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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 29 KB, 1505x1259, bcash.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4073683 No.4073683 [Reply] [Original]

started an hour or so ago
whats the limit on this biz?

I'm thinking pretty high with S2X uncertainty

>> No.4073689


>> No.4073691

i mean BCH. stupid ticker

>> No.4073808

get ready for bch and xmr to rocket, imo the only real alternatives to this segwit cancer

>> No.4073870

love how long it's taken for /nubiz/ to catch on

>> No.4073879

i know why and i'm not fucking telling

>> No.4073895

maybe people will come to realize that BCC is not such a shit coin after all

>> No.4073905
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> PATHETIC!!!!!!!!

>> No.4073920

Took 1 google, enjoy you lazy fucks

>> No.4073921

trend reversal

>> No.4073922

It's shilling from the Asians - it happened before Gold fork as well. They start up a rumor that says the forks not going to happen and BTC going to collapse blah blah and stupid Asians run to Bit cash. It leveled out at 371ish last time and is looking like it's doing it again. Good luck to the fomo idiots buying in right now.

>> No.4073927


>> No.4073930

the sky is the limit on this one. it will overtake bitcoin market cap in 3 weeks

>> No.4073938

People think hard fork will give them free coins

>> No.4073948


you are welcome son

>> No.4073951

cash is legit
gold are faggots

>> No.4073969

i told you korean love this coin

>> No.4073981

>cant break 0.065

>> No.4073990
File: 53 KB, 1072x231, Screenshot_20171027-132233-01.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>cash is legit

>> No.4074005

LOTS of shills in this thread who have bought in and want to see it go up. Do not jump in, the moon is over. It will not go above its' current market value. You were warned.

>> No.4074007

wot is this??
looks like u bought at 0.01?

>> No.4074015

This means free coins in my biz brain

>> No.4074016

You are so new it's ridiculous

>> No.4074022
File: 191 KB, 820x1024, 1488124009760.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/biz/ spends all week shilling link and now BCC of all coins moons


>> No.4074021


Do you agree we should have universal dox laws passed around so we can actually kill idiots who posts threads like this?

I do. I would take their life without flinching. I wish I could dox OP and the shills in this thread, and take their life, in cold blood of course.

>> No.4074020

back 2 reddit adam back

>> No.4074032

why don't you just answer my question instead of being utterly wrong?
i've been in this shithole for over 10 years faggot but i don't use your shitty exchange

>> No.4074034

It's BCH cucking itself yet again with its EDA. Right now 50 blocks an hour, a little over a day from now 1 block every 6 hours.

>> No.4074035


>> No.4074038

no1 even try to shill it kek

>> No.4074048

Jesus fucking Christ mate

>> No.4074050

fork date + ????

>> No.4074066

yep, dont buy it if you fear bitcoin beeing finally usable again

>> No.4074067


who gives a fuck? the eda will change
segwit + blockstream bullshit is way more fucked than arrhythmia

>> No.4074068


It's hilarious watching these fucking idiots who think fork.lol is an exchange

>> No.4074091

i am convinced you're a faggot

>> No.4074097

but muh small blocks

>> No.4074101

I'm convinced you're one of the fuckwits who thought the EDA was a stroke of genius.

>> No.4074109

BCH currently has 7kb blocks.

Can't get much smaller

>> No.4074117

>> /r/bitcoin

>> No.4074118

when the fuck will theymos get mod in biz. this shit is getting ridiculous

>> No.4074119

BCH also seems to have an inverse relationship to the price of bitcoin

>> No.4074124

i chuckled.
I still know exactly why the pump happened and I'm amused to see that biz can't figure it out.

>> No.4074142

Only thing i can guess is that sentiment is changing because old news of adam being a kike faggot is finally making it rounds.

>> No.4074147

Bitcoin Cash is the most fucking reddit thing in existence. It's supporters are obsessed with it.

I just want money

>> No.4074152

tell me if im right daddy

>> No.4074155

banning most of the third world ip ranges would suffice.

>> No.4074165

What about europe then?

>> No.4074168
File: 81 KB, 500x379, 3Lw2G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>/biz/ spends all week shilling link and now BCC of all coins moons
what? there's literally nothing but FUD since 2 weeks mate

>> No.4074240

well most of it's going to get banned, it'll be done by GDP

>> No.4074244

It's because Core said they would start selling side chains. That's why.

>> No.4074262


>> No.4074295
File: 141 KB, 1080x1920, Screenshot_20171027-150134.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Will i make it?

>> No.4074299
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>> No.4074319

>no neo
sadly no

>> No.4074320


>> No.4074330

lightning and all it's code required for implementation is open source, they can "sell" it to enterprises just like redhat can "sell" open source code, by offering support.

this is unlike bitmain which has a complete and utter monolopy on mining hardware, which is not open, and (was/is) even backdoored.

who do you think is trying to extract as much value at the expense of the network?

>> No.4074349

kys currynigger

>> No.4074356

Cool now just get your open source offchain through blockstreams contribution wall. That'll be 1 mil please.

>> No.4074365

>Satoshi's Vision

Fucking chink insects.

>> No.4074376

you realize all of the people shilling for shitcoins/altcoins like bcash are pajeets, right?

all of the western developers, and people in the space are very much on the side of good developers, and the chinks, pajeets and other shitskins are more on the side of centralized mining and the chinks.

>> No.4074387


>> No.4074407

Why do you think I called him a currynigger?

>> No.4074437

Don't worry you won't care when your bitcoin is on our sidechain. Instant and cheapish transactions in a somewhat decentralized network (you can run a node if you got a 100k). Once you pay your monthly fee of course. Don't like that idea? Well too bad we just fucked over the onchain scaling route.

>> No.4074443


>> No.4074601


>> No.4074749

only people that univocally support Core cucks are socialists and communists. they love a faggot that tells them what to do and think. cant wait for another civil war so we can fucking get rid of the commies pussies again

>> No.4074773

>tfw equal amounts of both and can't decide which to shill

I mean, philosophically, BCH is the best to rid us of the Blockstream cancer. But a flippening would likely lead to an overall massive loss of confidence and lower combined value.

no only retard BTC splits all the time. Other cryptos have hard forks all the time without splitting.

>who do you think is trying to extract as much value at the expense of the network?
yet another retard corecuck who doesn't understand how Bitcoin works. Bitcoin embraces selfish capitalism in mining, it works solely because miners are expected to choose profit over fucking around.

Unlike, say, Core who are primarily fucking around

>> No.4074815
File: 394 KB, 1600x900, 1*nF8-Vp1d5RQYCZgQo4CHKQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Medium spammed just several articles about how BCH is the legit bitcoin and how everybody legit is backing it up.

>> No.4074828
File: 29 KB, 650x650, aXm3052xjU.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

God you faggots are so tedious. Literally "FUD" The coin. That's all you guys have.

Sage goes in the fucking option field.

>> No.4075752
File: 10 KB, 251x255, 11fc75057dac0de84179928e8b3cfdb22ec57b2c1be873eace67103e446727f5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bcore devs are good devs

>> No.4075770

and you absolutely think for yourself and haven't at all ate up all the propaganda about bitcoin's developers? good thing those glorious miners are there to save the day! praise china!

>> No.4075799
File: 154 KB, 800x1200, forkers.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Roger Ver is on suicide watch along with the bagholders that he scammed lol.

>> No.4075827
File: 151 KB, 1324x762, blocksize.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The blocksize is kept small so the network remains decentralized, otherwise no one but corporations could be able to run nodes.

Go to bed, Roger.

>> No.4075982


Typical fucking idiot corestream cum guzzler logic
> can't afford better than a 56k modem
> no problem paying $100 tx fees

>> No.4076096
File: 459 KB, 798x820, Go Back.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>disregard data
>post bot tier shitpost

>> No.4076133


The only people who run nodes are cock gobbler techies who like being cucks offering up their hard drive space and bandwidth for FREE out of the goodness of their little hearts. I think since they are suck cucks anyway i'm sure most can easily handle a measly 1MB block size increase.

>> No.4076201


Those bags look so heavy friend

>> No.4076300

THIS IS WHY IT IS IMPARATIVE YOU ARE IN BTC BEFORE THE FORK. There's not telling what chain will be dominant down the road.

>> No.4076537


>you have to go back! this is OUR home!! it's always been OUR home! YOU aren't one of US!

it's like you took a senior-level english class and think you're machiavelli lmao

>> No.4076546

You have to go back

>> No.4076656

Strength in numbers! Uh oh! I'm outnumbered they must be right :-(. Fuck off faggot shills. You're gonna lose lmao.

>> No.4076747

Keep buying, I might sell you mine at some point.

Its just so obviously a shitcoin with shills that hide away and then pop out during the tiny pumps it has, was the same a couple of weeks ago.

The fact it made one change to cores code which it now has to hardfork out tells you everything, irrespective of how daft core are.

But I'm not buying your bags. Nor your Reddit shitposting. Your coin is already dead, get ready to shill 2x.

>> No.4076775
File: 181 KB, 1200x1200, 1501850999390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>A bcash chigger accusing someone of being a communist.

>> No.4077517

Bcash bag holders are so incredibly salty lmfao

>> No.4077536


>> No.4078513


Seriously you fag? BCH is going to 0