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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 25 KB, 501x386, REQ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3964182 No.3964182 [Reply] [Original]

Anyone ready for an early retirement?

>> No.3964212
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so much shill

>> No.3964219

All in (literally all in, I had to ask $10 of ETH for gas because I'm retarded kek) on this, and I won't sell for less that x5

>> No.3964225
File: 196 KB, 700x500, 1508466556452.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This coordinated shilling building so much hype just for the whales to dump their bags, creating a new wave of bagholders.

Cycle of /biz/

>> No.3964229


im not falling for YC shills, this thing has no backbone

>> No.3964235

Coordinated shilling. Ur on biz u newfag

>> No.3964240

>high expectations is shilling
Hmmm, what about you kys?

>> No.3964252

say what you will, but EVEN IF this is a shill, look at past 4chan shills and look at the amount of gains it brought for believers.

The ones who lost out are those who didnt believe at the start, bought in at ATH, and were left holding the bags. See case examples ODN and LINK. They were shilled on4chan at least a week prior to hitting their ATHs.

Anons who believed and bought in at that time raked in good profit, whereas naysayers and hesitantfags got in at a bad time and got dumped on.

It's all about the timing to enter, and if experience has taught be anything, always enter in the early stages (like now).

>> No.3964255
File: 197 KB, 1344x524, ouch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a typical requester

I'll buy around ico price tomorrow tyvm

>> No.3964297

yes, it is shilling.

>> No.3964317

he also sent it from binance lul

>> No.3964338
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>coordinated defending

Yall so cute

>> No.3964349

No nigga that loli is cute

>> No.3964373

What I don't get is, why do you need to shill this so much if it's guaranteed immense gains? Do you mean to tell me that these people... are afraid they won't make their projected 3x, 4x, 10x they keep telling us about?

>> No.3964392

exactly. this shit will bomb to 0.5x ICO in the first hour lmaooo

>> No.3964397

if this thing x3 on etherdelta alone.
ill eat my own dick.

>> No.3964408
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>tfw only 20k REQ

am i gonna make it lads

>> No.3964416

anyone buys any coin on the 1st day on ed for 2x is stupid.

>> No.3964418

We just like feeling comfy :)

>> No.3964504

What I don't get is why you pajeet-burger hybrids feel the need to FUD this coin.

>> No.3964564

someone summarize the token use? if they are simply used to burn for transactions, it will take an incredible amount of time for req tokens to be worth anything.

>> No.3965330

whats the total supply?

>> No.3965342

Staking when CASPER/PLASMA gets released.

>> No.3965343

I have 30k of these moon tickets. am i going to make it?

>> No.3966124

1 billion tokens.

>> No.3966131

1 billion with 500million being locked away for now.

>> No.3966171

My order for 0.0004 just went through
Am i going to make it?

>> No.3966199

you overpaid boyo, it's down to 0.00024 lel

>> No.3966260

meanwhile my deposit transaction is still pending....

>> No.3966275

Dead coin is dead. RIP. Buy LINK.

>> No.3966294

Stop trying to unload your bags.

>> No.3966297


my deposits not going through for over 20 mins now


>> No.3966300

Ethereum and link were also 4chan shills. Better sell low

>> No.3966304

Its not ED.

ETH is clogged.

>> No.3966306

I use 26 gwei gas and my transactions are 4 mins tops

>> No.3966309
File: 663 KB, 772x778, Screen Shot 2017-10-20 at 08.19.20.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy fuck boys, it's getting close to ICO price.

>> No.3966312

Dude why did you fall for the shilling???

>> No.3966316

I did 42 gwei still chocked

>> No.3966318

Even AST didn't reach top in the first hour

>> No.3966321


Fuck off with this early retirement bs.

>> No.3966326

pajeets are out now

>> No.3966327
File: 1.86 MB, 228x170, 22273f18af36ebca63d313a71f2725b2c284da77840cce6dcb96625b2db65d68.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

....I got in at 0.00048

>> No.3966328

yeah, due to everyone trying to get onto ED

>> No.3966329

It's going way under ico.

>> No.3966332

>already 100k req sell walls


>> No.3966338

Coordinated fud going on. Too many posts in short time frame.

>> No.3966340

ITS AT .00022 LMAO

>> No.3966348

Lol, enjoy your bags. Why does everyone fall for the shilling? This is going below ico. Then Buy

>> No.3966350
File: 37 KB, 868x128, Screen Shot 2017-10-20 at 08.23.29.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone is buying just above ICO price....then there's this guy.
What does he know that we don't?

>> No.3966354


currently at 0.00022 which is 1.1x ICO



>> No.3966355


>> No.3966363


>> No.3966364

he's just a fucking idiot who meant to type 0.0001

>> No.3966368

FUCK ME just look at first buy orders with mistakes like 1200 REQ for 4.8 ETH it's just 20x ICO price. I was lookin for that order but ETHERDELTA always fuck me right in the head. Litteraly waiting more than 25 minutes to get my deposit. FUCK ME.

>> No.3966370

Not at all, just trying to stop the guys getting raped by pajeets who think being able to write your email down on a website is worth doubling there money.

>> No.3966373

Burger detected

>> No.3966375

remember, real ico price was 0.00016

>> No.3966378

Deposit pending 20 min now with 60 gwei, fuck this

>> No.3966394

Double? This is going 5x - 10x. Sorry for missing out

>> No.3966398


holy shit man...what the fuck were you thinking...

>> No.3966418

You are lucky. The longer you wait the lower the price. U will get in just below ico.

It's lagging due to everyone panicking and trying to unload their bags.

>> No.3966435

Sorry about the bags. The sooner you get them on Ed the better.

>> No.3966451

Yeah so you can grab em for real cheap

>> No.3966476

Omg it's literally TANKING...the absolute state of requesters right now...

>> No.3966498

Why are people selling this shit so fucking low? I completely regret wasting my time on this now. My expectations were way too high. Fuck this.

>> No.3966509

HAHAHAHAH holy shit man....

>> No.3966534

>expecting it to go 10x and stay that way

>> No.3966540

jumping off of a sinking ship. 70% of ICO by tomorrow at noon

>> No.3966559
File: 10 KB, 200x251, 3bbf34da.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>an early retirement


>> No.3966564

Fucking kek.

>> No.3966565

Enjoy having to take out a second mortgage you dumb parakeet

>> No.3966570
File: 11 KB, 175x105, JUST.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mfw such a flop that it won't even be priced anymore.


>> No.3966572

HAHAHAHAH holy shit get the fuck out of this coin you faggots

>> No.3966578

Nigga if you expected an immediate pump that didn't stop you ain't gonna make it.

>> No.3966579

You'd expect based on how hyped up this ICO was for its Paypal 2.0 vibe and not including US citizens to go x2 at least. I guess not. Shoulda just went all in on the Chinese coins, at least they're doing me well. This was anti-climatic as fuck. Oh well, I deserve it for being a dumbass.

>> No.3966584

I have no idea what this is about but I bought in at 00023

>> No.3966592

ho;y fuck....i never seen a hyped up proj selling close to ico price.....this is shit going to go....off load u r bags.....what a crap

>> No.3966598


>> No.3966602


>> No.3966605

Naw it's just a shakeout you guys really shouldn't hold this anyway

>> No.3966607
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>> No.3966609

Why do you type like a faggot

>> No.3966612

babby's first time on ED?

>> No.3966618


LMAO. Where's your savior now?

But in all seriousness, with the bitcoin fork and volatility going on, there's not a lot of people who want to baghold right now.

>> No.3966621
File: 59 KB, 655x527, 1465346656333.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Theyre just shaking the weak hands

>> No.3966625

actually yes, never bothered with these types of shitcoins before

what I'm LMAOing at is the 0.006, am I missing something?

>> No.3966633

Dunno, did you see QTUM and ZEN? People love bagholding

>> No.3966645

holy shit...after looking at req.....link looking like mount everest

>> No.3966658

the geat age of easy flip icos is now officially over. It's at fucking ico proce. someone shoot me, thx

>> No.3966663


lol what? Link went below ICO dumbass

>> No.3966675

>It's gonna go sub ico panic sell sell sell
Who gives a fuck honestly? I'd rather have big bagged whales than split shares with biztards.

>> No.3966676

bought 1 btc worth at 0.00063 ffs

>> No.3966681

fatfingers happen all the time on ED, there's no protection so you can get instantly JUST'd like this guy >>3966615

go to the top of the sell orders and look at the ridiculous sell orders placed in hopes that a retard clicks and buys

>> No.3966690

Did it? I'm pretty REQ is gonna go back up just chill out and hold a few weeks dudes(Theyre having a meeting with ING in 3 weeks + theyre willing to get on exchanges like binance)

>> No.3966695


I meant to imply that was part of the problem, but it's just a fundamental supply to sell > demand to buy and weak hands + 100k supply is a pretty bad sign.


What was the last good ICO flip? From like July/August?

>> No.3966701


>> No.3966703
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>> No.3966704

ODN was decent if lacking in volume - 7x within the first few days. It's now sitting at 2x kek.

>> No.3966711

Ok I am done fudding, I got 100k at a smidge above ICO. Just hold, its obvious this is a strong project and people are memeing. This board is so terribly see through.

>> No.3966720

Lol he fell for the meme himself

>> No.3966723

similar here

so long as it survives the fork fine the next few weeks should be tasty enough

>> No.3966726

Good job bro>>3966711

>> No.3966728

yeah this board is full of 15 yr old fat faggots

>> No.3966734

Wtf fat fingered and sold 60k req for 1/10 ico price I'm going to fucking kill myself

>> No.3966744
File: 20 KB, 240x227, lurluks.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

actually, i am skinny.

>> No.3966756

bought extra 30eth worth at .00021, now hold 265k

>> No.3966757

yep. crypto is just hype nothing more. 4chan/reddit hypes something -> gets into all kinds of other channels (facebook, discord grps) etc.

ive sold facebook bots in the past, which joined different facebook grps, liked pictures and replied to basic answers of people. just think about what whales could do with something similar here on 4chan/reddit/discord.

ive learned my lesson. lost like 10k chasing hypes and bullshit. will go for the longtherm hodling bullshit. i think its the way to go. i dont say there wont be any good ICOs but i will only join based on my own research and not on some shill on 4chan or whatever anymore.

>> No.3966761


>> No.3966777
File: 35 KB, 688x334, bags.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

will i make it? cant afford more cause poor college student

>> No.3966778

what i ment with the bots: you can easily manipulate information channels of people with just a mouse button and spread missinformation or generate hype. so dont believe anything if its not based on your own research.

>> No.3966826

u retard....read my post carefully...i am prising link....mount everest is tallest mountain in world u idoit.....this req is holyshit......

>> No.3966867

Someone dumped 224k REQ for .000195 eth. Why?

>> No.3966881

Bought at 0.0002149, could probably have gotten a better deal but ED is getting pounded and so is the ETH network, just happy I got my stuff and got out, even at 2-3x ICO it would have been just fine.

>> No.3966889

because it could always go lower

>> No.3966900


>> No.3966903

yes, when that goes to $1.5 per token you'll have over 100k

>> No.3966904

pajeet detected

>> No.3966910

this board is literally cancer lmao

>> No.3967001

just grabbed a fat stack at 0.00018, thank you weak handed pajeet faggots

>> No.3967007

lol you were right anon

>> No.3967096

How much gas are you guys using?

>> No.3967150

how many tokens are there? What is Market cap then when Ico price is 0.0002eth?

>> No.3967173

There are one billion tokens

>> No.3967189


So it was about 60b market cap if I am right and keeps dropping.

>> No.3967251

try again

>> No.3967281
File: 6 KB, 243x207, 1508173701120.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>3967251*0.0002 ETH * 300 ETH price = 60.000.000


>> No.3967359

You're missing a few zeroes there for 60 billion.

>> No.3967371
File: 247 KB, 638x359, 1508190073432.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, I meant 60m, obviously.