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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3769401 No.3769401 [Reply] [Original]

Realize the type of power a retard with an expensive subscription has. He literally FUD'd you idiots into fear with a fake leak.

>He probably missed getting ChainLink as cheap as most of 4chan did, so wants to FUD a dip.
>He also instead bought Stellar Lumens on the cheap, and will shill it to death and dump on us when he's satisfied.

No matter the outcome, anyone following his releases are REACTING to his moves and statements, meaning he is always one step ahead loading up on bags to drop on us.

Stop taking this shit, STAND YOUR FUCKING GROUND! With all the solid evidence of LINK's potential and benefits to the financial world...there's no fucking way a shitty PDF is gonna ruin that.

>Muh 30c AntShares prediction.
Him getting one coin right doesn't give him any more credibility to choose the next one. Keep having these "picks" that retards buy after you've revealed it is bound to make one correct.

This is a sophisticated P&D, you're smarter than this, anons.

>> No.3769416

Shitty title.
Good point tho.

>> No.3769421

It's over dude, LINK is a sinking ship. Best get out before it drops all the way to ICO price

>> No.3769426

Enjoy eating shit poopoopeepee pajeet

>> No.3769438

>LINK isn't going anywhere.
you got on the wrong track son... you ll be in fomo soon!

>> No.3769455

Enjoy being poor you faggot.

>> No.3769485

So let me get this straight, you're FUDing under the guise of shilling.

>> No.3769501

Yep. Shit's obvious

>> No.3769529

The anon just added an extra line onto the palm beach report. Its one guy on /biz/ doing some harmless shit posting. It doesnt impact the market at all.

Linkies getting shook over literally nothing. Dont have much faith in your hold, do you?