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File: 11 KB, 200x200, ripple.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3844699 No.3844699 [Reply] [Original]

XPR didn't really take a hit today like other alts. I think it may get to .30 by Saturday

>> No.3845126
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>didn't really take a hit
>4.8k sats

>> No.3845173

Even worse; it dropped below pre-pump price.
Fucking ridiculous.

>> No.3845277

Pre-pump price was $0.17, we're currently sitting at $0.257

I think it's the autism problem that needs solving with the linkies.

>> No.3845387

No one gives a shit about $.
Pre-pump price was 4.6k sats it dropped to 4.5k sats after whole week of rising to 6k. Fucking shitcoin lost all it's pump gains in 3 days. AT BEST, if the SWELL is success it'll just pump to 5.5-6k. You must be retarded to invest into it, when there are plenty of coins that do 30% daily. Dumb fucking coin, you need 30b, so additional 20b just to fucking reach 15k sats. What was the ripple's peak again? 24k sats. It'll never reach it again. Ripple is a BTC stealing device.

>> No.3845458

LOL $ is what we use to value BTC you retard.

>> No.3845502

You dumb fucking shit. Are you one of these people that show their portfolio value in $?
Holy shit, newfags really are starting to annoy me here.

>> No.3845520

Ripple artificially pumps their own coins since they hold so many supply. Do your research

>> No.3845552

>le edgy anarchist edgelord face x)

You are absolutely delusional if you think that:

a) FIAT is going away

b) BTC won't be dethroned in the next few years

>> No.3845586

How do they pump XRP by holding XRP, that doesn't even make sense.

If you make a (retarded) claim, the burden of proof lies on you.

>> No.3845613

xrp will never go anywhere. their own website even says it's not meant for accumulation or speculation. even if adopted by banks they will only need a handful of tokens annually to make their transactions. at their rate of burning xrp, we'll be dead before it's worth shit.

just dump this piece of shit and buy something that can actually make your gains.

>> No.3845632

you do know that bank transfers for the duration of a year are in the trillion dollar range right?

>> No.3845659

So your groceries and housing costs are priced in BTC then, tough guy?

>> No.3845680

the ripple ledger doesn't convert x dollar into y xrp into x currency though.

a transaction will literally cost 0.00001 xrp.

>> No.3845707

fudders are hilarious
20xrp is burned every transaction moron

>> No.3845718

just totally dishonest or ignorant. a transaction will cost 10 drops which is 1 millionth of an xrp.

>> No.3845725

wait actually it does, the value of xrp will dtermine how many tokens are used for a transcation you fucking retard.
if 1 xrp= 1 dollar a 1000 dollar transaction will be worth 1000 xrp.

>> No.3845728
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>> No.3845742

lie more nigger we're going up with or without your smelly ass

>> No.3845763

this thread is full of shills like you. actually read their website. here is another for you:

there's only 100 billion xrp. there won't be anymore created. ripple is literally financing their company buy dumping on speculative fools like you. when banks start paying for their service they will just fucking dump xrp completely.

>> No.3845770

How can you say that when it went from sub $0.01 to $0.40 only driven by speculation? It's still the early days for XRP adoption, so there's a fuckton of room for growth.

I'm starting to wonder if ChainLink actually has paid shills on this board.

>> No.3845778


If you think you need $20 billion to actually increase the marketcap by $20b you are a moron and have no understanding of basic trading or supply & demand economics.

>> No.3845780

faggot trying to steal our xrp lmao, fuck off cunt

>> No.3845782

You are wrong. Transaction fee's are a fraction of a penny and in place to protect against spam attacks.

>> No.3845791

>when you don't understand how many tokens are burned per day on average compared to how many tokens can be created

>> No.3845799

>when you don't realize the foundation has bought up massive amounts of circulating XRP to manipulate price

>> No.3845803

You really should look into what market cap is if you plan on making it.

>> No.3845822
File: 9 KB, 300x189, what a story mark.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you don't need $20 billion to increase the marketcap by $20b

>> No.3845823


Ripple has floored.

From here, there's really no way but up.

>> No.3845824

>No one gives a shit about $.

Found the millennial.

New flash, retard: The real world operates on dollars.

>> No.3845851

And how's that been working for everybody... good?

>> No.3845867

you haven't been into XRP long have you?
I was so glad to get rid of my bags this pump.
bought in at 17 and sold at 20.
Yes I know it went to 27 cents.
But if you have been following xrp for a while you would know its a huge fucking whale play and it will just dump the fuck back to 19 cents soon.

srsly I was so happy to get my money out of xrp. I'm not making major gains.

thnx. guys it really means a lot.

>> No.3845868

Fucking prove it, instead of spreading low quality FUD.

No, you should. Otherwise you'd understand that market cap is a useless/meaningless metric for crypto.

>> No.3845869


Maybe someone should tell these guys that XRP has been dehinging from BTC for some time.

~65% of XRP volume is XRP/FIAT and it's only growing. XRP/Ripple doesn't give a flying rat turd about BTC.

>> No.3845878


Money is money, i'd rather have 1 Bitcoin worth $5k then have 10 of them worth $250

>> No.3845892

>so glad I got my allowance out of xrp x)
>now I can gamble it away on shitcoins x)

>> No.3845897


Considering I can spend those dollars for literally ANY fucking product or service offered in the USA... yeah I'd say it works pretty good.

Can you say the same for BTC?

>> No.3845920

shitcoins and icos that produce much higher gains than this piece of shit fed scam coin. you xrp fans will be much better off flipping icos and holding tech you've done your due diligence with than this if you simply want to make money.

>> No.3845933

He is saying (correctly) that your precious government coin has not actually increased in real value, it is simply higher because the value in cents is calculated against the sat then converted into a fiat price. If btc was still down at $3800 you coin would have actually gone down in value.
This is not being edgy, this is called not being a total crypto retard.

>> No.3845942


I do ICO i do Shit coins i do BTC , i do ripple


>> No.3845944

>Otherwise you'd understand that market cap is a useless/meaningless metric for crypto.
>i dont understand it so it doesnt matter

>> No.3845953

why waste exposure in something so obviously fraudulent? can cut the fat off your portfolio with something more worthwhile.

>> No.3845971

>has not actually increased in real value
> it is simply higher because the value in cents is calculated against the sat then converted into a fiat price

Son, are you the stupid?

>> No.3845983

There's a difference if you have $50 or $50K to invest. Makes you much more sensitive to risk.

Ripple is infinitely more trustworthy and lower risk than the icos you gamble on.

>> No.3846037

50 or 50k, you can still maintain a disciplined risk/reward ratio and money management. that shouldn't change, regardless of your capital.

>> No.3846061

You're literally not making any sense, my autistic friend.


a bit of reading for you, you thick fuck.

>> No.3846072

I think we both know who is stupid around here and it's the one who thinks you can buy ripple with fiat.

>> No.3846093

How do you value BTC, retard?

>> No.3846103

the only fucking shill here is you man

>> No.3846165

and the only fucking point of you argument is that ripple burns xrp to pay for fees jeez

>> No.3846195

the point is, it won't be accumulated at the rate you all seem to think it will. you will be holding this for MANY YEARS to get minimal gains. might as well toss your money into etfs.

>> No.3846207


lets talk again in a week no need to be so bitchy to each other i come to the internet too escape from the bitch

>> No.3846213
File: 62 KB, 576x382, kek.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

"it's a bridge asset"

all my keks. enjoy your fake- I mean "permissioned" blockchain

ripple is a perfect example of why blockchain assets are in a massive bubble. look at all of the retards in this thread

>> No.3846215

>being on a crypto board, claims to own crypto and doesn't know how alt coin prices are calculated in fiat.
Thats fine if you only own btc and want to know what its worth in fiat. Useless if you want to know your alts value. Why do you think you see different percentage growth if you are viewing blockfolio in btc?
Makes sense why you own ripple, you're a boomer aren't you.

>> No.3846231

How do you value your BTC?

>> No.3846233

yes you can lol
do you think i had to buy btc first and the buy ripple using the btc? kek

>> No.3846244

you got it, anon. just trying to help.

>> No.3846251
File: 107 KB, 1083x817, cmc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You are a fucking moron. Seriously.

>> No.3846266


>> No.3846273
File: 165 KB, 636x358, CRIPPLED.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3846284

Yeah no. We're coming for your slow ass dinosaur infrastructure that's been ran by the kikes since the 70's. Slapping a shitcoin on top of it isn't going to save it

>> No.3846309
File: 68 KB, 704x443, IMG_20171012_194104.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3846321

funny how once i asked what were the benefits of swift since the fee was so expensive to use, the bank told me that they were none, mind as well use sepa hahahahahahhaa

>> No.3846345


I love blowing the Ripple haters out of the water. They NEVER actually know wtf they are talking about.

>> No.3846422
File: 683 KB, 1024x673, 1507748675448.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.3846430
File: 153 KB, 704x443, linkiesBTFO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3847760


LMFAO. What a fucking tool.

>> No.3847855

To be fair most of the people investing in Crypto
aren't invest minded as Japan or Korea.
Even though the US education system
has stolen from Japan
it doesn't merge concepts like Economics
& Mathematics
in a way that would be valuable to
their citizens making money
off of the markets in the future .
I'm guessing that Japan & Korea are buying the dips
and the smart Crypto people are either holding
with the stupid ones getting in and out
like the market is their father on
one of his business trips that his company
doesn't even pay for him to go to

>> No.3848070


>> No.3848147


It's been ping-ponging between 24 and 26 cents for a week. Calm down friend.