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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3792080 No.3792080 [Reply] [Original]

Are you into affiliate marketing?

>> No.3792109

anons have you ever knowingly bought in into these MLM scams just to try to bang the hot chick shilling it to you? i ended up giving pleb money during the august bullrun to these cunts.

>> No.3792223

this girl is not asian

>> No.3792266



>> No.3792925

Come on anon give us a name who tf is that

>> No.3793108

kill yourself

>> No.3793197
File: 74 KB, 736x1104, 9654b5a4dcbfafea7d92f6c50d9759da--lingerie-hot-sexy-dresses.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you get one or two solid sites up it's basically a minimum wage job with zero effort

>> No.3793215


this guy gets it


this guy doesnt get it

>> No.3793236

Too bad white girls dont like u ugly chinks

>> No.3793249

I beg to differ. Asian is the flavor of the month.

>> No.3793269

Who is this semon demon

>> No.3793291
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>what is reading comprehension

>> No.3793309


flavor of the lifetime

>> No.3793334

Viola Baley

>> No.3793389

Already pulled $663 000 profit this year.
Got a contract with Adidas as well.

Been doing this for 7 years. AMA.

>> No.3793430


Fucking gross
Such a waste, at least limit yourself to passionhd

>> No.3793439

how did you get started?

can you actually incorporate something you enjoy into it, or if you want to be successful are you destined to write thousands of websites about middle-aged-women's products?

>> No.3793449

>Doesn't post proof

>> No.3793466

From all I've seen, it's just grinding website after website and running ad campaigns day in and day out.

It makes a lot of money though and I have 10 people working for me and another 20 outsourced.

>> No.3793487

Oh and I started with $2000 on a campaign for muscle growth pills. Generated $34000.
I was very lucky.

>> No.3793518


my own backstory, so I'm not just asking questions:
Gave it a go for 3 months when I was in university, probably put 10 hours a week into it. Didn't make much, like nothing the first month, $2 the next month, then quit in the third because I wasn't getting many hits.

Came back to my two sites after 6 months and in that third month one had made $15 and the other made $65.

But it wasn't really about stuff I was passionate about. I did an adwords-based site about recovery after liposuction, and a website that gave cooking tips to students and was linked up with amazon products and an affiliate link to a supermarket price comparison site.

I'd be tempted to give it another go now, but there was so much trawling the web involved, manually posting links on digg/blogspot/stumbleupon etc, it was mind numbing.

>> No.3793537

How do I get started with this? I'm a wagecucking dev right now, looking to free myself from mr shekelstein

>> No.3793554

The starting cost is massive.
I'd say at least $10000 to get started.
But the return is huge, easily 10x per day if you're lucky.

I have friends who went from broke to multi-millionares in less than 5 years.

>> No.3793638
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I use adblocker against the online marketing jew :^)

>> No.3793736

okay so you're telling us what can happen when we get started.

I make decent money through my wagecuck job. I have more than £10k currently sitting in a 0.01% "savings" account and I'm looking for a good reason to withdraw it and give the bank a big 'fuck you'.

So *how* do we get started? Would you recommend a resource, forum, blog, seminar etc?

Also if you've made 10x per day then your 2k investment means you've been doing this less than a week... and why employ people if you're gonna do 10x in a day!

Not sarcastic, just trying to get the real picture.

Cheers anon

>> No.3793793

Neglecting all the other stuff, why the fuck do you have that money sitting in a savings account, no matter what you have planned for it
At least get it in an index fund or something, come on it's literally losing money in real terms sat in there

>> No.3793863

Check out stackthatmoney.com.

I employ people because I have over 25 000 fake facebooks accounts to manage.

>> No.3793945


I was keeping it liquid to buy a house imminently, but this past fortnight it looks like my plans in the short/medium term have changed a bit. I don't need that money to buy a nice place any more so I can free some of it up.

I also keep a few grand liquid because my job has very low security, and I could need it to live off within 20 days at any one time.

>I have a high interest account with a few grand in, and also a few grand in crypto, if that makes it any better lol

>> No.3793961

Thanks for the link. Jesus 25000 fake facebooks lol.

Ok, new question for you - is it all worth it? Would you do it again if you could start over and look at your other options?

>> No.3793985

I was broke at the time, so all of this was worth it.
I wouldn't do it all over again because it has been a lot of bad times along with it and I have risked everything I have more than once.
It's a risk to lose it all and a chance to become very rich.

>> No.3794023

What do these people do? How do they manage the accounts?

>> No.3794053

Ok thanks mang. Good to get your insight.

How many hours would you say you put in when you started?
How many do you put in now?
Aaand did you employ anyone during the time your 2k muscle pill campaign went to 34k?

>> No.3794958

I have a website about hair loss that gets around 2000 organic hits a day

But I only make about $5 a day from it. I sell my own products but feel like I should be able to get much more money from this amount of traffic. Is affiliate marketing the way to go? How do I increase conversions?

>> No.3795369

Are you getting your 5$ daily just from clicks on google ads?
Get in contact with some hair loss medicine company and start shilling their product in your articles, make a deal with them to pay you like 1000 usd for 10/20/30/whatever articles, depending on your traffic

>> No.3795403
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>white women

>> No.3795769

Kill yourself

Asian > white

>> No.3795817
