. Been on my own ever since. Put myself through college years later, ended up being a waste of money in my case though since I eventually just started my own small business (unrelated to what I studied) and have earned my living that way.

That said, I have a much younger brother (in his early 20s now) and he's a typical leech type, still with parents, they're softer on him compared to me, still pay all his bills, cellphone, food, gas for car, don't charge him any rent, he sits around smoking weed and playing video games.

I still don't have kids, not sure if I ever will, don't really want to but have been considering it a little more lately now that I'm in my early 30s. I think if I had kids I would not tolerate them leeching, I'd be extremely strict in that if they were just sitting around doing essentially nothing, trying to "find themselves" or some shit, they'd be out on their ass - BUT I would help and support them through college immediately after highschool. So I'd make sure my kids did well in highschool, and immediately after they'd be going to college/uni which I'd help pay for/support, and as soon as their college/uni ended they'd be on their own with no handouts from me. I'd be there in the event of actual crisis (assuming they didn't bring it on themselves by being irresponsible) but that's about it.

>> No.4103061

Agreed. I got the fuck out as soon as possible even though my parents are very loving. Having to move back for the holidays was painfully comfy. Being too comfortable is not conducive to personal growth, anon. You have to fall before you can fly.

>> No.4103065

Doesn't being NEET kind of defeat the purpose?

The justification of "im saving money by living with my parents" kind of falls apart if you aren't even making any money...

>> No.4103085

Only reason I didn't move out at 19 was because I was on house arrest for 6 years. I even bought a house but couldn't legally live in it.

>> No.4103116

>already knows the answer is 18

>goes onto a board of neets for validation

>> No.4103131

Just seeking some advice and maybe motivation desu senpai

>> No.4103160

you can be NEET collect unemployment bux and invest in crypto like 80% of this board

>> No.4103198

yes I agree, I'm just saying a lot of people are NEETs nowadays and it's kinda sad. Wasn't accusing you of it necessarily.

If you have a comfortable amount of money saved up I'd say go give living on your own a try. Just be responsible with your money. You don't need to be obsessive but do up a rough budget, calculate for all your expenses, figure out how much you'll be able to save per month, and try to have a nice amount of savings in the event of catastrophe, like if you lose your job you don't want to feel immediately stressed. Personally I was borderline homeless when I was younger, living paycheck to paycheck at one point, and did lose my job (company basically went bankrupt) and I had so much stress and no one to turn to, I swore I wouldn't let that happen again and when I started working again I cut all my expenses to the bare minimum, took a part-time second job, and went into pure accumulation mode until I had almost 2 years worth of expenses saved up in the bank. Have never dropped below that mark since.

If you do continue living at home for awhile, focus on saving enough to buy a small house or condo. Preferably something very cheap (but not entirely run down) that you can pay off in one lump sum, or close to it. The most stressful expense you have when starting independent life is rent or mortgage payments. Without having to worry about that you could literally survive easily on a minimum wage if you had to.

>> No.4103212

If you're thinking that hard about it, it's time. Go and create the life you want to life. Money is but one of the tools you can use to make your lifestyle, use it and do not become used by it.

>> No.4103223

>Having to move back for the holidays was painfully comfy.
Going to school is not moving out!

>> No.4103229

the only people i know, who still live with their parents above age 20 are virgin NEETS, not even lying. they play all day vidya while i work my ass off. only 2 people out of ~20 friends, though. the first one is 26, the second one is turning 33 this year. i really wonder why they haven't killed themselves yet. and they talk all the time about fucking bitches, kek. some friends and i took the older guy, when he turned 30, to a brothel, but he didn't even fuck for free, we wanted to pay for him. wtf is wrong with these people??

>> No.4103234
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>> No.4103239

> have like 80% of my money in index funds, 10% in chequing account

That's boring and only for the end game (retirement), you'll not accumulate enough money that way. Either create your own business or daytrade crypto. But creating business is riskier and lots of work than crypto.

It's easy to gain 1% a day through crypto.

Just remember these 3 advice:
-buy low, sell high.
-Be fearful when others are greedy and greedy when others are fearful.
-don't fall for the memes

If you can gain 1% a day through crypto, you're $5,000 for 600 days will be $1,957,916.98 (my maths is accurate)

Impatient NEETS will be laughing at your 1% but they'll be jelly 600 days later.

Like I said:
Keep your cool and maintain a low profile, patiently building support to your rise to power. Once you learn patience, your options suddenly expand.

>> No.4103256

It depends on where you are financially and what you are doing in life. I am 20 and still living at home, probably will be until 23. I am going to college at a very expensive prestigious medical school with no dorms. Due to this I live at home and commute. I work in my off time to help pay for some of the bills I can afford to help with and save up to help pay off some student loans.

But if you aren't going to college you should save up and work full time for about 1 year before you move out so you have some funding as you will probably run into a lot of problems early on.

>> No.4103263

The right answer.

>> No.4103274

Brothels are kind of offensive to some cultural implications one could be raised in.

I've turned down prostitutes that were within the hour gang-banged after I left. Of course I turned them down, retard.

>> No.4103278

Seems accurate.

I honestly have never met or heard of someone IRL who lived with their parents passed 25 and wasn't a huge loser.

>> No.4103296

Hey /biz/. 24 year old here. Want to move out but I'm in the northeast (massachusetts) so housing is really expensive.

I found a decent 1 bedroom apartment near me but I'd be paying 43% of my income to live there. This is the cheapest place I can find, but it's in a downtown area.
Alternatively I could just rent a single room in the suburbs for like 700-800 a month. But that would basically be giving money to live in the same comforts I have at home.
Or I could just stay at home until I make more.

>> No.4103326

Don't do it man, fucking buy a cheap caravan or a really nice tent or live in a fucking shack, anything BUT renting!

>> No.4103328

29 year old here.

Lived together with ex for quite some time.
Things didnt work out in the end, I moved back to my parents. I have mixed feelings about being with my parents.
I miss living on my own but I enjoy the amount of money I can save up and I enjoy being around my parents.

Think Im saving money till 30 then either rent or buy. Hope I can buy with what I earn from crypto.

>> No.4103332

yeah i mean, i don't hate them but wtf are they doing? don't they want to achieve something in life? how will they get a job? who is gonna hiring them, when they have 8 year gaps in their CV's?

>> No.4103338

So yeah, dude. Take it easy. Make a plan for yourself, and just walk up the slow path to success like virtually everyone else in the world has to. Then realize that your life is fundamentally the same. You can be shitting in a 24K gold toilet, you're still taking a shitty shit from some shitty burrito you ate at chipotle. You'll be emotional, tired, cranky, stressed out, frustrated from time to time, but those emotions follow you no matter where you are in life. Even Jeff Bezos feels the same emotions you do from time to time, they are just towards more bigger things.

>> No.4103365

Literally this. This is how Warren Buffet became a billionaire. Albert Einstein himself said that the most powerful thing in this world is *daily compounded interest*.

>> No.4103382

You must not be from the North.

>> No.4103400

Just turned 19, I'd like to move ASAP but I know it's not the best financial decision. I have to get at least some financial stability. Currently studying and soon to be working, both at the same time.

I plan on moving at around 21 - 22. Maybe 20 in a year if I get lucky. I'm not in a rush, my parents are very loving and support me in everything I do but I understand that being more independent is something that builds character.

I'm not a parasit, I worked before and I'm about to get another job. Where I'm from I think the average is around 25, but my plan is to be independent way sooner than that, currently my plan is going pretty well though.

>> No.4103412

It is immature to rush into doing so because you want to feel somehow important

>> No.4103416
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>> No.4103420
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I am 28 years old NEET

i evade taxes on my gray hat adsense income
and hold 13+ BTC

i also grow my own weed

my parents don't work they rent property my father inherited

I feel bad about being loser because I actually developed lot of useful computer related skills during years of isolation but I have schizoid personality disorder or some shit like that and dealing with people IRL became impossible for me

>> No.4103423

Yeah poor people rush things and they think in "addition" while rich people put their safety first and think "exponentially".

>> No.4103430
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>Back in school for a second degree
>Still leeching off parents

Feels good

>> No.4103443

I'm almost 23, also dislike living with my parents and want to move out. But I will continue to live with them until I save enough money after 2 or 3 years of wage cuucking my shiny new 55k engineering job that I'll get right after graduating next May. Sure it's annoying but it's great financial sense. Renting a 1 bedroom apartment around me is 1500 per month minimum

>> No.4103456

>You must not be from the North.
I don't know what you mean by that, but just to clarify, I'm from a country in which most people actually have more than one home that they own, and don't owe anything for it. That being said I guess it's easy for me to say don't rent, but seriously just don't fucking do it, if anything stay with parents, and save up the money you'd give for rent, and you'll actually be able to own a place of your own a lot sooner than you think, of course it won't be mansion, but it will be yours, and seeing as you still won't be paying monthly just to have roof you can still save up for a bigger place in the future. And none of that will happen if you fucking rent anon.

>> No.4103463

I'm 27 and still living with my parents.

And I used all the money I saved up over the past decade of suffering to go all in on Link and Req.


>> No.4103478
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>No debts/obligations.
>Have 85 bitcoins.
>Live with my parents.
>They don't care if I stay home until they die.
>Do whatever I want all day, every day, forever.
>Literally would not trade lives with anyone, even Jeff Bezos.

>> No.4103499

I mean living in a tent or even van during the northern winter is absolutely retarded unless you're documenting a survival story for television or some shit. We have far less options than you.

>> No.4103507

Ideally 18. you are allowed to boomerang back to the parents house for less than 12 months (while paying modest rent) after college while you make arrangements.

Again these rules are for MEN, soyboys & herbivores might as well never move out

>> No.4103519

What a load of horseshit. Move out when you are financially ready and have stable job income.

>> No.4103523

>I mean living in a tent or even van during the northern winter
Well, yeah, that I agree with 100%, but even if you just do it for the warmer months of the year, that's still money saved, never ever miss an opportunity to save money.

>> No.4103540

Kek, if you have 85 bit coins, you wouldn't be living with your parents. Enjoy your LARP

>> No.4103557

The income rule for men is to be "financially ready (for renting) and stable job income" by 18 or less than 12 months after leaving education

>> No.4103563

you must be a child. 85 BTC is like ~$500k

not even enough to buy a 3bdrm middle-class home in many parts of North America.

>> No.4103588

I was 17.

>> No.4103593

>Selling your BTC before it's at least $20k

He's playing the waiting game for more gains

>> No.4103596

Yeah only $500k. Nothing much, better stay with parents lol

>> No.4103605
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Never if you dont have to.
If you have a gf/kids and your partens dont have a house to get you all in move out.
If you jobs needs you to move out.
If you are cool with your parents and the house is fine just stay and safe money.
Moving out is a jew sheme.
What the fuck do you think your parents built the house for.
Family under one roof (2/3 generations) is what humans did since ancient times.
Dont let jews destroy family.
(You save alot by not moving out too.)
TLDR: Only move out if your life situation requires you to.

>> No.4103607
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>Putting money in index funds

>> No.4103620

IMO 1-2 years after college is optimal. Anything over is just annoying for the parents.

>> No.4103633

Families doing that for so long was more because of economic constraints, wasn't it?

>> No.4103635

i advocate for people to move out of parents at 18, my point is more about 85 BTC not making you "independently wealthy" by itself especially if you don't have any other assets.

85BTC would be fine if you're like 37 years old and already own a home, a car, and have a stable job and income. If you're some basement dwelling faggot though with nothing, what are you going to do? Sell off 45 BTC, pay your 40% capital gains tax, and buy a shithole $150k 1 bedroom house in a slum? You're retarded mate.

>> No.4103646

So your telling me while your living at home with your mummy, there are all these men with beautiful wives, fancy cars, and large houses? Yeah, wonder which one I would pick. Enjoy your scamcoins, and the heavy tax on them

>> No.4103683

So /biz/ I've been seeing these threads a lot and wonder how crypto is going to change the housing industry. Specifically renting.

Any thoughts? Will we have an uber/airbnb-like service where, if you're young and don't have a ton of belongings to carry around, maybe just enough to fit in your car or something, we'll have a housing market run on a blockchain and just rent and lease houses to each other throughout the distributed network?

>> No.4103835

I need to get out of SoFlo. There's barely any jobs and the ones that are available require you to speak Spanish, even for entry-level jobs that don't require much skill. Anyone recommend decent cities/states up north?

>> No.4103850

Im 23 and graduating this December. I want to move out but im a fucking manchild and have no idea how ill manage. Doesnt help that housing is so expensive in the tri-state area. Guess I gotta nut up and just stop being a bitch

>> No.4103886
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27 and still living with parents, have a good relationship with them and help my dad out in his business or help my mom hauling groceries n stuff.
Don‘t really wanna move out because then my living standard would be bydlo as fuck compared to now.

>> No.4103977

How much do you have saved from living with them so long? Must be a lot by now.

>> No.4104031

Around 15k, I only worked for 3 years and been mostly NEET.

>> No.4104060

Literally proving the people Itt right lol

>> No.4104071

About what?

>> No.4104086
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This is my blockfolio. I started with 20k last year but only learned about blockfolio in May around when the shitcoin craze started. Do you think I've been tracking it for months in order to larp?
>there are all these men with beautiful wives, fancy cars, and large houses?
Yeah, I'd still rather be me than them. Because most of them have bigger issues and responsibilities they have to deal with in order to maintain that lifestyle. And I think sleeping in my own mansion would only be marginally better than sleeping in my room. All I'm interested is the freedom to do what I want. I have infinite time and loads of money to dedicate to my creative hobbies. My parents don't pester or bother me at all. Wasting half my stack on a house would just be a net negative on my life right now. And it would just bring me more troubles for no added quality of life.

>> No.4104092


It's called being smart, you fucking brainlet

>> No.4104108

About how people who live with their parents arent "escaping the Jewish scam of renting to save loads of money" but instead mostly NEETs and underachievers

>> No.4104136


Are you an only child?

>> No.4104196

To be fair I would be in a worse spot if I moved out at 18.
and most my age that I know are sitting deep into debt.

No I have a sister

>> No.4104224

Yeah but if you just worked you could like $100k saved if you have nearly no expenses from living with your parents

>> No.4104225

I was 22, got a simple warehouse job and moved out with my first paycheck.

Now I'm 25, got promoted to warehouse chief with a raise and I'm happier then I've ever been before.

Next step is marriage, which I'm not all that sold about - but it does solidify a standard which I could start looking at branching out a business I could call my own.

If I didn't move out at 22, I would've probably killed myself or started with crime.

>> No.4104229


>> No.4104230
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Moved out less than a month after graduating HS. I will never go back.

>> No.4104231

>tfw 28 and still living at home

I've worked fulltime and lived on my own for a few months here and there but I don't see what was so great about it.
>financial responsibility is all on your shoulders
>cold lonely house
>have to always cook for yourself
>have to always clean by yourself
>go all weekend without having to use your voice

Now I'm living with my grandmother and mother and I get the entire upstairs to myself, I don't have to sweat the bills, I get to live in a nicer place than what I could afford on my own, I get to have someone else helping out, etc.
It's like I'm in the 1800s.

>> No.4104235

Tell me how you did it

>> No.4104251

No idea how to get such a job, only ever had minimum wage shit.

>> No.4104259

Your mother and grandmother dont make you help with the bills? And you're almost 30? Are you a virgin?

Please tell me how I can end up not like you.

>> No.4104260

Damn, story?

>> No.4104273

I put all my focus on a drivers license, went to the industry area in my city and started knocking on warehouse doors.

Found a few that needed assistance so I started the same week. My monthly paycheck at the time was quite low ($3000/month pre-tax) which landed me a decent 3 room apartment for rent.

In 2 months time I'll buyout this apartment and start aiming further down the line - my life has barely begun and I can't wait to continue.

>> No.4104300

>this is a 27 year old
Holy shit you're pathetic. Thanks for making me feel better though.

>> No.4104304

It depends on what your goals are.

If you prioritize a relationship then moving out is a good idea.
If you prioritize your study or business then staying is a good idea.

>> No.4104310
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>> No.4104328

This is painfully accurate unless you're making enough cash to live far below your means on your own

>> No.4104384

We all contribute to bills and household duties. Its far more efficient and improves everyones standard of living.

Yes I'm a virgin but I was also a virgin when I was living alone so it doesn't matter.

>> No.4104398

Ha, I left the fucking country at 19 to start a business. If you want ultimate responsibility you have to be on your own and make everything yourself; work, friends lifestyle etc is all 100% mine and I know I don't need anyone for anything (other then making babies, I can't get preggo)

>> No.4104428

This is pretty fair
If you’re 18 and entering the workforce, you have 12 mo to get the fuck out
If you’re <25 and are in education, your 12 mo starts on graduation day

>> No.4104477
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you definetely dont want to commute over 30min, one-way. i would say 20min is the limit where your life satisfaction strats to decline seriously, also commuting is not cheap, average american spend $350 monthly just to commute

>> No.4104482

>18 - 24
>24 - 29
doable in a pinch

>> No.4104501

The Kennedy Compound consists of three houses on six acres (24,000 m2) of waterfront property on Cape Cod along Nantucket Sound in Hyannis Port, Massachusetts, United States. It was once the home of American businessman and political figure Joseph P. Kennedy Sr., his wife Rose, and two of their sons, President John F. Kennedy and Senator Robert F. Kennedy. Their youngest son, Senator Ted Kennedy, lived in his parents' house, and it was his main residence from 1982 to 2009. He died of brain cancer at the compound in August 2009.

>> No.4104526

i find that cold lonely house is better than old bastards spouting shit.
i like to cook and clean for myself
i like financial responsibility

>> No.4104531

No problem dude, i‘m also a touchless virgin btw.

>> No.4104534
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economy is currently far worse than people yet have realized both usa and europe. you will see serious downfall coming years


>> No.4104576

Well then maybe we get along better than most.
I hope you're actually cooking decent meals and not just ordering out all the time, because that's what we do.

>> No.4104629

that's a nice view too bad it isn't your pic you faggot

>> No.4104660

24 years old and live with parents. Have about $6k USD in cryptos and $119k USD in bank. Looking to invest in real estate as a side job. Going to buy my first BRRR property before February and find my own way to lamboland

>> No.4104736
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>neet, 23
>people tell me im pathetic
>I show them my bank account
>they turn away in shame

>> No.4104777

is it USA?

>> No.4104797
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'put the card in atm, that shows if you're right or wrong, only one way to keep score'

>> No.4104914
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I moved out at 16, whats your excuse.

>> No.4104984

> live with parrents
> they make me pay for my own food, car insurance, gas, and entertainment.
> should I just move out?

>> No.4105024

>Holds fiat

>> No.4105049

>most of the people who live with their parents itt are neets and virgins
Jesus. Looks like my choice has been made for me.

>> No.4105449
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>> No.4105475

what kind of business do you think ppl can create

>> No.4105578

>24 yo, in college, still living with my mom
>realizing I chose a shit field but too close to graduating to drop out
>tired of being a slave wage intern for shit tier publicity/marketing agencies
>day trading crypto in the meantime, started with $600 up 500%

If I can't live a comfy life with my gains until I graduate, I'll probably go back to slave waging on a slightly better pay for some time and buy myself a van to live in. I don't want lambos, just wanna scape the rat race.

>> No.4106044
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Ok lads heres some real talk that isnt smug

Here in California, its incredibly hard to live on your own. I am a finance graduate.
Some background information

I work for Capital Group as a business system analyst, about to finish my 2nd year there and making close to 75k. I am about to turn 25 and since i got this position i have been saving ALOT because I am still living at my parents (I pay rent, very low though). Anyways I know this board likes to bash people for living with their parents. However, how many of you that moved out at a young age can say they will be able to put down 20%+ on a 650k+ house before theyre close to 30.

In addition to everything ive said, many will argue about not having privacy and no girl wants to be with a man that lives with their parents. Trust me fellas, if a girl likes you she wont turn you down because of something petty like that.

All in all if you are happy living with your parents, do it for as long as possible. It'll keep your mom happy trust me, dont forget to tell her you love her and if your dad is in the picture. Buy him his favorite 6 pack and crack a cold one with him. You'll truly value that once they're gone.

>inb4 cuck

>> No.4106126
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lol cuck. I just bought thousands of bitcoin in 2010 and spent 9btc without rebuying which was a $50k mistake today.

So I moved out pretty early, trying to spend as little of the btc money as possible.

It also means i have 4 digit Bicoin Cash. I bought more with fiat when it was at $200 because thats a super cheap price for what many old timers consider the 'Real' Bitcoin.

3~ years from now, best financial advice would probably be to have bought BCH when it was still under $1k.


>> No.4106491

wise anon

>> No.4106520

I moved out at 17

29 now, bout to buy an RV and move back to their property so I can take time off work(no rent) and try to start my own business

>> No.4106546

it is if you're paying for it . . .

>> No.4106761

looks mickey mouse

>> No.4106960
File: 143 KB, 1334x1334, 1495432188585.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I hate douchebags over the age of 25 that think they're so smart because they live with their parents while making a decent living. It's like oh wow I can't wait to buy a house and be a normie fag the rest of my life.

>> No.4107379

Anon, saving money by living at home is a great thing. However, it also comes at an opportunity cost, which you must examine. Try to do what is right for you, not what society tells you. It sounds like you should prob move out. I wouldn’t make a big deal of it—just do it, but if your parents will let you come back and leech in a year or 2 all the better. By then you might have a better social network to where it doesn’t matter.

Are you a retard? Do you realize that normal people don’t want to have to say they’ve fucked a woman they had to pay? Especially guys who can actually get women.

I do agree that living with parents continually is hell and emasculating though in most circumstances. I’ve lived at my parents home 3 times

1) right after college to save a little dough
2) right before I transferred for a job out of the country
3) when they lived outside of the country

Cost savings are so fucking amazing, you have no idea. My net worth plummeted since moving out. That being said, living with them was only tolerable because it was temporary and didn’t feel like a way of life (however if you can somehow get a gf while living at home it’s the best of Both worlds. Getting pussy while watching your bank account climb.

>> No.4108171

Where the fuck did you pull 1.9M from? Off of 5k at 1% for 600 days? Wouldn't it mean he makes 100% every 100 days therefore he'd make like 320k?

>> No.4108826


No he's spot on. Actually a little under.

$5k at 1% over 600 days = $2,012,110.20


>> No.4108889

If you don't have any financial or educational goals then move out at 20. If you just finished college at 22 then move out at 25 with as much savings as possible to get your start. Alot of people want to act tough and move out immediately just to move, but they could be better off waiting for a little bit.

>> No.4109038


>> No.4109069

>Thinking it's worth the stresses of finding places to park/camp/shower/etc in order to save $2000 a year

Jesus christ

>> No.4109202

I went to a community college, then moved out at 20 to go to college (supporting myself about 80% until senior year, when it changed to 100%)

>> No.4109533
File: 5 KB, 250x179, 1509130415897s.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Move out at 17
>Immediately do 4 years of undergrad
>Immediately do 1 year master's degree (social sciences/philosophy)
>am now 23 years old, graduated, and working part time at the beer store living rent free with my grandparents in Toronto trying to make it as a writer and trading alts on the side
>recently broke up with long term gf
>so this is what despair feels like
>all right

>> No.4109569

This is the correct answer. all other answers are incorrect.

>> No.4109703

TF kind of reply is this, OP?

>> No.4110186

I'm still so fuckin confused I think I'm retarded what values did you put in too come up with that?

>> No.4110314

How to make voices stop?

>> No.4110494

I moved back in after college but now I'm 25 and have a net worth of a quarter million and still don't want to move out because it would get me absolutely nothing except more pressure to get that paycheck
i dont talk to girls and dont want to I fucking hate them

>> No.4110690

w̛̥e̼͉̝̪͔'̳̝̻͔l̝͔̳̟̮l̤̭ ̡̭̬̻c̱̦̜͝o͔̤̮̼̭͕n͚̰̳̩̺̦t̟̘̯a̟̼̠̼c̺͎̰t̸̳̖̳ ̱ỵ̘̤̣͟o̱̩u͚ with further instructions, in the meantime go to c͈h̘̞̣u̘̝̦̻̩̱̭r̻c̪ͅh

>> No.4110711

Omegaman cometh!