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File: 18 KB, 256x256, edcdc903-45b4-4089-8549-e303c564cd1b (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4096996 No.4096996 [Reply] [Original]


All on track.

Best of luck.

>> No.4097002

lets hope it reaches a dollar by xmas

>> No.4097007


Do you even sleep?

>> No.4097010

lol you made me look

>> No.4097011

A few hours here and there

>> No.4097013

Bought 80k @ 92, lets see if this comes through

>> No.4097498

There is no chance this will end up like Link or OMG or DGB! This is the best thing since Espers on Yobit. Man I am so happy to be onboard and buying up big right now!

>> No.4097516

Don't let me down OP. I have kitties to feed

>> No.4097547

Put in 1.1k @ 93. Eager for the next few days.

>> No.4097560

You should post a screencap of your XVG. It's not much but I saw it in the last thread and even though you could doctor it, it looks legit.

You can set stop losses on Bittrex where most XVG trades go down and with its volume it's not that risky. And honestly it's riding its 200 day moving average right now. It's pretty fucking low as it is. Not a bigtime believer in Verge but TA is TA.

>> No.4097644

All Twentya supporters for XVG let's all be in all his/her threads :D.

Go go Verge :D. To the Moon :).

Btw Tweetya, do you have the PBC newsletter for real? Doesn't that cost $2,000 per month or something? And how did they not discover it was you leakin

>> No.4097669

How the hell would they connect him to the leak unless there are literally like 6 dudes that subscribe to the newsletter?

>TT:"Hello Chinkmoot, give us the tripfag Twentya's name and address"
>CM: "Fuck your mother if you want fuck"

>> No.4097697

Because if u read their site, the PBC is for a very small group of investors to avoid massive dumps. It says so right there "small group" to keep the conditions pristine for profit. I mean if anyone could just sign up, you'd have anyone who could spare $2k throwing in then dumping out. . . and obviously that would make it not work.

I guess that's why Twentya tries to keep things low key without twitter, as he said so himself. If too many people know then the PBC info won't work. Also it kinda puts him at risk.

>> No.4097702

So I'm thinking there are like 30 subscribers or so. Not too hard to find the leakage. . .

>> No.4097739

Was something released since about 12 hours ago?

>> No.4097995

I'm thinking the news that are coming aren't really significant. OP wasn't lying but he oversold it

>> No.4098090

damn 20ya you and your ilk are really keen on shoving this ruse down our throat.
what if they decided not to "release" . and everyone here dumps on the 30th. we get fooked mang

>> No.4098098

bought a shitload at 93

dont fuck me dude

>> No.4098126

how much are you in for?

>> No.4098139

i have 20k

>> No.4098178

Do us all a favor, if u don't belieb in Twe, then just sell now and walk away. We don't wanna hear ur whining for 3 days. K? I mean it hits 94 and 95, so sell then.

>> No.4098248

>people forget that he samefagged with 6 diffrent ids yesterday
>shilled his own post with the same trip
>refused to come foward and admit until hours after we found out
>hasn't answer emails

>> No.4098277

I have multiple friends who have it.

Didn't somebody say they have 180,000?

Never shoved it down anybody's throat.

I've answered all emails. I samefagged for 1 post. I explained why I samefagged.

Best of luck.

>> No.4098294

>people forget that he samefagged with 6 diffrent ids yesterday
Afaik he only did it once, with one ID
>shilled his own post with the same trip
Of course he will shill it with a trip, why wont he? His reputation is tied with his secure trip
>refused to come foward and admit until hours after we found out
No one browses biz 24/7 anon
>hasn't answer emails
He does

IMO this is a reasonable risk to take, since XVG isn't really a total shitcoin, and the TA shows it is currently undervalued. If you only put in an amount you are ok with losing totally then this should be a reasonable flip.

>> No.4098300


Have you commented yet on confirming your own comments in the other thread with a different account but the same ID yet?
Would love a explanation about that

>> No.4098327

Yes. It was a lapse of judgement on my behalf and I only did it for literally 1 post because everybody was spreading FUD and I felt I needed to counteract it.

>> No.4098353

two posts bro come on.......

>> No.4098354

OK, thanks for the clarification!

Bought at 92 sats and sold at 94 after someone pointed it out. Might consider getting back in because I'm a trusting person.
Better not get my ass burned ;

>> No.4098386

Is the price going to fucking evaporate?

Come on.

>> No.4098478

I will be away for a couple of hours. Letting you guys know in advance as it seemed before when I was away for some time everybody started panicking.

>> No.4098479

I'm a 'Vergin' - I've never owned this coin before. I've bought some at 94 hope that's not too high. Wish I'd bought at 90 when you first said. But let's give this a whirl...please be right. I'm almost broke after the Link shilling.

>> No.4098487

WHats going on here?

>> No.4098527


Thanks man, let's say how this plays out.
My ass is on the line here, I just got off the phone with the mayor.

>> No.4098556

>OP is still a tripfag
>Verge still means penis in french
>and you guyz are still greedy retards
>feels good to be here

>> No.4098767


>> No.4098906


Suddenly "wait 3-4 days" turned to wait untill 30th (tomorow/1day)

Also it was 2 posts

>> No.4099294

Before I didn't want to reveal the exact date.

After this event, I will doing an AMA on Biz so you can find out some more about how I get my information, my net worth, etc.

Best of luck

>> No.4099346

What is your net worth

>> No.4099442

lol i bought at 189

>> No.4099566

Please tell me when the AMA happens :) I'll be there to support you.

I can't wait until the verge moon. love you~

>> No.4099784


stack anon

>> No.4099802

Why is XVG going to moon?
XVG bag holder here.

>> No.4099807

>Didn't somebody say they have 180,000?
Teeka said recently that it's "much much much less than that" and that 180k is a number of people who subscribe to the general PB newsletter not the PBC itself

>> No.4099851

Obvious bait

>> No.4100077

Oh right.

Going out now guys, later.

>> No.4100473

I bought in at 173 and sold at 90 sats.
This coin JUSTed me. Don't let it JUST you

>> No.4100478

Bought over a MM two days ago below 100 SATs because of you Twentya. You have always been consistent, I am excited for the moon to come!

>> No.4100556

zen is at 18$ now

>> No.4100566

LOL you get P&D .
> buying into a p&d
> ever

>> No.4101045

Think he is talking about it in the past. It hasn't been that high for ages.

>> No.4101752

>it dipped to 90

time to abort boys OP is dumping his bags

>> No.4101807

I have a stop loss at 87 but will have to decide if I want to remove it and set some sell orders for tomorrow before I go to sleep
is it supposed to be an hour-lasting pump or at least a few days?

>> No.4101843


>> No.4101867

It's bullshit. OP dumped his shitty bags and jumped on bitbean I bet.

>> No.4101869

Are we in the process of getting BTFO here or what

>> No.4101874

I'm out. Bought 94 sold 90. OP is full of shit.

>> No.4101911

Dumped when? The coin has been moving between 92 and 94 for 2 days now. He could've dumped his bags without us.

>> No.4101916

>buy high sell low

>> No.4101920


Weak handed faggot is what you are

>> No.4101924

He said it happens tomorrow

>> No.4101933


Man you guys run tight stops. Whether this rumor is true or false, you always need to let your plays breathe a little.

>> No.4101952

Why would op be dumping when he could have sold yesterday at 101?

Fuck off

>> No.4102055

Are we actually going to moon? What target are we looking at roughly? I bought in yesterday on the original thread.

>> No.4102090

has nothing to do with that retarded green candle on BTC tho right?

>> No.4102128

bought 2k at 0.00001774 ETH. set a sell order at 0.00003600 ETH, and I'm confident that order will be filled in the next week.

Buy low, sell high boys. It's still a good time to buy. dont miss out

>> No.4102139

OP said previous satoshi ATH is a good bet, which I think is insanely high. Then again, look at VTC. I don't know. XVG as a coin has nothing going for it so I'm skeptical that it could pump like that. Also the dev team has been horrible, HORRIBLE, at delivering on anything promised on time.

>> No.4102151

Let me put it this way, twentya won't PnD for a measly 10 Satoshi. Dude put too much time and effort in his rep since zencash.

This is when the faithful hodl, and the weak sell.

But desu, I'm scared too XD

>> No.4102178

We have to kill op, we have to give an offer to the wraith gods

Went all in on 93.
I will not sell for a loss
They may be way overdue but eventually they have to release wraith and it has to be a good day when it happens a.m. I right ?

>> No.4102203

This, /biz/ larpers have been getting lazy

>> No.4102243

down to 87, i just bought 30K more

>> No.4102261

You know a company ducks when they name something wraith

>> No.4102266

yeah I cant find this faggots trip besides the past two days.

>> No.4102330

Use Google retard

>> No.4102388

I don't see anything apart from the last couple days either. Googled twentya 4chan

>> No.4102416

Google his tripcode... Learn to use Google

>> No.4102525

In which case I'll buy it cheaper.

>> No.4102786

We saw it go down slightly today because Bitcoin shot up. To be expected.

See you guys tomorow. Get some rest, its our big day tomorrow. I heard that the announcement should be around the evening New York time.

>> No.4103034

Good to know.

>> No.4103188

I got 40k vergecoins at 88 and 93 sats...
Where wil we go ? where should we sell ?

>> No.4103284

I will be setting sell orders for the night at portions starting from 120 sats with the majority set for 190 sats

>> No.4103320

I am doing the same.

>> No.4103676

Is this pump supposed to happen tonight?

>> No.4103718

oh ok, nevermind, saw the post above. So evening ET tomorrow?

>> No.4103736

Yes. So About 28 hours from now according to based OP.

>> No.4103809

I lost my job and I put all my extra money into this. If OP is right my anxiety will go down. Fingers crossed.

>> No.4103833

Got in at 90 got my orders in at 120 to 140 fingers crossed

>> No.4103838

Before finding your thread, I had the most unexpected intuition that I should sold all my BTC. I feel like it is about to pop.
I then found your thread and decided to trust you and buy XVG, a crypto that I have been following for elusive reasons.
Your dedication to share is much appreciated.

May we celebrate that the moon mission is going to help us achieve stability in this exponentially complex times. God bless!

>> No.4103893

what anouncement?

>> No.4103903

you should be more ambitious

>> No.4103963

mans not hot

>> No.4104058

He confirmed

Proof in thread

No one can predict the future. But this is same guy that got tipped zencash


>> No.4104085

lol i will set some higher. i think the ath is 180?

>> No.4104176

around 245

>> No.4104352

I want to believe in this so hard i cooked up a bowl of rice as an offering to the gods

>> No.4104569

Going to do the same now.

>> No.4104627

with BTC going back up this is gonna need to be some fucking crazy news.

>> No.4104653

please be true, i have 5 kids to feed

>> No.4104757

Thanks for the free money weakhands

>> No.4104843

So nobody has no idea why this coin will bump?
Just that OP said that?

>> No.4104897
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Roadmap maybe?

>> No.4104915

I want to believe but hard to believe something on /biz/

>> No.4105334

We have no idea why. OP could be playing us. OP could be looking out for us. Only time will tell.

>> No.4105377

This 'Twentya' cunt has been LARPing hard for the past few days. Probably because it's working.

>> No.4105406

Shill me this coin please /biz/.

>> No.4105497


None of us care about the coin, we're just hoping for a short term moon.

>> No.4105603

tl;dr dude leaked the palm beach pick to /biz/ the second it came out and is now saying he's got information that there's a huge xvg announcement tomorrow evening.

>> No.4105606

got to 81 just now

get some sleep goys
wait 24 more hours to drop the rest of my bags

>> No.4105623

the announcement is your gay lol

put the tilte "I fucked /biz/ AMA"

>> No.4105858

I bought a million XVG. Please OP don't be LARPing.

>> No.4105879

It doesn't even matter if Twe is wrong or right anyway. Using TA, this shit can only go up from here.

>> No.4105949

Twent here. No tripcode. Out snorting coke off strippers tits. All is good. Blue horseshoe still loves verge. Bitcoin still rising, pushing down verge such that it's usd value is somewhat maintained. We are still on. In for the kill. Softly softly catchy monkey.

>> No.4105958


>> No.4105986
File: 52 KB, 1826x450, XVG.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Look at these sell walls here. Something big is definitely happening with this coin

>> No.4106017

Bots... Because Bitcoins price is dramatically changing... Are you new to this game pal?

>> No.4106039

this btc moon almost fucked me up by triggering my stop loss luckily I was able to buy back at the same price, fuck stop losses

>> No.4106062

>can't spell

>> No.4106076

Change your book depth to 25% not 100% you fucking imbecile prick

>> No.4106088
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>> No.4106187

You idiots, you can't shield transactions from a public blockchain going into a private blockchain it's impossible XVG has a large community but nothing else going for it. Muh wraith protocol is all well and good but it's an impossibility

>> No.4106198 [DELETED] 

he doesn't know yet
don't tell him

>> No.4106199

If OP is legit we should see some market movement (read: insider knowledge bosting buy orders) over the next 24 hours before any actual news drops. If this continues to just stagnate then I will be a little bit skeptical.

Everybody here knows Verge is actually shit. I am also curious as to what could possibly boost its price. It's a 2-ish year old project that still looks pretty amateurish if you ask me.

>> No.4106235

Apart from the fact nobody believes me so isn't buying... I will have such a fucking rush when the news comes out you have no idea

>> No.4106263

So should i buy in now or?

>> No.4106268

OP how confident are of breaking the ATH and will the hype last a few days or is it gonna be rather a few hours pump?

>> No.4106301

The nature of the news means it should be sustained.

>> No.4106333

ok good to know because I'm gonna be probably wagecucking during the most interesting time, so sell orders is all I have

>> No.4106349

I want to believe you OP but without a timeline or even a slight bit of evidence it's really hard for me to buy into this rumor.

>> No.4106366

He said earlier in this thread moonage begins in the evening US eastern time tomorrow. 24 hours from now we'll know.

>> No.4106380

Ok, thanks for the heads up. Here's to hoping. Fingers crossed this isn't an elaborate bamboozle.

>> No.4106438

why buy now, if this guy is for real, you just hang around tmrw evening and wait to see the price spike and buy in.

>> No.4106466

Eh, could be a bamboozle but Verge is kind of a hard coin to pump and dump. Has enough volume that OP wouldn't bother trying to pump it on a fucking 4chan thread even if it is mostly just bots flipping back and forth with these tiny increments. Also if you're into technical analysis it's riding a 200 day moving average vs bitcoin which is typically as low as an actual project will go.

>> No.4106602

Well... guess I'll start getting my red wojacks and bamboozle memes ready just in case.

>> No.4106641
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>> No.4106686

and what is the all time high everyone is talking about ?

>> No.4106729

Twent here. Going out now. Back later. Softly softly catchy monkey. Blue horseshoe still loves Verge.

>> No.4106730

I guess it's really cool if people sell or don't buy. That just means no massive 4chan dumps tomorrow.

Although Twe, I'm seriously also getting skeptical. Today was supposed to be an interview. That didn't happen.

I calculated my losses. If I sell at 85-88'ish, I wouldn't have lost too much. So I'm all good if you turn out to be wrong -- thanks for trying man. I know you didn't profit off of this cuz man, it's less than a 10-satoshi difference. I do know that your rep will take a hit, so I know you'll lose out too :(

Here's to hoping tomorrow does bring some good news. My heart is yours <3

>> No.4106741
File: 313 KB, 808x805, 1508097701209.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

tfw bought with bitcoin and lost the 500$ pump

>> No.4106864
File: 78 KB, 1000x800, 1509075000021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Loaded up another 10k XVG at 81 sats. Feels good man

>> No.4106894

2eth in
lambo here I come

>> No.4106909

OP what price do you plan on taking profits?

>> No.4107077

So I guess wraith release is tomorrow eh ?


>> No.4107103

pnd here


>> No.4107202
File: 103 KB, 1200x800, please use my referal link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Better not be lying fgt I put one eth in

>> No.4107342

OP will neither confirm nor deny that it has anything to do with
>W R A I T H

>> No.4107371


Not OP, but I think he mentioned a strategy in one of the other threads - sell 10-20% of your stack at each 10-20% increment. Most balanced way to achieve gains without too high risk.

>> No.4107380

Who here is also part of the Million club . Gotta be wraith released tom.


>> No.4107394

will this thing be announced in the interview or is a event seperate all together ? because interview aint happening till 4th nov . can anybody shedd some light ?

>> No.4107402

Not quite willing to go that deep with my stack. About 370k vergins here.

>> No.4107406

1.1 mil here

>> No.4107415

How long until Wraith releases? I have to wait 8 hours.

>> No.4107529

500k, would have a milli but i put other half of my stack into an upcoming ICO. Wish I was all in Verge tho

>> No.4107539

Op ?

>> No.4107581

There is no interview tomorrow. The lead dev was supposed to have an interview on some fuckboy Youtube livestream yesterday but he "mixed up" the time zones or some shit and they rescheduled it to next Saturday.

So this mooning has nothing to do with any interview as far as I know.

>> No.4107612
File: 443 KB, 400x296, 1509237622126.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You kids are getting trolled so hard with this potato coin jesus christ

>> No.4107629

>these are the same idiots that got me into link & req....

>> No.4107639
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>> No.4107662
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If you think this is gonna push the price up I feel sorry

>> No.4107999

Can you not make this thread so popular. In my short 4chan experience, whenever everyone goes for 1 thing with this much hype it turns out to get fucked.

It was cooler when Twe had a small group of us underdogging. Now people are posting who never even were here yesterday :(. shit that's just not good signage.

>> No.4108012

I mean look at LINK. It got hyped af on 4chan, I remember when it first came out. It was pretty cool tho, there was like a 400% pump. . . Then as it got more and more popular it fucked.

Please don't turn verge into this. Man I have money in this. . . c'mon.

>> No.4108301

WELP. It's happening. It's jumping back to 89 now. Looks like the "insider" people are doing their thang.

>> No.4108368

yep, strap in boyos
sell orders from 109 up to the fucking moon set up
gonna sleep like a baby, godnight future (tomorrow) richfags

>> No.4108559

>selling before 150


>> No.4108565

nah i'd sell half my stash at 130-150 because 200 migh tnot happen

>> No.4108574

what are your sell orders then smartass?

>> No.4108580

240 I start taking profits

>> No.4108589

you don't even know what's the news gonna be, how can you be sure it's gonna go past ATH?

>> No.4108644

I need this. I am getting JUSTed on all sides

>> No.4108798

he actually first posted the 3/4 days thing 3 days ago, there was another thread before yesterday's

>> No.4108805

Is it more profitable to buy/sell XVG with ETH or BTC? or does it not matter. I bought all my XVG with ETH so idk

>> No.4108853
File: 806 KB, 858x493, Temp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's legit.

More things happening for no reason.

Twe -- who is he?

>> No.4108936

in another thread the same tripfag said it was not about wraith but something much better

>> No.4109402

Reporting in.

Whats good?

>> No.4109408

Your mother's pussy.

>> No.4109429

You seem mad.

Maybe I'll drop you a couple hundred dollars in BTC after this is over because I pity you.

>> No.4109433


We getting paid soon?

>> No.4109446

Evening, New York time, 30th.

>> No.4109457

When do you plan on taking profits? I'm a newbie and just want some ideas on how people manage their risk.

>> No.4109477


Do you think Tether is going to kill us all? Are you long BTC?

>> No.4109485

show some respect to the guy who's trying to help you become rich

>> No.4109498

Depends on the momentum I can feel in the rise. Maybe sell 10% of my position for every 20% rise.

I have got you guys in, it is your responsibility to get yourselves out. I can't give advice on when to sell because even I do not know. It all depends on what the market does and how it reacts to the news.

In an ideal world, I would be able to tell you the top and we could all sell and gain maximum profit. However, in the real world, I know no more than you.

Just remember, green is green. Profit is profit. If you don't make as much as possible, so what? If I ever got lucky and sold everything at the top I would not be happy, I would be mad at myself. That's gambling. Sell your position off slowly as it rises.

Imagine this:

We at 100 sats

120 sats hit, sell 10%
140 sats hit sell 10%
160 sats hit sell 10%
180 sats hit sell 10%
160 sats hit sell 20%
140 sats hit sell 20%
160 sats hit sell 10%

That will give you an idea (obviously the above adds up to more than 100%)

>> No.4109503

How big do you think the news is? Are we expecting at least a 30% pump? I don't this to be a Swell conference 2.0

>> No.4109513

Big news. Big fucking news. It's a perfect storm

>> No.4109530

fuck u faggot

>> No.4109581

Thanks. You are a gem in this board full of ADHD spastics.

>> No.4109651

I am surprised the market hasn't reacted at all considering most coins pump from insider trading before news breaks. Volume is still dead and price is dirt cheap.

>> No.4109738
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Pic related it's my fucking face for the next 24 hours.

>> No.4109788
File: 372 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_3011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Time to go all in? I'm in a good portion but these prices are so tempting that I want to throw in everything.

>> No.4109815

Go read the link threads. Never go all in.

>> No.4109829

yeah I'm tempted to pick up some more and avg down bit

>> No.4109858
File: 335 KB, 2592x1728, IMG_3052.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The thing is they went all in at the ATH or went all in and their pull out game was weak.
If it goes back down to 84 I'll forsure double down.

>> No.4109865


Use good position sizing and you'll never be nervous about downward moves.

>> No.4109894

I think that if you were here when the price was 80 this morning, I would go all in. now that it's 89, I would probably throw 20% of ur total investment in. . .

I mean in reality we're all freakin' gambling on Twe's word versus 0 news except for that reno picture.

>> No.4110056

>reno picture

>> No.4110064


Yeah I'm pissed I didn't put more in when it hit 81. Instead decided to put a bit in doge for a quick 5% boost, thinking it'd stay low for a couple of hours.

>> No.4110065

Oh, didn't see >>4108853. What's the source on that? Looks bullshit lmao

>> No.4110077


That is shooped

>> No.4110129
File: 116 KB, 640x960, 1443289755016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thought so, looks chintzy as fuck and seriously no place of business is going to have decals made up for a smalltime cryptocurrency yet. What the fuck is even going on right now? Why do I keep layering in buys for this shitcoin? Why am I so impatient?

>> No.4110140


Your gut's telling you we're all gonna make it friendo

>> No.4110146


Keep your position sizing normal so you don't get crushed in the event that it doesn't pan out.

>> No.4110148


from their own fucking twitter you dumbass. how can u be investing in something this big and this iffy without keeping up with everything related? seriously.

btw it's at 90 now. . . if any of you bought too high :P now is hte time to jump ship if u bought in your 80s and got scared!

>> No.4110158

You're just a huge faggot man leave this thread. FUD'ing for no reason. We need the price high so we can sell to buy back at 80s can u just fucking not open your dumbsss mouth until we sell.

Seroiusly. like a huge retard ur talking shit without even checking their own fucking twitter. Get out of here.

>> No.4110215
File: 706 KB, 1500x1543, 1507964504318.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

100k bag am I going to make it guys?

>> No.4110246

I have upped my position from 11 million to 20 million XVG.

>> No.4110254

Proof nigga

>> No.4110278
File: 58 KB, 491x441, Screenshot from 2017-10-30 04-15-55.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are 750BTC in sales up to 200sat, do you really think it can go that high? wtf? if it would eat all those sell orders it would probably go 10x after that...

>> No.4110286
File: 4 KB, 875x51, verge1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4110331


When we make it, I'll post my portfolio where I got. Its not much, 530k verge and I started 3 months ago. Hope I'll break the 10k btc

>> No.4110332

That's how all book depths look like.

It will get more then 750BTC volume and I expect most of it to be buying so I don't see why it can't go past 200 sats?

>> No.4110425

show us your buy orders 20ya

>> No.4110453

A.) why is this being labeled a shitcoin
B.) what sort of BIG NEWS, PERFECT STORM CRAP could XVG announce

>> No.4110470

C.) now that everyone here and their mother knows that there will allegedly be big news tomorrow evening, how severe would the crash be if no news gets announced
and and
will 20ya come back here to say, sorry boyos I got the release all wrong, they plan on announcing it on November 1st.

>> No.4110473

Either Wraith gets announced tomorrow for they're making a deal with some company or something. Considering the namefag personally doesn't think the coin will go anywhere, I'm guessing Wraith

It's considering a shitcoin because it's a Dogecoin fork. Dev is also a druggie so people look down on that.

>> No.4110480

would you be willing to at least confirm for sure that something will be released tomorrow?

>> No.4110482

xvg is rigged. right before a pump , bagholders drop all the sell orders. Happened last pump

>> No.4110493

so I guess by that logic our worries should subside. since "its happening again"

>> No.4110498


>> No.4110505

fuck it.

going all in.

>> No.4110507

Why is nobody accumulating like crazy? For zen people were accumulating a full two days before the leak, have we really gotten lucky enough to get in early?

>> No.4110523

is that you OP samefaggin us again?

>> No.4110533

There's also the atomic swap with litecoin. Even twe didn't mention this. Remember I'm the only one who said it for 3 threads now.

>> No.4110554

and i guess if you couple that with UpBit who knows.

>> No.4110556

Yeah true, unlike OP, I do genuinely think Verge will have it's place in Crypto.

>> No.4110575

OP thinks it's a shitcoin but only worth this round of pump/hype.

Yet the news (that should be released tomorrow) is a perfect storm. HUGE NEWS. how does that not negate the shitcoininess>?

>> No.4110579

I haven't mentioned anything because I do not want to oust my source.

All will become clear.

>> No.4110591

fuck off boomer

>> No.4110599

Do you trust your source? I mean you have 200k riding on it...

>> No.4110610


Easier than 4chan

>> No.4110616

I'm not saying that's a bad thing nor do I even care, some people have an issue with that.

To be honest, are they really surprised the founder of a privacy crypto is into drugs?

>> No.4110618

I wish Google would make a blockchain. That would be so hype. Legit dropping everything for it.

>> No.4110746

Holy shit chill out, retard.

Verge is a shitcoin. It's Dogecoin Dark. Nothing innovative and the dev team are bumbling idiots that can't even stick to deadlines so they went with a "no deadlines" policy on their amateur hour wraith protocol. We can still make money off of it though but this sure as shit is not a long term hold.

>> No.4110777


it’s actually recovering though

>> No.4110832

Yeah I don't trust a word of what you wrote cuz you literally type out of your ass talking without any concrete evidence. I really hope you don't buy xvg, your dumbas doesn't deserve tomorrow

>> No.4112015

Just curious Twentya, how much crypto do you have?

>> No.4112088

greater than 1M USD

>> No.4112103

That was smart.

>> No.4112207
File: 17 KB, 1616x52, Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 7.01.01 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

trusting you

>> No.4112227

lmao nice try

>> No.4112283


what is math

>> No.4112332
File: 49 KB, 1746x682, Screen Shot 2017-10-30 at 7.23.33 pm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what is retard

>> No.4112682


>> No.4112711


>> No.4112732

If you can't read earlier posts you are too stupid to deserve gains.

>> No.4112740

I have been waiting for a while, but this shitcoin seems to be stable and I will just Hold for now, market cap is really low and I can at least see this double or triple if anything relevant happens with it. The 4th of November they will have an interview and I expect to see some movement in it.

>> No.4112746
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>> No.4112787


>> No.4112791

We goin UP

>> No.4112794

hi 20ya

>> No.4112915

hello how r u

>> No.4112997

Any update on the pump

>> No.4113007


Still 10+ hours to go.

>> No.4113465

marines report in

btw I made a discord for better communication:

>> No.4113607

even 5c would be good

>> No.4113643

that would be 9x, a bit too optimistic I recon.

>> No.4113690

Today is the day XVG moons, right?

>> No.4113831


>> No.4114172

Penis marine reporting in. Are we still on track senpai?

>> No.4114216


>> No.4114325

why the fuck would you guys trust some shady guy on /biz/? I'm almost 100% sure you guys will not make anything from this 'moon'. If there's no real proof then the risk is too big.

>> No.4114386

Let me guess, listing on Coinbase?

>> No.4114404

PnD here


>> No.4114701


i'm all in sir, please sir don't dump on me. my mom is sick sir, my father also. please sir don't let us down. please deliver tonight kind sir. best of luck to your family and children

>> No.4114811
File: 37 KB, 490x397, wha.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4114837

sirs pls wheer is bump/?

>> No.4115361

He just wanted to share the news with all of the dear sirs on \biz\.

>> No.4115414

Risk to reward ratio is good enough for me desu.

>> No.4115425

So this is gonna moon for a week straight I believe you said Twentya? Or is it a short pump?

It's gonna happen while I'm sleeping from what you said.

>> No.4115446

It's an estimate.
I cannot know for sure obviously.

I am the provider of information, make your own decisions about the market.

Best of luck

>> No.4115455

In your opinion then, should I set a sell order or wait until a few hours after when I wake up and see the price?

>> No.4115467

Sell parts of your position as it rises. Never sell everything at once.

>> No.4115499

Ok thanks

>> No.4115614

So how long I have to wait now? Are 2k enough? Better make this happen OP.

>> No.4115808

Supposedly evening time Eastern United States time, so 6-8 hours from now. Seems like a weird time for an announcement but what do I know.

>> No.4115853

Going all in. Please don't dump on me, I got loans.

>> No.4115886

this is retarded

>> No.4115892

Twenty won't let us down. Vergemarines report in. 400k reporting.

>> No.4115920

Fuck you and the Marines bullshit don't put that evil on us.

>> No.4115948


>> No.4116026 [DELETED] 

Well, how are they here?
I only come to ask for a little help, because of the place where I am (Memezuela) it would be very useful, to help me with a donation in paypal, with what I can aspire to invest in something productive, and improve my condition a little this hole

The paypal address for donations; kenyer2012@gmail.com <<<< It's not my mail, I do not use paypal.

Thanks in advance :(

>> No.4116407

Nice, just sent 100k

>> No.4117523


That's what I'm guessing . Twentya is good on his word he won't let us down

>> No.4118014

Seems to be trending up rn

>> No.4118046

Some more movement...
Volume Increasing...
Please be true to your word Twentya...literally my last £500 on this...

>> No.4118145

Yeah, definitely some movement, whole btcs of buys.
Any news released?

>> No.4118223

People who talked negative about this coin will regret it.

Father, forgive them. For they do not know what they do.

>> No.4118264

Naysayers bout to get wrecked. Twenty was right.

>> No.4118360

It's not too late to repent /biz/, o ye of little faith.

>> No.4118429
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>> No.4118437

thanks twenty

>> No.4118454
File: 32 KB, 750x400, The_Truth_About_Bitcoin_Stefan_Molyneux__FreeDomainRadio__15812-750x400.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Worst coin since ChainStink. Belongs in the toilet.

>> No.4118473 [DELETED] 

For actual pumps, go here:


>> No.4118514

Our revered prophet said the news will come around 8pm EST. Soon lads...

>> No.4118751

Let's all just pump this to 10 cents , news or not , fuck it , I'm dropping 5 btc in it

>> No.4118771


Y lets do this faggots

>> No.4118776


>> No.4118788

how many of you are on standby for the news to roll out and place your bids?

>> No.4118843

I just dropped 3 btc into , I'm not waiting, that's for the plebs

>> No.4118862

cmon my fellow vergens

>> No.4118865

I'm waiting for it to hit 300 so I can buy in and sell at 100.

>> No.4118873

capslock teenage faggots like you deserve to be gassed. none of us are holding this coin long term. you'd know that if you didn't have the attention span of a goldfish.

>> No.4118889

Living the dream man.

>> No.4118899

but that samefaggin though.........

>> No.4118906

if anyone has extra btc now is the time to put in it.
verge. LOVE their team .do you know what I know??

>> No.4118907
File: 904 KB, 427x240, ewww.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why would you buy something you don't believe in long-term?

>> No.4118915

so I can convert it to more btc of course.

>> No.4118916

no news tonight.


>> No.4118928


>> No.4118930

huge if anal

>> No.4118933


>> No.4118939
File: 30 KB, 710x577, 1507929880443.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Meh, I just bought 0.2 BTC worth since everyone in two private groups I'm in is talking about them releasing the Wraith protocol tonight.

inb4 i get pajeeted

>> No.4118950

DAFAK is wraith

>> No.4118954
File: 14 KB, 220x330, 1496506330183.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I should add, I don't even know what the Wraith protocol even is, just that it's supposed to be complete.

>> No.4118962

why would it rally if everyone says XVG is a shitcoin despite completing wraith.

besides 20ya said it's much bigger than wraith...its a perfect storm..


>> No.4118967

OP leaked palm beach confidential to us right as it released and we all doubled our money. that's why we're putting blind faith into him this time. apparently the announcement he's referring to has nothing to do with wraith.

>> No.4119029

almost 100 sats, then BOOOOOM! I can;t wait for y'all to know what the news issssss.......


>> No.4119096

how double when there is virgin 600 btc sell wall before double

>> No.4119116
File: 20 KB, 472x594, vivien_leigh_short_hair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I googled his trip and OP checks out. If he comes through on this he'll be a true /biz/ legend deserving of a generously stocked tip jar.

People tend to cancel their sell orders.

>> No.4119132

i just want a lambo

>> No.4119211

If he is good on his word , Twentya will be the greatest 4chan crypto legend ever . He will go down in history

>> No.4119221

>trusting tripfriends

cheers op

>> No.4119235

if not

bon chance.

>> No.4119339

Someone tweet Moderators on Discord denied any incoming announcement about Wraith - 8 min ago. So what is the news we are waiting for ?

>> No.4119363

People are so fucking stupid. Ruining their own chances of a moon.

>> No.4119372

OP said it had nothing to do with wraith.

>> No.4119379

people are posting this thread in groups/twitter so expect a bunch of newfags

>> No.4119388

fucking white knights

>> No.4119415

lol u mean he discord group with 13 members they don't know shit it's a fan page chat .

>> No.4119421

Announcement? When? :O 100k bought at 85sth

>> No.4119423

hey twitterfags, will you guys kindly fuck off or at least quit linking here?

>> No.4119426

great thx for dip

>> No.4119448

I can't believe how stupid people are. Wtf do you expect the verge team to say? "Oh yeah, rumors are true, go ahead and buy." Like how fucking stupid do you have to be?

>> No.4119469

not happening

>> No.4119483

20ya is already dumping

sweet 40% return

>> No.4119511

The only idiots in here are the idiots posting shit saying that it was a bad idea to post it on twitter to ask the Verge team. What kind of idiot buys something without knowing what it's about? "Yeah sure let's lie and pump this coin cuz it's going to moon from nothing." Dumb fucks.

>> No.4119527


>> No.4119537

It's a fucking rumor. If you don't believe it, don't buy it. That simple. Everyone is wrong, then fuck them. Why ruin it for everyone? It makes little sense why anyone would want to ruin a potential pump unless you're just a shit human being that enjoys being wrong.

>> No.4119543

now they'll cancel the announcement and watch the bags DROP!

>> No.4119548

no one gives a fuck what either of you faggots think. I'll buy what I want, tyvm

>> No.4119557

If you don't believe it, you ask whether it's true. Which is what people were doing on twitter. You don't just go ahead and throw hundreds at some shit investment without asking what it's about.

>> No.4119558

On track.

>> No.4119569

"Hey, so I heard this rumor that might ruin your surprise. Can you be a fucking idiot and tell me if it's true?"

Holy shit are you stupid.

>> No.4119573

DUE DILIGENCE! this aint no game son

>> No.4119583


you're right, I throw thousands cuz I'm a fucking baller you little pussy ass nigger

>> No.4119585

Companies don't tend to confirm rumors. I'd agree with you retards if there was even the slight chance a company would be stupid enough to confirm a rumor before announcing. You either believe the rumor or don't.

>> No.4119596

Will be there some announcement or not? wtf

>> No.4119603


What kind of developer team "surprises" people? Are you a fucking idiot? Do you know how crypto works? Devs put out roadmaps years in advance telling you when updates are happening. Maybe this guy had an "in" to the PB report but if you believe he's just going to throw out accurate leaks every day you have gotta be stupid.

>> No.4119605

stfu its early as fuck

>> No.4119610

seriously, this is going to get dropped so fucking fast at 8pm

>> No.4119616


Aight, when?

>> No.4119627


You're not a baller anymore if you lose all your money

>> No.4119642

Whatever, you're clearly mentally impaired. I apologize. It's not like this same exact scenario hasn't already happened multiple times. XLM for example, but sure. Keep going. Your missed opportunity.

>> No.4119655

put a tag on it.
this rumor is being sold right now

>> No.4119687

stick a fork in me jerry. im done

>> No.4119713

OP how much have you sold so far?

>> No.4119718

Where we at here boys, hour and a half until we good sirs rocket or what

>> No.4119723

Over what period of time will this take place? Are we talking a 3 day moon? 1 minute? How do we judge this? If - for example - it was a new pairing added to coinbase (I'm just guessing based on some anons rumour mongering yesterday - this is potentially a much longer hold yeah? Or if at 8pm, the news is shit - it's like "Drop this shit NOW" and all that REEEE/Wojack stuff...doesn't it depend on the news? Or is the conventional wisdom to sell the news ALWAYS!?

>> No.4119727

you're all going to lose your money. Listen to me, sell it while you can

>> No.4119756

Please sell before it goes under 90 sats, please, we can't handle any more pinkies on here

>> No.4119777


Stop your FUD, Twenya has a source for the mooning and he is generously letting us in on this.

>> No.4119785

On what basis should we listen to you?

Genuinely curios. I've spoken in-depth with the OP over a period of a few days now. I have no reason to believe his intent is malicious.

>> No.4119790

I don't know what your plan is, maybe you want everybody over here to pump the price so you can break even your loss or something like that, but hey, whatever floats your boat boi. Good luck losing money the people that actually use their brain

>> No.4119800
File: 70 KB, 1857x733, czeched.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fucking checked

>> No.4119805

well, i've been monitoring these threads as well, but all he could tell us is 'trust me, can't tell you the 'secret information'.
if you're willing to take a risk based on nothing but his words, go on and do it man, but god damn don't come here crying then you lose your money

>> No.4119811

the news is that upbit will be adding it to their KWR list. lambo please kek

>> No.4119813

Oh no, I'm telling the rest to get out now, while they still can.

I think we both got out much closer to 100 sats and thanked our lucky stars we didn't stay a moment longer

>> No.4119837
File: 6 KB, 258x87, Screenshot from 2017-10-30 18-45-28.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm ready to go balls deep within seconds of real news.

>> No.4119848

Of course he can't tell us what it is. That would reveal the source.

>> No.4119865

That's not fair.

>> No.4119877

and soil the surprise

and please please please
let's not forget the samefaggin

i mean did he samefag before?

>> No.4119887

yeah that's what he said, but what's the thing you're holding on to then? his word? cause that's what's going to hit you in the face when the price drops

>> No.4119888

The original thread in case anyone missed it.


>> No.4119906

yeah THEN WHY WAS HE SAMEFAGGGGGIN on that same thread.
he got caught TWICE
and then said ok I'm sorry I literally did it only once

>> No.4119922

OP is that you on reddit shilling this?

>> No.4119923

Sure. I don't think he has any reason to lie about this. He also, as stated before, seems like a nice guy.

He's been shilling it for the last week despite the fact that, for said week, it has been at virtually planted at 93-ish. His shilling had literally zero effect on the price at all, after multiple successful threads, and yet he persisted.

Maybe it's some sort of elaborate long con, but I'd rather lose me irrelevant 3k on at least something relatively credible than on some other shitcoin.

>> No.4119945

>Literally anon posting on Bavarian glass-blowing forum
>relatively credible

You are the worst kind of FOMO

>> No.4119948

lol he just posted on reddit claiming to be part of a large whale group.
is that an elaborate attempt at PnD or what?

seriously why would anyone buy at this point?

>> No.4119962

he gave us zen retard. gtfo stupid pajeet

>> No.4119973

sure, if you're willing to risk it then do it, i'm not stopping you. Just know that nothing seems right about this, and trusting somebodies word on /biz/ is risky as fuck. if you don't want to lose money, don't do it. Also this: >>4119906
OP was samefagging which means it's most likely a lie

>> No.4119987

the surprise is that James from VTC is willing to adopt XVG and spank it a bit because sunerok whats to go live in Tibet

>> No.4119997

the staff deny it because they don't know. remember their past leak? guy got fired?
obviously the dev hasn't told anybody this time to stop leaks. the irony...

>> No.4119998

so what is this xvg news? still ok to buy? whats going on here?

>> No.4120006

I trust him. I suspect it'll moon just like he said.

If not, oh well.