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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 438 KB, 1109x1280, FUN_censorship.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4084287 No.4084287 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone else enjoying the new, thinkcrime free Funfair telegram channel? If not, that's a ban.

>> No.4084307
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>> No.4084323
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>The sole communications manager for FunFair is Alex Lawn (t.me/bitcoinorama). A quick google search or conversation with him in the funfair telegram will show you that Alex is very big on BTC maximalism. This is relevant because Alex has also been heavily involved with BTC mining since 2009 and served as PR guy for their bitcoin mining hardware company (KnC Miner). To put things in perspective for you, Alex is responsible for when news is released, and how often. Pressing Alex is the funfair telegram will only get you generic answers about not wanting to create "pump and dump hype". He has banned countless people from the funfair telegram for voicing simple concerns about public relations and awareness. Now, lets lay down some facts.

>> No.4084335
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>FACT: Alex requested that he be removed from the funfair team page
>FACT: Alex has banned NUMEROUS people from the funfair telegram(including myself), all who have expressed dissent for his management and style of communication
>FACT: Alex has been heavily involved in BTC since 2009, it stands to reason that he has at least 1000 BTC. They were given out like candy before asics came around (which Alex was also involved in, with KnC miner)
>FACT: Alex has stated preference for slow and controlled news releases ('muh pump and dump') when the community requested weekly devblogs
>FACT: Alex is in numerous telegram trading groups such as whalepool/shitpool that are entirely profit-driven and focused on stacking more and more BTC at the expense of alts
>FACT: Alex has argued numerous times with jez on btc vs eth, in public view on the funfair telegram. he is EXTREMELY heavy on BTC being the 'One True Crypto' in the future, and he stands to gain HEAVILY from this (remember, been around BTC since the beginning)
>FACT: Alex has responded to numerous concerns about price by stating that those who hold FUN and bought into the ICO are not INVESTORS but token HOLDERS. Think about how he views us as participants in the funfair ecosystem. We're just pawns to his end goal

>> No.4084343
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>> No.4084349
File: 99 KB, 499x744, ffd686907223a2592cf01b01caa529f7--asian-gf-pinup-girls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Anyone who's been banned from the @funfairtech telegram is welcome to join us at t.me/joinchat/EdnO7URbML-CqcrCBMoxiA

>> No.4084375


>> No.4084399
File: 186 KB, 1440x769, Alex censors jez.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

bump because this is important

>> No.4084440

welp, another one bites the dust. was so promising too.

>> No.4084449

IMO my faith in funfair's tech is not shaken at all, its the fact that this manipulative information control freak is at the helm of PR. If we get this fucker off he won't be able to suppress the price with manipulation of sentiment and information. A meme war is brewing. Join us


>> No.4084466

I'd love to but my specialty is creating Pepes of mass destruction to subversively drive my agenda. Unfortunately, Pepes are not allowed.

>> No.4084478

How do you have faith in a project that allows this sort of shit to go on? I heard this shit last week. He should have been sacked and it never have come up again. Instead they have let it get to the point where so many are banned from the public channel that a concerted effort is being made to meme this cunt out? That's just bad management, and in my mind a good indicator of the direction of the rest of the project.

>> No.4084559
File: 857 KB, 320x144, fun_goebbels.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're making oc. i have made multiple funfair pepes

>> No.4084577

I've lost faith in the team but that doesn't diminish jez's resume or anything else. imo they will deliver, just that alex is fucking us all over with his btc maximalism and intention to stack more btc on news events

>> No.4084624

actually it does. no one in a managerial position anywhere would put this guy in charge of anything. the guy is talking about putting his hand inside a dog ffs.
"Yeah, nah, you're doing a bang-up job Alex, here let me promote you to head of twitter account too while I'm at it."
Done with this shitcoin, I'd have better luck chasing pump and dumps than investing in some price-controlled shit like this. And what for? To put my money into the pocket of some deranged egotistical maniac?

>> No.4084640
File: 114 KB, 1024x685, FUN_dear_leader.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I will keep holding, but i understand the sentiment

>> No.4084691

meh. converted it all for BCH. honestly trust chinks at this point more. At least when they bbq dogs they get some food out of it. Not just masturbatory wank-bank material to go home with for later.

>> No.4084709

I....dont...is this a fucking parody or real?!?

>> No.4084716
File: 147 KB, 512x411, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4084719

It’s real, guy is crazy

>> No.4084748

JUST fuck my shit up senpai

>> No.4084752

I'm still struggling to believe it is real. But even if it is FUD it's bound to drive the price further down. And I just can't waste anymore time holding shit that goes nowhere.

>> No.4084760

He’s a nutter butter. I’m holding but I get where you’re coming from. I think we’re near the bottom at this point.

>> No.4084818

yeah, ive jumped in the telegram. seems like a heap of shit according to both Jez and Alex. you guys are fucked in the head hey. stop trying to shit up decent projects with your p&d shit. you cunts are ruining crypto in general.

>> No.4084833

I’m in there now, Jez isn’t online and Alex is a liar. I’m not sure if you’re fully aware of what’s transpired over the last few weeks.

>> No.4084835
File: 154 KB, 368x640, funfair_censorship.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

dude that alex guy is straight up lying. you're really going to believe HIM ?

look at this fucker suppressing info on the burn event.

>> No.4084870

compared to some anons on 4chan, who have their own questionable motives? yeah probably. It's not hard to shop some text afterall.

>> No.4084878

lmao ok believe the guy that's been in BTC mining since 2009. I'M THE ONE that has motives here.

>> No.4084897

name a BTC maximalist that has altcoins like FUN in their best interest. I'll wait

>> No.4084900

You can act as defensively as you want. However, you started an entire thread about. Clearly you DO have some sort of motive. And saving other anons from themselves would put you in the vast minority of this place who are only looking to offload their bags onto others. You've offered no substantial proof, just a couple of screenshots. And those quite possibly shopped. You've also posted my earlier response in your telegram channel to further your own agenda. So yeah, I'm calling you out as being a lying manipulator. Suck a dick pump and dumpers.

>> No.4084907

have fun getting fucked by Alex when he dumps on you EVERY news article. i posted undeniable facts and you can't refute a single one. find the guy on funfair's team. why is he on the telegram mod team if he's not even on the team page?

>> No.4084911

also you were just in here saying you converted your bags to BCH and sold already. get the fuck out of here

>> No.4084914

>You can act as defensively as you want. However, you started an entire thread about.

people deserve to know, and its not like i'm the only one that's been banned

>> No.4084924

see how easy it is to bullshit out some FUD? Took me all of 2 seconds. And you wonder why I take a second look at what it is you're doing?
Hope you get done for defamation fucko.

>> No.4084927
File: 67 KB, 576x1024, Vk_Vbzg1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


read this thread (the first one) and you'll see i'm one of MANY people banned. it's not just me bitching about this for no reason

>> No.4084932


>Hope you get done for defamation fucko.
>on telegram of all places

>> No.4084940

Vincenzo Vallelonga please stop posting.

>> No.4084941

yeah, he deleted some messages. spam asking about a burn. and you posted some shit about him sticking his hand inside a dead dog. big fucking difference you clown.

>> No.4084944
File: 48 KB, 600x800, full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nice bike man

>> No.4084951
File: 28 KB, 600x449, full (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

did you enjoy this cheeseburger?

>> No.4084959

So I'm guessing you're this Pep cunt they keep referring to? Where did the bad clown touch you?

>> No.4084965

>the burn meme
You are braindead

>> No.4084966
File: 10 KB, 244x244, randomly_generated_person.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

idk man, you tell me

>> No.4084975

that you? god you're an ugly fucker.

>> No.4084981

LOL ok 'v1nc3nz0' you don't have to hide it

>> No.4084987

cute username by the way. very 1337. too bad you suck at opsec

>> No.4084990

LOL, you think there is only 1 v1nc3nz0 on the planet? way off dickhead. Nice try doxxing me though. Fucking clownshoes.

>> No.4084995

also, you have no made your MO pretty clear. Disagree with someone and get personal at any cost. now I just feel sorry for you.

>> No.4085001

um yeah that's a pretty fucking unique username

>> No.4085066

>he trusts the PR guy involved with BTC mining since the start that's effectively an anonymous member not associated with the team and displays textbook signs of BTC maximalism (censorship, primarily)

the channel is dead anyway, and it's because they banned half the fucking people. but if you want to believe alex's spindle of lies while he's manipulated the chat in his favor go ahead

you'll be in there for 2 weeks max then start asking the same questions i did. then you'll be banned.

>> No.4085099

also how the fuck am i FUDing if i said i'm HOLDING fun longterm? I even said i'm confident in their tech and I just disagree with how Alex operates PR and communications. how deluded are you vincent?

>> No.4085159

deluded enough to not trust the person who was trying to Doxx me on 4chan. you thick fuck.

>> No.4085197

because all of a sudden you accused me of shit based on what Alex is saying, fucking idiot

so i have no other reason than to suspect that you're either a shill or dickrider

>> No.4085214

perfectly valid reason for trying to doxx someone. you're a true beacon of reason in this crazy world of crypto. Just out of curiosity are you jewish?

>> No.4085215

not only that but you tried to backtrack with some bullshit about 'hurr i was just PRETENDING to sell my bags'

>> No.4085223

if you're dumb enough to use your normie username on telegram then it's pretty obvious that you're low IQ and perfect for alex's FUN hugbox

>> No.4085232

and? I wasn't committing libel like you were though, nor was I trying to doxx anyone. I think you've made it pretty apparent to anyone following along the sort of person you are, and how low you will stoop to try and achieve your purpose, whatever that actually is.

>> No.4085233

BY the way I was the one producing all of the funfair memes you see here on /biz/

then the motherfucker banned me for wrongthink, so i have legitimate reasons for taking this personal

>> No.4085247

>committing libel
>for making memes
Just out of curiosity are you jewish?

>> No.4085250
File: 511 KB, 1872x1872, FUN_your_mother.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

since I made at least 3 myself I know you are a lying piece of shit. who are you trying to convince? not me certainly... yourself?

>> No.4085253
File: 732 KB, 879x1020, funbags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085258
File: 132 KB, 1280x818, funfairchad.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK post what you got, lets see who runs out first

LMAO so you're the one that always posted that garbage

>> No.4085264
File: 551 KB, 2190x1080, funfairmoon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085274
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>> No.4085280
File: 488 KB, 1545x1396, funfair.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085281
File: 87 KB, 512x512, FUN_Chan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

shit fun-chan desu

>> No.4085287
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wow dude i REALLY look like someone who just wants to FUD fun and not a community member who was banned for questioning Alex. Where the fuck are your memes? Post one that someone would ACTUALLY fucking save

>> No.4085293
File: 335 KB, 600x600, smug_funfair.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

decent meme


>> No.4085300
File: 314 KB, 512x512, test.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

where do these memes keep coming from??

>> No.4085307

lol. so let me get this right. you feel wronged because you made some memes and then got banned in the telegram. so you shopped some text about Alex defiling a dead dog...why? that doesn't seem a little over the top to you?

>> No.4085311
File: 438 KB, 1280x914, smug.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4085331
File: 28 KB, 320x346, FUN_trezor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ive been a part of the community since 200 members. its 1200 right now. he banned me from their tg for questioning their PR policies

>> No.4085346
File: 1.92 MB, 180x200, vincedancing.gif.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I even made gifs for these fucking faggots

>> No.4085356

big deal. they don't owe you anything. and committing libel as some form of petty pay-back is just, well, petty.
once again, your shit memes don't mean they owe you anything.

>> No.4085357
File: 36 KB, 622x494, FUN_money.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085364

right. wheres your '3 memes' at? i have plenty more to keep posting. Remember when you said I'm a pump and dumper looking to manipulate sentiment? Why the fuck would i have these saved in my computer in high quality?

your narrative falls apart with every meme i post, proving you wrong even further

>> No.4085371
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>> No.4085377
File: 381 KB, 800x670, funfair_pepe.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085388
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>> No.4085398
File: 97 KB, 320x240, funfair_rocket.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4085416
File: 321 KB, 1920x1043, Screenshot_2017-10-28_04-17-12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you're a pump and dumper
>LOL well your memes don't mean shit, its not like you've been here from the beginning and created countless funfair threads on /biz/

You've even posted in my threads before. I remember you because of your garbage jihan wu reddit meme

>> No.4085420
File: 266 KB, 2048x1364, FUN_DJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

theres your 3rd. not that it proves anything. and yes, you are trying to dump the price for your own gain by posting libel. you haven't proved shit except that you are an immature asshat that is willing to resort to doxxing or committing libel against anyone who doesn't agree with him. This whole thread is literally you having a tantrum at me because I called you out on your shit.

>> No.4085430

right, and you still can't acknowledge the fact that i've made numerous threads and memes for /biz/, many of which you've posted in.

Was anyone accusing me of FUD back then? no, because I wasn't banned and could defend myself in the telegram. that alex guy has been talking shit about me for DAYS. I know because i have people in the channel

>> No.4085438

so they should all bow down before your meme-wizardry because you made a few threads? how deluded are you? honestly what makes you think they owe you anything?

>> No.4085441
File: 154 KB, 767x783, funfair_popcorn.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i literally have over 20 funfair memes saved in my computer in original quality and you still think i'm here to manipulate the price and not inform people of alex's btc maximalism and motives for suppressing the price

>> No.4085453


what is so fucking hard for you to comprehend?

>> No.4085461

Ok you made some threads and some memes. Bravo. I applaud you. You are such a superstar. Now that is over, can we get back on point?
Point being you were banned for posting fake shit about him sticking his hand inside a dead dog. Libel. And you tried, unsuccessfully to dox me, just for disagreeing with you.

>> No.4085472
File: 13 KB, 826x78, Screen Shot 2017-10-23 at 9.39.39 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I love funfair, the problem is alex. if you can't tell this from the thread you're only here to prove my point

>> No.4085479

nigger, he banned me BEFORE THE DOG MEME. you don't even know the full story here just alex's retellings of it

>> No.4085490

No, clearly the problem is you. Of course you will never realize this and continue on in your life of deluded misery.
And I'm not hearing it from you either, since you are spending your entire time going "Reeee, I made them memes, they should be sucking my dick right now!"

>> No.4085491

the whole reason i was banned was for questioning alex's pr policy. THEN the dog meme was created, and not even by myself. I just posted it to the memes channel

>> No.4085492

OP is in a dick measuring contest over the amount of memes he has from this shitcoin.

Go talk to your psyc about the nervous breakdown you're having.

>> No.4085498

>dog meme
and you wonder why I ask what your ulterior motive is?

>> No.4085500

jesus fucking christ you fucking moron.
i was banned for stating my opinion FIRST
then the memes started flowing

the fact that you keep confusing this shit for the sake of argument is really annoying

>> No.4085508

because he censored me for criticizing his PR. if i can't even defend myself why the fuck would i care about this cuck? Yeah, it was posted to piss him off. but that was only after I was banned from the funfair telegram for

>> No.4085514

for stating my opinions that alex's pr is horrible (he bans/deletes messages constantly)

the fucker wiped my entier chat history too. months gone. what's his ulterior motive for THAT?

>> No.4085518

>. THEN the dog meme was created, and not even by myself.
learn to read

>> No.4085530

if he accused me of being here to FUD, wouldn't proving my allegiance clear this up? Also, do you go around saving random coin memes or only the ones you really like?

>> No.4085539

probably so that you could no longer defame him with, by your own admission, fake libelous shit. PR means getting rid of cumstains like you, who are posting derogatory lies. Maybe try reading his job description before getting your panties in a bunch.
back-peddle all you want, you knowingly committed libel. Hope you're an American. enjoy getting butt-raped in prison.

>> No.4085550

yeah dude keep listening to Alex, the guy that deletes messages from the fucking CEO

>> No.4085564

he's not even on the official team RETARD.
thats kind of the whole point of calling this fucker out for his motives of BTC maximalism considering he's in charge of WHEN and WHERE news is released. guess what affects price the most? NEWS

>> No.4085569

could you point me to his team position page on funfair.io ??

if he has such a crucial role, like you say, why is he not on the public team page? why did he specifically ask to be removed?

>> No.4085598

could you point me to where he deletes messages from the CEO and this goes entirely unnoticed by said CEO please? No? didn't think so.

>> No.4085611

I was the moderator you fucking idiot. Alex ADDED me as a mod and banned me as soon as i started stating my opinions on things. That's how i had access to the page to screenshot it in the first place. Ask Alex if i was a mod

>> No.4085619

ask if pep was a mod, then question the authenticity of my screenshot

>> No.4085627
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>> No.4085641

why do you think i'm so pissed that i got removed from a place i invested my time into?

>> No.4085681

please answer this. show me where alex is on the funfair team page. he has SUCH an important role right? so he should be proud to be on the team page and have nothing to hide.

>> No.4085710
File: 330 KB, 493x651, Screenshot_2017-10-28_04-58-08.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the fact is that the MAJORITY of the community is on my side. Alex keeps kicking up shit in the chat while i'm banned and painting me as a fucking boogeyman

>> No.4085734

ALL while doing sketchy shit like deleting my entire chat history. Why the fuck is that necessary?

he banned my normie friend who only talked to me casually in @funfairtech purely because he assoociated with me

>> No.4085780


>> No.4085843

so you can't post it? yeah thought as much. and how do you figure the majority of the community is on your side when you can't get a single poster in this thread to back you up? its only you and me here. show me the overwhelming support, go on, I'm waiting.

>> No.4085857

check the ORIGINAL thread, there are multiple people saying they were banned


I posted the screenshot numerous times. you keep saying its fake when i was the goddamn moderator


>> No.4085868



>> No.4085880

also, what the fuck am I going to do, summon them to come defend me in my thread? really??

>> No.4085893


this guy was muted as well

so thats 4 ids that have been banned, from a single 4chan thread posted outside of peak usage hours

>> No.4085910



this is just people who were banned/muted. if you see the original thread i made, everyone is in agreement with me. The only person who came and drank the Alex koolaid was you

>> No.4085932

Anyway, its only a matter of time before you start seeing suspicious things in that telegram. Pay attention, because messages will be deleted in front of your very eyes.

Then maybe you'll remember this argument and realize what a cuck for alex you were

>> No.4085945

everyone who was in agreement with me voiced their concerns in the first FUNsurrection thread


Maybe you should try actually reading it

>> No.4086242

do you realise how badly you are sperging out right now, or not?

>> No.4086258

why are you all getting so worked up for yet another shitcoin that's going to die along with 98% of all the others?

>> No.4086323

my guess is that he was all in, and took it pretty hard during the alt crash.

>> No.4086521

Because you're not looking at the big picture with all alts in general. The ICO craze is just about over, so next year we'll finally see which ones will actually come out as intended while the rest die and are filtered out. We invest in whatever ICOs we believe won't be garbage a year from now and hope we made a good choice. That's why I've been holding FUN since the ICO and still haven't ever had less than 90K at any point in time since. There's another good ICO I like and will stay in that, and you've probably got some you've had in mind. It's all a big gamble.

>> No.4086573

you have zero arguments left, and you can't answer the questions i asked like why he's not on the public facing team page if he has such an important role

>> No.4086595

why was alex deleting questions/comments about the burn in the telegram?

>> No.4086712
File: 59 KB, 255x402, Screenshot_2017-10-28_07-25-53.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]