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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 60 KB, 660x371, _95892525_jpmorganafpsign.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3731428 No.3731428 [Reply] [Original]

Later everyone. J.P. Morgan was right. This shit isn't nothing nothing but a ponzi scheme. I've lost so much fuckin money since I entered a week ago. I took a big chance with chainlink (bought high) and Verge (bought low). I hate you fuckers. Really I do. Came in poor and I am ever more poor. Drowning in student loans. Bullet to the brain seems to be the only option now.

>> No.3731444

yeah because 1 week is usually the timespan for making profit

>> No.3731470

You are crying after one week?

kek, go somewhere else normie.

>> No.3731487

If you wouldnt be such an impatient idiot you could make a decent Profit on both of those coins, but by all means sell at a loss

>> No.3731490

someone gotta pay for these lambos.

thank you for your contribution

>> No.3731491

>im 13 and lost my weekly allowance

>> No.3731511
File: 30 KB, 470x698, c62e12090e71aefcbd3f71089a7101b0--frog-meme-gym-memes.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>entered a week ago

>> No.3731518

he fell for the student loans meme

>> No.3731528
File: 8 KB, 185x273, 1495332104177.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Drowning in student loans.

thanks goy

>> No.3731548

There was a dip in ChainLink, you should have waited. If you don't know how to invest the blame is entirely on you.

Verge is shit. ChainLink has great potential but is STILL a risky buy. You should have known better you dumb cunt.

>> No.3731553

I am. /biz/ shilled me shitcoins and I bit. I bit so hard the hook isn't coming out without major damage

>> No.3731559
File: 111 KB, 1280x899, F65DF1DC-9237-472E-9EF3-057596AF5254.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Get in elix to redeem your loses. Weak fomo hands are gone. It’s found it support and is going up.

>> No.3731577

you listened to /biz/ thats where you fucked up now sell low and leave

>> No.3731601

At least you didn't ELIX my friend take solace in that.

>> No.3731631

>at least he didn't make 1200% gains

>> No.3731643
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>Bullet to the brain
>Wasting money on a bullet

You're not going to make it.

>> No.3731661


>> No.3731694

you retard, hang on to both those coins and you'll make a profit one day or another, you know you're supposed to sell at a profit, right?

>> No.3731707
File: 57 KB, 1280x720, are you a faggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>lost money with link

How did you manage to do that?

>> No.3731727

Yes, I know this... these coins will never break even. I bought chainlink at .39 cents and xvg 0.008...

>> No.3731738

expecting gainz in a day, gtfo

>> No.3731742

why are you trading when you don't know how?

>> No.3731743

idiot buys idiot projects
gets idiot results
posts on idiot board

>> No.3731764

Fuck off Pajeet. Verge is a long term hodle that on average steadily produces gains. Chainlink is such a bad scam one shot wonder, that one day you will look in the urban dictionary for synonyms of getting ripped off in crypto, and the leading entry will be " You've been 'Chain Linked' ". I watched the whole fucking thing. You guys buying the scam yourself, realising it was a scam just like I said, and then you pumping and hyping it to dump your scam bags on newcomers. Then you walked away and let it crash to the ground. Now the third scam victims in line are trying to do the same. Just let the damn thing die. Cut your losses and move on.

>> No.3731765

they will break even, even if you bought all time high, you just have to get out of the mindset that they will moon constantly. This market is still so small and there is so much money still pouring in that both those coins will go up from where you bought them most likely.

>> No.3731774


try to recover gettin all in with

>> No.3731776

>being this much of a pajeet

>> No.3731782

Ok loser, go kill yourself you whiny baby.

>> No.3731784

Get fucked retard now go wage cuck some more so I can take even mote of your money

>> No.3731789

I have one ETH. What should I dump the majority into?

>> No.3731812

god Verge shills are seriously autistic

>> No.3731815

RISE or IOC for big gains

>> No.3731835

Thanks anon. I'm putting my trust in you.

>> No.3731859

A Ponzi scheme involves a manager who falsifies income records and makes payouts to investors from fraudulent non-existent income. Holders of Bitcoin are never paid any sort of dividend or profit sharing, nor does Bitcoin have a management team who claims that Bitcoin is some sort of profit-making entity, so it obviously can't be a Ponzi scheme by definition. Do you expect me to believe that Jamie Dimon doesn't know these things and he's just publicly throwing around the words "Bitcoin" and "Ponzi" even though he doesn't know what they mean? The man is obviously a liar. He very publicly told an obvious lie for the purpose of manipulating a market and a lot of people fell for it. You're a complete rube if you believe anything said by any investment guy or journalist who didn't see through this right from the beginning.

>> No.3731873

>entered 1 week ago

already pulling out? Thanks for your money!

>> No.3731878

wew lad, you lost money by trusting strangers on /biz/ and now you fall for it again?
I'm only going to tell you one more time now, hold on to the coins you have, only sell at a profit, doesnt matter if it takes a week or a month. Selling at a loss is just throwing away money

>> No.3731879

And this is why you lose money. You didn't do any research yourself and you are impatient after one bad week.

>> No.3731893

he sounds too low IQ to even deserve any profit, I dont even know why i'm advising this retard

>> No.3731900

biz tards are so amazing. attention span of a fly. never looking to hold at least 2-3 months which will even out short term losses if the project is solid.

>> No.3731915

>Drowning in student loans.
>Investing money you don't have instead of putting that money into paying down debt which is a guaranteed return of not having to pay interest.

You don't have money, and you will never have money because you're not very smart. Don't blame /biz/ for your stupidity.

>> No.3731937
File: 73 KB, 650x933, 4cfe594e2a022c2666706a1c8fdbce94--geek-stuff-gerudo-link.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fucking panic coiners, even worse than no coiners

Meanwhile rest of /biz/ will have hot gayin $EX with Link

>> No.3732021

Go to Coinmarketcap. Look at Verge 3 month chart. Now who is Autistic?

>> No.3732040

i was down quite a bit during the july bear month. now im 400% up. hav a little patience

>> No.3732133

thanks man. I'm still learning desu

>> No.3732151

You need to go back faggot

>> No.3732310

>student loans
I hope you realize that college is a giant ponzi and it's not going to get any better as long as females keep tanking it's value.

Go on a dating site, look at all the fat blue-haired feminists who are talking about getting masters degrees. Go on a dating site and look at all the blue haired feminists who are talking about working at struggling non-profits. Go on a dating site and look at all the blue haired feminists talking about their big student loan debts.

Females LOVE college and daddys will pay whatever it takes to get their fat daughters into universities they are unqualified for and get degrees that have no real world value.

Feminism is why college diplomas are now toilet paper.

Females don't care about debt because they know a man will fix it for them. Females do not care about debt because they have a never ending supply of government handout programs and safety nets. To quote Bukowski "Ain't no women on skidrow".

>> No.3732332

elixbros are headed to mars after the shaky hands left, its only up from here, hut you gotta hop on soon

>> No.3732455

>Has no idea how to trade
>trades for a week
>Gives up, blames others

Bye, you won't be missed, thanks for the gains anyways.

Also if you wan't guaranteed profit just buy BTC and hold.

>> No.3732599

>Bullet to the brain seems to be the only option now.
Well, at least you have your goals clear

>> No.3732627

>Doesn't know what he's buying
>Buys anyway
>Buys ATH
>Market dips slightly
>"No, I can't be the retarded one here, it's everyone else's fault!"

Are you a nigger by any chance OP?

>> No.3732739
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>> No.3732775

hah poorfag I'm up 30k since I started 2 month ago..WTC and IOTA gave good gains

>> No.3732847

REKT IN 1 WEEK. HAHA I'll send you a lambo

>> No.3733602

he bought link ath
link is now -27% from the last ath

>> No.3733765


>> No.3733793
File: 8 KB, 325x264, 1458810212105.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>since I entered a week ago

I hope you didn't sell LINK because if you did you'll definitely kys later this month.

>> No.3733810


Do you really think WTC will recover?

>> No.3733850
File: 66 KB, 720x707, 1491601973605.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>bullet in the brain
Sooner the better, anon.

>> No.3733891
File: 99 KB, 634x886, 2FA86C0800000578-0-image-m-45_1451342050033.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You came here a week ago? You bought the shitcoin of the week?!?! Now you are crying to /biz/?!?!???

You better run MCFLY

>> No.3733926

Great post, saved.

>> No.3733952

WTC is a scam

>> No.3734003
File: 272 KB, 500x582, 1506151012591.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When Dems get back in, crypto is fucking finished. Regulations up to your neck of not out right banned.

Honestly, it can't come soon enough.

Nerds are being fleeced by modern wolves of Wall Street.

You will literally see many whales and shitcoin shills heading for pound me in the ads prison.

The average investor is far too dumb and gullible for crypto. Coins should only be issued in the future by accredited national and financial entities. No more ICOs. Fully subject to the usual taxes on dividends and capital gains too.

>> No.3734031

>jp morgan was right
>theyre putting tons of money into crypto
>getting out of crypto still
this thread lmao

>> No.3734057


>takes on tons of student loans
>gambles away his money on shitcoins
>refuses to take responsibility for his crappy decision making

youre not gonna make it OP