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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3828265 No.3828265 [Reply] [Original]

Remember the last bull run followed by flash crash?


Why did they not recover? Because ALL valuations in crypto lack substance. This is an entirely hype-centric market. Flavor(s) of the week.

These are Gen I and Gen II coins. After the market stabilizes they will retrace upwards but never to reach their ATHs again. Of course exceptions exist.

LINK is a Gen III token which has yet to moon. Most of the aforementioned coins went 20x ICO. LINK is 4x. WITH MAJOR NEWS ON THE HORIZON. The entire market is watching this coin. Can you say the same about ARK or TOKENCARD?

Make your move.

>> No.3828271

shut the fuck up you retarded ass pajeet

>> No.3828274

Metaverse (ETP) has all features of all the coins you listed.

Stay poor pajeet.

>> No.3828275

/biz/ == the entire market? lel

>> No.3828284

Remember having to shill a project you put money into, in hopes of selling your bags?

>> No.3828290

Yeah buy METAVERSE instead.. It has all the features of all the coins he listed.

>> No.3828352

>he thinks pajeet is just some general insult you can use in any situation
>proceeds to shill metaverse immediatly after calling someone pajeet
Pajeet spotted. How are you sir?

>> No.3828360

<buy my nigger hype bags

>> No.3828373

<buy my nigger hyped bags

>> No.3828381

You are fucking retarded

>> No.3828384

I sold all my LINK when I realised: that supercomputers in every coffee shop are going to make this OBSOLETE and WORTHLESS.

>> No.3828408

U r just jealous of metaverse price pump

>> No.3828464
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I just watched the recent Ethereum meetup presentation again.

If there is a dip after the conference, buy and buy hard. But I'm starting to think there won't be that big of a dip.

Sergey was not just talking about connecting outside data to the blockchain (inputs), he was talking about connecting blockchain data again to external data sources (output) and even different blockchains to each other.

If banks want to pay other parties in fiat currency or in cryptocurrency, it doesn't matter. They can utilize smart contracts powered by Ethereum and Chainlink either way.