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File: 606 KB, 1024x768, Tulips.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3834999 No.3834999 [Reply] [Original]

It seems to me that while many of these altcoins have technical advantages over bitcoin, none of them are used for anything but speculation. I think cryptocurrency may have a place in the future, but it seems to me that for now its main practical purpose is black and grey market transactions. I have seen Btc, and to a lesser extent ltc, and even doge being used for this purpose, but outside of that, I see very little practical use for crypto. By the time the world is ready for crypto outside of black/grey market transactions, won't technology have changed enough that current altcoins will be obsolete?

Convince that altcoins are anything other than gambling.

>> No.3835009

Dyor faggot

>> No.3835071


Yeah, I have done a lot of that. I see a lot of great ideas, but the actual current market for crypto isn't getting exponentially bigger. And when I say market, I mean people actually using them for real transactions.

Convince me.

>> No.3835093

Why should I care that crypto is almost entirely speculative? Either way, it's everyone's once in a lifetime chance to strike it rich.

It's not gambling when your returns are far higher and your odds far more in your favor than in the casino.

>> No.3835156

I won't tell you are dumb for buying into this, if you come out ahead. My problem is I see people claiming this or that coin is the next revolution. IMO none or almost none of these current coins that pop up overnight will have any lasting impact on anything.

>> No.3835174
File: 71 KB, 960x938, B6esRGSIYAAOl_G.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice trips.

>> No.3835177

so don't buy then

dyor faggot

>> No.3835190

>I won't tell you are dumb for buying into this, if you come out ahead. My problem is I see people claiming this or that coin is the next revolution. IMO none or almost none of these current coins that pop up overnight will have any lasting impact on anything.

Started with $500 now at over $50000, so I guess I am, but I fear greed will screw me over one way or another.

And yes, I agree entirely with you.

>> No.3835195


Smart Contracts


Decentralised exchange

etc etc

>> No.3835213

I'm with you. All of these things have great potential. However, AFAIK, none of them are actively used.

>> No.3835251



>> No.3835259

I guess we agree then. Its impressive that you have done so well on altcoins.

>> No.3835266

90% of this is speculation right now. The speed at which tech develops and expands is totally unprecedented. The closest comparison we can make is the .com bubble of the 90's.Plenty of people made huge fortunes, and plenty of people lost everything. You can lower your risk by actually doing a little research into companies/coins that are a little more established, or actually have an idea or product that has a useful, real world application. There are several coins that are somewhat "safe." And every day there are new coins hitting the market that you can buy cheap and P&D. You'll get out what you're willing to put in. People that research and invest with some thought will always do better in the long run than someone that chasing a quick buck.

>> No.3835327

New way to manage online advertising & payments with it's own Internet browser with a steadily growing user base as a platform.

Online/Live Casino regulation software, with coin burning to boot. Less investing gambling & more actual gambling.

>> No.3835345


Eth Smart Contracts are already used.

XMR is definitely already used.

>> No.3835891

Pump and dumps with limited dilution, that's it. But Bitcoin is FBI and CIA turf now.

>> No.3835946


Asking questions is research, faggot.

>> No.3837094

Of course it's speculation.
The idea is to buy cryptos before they become more widespread.
Technology changing is why you periodically review your holdings. New tech doesn't appear out of nowhere. If you follow the markets you'll be able to buy it with your profits from aging tech.
And don't fall for the BTC meme. Buying it is buying yesterday's news. Buy alts with solid fundamentals instead. Make actual money.