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4102383 No.4102383 [Reply] [Original]

I want to have children so I can be a better parent than my parents were to me.

I know it's not the best financial decision but is it really that bad to get married and have children? I want to build a legacy.

>> No.4102456
File: 398 KB, 837x673, apocalypsepepe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's hard, but it's doable. Alternitavely you can just enjoy the decline and fuck sluts and roasties all day but remember - God will forgive your sins, your nervous system wont.


>> No.4102468

Build your legacy while you're alive and every man will be your child. That life you want for your children, you can build for everyone, and immortalize yourself without rolling your dice on your child wanting to do something with their own life.

>> No.4102674

Is it bad? No, it's natural. How old are you? I've found that people are very against having children til they hit around 30. Men are balding, getting uglier by the year. Same with women, but they put even more value on their personal appearance. People get fat, see old pics of themselves and start wondering how bad the next 40-50 years are going to be.

That's when it hits them that they should have a kid soon or they'll have a sad lonely life. I know I'll get some hate on this board because it's mainly white males and let's be honest, white people don't really have kids. Not like their parents or grandparents used to.

If that's what you want OP, do it.

>> No.4102700

I'm 21. I know I'm still young so it'd probably be in quite a few years but it just feels right. Everyone successful I know has children.

>> No.4102852

If you don't want kids, having kids will not magically activate something inside you that makes you a good parent. Don't make that mistake if you really don't see yourself with them.

>> No.4102890


32 year old white man here and youre spot on
really started hitting me 1-2 years ago that I should start a family or Ill fucking die alone

>> No.4102927

I'm married with two kids, would do it again - got a great wife and two awesome kids. Would not rush it though, I'm 43. Being an older parent is good imo, no financial trouble and you can raise your kids with more time and know what you are doing.

You really need a good relationship though, as times can be hard with kids. Was together with my girlfriend for 15 years till the first kid. We're a perfect team and she is smart enough not to get boring. You both grow in a relationship with the right person.

>> No.4102954

What's the big deal about being and alone... why would you ever be alone if you achieve financial independence to travel and meet new people or take up new hobbies?

>> No.4102960


at what age did you get your first kid anon?
I figure I should knock a bitch up within my 30s or the windows gonna close

good point though that youre more responsible and financially established as you get older. I cant imagine my 25 year old starting starting a famil and raising kids. the guy was a clueless, irresponsible dumbass desu

>> No.4102966

>Everyone successful I know has children.

that's a pretty poor reasoning

children are not iphones, you have to be genuinely committed.

>> No.4102995


nigga Ive lived all around the world, seen all the placese I wanted to see and banged over 100+ worthless sluts
Im telling you right now this shit gets old.

not sure how old you are but this "hurr durr why not just travel and take up some hobbies" shit is useless spouted by younger fags with zero clue about the world. biological clock is real and it starts ticking for men in their 30s too. theres a reason why your forefathers for THOUSANDS of years started families.

we are biologically hardwired to do this shit. and if you dont have any kids in your 30s something will always seem off. you cant fill that void with "hobbies" or meeting a bunch of douchebags travelling to some shithole countries.

>> No.4103013


*useless = usually

>> No.4103031

I'm genuinely happy for you, sounds like a comfy,rewarding life.

>> No.4103084

Spot on because I', in the same boat, hahaa. #0 y/o, do have a girlfriend, she's 24 and not interested in kids. I know I was the same way at that age and she'll come around.

And it's very true, banging random sluts does get old. I have a good paying job and am pretty /fit/ and it's literally too easy at this point. Not even bragging, but picking up a female and having meaningless sex just sounds like a chore right now.

Also little side note, seeing Trump with his amazing kids and grandkids around gives me feels.

>> No.4103120


>> No.4103165


>> No.4103314


Got my first kid with 39, so quite late. I do sports and have a healthy life style, so I'm sure I can keep up with them even at older age.


Thanks! I'm quite happy with my life choices as well and content. At work people always see me as the happy untroubled guy, and it's actually true.

Now if just chainlink would not crash so hard...but you can't have everything I guess.

>> No.4103342

this. it's human nature you stupid young faggots.

>> No.4103421

I see where the guy is coming from but damn, there is some cringy thing in there

>> No.4103485

You guys are animals if you feel the need to have children you can't take care of and have nothing to offer to them.

If you assholes truly desire to reproduce then here's a top list of the highest ideologies a conscious being can have.

-Use the DNA of a very mentally healthy family, probably from Ireland. Look for the most sociable, extroverted, positive, resourceful, morally sound family there exists. Don't aim for natural talents, muscle, high IQ, beauty, good bodies. Aim for happiness/the opposite of depression.

-Be ready to kill 16 to 32 babies and risk prison. Because if you pick the right DNA, then step 2 is to match the correct combo of slots that get filled. That's just how biology is. It never checks itself.
Don't favor the fat ones neither skinny ones(babies), aim for normal well adjusted human beings.
-Pick the correct location to raise your child in(again, probably Ireland. The most peaceful country on the planet) don't raise them in Scotland or Germany. Those vikings are shit. Don't raise them in ghettos, urban jungles, boring tiny towns.
Prepare their friends, neighbours, location, school. Check if there's a high population of babies being born in the near vicinity and what kind of families they come from.

Don't make more than 1 child. 1 is a handful as it is. Having 2-5 means risking sibling rivalries, especially later in life. 2-5 means overviewing all of them, it's a shit job especially if they have different ages and personalities.

-As the intelligent parent you must already have everything prepared for them, especially their education and future career.
-As an intellectual parent you must be extrovertred, benevolent, endearing/affectionate, understanding. Everyone will blame you even if your daughter/son takes random decisions by herself based on their in born personality.

-Never have children if you: have low funds, work a 8 hour job or you're an idiot.

>> No.4103707


>Don't have kids unless you meet completely unrealistic standards and even then don't have more than one, goyim

I wonder who could be behind that post

>> No.4103750

>Got my first kid with 39, so quite late. I do sports and have a healthy life style, so I'm sure I can keep up with them even at older age.

You legit give me hope it's not too late for me anon
I will spend the next years acquiring resources and trying to find a wholesome waifu. With god's blessing I hope I can knock up a suitable bitch in the next couple of years and then I will start a right wing clan somewhere in the countryside

>> No.4103814
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I‘d like to have a family but i‘m a 27yo touchless virgin.

>no gf EVER
>barely enough money for myself
>no idea how relationships form or work
>never seen tits or a vagina IRL

>> No.4103820


Problem is you are seeing it from a woman perspective. It is the consensous that women hit the wall by the time they turn 30, not only biologically because of pregnancy complication but also in in their looks. While men age much better and get better financially and then they find a girl in their 20s. Also, men care more about sex than women and nowadays, you'll have more sex as a single person than a married now, that's why according to studies single men are much happier than single women aswell as older men are happier than older women.
You should blame feminism for this, and I'm not a white male btw


>> No.4103829
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I cannot think about having a girlfriend it has been more than 10 years already since the last one

>> No.4103874

redpill inc.
if you had shitty parents, you are likely to be a shitty parent too and wanting children so you can be a better one is just narcisstic you sick fuck. you want to do it for yourself, not for your children. /thread

>> No.4103880

Jidf larper detected

>> No.4104010

Is there a board with only successful people ? So I can actually get motivated.

>> No.4104078


Your legacy will be to die in a studio apartment, paying your ex to fuck a parade of hot losers who also molest your kids whom you do not get to see.

Women and the State have colluded to dis-incentivize the fuck out of you taking your socio-biological role seriously.

If you have no meaning now, you won't have it after you fuck a bitch and make babby.

>> No.4104102


>banged over 100+ worthless sluts

>garbage detected

>> No.4104112

This is the worst place to ask this question, 80% of guys here are bitter virgins.

Yes, you need to have children. Getting married takes a lot of sacrifices (it it weren't for kids nobody would be getting married).

Those hedonists who claim that having more money to spend is better than having children are being so loud about it EXACTLY because they know they're wrong and they want to convince THEMSELVES that they're right.

>> No.4104125

Who hurt you?

>> No.4104126

just had 100k

>> No.4104145
File: 89 KB, 604x694, Wojak Bane feels.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You, just now, by not making an argument.

>> No.4104160


Says the guy who's never done anything memorable in his life.

OP, do what you want. /biz/ is just a bunch of incels who won't get married, but not by choice. Asking for relationship/life advice on /biz/ is about as useful as asking a crossing guard if you have cancer. Everyone here is a rank amateur at life, and likely still living with their parents.

>> No.4104162

There's nothing to make an argument against

>> No.4104166

I'm soon 24 and I also have this urge to start a family.

Hanging out with friends, go out and drink, lan parties, videogames are all starting to get boring and lose any meaning

>> No.4104198

Is this really true? I always thought people here were successful.

>> No.4104233



No... 99% of this board are incel wagecucks living with mommy and daddy, bitching about womens because no girl will ever want to fuck them without getting paid.

As a rule, assume/do the opposite of the prevailing wisdom on /biz/. FUD = buy, FOMO = sell, red pill bullshit = avoid like the plague unless you want to join team incel.

You decide the value of your life, and you alone. If children will add value to your life, you should never avoid it because a bunch of losers on /biz/ told you its a "bad investment" decision, or any other excuses. Their excuses are just meant to justify their own lonely, purposeless existence.

>> No.4104236


Yes, there is. What I said is the way it is right now, thanks to the government intervening in the mating market and women aiding and abetting them in doing so.

If OP has no meaning now, he won't have it after fucking a bitch and mak da babby.

If you want to debate it, fine. If you want to make ad hominems against anonymous people on Mongolian tapestry weaving forum, which is a new level of fucktard, then get out now.

>> No.4104252


Many here are, some are average, some are poor. Same as anywhere.


Good stats dere, cumshitter.

>> No.4104283

Thank you this does make sense. I used to think this was a business board where people would be successful but lately it feels more like pol or r9k

>> No.4104289


You still sleep in a race car bed and call your parents your roommates don't you.

>> No.4104331


Its definitely getting overrun by /pol/ more lately, but just like all of 4chan its mostly a place to shitpost memes and circlejerk. Its never been a hotbed of successful people. Successful people have better things to be doing with their time than circle jerking on this shithole.

>> No.4104382


From 18 through 30 I fucked a lot of sluts. Many good times had. Older women, chubby sluts, latinas, blacks, all of it.

At around 27 I truly got tired of random lust, none of these women were quality people, fucking crazy women with issues.

I now have a woman I'm with who's having my baby. We live together. I'm pretty happy. And I almost gave up on finding a good woman who was not nuts. Thank god. My girl looks good and is easy to get along with. Plays video games and likes weed, etc...

>> No.4104390


My parents are dead and I sleep on a Helix mattress, cumshitter.

Further the conversation or get out.

>> No.4104413



Having wild sex with a random slut is obviously better than staying home and jacking off.

but it's not THAT much better after you have gone down that same road many times.

>> No.4104426


Ya I'd anhero if you were my son too.

>> No.4104462 [DELETED] 

>My girl looks good and is easy to get along with. Plays video games and likes weed, etc...

The standards guys have for women is pretty funny. Wow a human who likes videogames and weed? That's crazy, what else does she like, eating pizza and having fun? Must be a real keeper.

>> No.4104481

>My girl looks good and is easy to get along with. Plays video games and likes weed, etc...

The standards guys have for women is pretty funny. Wow a human who likes videogames and weed? That's crazy, what else does she like, eating pizza and having fun? Must be a real keeper.

>> No.4104570


Not an argument.

>> No.4104614


Didn't realize you were looking for a real argument given you haven't made a coherent one in this whole thread. Just tinfoil hat FUD trying to justify your incel life. You're in no position to give anyone life advice faggot.

>> No.4104762
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Ad homs (and incorrect ones, at that) against anonymous strangers, and running from arguments with "no u".

>> No.4104772


It's just an example of the type of woman.

She's also good looking, smart, and quiet.

>> No.4104785

why do you feel you need a legacy? Low self esteem? damn work on your issues before bringing little people to suffer in this world . DON'T BE IRRESPONSIBLE

>> No.4104787

> had one gf in my 27 years
> left me 3 years ago
>haven't talked to female since (excluding family)

>> No.4104823


Ill give you an argument you weak-willed peace of shit.
Youre in the same line of people on here that would never start a business because "muh 99% of businesses fail".

YES starting a business is hard.
YES as a white man you are dealt a shitty hand and your woman can screw you over.

But so fucking what?
I dont sit around and think about all the shit that could go wrong. I think about what I want in life and then I go for it... and so far that has worked out pretty well for me.

Sure it got a lot harder in this day and age to find a woman whos not a complete whore but its still doable. Of course you cant be a weak willed little bitch because thats repulsive to women. So effectivel yeah YOU might be better off never getting married and having kids. However I wont get a bunch of jew-psyops and social engineering between me and what I want to get out of my life.

Because for all the truth thats at the core of alot of this "red pill" shit... a lot of the anons who spout this kinda nonsense on here are just bitter losers who never developed the social skills to get and keep a woman.

In other words, you can play the hand youre dealt with or you can choose to be a little bitch... I know what my choice is.

>> No.4104846


What argument? You've yet to make a rational statement. Your shitposts beget shitposts. If you want to make an argument I'd be happy to tear it to shreds. But "da gubmint and da womenz hav a conspirasee, hurr durr" is just empty words used to mask your bitter loneliness. Its like watching a Christian try to rationalize away the fact they're living a lie. You end up resorting to conspiracy theories to pretends its other people's fault that nobody can stand to be with you.

>> No.4104856

Ofcourse you should have kids. Your 401k won't keep you Company when your wife gets sick and needs more care, your new Prius won't hold your hand while you are dying and your fully paid mansion won't cry in your funeral and remember you fondly, telling their own children about you. Retarded hedonists don't understand happiness and mistake it for pleasure. Don't listen.

>> No.4104867

im gonna die alone with no loved ones by my side

>> No.4104973
File: 529 KB, 700x1471, white-knights.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


The State, with welfare and the divorce industry at the behest of female voters, has skewed the way the sexes interact with one another in such a way as to make it such a risk to do the "traditional" thing that it's ever-increasingly not worth it. This has been my position for this entire thread, and it's true. It's similar to interfering in business, then complaining that business is hemorrhaging out of the U.S.

"Conspiracy" has nothing to do with it.

>nobody can stand to be with you.

Lies and ad homs against strangers. Why do you post?

> Its like watching a Christian try to rationalize away the fact they're living a lie

Le tib the le bedoba

>> No.4105009


see >>4104973

Spell check, cumshitter. Also, I don't start a business because the State interferes in business. The U.S is a neo-Communist nation.

>In other words, you can play the hand youre dealt with or you can choose to be a little bitch... I know what my choice is.

Little bitch it is.

>> No.4105032

>Says the guy who's never done anything memorable in his life.

>he doesn't know who i am

>> No.4105106


yeah like I said youre just a loser who is content lecturing other people how they cant ever possibly win and why they should be losers too.

you say the US is a neo-communist nation, which is true.. Yet somehow I keep meeting successful business owners.

You say that men are dealt a bad hand, which is also true. Yet somehow I keep meeting happy and content fathers with great wifes and families.

bottom line: what you say is correct but your conclusions are wrong.

>> No.4105146


if youre as smart as you think you are, you would realize that you are using your "insights" as excuses instead of finding ways to circumvent them and getting what you want out of life.

because fact is there ARE people who get what they want out of life. and it seems pretty obvious you dont. so they must be doing something right while you are doing something wrong.

>> No.4105176


This. The problem with these bitchy little redpill faggots is that they're such low rank subhumans that the women they can hook up with are also equally shitty people. Real men find real women and live happy lives. Incel losers sit alone and blame everyone else for why they can't find a good woman. And then they come to /biz/ to circlejerk about it like the closet faggot they are.

>> No.4105269

it's a great decision. there is more to life than money - and you will probably still be financially successful with kids if you are financially successful without them. have a lot of kids and raise them to be better persons than yourself.

>> No.4105303

21 is a great age to start a family. don't wait.

>> No.4105350

29 here, can confirm

>> No.4105359

Imagine projecting this hard

>> No.4105456
File: 16 KB, 585x139, not an argument 9.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I want money out of life, and you can bet your ass that, with my surplus time not doing stupid shit, I make it in spades.

You can make coherent statements or you can make convenient ad homs based on fantasies about who you're talking to. Pussy faggots.

>> No.4105507


Or I could leave this tired thread and sleep well knowing your shitty bloodline dies with you faggot.

>> No.4105535

First kid when I was 31. Second when I wad 34. Don't plan to get any more. So far only one wife and one mistress

>> No.4105588
File: 43 KB, 500x534, not an argument 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4105696


>> No.4105805


you know you think your so smart but its so obvious you havent thought this shit through at all.
and yet you keep posting this dumb "not an argument" meme.

I like money you faggot. I like money a lot.
but why do you even want to accumulate money?
for pure hedonism?

Im telling you right now you can move to thailand and enjoy all the hedonism you want for 5 grand a month easy. there is no millionaire that has any more fun than a guy has with 5 grand a month in thailand. (maybe a billionaire does but hed just be doing blow and hookers on a yacht instead of in an apartment).

but guess what. at some point youll realize you fell for the materialism meme and that this shit is vapid and will never bring you fulfillment.
and then you start thinking bigger. that maybe it would be cool to actually start your own clan... to generate wealth in order to pass it on to your children.

and another thing. for a faggot with a victim mindset like you I can almost guarantee that youll never get rich anyway. you just told me that you never want to open a business in the US... so enjoy your hunt for wealth LOL.

tl;dr youre a smug cunt whos not half as smart as he thinks he is and youre way too busy telling anons what they CANT do in order to do anythign with your own life.

>> No.4106111

VR wifes and children are just around the corner. Just wait. No point in spending your hard earned money on 3D meatbags.