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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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4065624 No.4065624 [Reply] [Original]

Are you people fucking stupid?

Amazon would never accept bitcoin or any other crypto. The price is too volatile.

>bought a computer on amazon for .5btc
>btc moons
>"return computer" for .5btc
>except .5 btc is worth double since the moment you paid for the computer
>amazon loses.

>> No.4065692

Take a look /biz/, this is the absolute state of nocoiner intelligence. Remember this next time they mention tulipmania or bitcoin is a bubble.

>> No.4065694

You're absolutely right.. ecommerce will never accept any currency with +/- 5% price volatility - that's just way too risk. Plus, all these ecommerce platforms and vendors in general tend to purcahse inventory on credit, and accepting a highly volatile currency as a form of payment and then having to convert back to the preferred currency of the creditor, etc. is a fucking pain in the ass

Oh, and buy $ptoy

>> No.4065709

>amazon holds for more than a year because they dont have butterfingers like op

>> No.4065722

fuck off, he's right and you know it

>> No.4065732

my crypto portfolio is over 1.2 million you stupid nigger. kys faggot.

>> No.4065739
File: 176 KB, 950x633, ptoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah sugar buy PTOY ain't no harm in dat!

>> No.4065748

Yeah, because that's how high volume, low margin businesses work...

>> No.4065750

OverStock seems to have it figured out.

>> No.4065754

They will just pay your return in the fiat price at the time of purchase

>> No.4065755

or thay make a deal with cuckbase or smth to instantly convert btc to $ when you buy something

>> No.4065771

>can't imagine a system in which Bitcoin refunds would be made in Amazon credit for the fiat price at time of purchase just the same way that if you buy something on sale and return it when it's not on sale you don't earn money.
>limited intellectual ability thus makes it impossible to conceive of idea
>idea must therefore be impossible.


>> No.4065777

haha wow - how do you even find this shit? also, ptoy bags are HEAVY with me (relatively heavy - nothing too crazy, but I'm down ~$20k at moment)... and I am fucked. Only good news is (a) they SOMEHOW get Series A, or (b) they hire a non-favor fucking real developer instead of some dbag shitty 1-time successful wanna-bes that Chrissa just hires (imho) because they are black.

>> No.4065780

This right here. /biz/ is just too fucking stupid to realize every merchant converts bitcoin to fiat immediately after the sale.

>> No.4065807

Still thinking in fiat huh?

>> No.4065809

Isn't it more expensive / slow to have to convert btc to fiat than to just not take btc at all? their market won't expand that much by accepting btc.... if anything, they'll face increased compliance pressure from Feds for money laundering, etc. given the spotlight on cryptos + money laundering (yes - i know fiat is #1 money laundered currency and banks facilitate this... duh - see HSBC).. also, neckbeards buying life-sized fuck dolls and alien-themed fleshlights won't drive Amazon's profits that much...

>> No.4065817 [DELETED] 

screenshot it then

>> No.4065819

Man, nevermind the 'team' situation. Expecting the medical field to adopt any kind of crypto service on their Windows XP systems is kind of hopeless. This coin was doomed to fail from the start, sorry to say.

>> No.4065838

you cant screenshot larps kek

>> No.4065847

>be whale with 80,000 BTC
>crash BTC
>buy a shitload of stuff on Amazon for pennies
>Buy up a ton of BTC cheap and watch it bounce back up

>> No.4065855

converting bitcoin to fiat requires a buyer you stupid nigger. Who is going to be Amazon's buyer if they accept bitcoin? fucking faggot.

The superficiality of your understanding of how businesses operate and balance books is shocking.

One of the most important benefits of a stable, government sponsored currency is that you can build commerce around it. You simply cannot build commerce around something that fluctuates +/- 5% by the minute and sometimes 30% in a day.

It's more complicated than "hurrr durr just pay back what it was worth in fiat DURRRR"

literally kys or give me your address and let me kill you because you do not deserve to live.

>> No.4065856


Never thought about it that way.. every fucking PM/EMR/EHR system i've seen is complete garbage anyway. Meaningful Use is LOLable.. big systems spend 9-figures getting MU-Compliant and nobody knows how to use the damn systems effectively

>> No.4065859

then explain how overstock does it

explain how darknet does it

explain how VAPES.COM does it

explain how bitpay does it

that's right OP you are bitGAY

>> No.4065879

lets fac ethe facts, do we really want amazon to have all our bitcoin anyways?

>> No.4065882

lol just look at those companies.. all complete SHIT.. Overstock is a fucking joke to begin with. Fuck them

>> No.4065898

they don't need it now
they'll display so other news
but they're developing a way to implement it
they'll use it once everyone is used to it

>> No.4065909

>explain how companies 1/100000000 the size of amazon in revenue, structure, complexity, growth potential, market capitalization, or any measurable metric accept bitcoin when amazon won't

literally kys

>> No.4065919

>Crypto portfolio

Umm sweetie there's Bitcoin and there's scams. That's it.

>> No.4065930

probably were betting on bitcoin appreciating, worked out for them.
that should be obvious. black market is willing to risk some in volatility for the privacy benefit.

Until systems are in place (like OMG or EVX) that do instant fiat to crypto conversion, Amazon will have no interest in accepting crypto.

Not to mention Bitcoin fees are currently $3.50. LOL even if they accepted it it wouldn't be worth using BTC to buy, just use cash.

>> No.4065980

Newegg takes btc and had been for years, and they are a pretty big online retailer

>> No.4065984

Spending time arguing with a 12 year old....

>> No.4066036

is it me or this stupid logic

your purchase will be sold at fiat value at time of purchase

>> No.4066109

do you know what bitpay is fucking faggot, instant selling the btc at the time of the purchase and the shop get only fiat, they could copy this concept

>> No.4066134

>everyone pretending they know how economics work
>people who actually knew some economics were driven away from /biz/ long ago
>if anyone in this thread has any money it was literally out of sheer luck gambling with 4000% volatility memecoins


>> No.4066151
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>> No.4066207
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We need a containment board for crypto idiots. I want my old /biz/ back.

>> No.4066382

why so you can be even poorer and make even worse financial decisions?

at least with crypto you will be right sometimes by sheer chance of luck and make 10-20x your money. With stocks or any other kind of investment/business start up you will surely lose because you are too low IQ.

>> No.4066396
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That's some weak bait.

>> No.4066421

Anyone else listening to the amazon call?

>> No.4066431

t. 18 years old crypto larper

>> No.4066444

I was just thinking this the other day walking to my chem lecture, I think if amazon did this, they would keep a completely separate crypto asset payment system so they wouldn't lose money from cashing out at the wrong time.

>> No.4066456

>You're absolutely right.. ecommerce will never accept any currency with +/- 5% price volatility

But they already too. for example you can book flights, hotels, even buy electrics with btc

>> No.4066465

it wouldnt work like that, tard

>buy computer for $1000 which is X btc and the moment, pay with btc
> the btc is instantly sold in the market for $1000
> seller recieves $1000, not BTC

>> No.4066491

Anyway, if Amazon would accept bitcoin (as I hope it will do, but NOT TOMORROW) it would soon become the biggest whale in the ocean.

>> No.4066537

uh, then why would amazon accept bitcoin if it's to be instantly sold to fiat in the market? Why not, just, you know, ACCEPT FIAT ONLY.

Crypto is still peanuts compared to fiat. Most people don't even know what the fuck is it besides perhaps having heard the name "bitcoin" before. If amazon were to accept it, then instantly change to fiat upon receipt, they would gain nothing and simply be promoting crypto for NOTHING IN RETURN.

Your delusional magical thinking is the first of many reasons you're a forever poor wage cuck, I suspect. Literally kys you fucking idiot.

>> No.4066541

another example of riskier usage

>buy item which costs $2000 with BTC
>amazon keeps the BTC, pays the seller the $2000
>amazon sells the BTC one year later with profits

>> No.4066559

to allow a new paying method, which attracts customers. Many people owning btc which want to spend it without the hassle of turning to fiat first

keep the insults to yourself, you mad man

>> No.4066566

ITT: people not realizing that OP is making a clever point by pretending to be an idiot.

The truth is, Amazon has no incentive to start accepting Bitcoin. There's not coiners to make it worth all the additional regulation and scrutiny. Plus, the fees and the crypto "baggage" (instability, volatility, memeing). And all of that just to get a 0.01% increase in customer base paying in coins they'll convert to fiat anyway. Makes no sense.

>> No.4066595

Buy gold, not Bitcoin.

>> No.4066598

>something unstable can never be stable

Cool logic bro. Great thread too A++

>> No.4066637


Im sure if you were to return something, you'd get the value you paid for it in bitcoin back rather than your the amuont of bitcoin you paid back.

>> No.4066667

what kind of customer has bitcoin but not fiat or doesn't know how to convert it to fiat via jewbase or any other service?

Your tiny brain is still missing my point. THERE IS NO REASON TO ACCEPT BITCOIN.

Just because you think bitcoin is sweet doesn't mean amazon, one of the world's largest and MOST INFLUENTIAL COMPANIES, has to cater to your delusions.

I do not agree with all of Jamie Dimon's points but he is certainly correct about bitcoin's moon missions being fueled by greed. Crypto is completely fueled by greed, just look at this fucking board and every other crypto community. WHY would amazon start accepting something so incredibly unstable... would it increase it's profit margins? NO because the liability costs would certainly exceed whatever they are to gain by "all those people" who have tons of bitcoin but no fiat.

KYS, fucking idiot. Your low IQ is polluting this world.

>> No.4066673

shh, OP gets mad at logic

>> No.4066677

You are obviously retarded

>> No.4066710

doesnt matter what you think they can or cant do

if they see potential for profit, like charging some small fee for btc or holding the btc, they will do it.

now fucking chill. Stop snorting coke its ruining your brain

>> No.4066748

Because tons of people want to put their paycheck right into bitcoin but don't do it because they need to buy shit.

Why? Because putting my money into bitcoin right as I get it hurts central bankers and because putting my money into bitcoin means my money is on a deflationary currency.

If Amazon was the only big company solving that issue it would get about 60% of these people spending.

Besides, gold also spiked in volatility after the US got rid of the gold standard, yet nobody doubts it was a great currency.

>> No.4066749

>you'd get the value you paid for it in bitcoin back

gateway for money laundering and other fraudulent shenanigans. no way they'd risk it, lmao.

>> No.4066770

How does Steam do it then?
Steam has been taking BTC for ages now.

>> No.4066790

Ok yeah, that's "logic"

Let's accept a wildly unpopular "currency" that less than 99% of the world's population knows about beyond hearing the word "bitcoin" on the news once, and that less than 99.999% of the world's population actually OWNS. Seems like a real fucking great idea, don't you think? Accepting a fake digital currency that less than 99.999% of the world's population owns?? We will surely make our investors VERY happy doing that, who cares about the incredible amount of infrastructure and man power it would take to implement such a service.

They don't see potential profit. You're a fucking dumbass. Just stop.

>> No.4066807

By holding Bitcoin presumably.

>> No.4066811

>WAHHH WAHHH why doesn't amazon do something that benefits MEEE and other crypto investors?? They're SO STUPID for not catering to my wants and needs even though it wouldn't benefit them in the slightest WAHHHHHH

Steam is not amazon you dunce.

>> No.4066852


we are not saying they will do it you fucking idiot

we are saying IF they do it, they will do it like i explained in my first post, and not like you said in your OP

now stfu already smartass

>> No.4066857

>implying any store allowing you to pay in cash and get a refund later is too risky

>> No.4066868

>It wouldn't benefit them

I just told you it would.

Becoming the sole provider of pretty much everyone involved with cryptocurrency.

>> No.4066887

>Steam is not amazon you dunce.
Yeah no shit, good job you noticed that.
Steam can show that it could work at a large business.
You'd also have to consider that not everyone is going to use bitcoin for purchases just like not everyone uses paypal etc.

>> No.4066888

No they pay 1.5% less on merchant fees when BTC is used

>> No.4066902

Gold is actually inherently worth something. You take away Bitcoin's supposed use as a currency and people won't care about it. It's completely confidence-backed so if decide it's not a currency, its value is gone.

>> No.4066924


>> No.4066939

Gold is only inherently worth something in advanced economies. Gold in the middle of the dessert or in a hunter-gatherer economy is just a yellow piece of junk.

Bitcoin is inherently worth something in advanced economies too. One advanced enough to require deflationary haven for your savings.

>> No.4066982

>this is called, "moving the goalposts"

steam is peanuts compared to amazon, you dunce. If steam is a "large business" then amazon is the size of the milky way.

>> No.4066987
File: 82 KB, 640x480, iphone.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2017 - Amazon

>2018 - Apple

>2020 - Fed announces USD now backed by Bitcoin reserves

>2030 - 90% of world cryptocurrency stored in mainframes at Fort Knox

>> No.4067026

Absent its use as a currency, Bitcoin is worthless. Not the same with gold. That's a practical reality, if not a philosophical one.

If you think you're a revolutionary and you're going to convince everyone to adopt Bitcoin because it's a rational currency, fine. If not, dump that junk.

Gold doesn't have the problem where people need to be convinced of its worth. People already value it. That's the difference.

>> No.4067035

>Amazon would get about 60% of these people spending

this demographic is just you and four other people though

>> No.4067068

would go off of current fiat prices you brainlet.

>> No.4067069
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>steam is peanuts compared to amazon
Nice one fucking completely missing my point.
Man, if only I wasn't a dunce and as smart as you.
Gee wee.

>> No.4067103

Gold was useless to native Americans and Incas, I'm telling you, there's a situation where the economy advances so much that gold has its uses, there's nothing inherent about it.

Bitcoin has the same potential utility as a bank, are you telling me that banks offer no value?

You sound just like any random boomer desu

Just a 171 billion market, me and 4 others, we meet on Sundays to talk about fedoras.

>> No.4067115
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Because Amazon has to suck VISA's cock to the tune of ~2% on all their sales. If they can find a way to reliably handle crypto-fiat transactiosn for under 2% they'd love to cut into the margin.

>> No.4067192

BTC will never be stable, it will never be a currency, how can e-commerce really embrace crypto if the possibility of losing money. $1 US is always $1US, BTC should be the same, the unit should be a fixed price.

Not going to happen, blockchain is peak hype and will fade into the through of disillusionment.

>> No.4067199

>BTC will never be stable
It will be stable once enough money goes into it.

>> No.4067258
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>$1 US is always $1US

These nocoiner brainlets are hilarious.

>> No.4067267

>maybe it will be stable if we keep printing more!!

>> No.4067269


Not going to happen, it only got to $6000 through greed and manipulation, it's not natural and will never be, it will always be comparable to a stock, except not backed by any thing worth a damn.

It's a payment system, but humans inability to rationally use it will always keep crypto as speculative play toys.

>> No.4067274

no shit $1 is always $1, that's just x=x but the value of $1 is always decreasing slowly. 1 BTC = 1BTC but the value can change. But the value is determinable at the time of purchase and can be immediately exchanged for whatever more stable currency they want.

>> No.4067291

Do you know what floating exchange rates are?

>> No.4067316

Tell me exactly what Gold is backed by?

If your answer is anything other than we agree it has value you can kill yourself.

>> No.4067341
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Gold iz expensiv becuz we put it in pretty bracelets.

>> No.4067349

kek, try buying a computer in 1910 and see how much purchasing power your paleo-dollar really has.

>> No.4067351

can't miss something that wasn't there, faggot.

an amazon employee could just steal all of amazon's bitcoin and it'd be untraceable you stupid faggot

>> No.4067355

What's the fucking point of bitcoin then ? Why not buy in fiat directly retard

>> No.4067372

This. /thread

>> No.4067373

But he's right. The price is too volatile. And I say this as a BTC holder.

Otherwise provide a valid argument you stupid fuck.

>> No.4067374

you do realize you don't HAVE to buy 1 BTC, right? 0.1 BTC is $600, 0.001 BTC is $6.
The reason why the price per coin is so high is because the coin supply is so fucking low.

>> No.4067398

>can't miss something that wasn't there
Nice one, did you get that from your ex?

>> No.4067417

The price of pnd shitcoins is volatile, Bitcoin is becoming less and less viable.

Besides, have you seen the pound value after brexit? That was a volatility Bitcoin has not seen in years

>> No.4067427

Why is it sooo hard for you guys to agree that this crypto is just a fucking big game to make money, Everybody knows it, I knew it when I went into it, I just went in for the money. Why do you guys have to lie to yourself thinking it will be used as a currency ? The best use case right now is a hedge against inflation. THAT'S IT. NOTHING, not ONE crypto project since 2009 has been used for anything. EVERYBODY KNOWS THIS IS VAPORWARE BUT WE DON'T CARE WE ARE IN FOR THE MONEYYY. Why don't you stop your hypocrisy /biz/ why

>> No.4067461

>Nice one, did you get that from your ex?
nice one, did you get that from the faggot store?

>> No.4067495

Not true for ETH, everything else yeah you are right.

>> No.4067500

You can literally buy a fucking car with BTC in my country. When you are returning stuff you just get your money back with fiat at price what you bought it.

>> No.4067517

Venezuela isn't a country, it's a shit hole. Fuck off fag

>> No.4067533

Give me one 'Dapp' that solves anything in the current world. Hard mode: If it is a dapp to raise money for useless dapp it doesn't work.
And decentralized casino isn't an answer either

>> No.4067555

>nice one, did you get that from the faggot store?
Oops, silly me, no woman would fuck a coping beta like you.

>> No.4067663

You answered the question by yourself.
Because of greed.

>> No.4067795

There's one for airlines already.

>> No.4067999

How am I coping? Like I said, my portfolio is worth over a million dollars. I'm just not a delusional faggot with zero understanding of business like you are.

>> No.4068018

Nice, my crypto portfolio is worth $3.5m.

>> No.4068073


send me 1 btc each or you're larping faggots


>> No.4068088

I doubt it.

>> No.4068128

Retard what benefit would amazon have to accepting any form of crypto as payment?! Deluded biztards.

>> No.4068129

I think the Amazon thing is bullshit, but your delusion about how they would handle crypto is just that, a delusion.

There is no way they would do a straight crypto refund when the markets are still this volatile. You would probably get some sort of voucher to use in store for the amount in USD you spent, or a fiat refund.

You're either dumb or a troll.

>> No.4068278

Like I care what some /biz/ faggot thinks lmao.

>> No.4068318

Their payment processor will instantly convert to fiat for a small fee, smaller than the usual 2% fee by CC companies. For refunds, there would definitely be a system in plaace, maybe u will only be eligible for a refund of the fiat equivalent as at time of purchase.
As you said, payment through BTC will be an extremely minor part of their business, thus the number of transactions should not really affect the network too much.
Do you know what has been happenning to listed equities who have been involved with crypto this year? Look it up. If Amazon inplements BTC as a payment method its stock price will go higher.

Anyway they will be surely doing their due diligence on the matter and IMO the benefits will outweigh the costs and risks of using btc since there are workarounds to minimize risk from volatility.