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File: 84 KB, 2048x2048, Cosss.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3727260 No.3727260 [Reply] [Original]

What is Coss?

https://Coss.io stands for Cryptocurrency One Stop Solution, it is a Crypto Platform with a whole bunch of amazing features, some live and some coming soon. It did an ICO and has just launched it's platform. The crazy thing is that it is only at $1m market cap

Here are a few of the features:

An Exchange (Live) - already with over 20 altcoins paired with Bitcoin and Ethereum.

Cryptopayment Gateway (Live) - for online stores to accept Bitcoin, Ethereum, Litecoin, Ark, Lisk, Dash... Already over 1000 merchants have signed up.

POS (Live) - Merchants can also download the app and use it to accept payments at physical stores

DIVIDENDS (Live) - 50%, yes 50% of the fee's Coss earns are paid back to Coss holders in their chosen payment currency

Crypto Crowdfunding (Coming Soon) - just think of Kickstarter but with Cryptocurrencies.. That will be huge

Prepaid Credit Cards (Coming Soon) - top up a credit card with Ether or Bitcoin or... the list goes on

And there's so much more including remittance and smart contracts

It's crazy to think that this coin is only at $1m market cap, it can easily 10x this in the coming months. It's exchange is already starting to pick up and the first dividend payment is about to arrive. It has a great team and is already fulfilled at lot of the promises from it's ICO

I'm definitely bullish on this one. There are 14million coins in circulation and you can buy them straight from the coss.io exchange - also HitBTC and Etherdelta has them. Currently coins are 6 cents

>> No.3727299
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>DIVIDENDS (Live) - 50%, yes 50% of the fee's Coss earns are paid back to Coss holders in their chosen payment currency

I am holing in coss wallet

anything else I have to do OP
If anyone knows lmk

>> No.3727312

If you get dividends back, I'm pretty sure that makes it a security which if I am not mistaken is a big concern for potential United States buyers as having them are illegal per SEC. If I am wrong please enlighten me, it looks interesting, but I'm not in the mood for an encounter with the feds.

>> No.3727336

>If you get dividends back, I'm pretty sure that makes it a security which if I am not mistaken is a big concern for potential United States buyers as having them are illegal per SEC. If I am wrong please enlighten me, it looks interesting, but I'm not in the mood for an encounter with the feds.

It's called "profit sharing" as a loophole
Also Coss is based in based singapore. They don't regulate shit. Best city, best country for money making.

>> No.3727343

lmao they're romanians based in singapore fuck off ((sec))

>> No.3727345

On your account page there is a step by step guide on how to claim your dividends

>> No.3727368

Is that not just for the mew wallet?

>> No.3727389

I was under the impression that the law forbids people from selling/offering securities without adhering to SEC regulations, not holding them. Though whether reselling them qualifies I couldn't tell you.

>> No.3727399

I'm not SEC, I'm simply a guy who doesn't want to have to answer for anything when I have to pay taxes on my profits. I don't know how that works so I just want to make sure I'm not gonna get fucked by the long dick of the IRS.

>> No.3727435

>I was under the impression that the law forbids people from selling/offering securities without adhering to SEC regulations, not holding them. Though whether reselling them qualifies I couldn't tell you.

Listen, this is just the truth
Singapore has its own stock exchange, its own laws, it's own financial institutions and government and it is free market and wonderful. SEC don't mean shit.

Then pay your taxes like a cuck, what are you so afraid of?

>> No.3727570

Cmon guys let's pump this coin. I just bought in! Gonna Elixir this shit.

>> No.3727574

Get ready

>> No.3727591

Kill yourself if you're actually comparing this to Elixir.

>> No.3727871

Ain't that the truth

>> No.3727939

they regulate securities, and coss sounds suspiciously like one

>> No.3727963

Yeah it sure is. Go ahead and stay out of this coin for your good ;)

>> No.3728126

You stupid shit

The Singapore government will not be regulating coss. They are backing coss, its (((their coin)))
You have no clue how business works there stop pretending like you do. Stop playing.

>> No.3728227

Singapore is gonna be the benchmark you retards.

https://singaporefintech.org/ - (organization behind coss)

All crypto is sanctioned by the government there.
They speak Malaysian Chinese and English.
the Chinese and Israelis run the city. (both groups backing and working on coss.) some are Romanian jews with partners in israel.


The singapore stock market is the most stable, and unmanipulated (rigged) stock market in the world. Only estonia is comparable in a governments protection of crypto.

>> No.3728270
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Its gonna be like omise, with already active staking
but with some extra functions

Is ethereum a security because you'll one day be able to stake it?
is neo a security that the IRS is gonna steal from you just for holding it?
stop being such pussy's /biz/

>> No.3728282

I agree.
This is flying under the radar and has some of that OMG vibe / potential to it, IMO.

>> No.3728292
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Digixdao (backed by gold), tenxpay, coss, ect.

Singapore is on crypto like whores on your coss holding cock


>> No.3728306

>send btc from Kraken to COSS
>kraken: "sent ;)"
>coss: "your balance: 0.0000000 BTC"
>i'm playing the waiting game
>price is playing the rising game
end me

>> No.3728360

It took me like 51 min for ETH but it eventually went through.

>> No.3728413

im singaporean so you can stfu

>> No.3728451
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>im singaporean so you can stfu

You know I'm right you mongoloid

>> No.3728462

Theres only about 200 ETH keeping us from 2x in the sells

>> No.3728467

>he cant be from singapore hes on /biz/
the government doesnt officially support any coin and probably never will. the mas regulates securities and they just announced they will regulatr icos.

>> No.3728483
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You can act all superior, that your some hotshot investor with a chip on your shoulder. Sooner or later you'll want to come out of your shell, leave neet life and you'll probably start flaunting your wealth. Some of you will actually have the audacity to buy lambos and go to crypto meet ups.

That's where I'll wait. That is when I will stalk. All it takes is a simple keylogger installed via usb when you ain't looking on the train or library....or a few missing toes.

Stay indoors. Lock your doors.

>> No.3728814

Post pics.

>> No.3728838

>this is the next ELIX

except this is a working exchange and the devs aren't lying about the coin supply like elix and bis

>> No.3728869

COSS is going to moon hard with the dividends.

>> No.3728927


This one actually looks decent at first glance.

>> No.3729198

same for me, what the fuck is going on

>> No.3729207

this is why we use eth folks

>> No.3729219

slow deposit + low volume + slow website + easy to got regulated.
seem inferior to binance to me

>> No.3729232

i used eth you genius.....

50 confirmations and counting, but nothing

>> No.3729246

it took me 60 confirms

>> No.3729255

(where) can you see confirmations on the COSS site?

>> No.3729261

look on the transaction hash from the wallet you sent from

ETH took me 60 confirms

>> No.3729299

is this a fucking scam exchange, im at 67 confirmations and nothing, i feel like puking

in the description it says it will appear after 1 confirmation, fucking shitcoin exchange

>> No.3729333


refresh your fucking page, either that or you sent to the wrong address, woooops LUL

>> No.3729362

why are you guys not buying it on etherdelta??

>> No.3729425

Okay sorry, it finally came in after like 1 hour, weird shit, but anyways I'M 10 Eth IN COSS now

i don't know if you guys noticed, but it's selling for like 30% more in hitbtc, so buying in coss makes sense and then withdrawin to hitbtc and selling there

>> No.3729458

it's too late. I already sent the coins and now I'm in a fucking waiting limbo. Kraken doesn't have them because they've been "sent" and COSS doesn't have them either. I confirmed that I sent them to the right address and I've F5'd vigorously since.

>> No.3729503

just give it 1 hour, i fucking lost my shit and mailed their support, but it just finally came in like 5 minutes ago, already bought coss now

it's cheaper on coss so no prob

>> No.3729529

Have you all read the whitepaper? Very impressive. I get a sort of OMGesque vibe from one, kind of when OMG was dirt cheap. With all the shitcoins out there, its nice to throw some money at something that seems a lot more functional and with a real use case. Check out their whitepaper if you haven't already.

>> No.3729534

calm down anon, happened to me in the middle of the day. expect an hour since it's still in beta.

Also for the love of god... do not SHILL this coin like ELIX, this place is legit.

>> No.3729542

It's been 4 hours now. I sent BTC so it's bound to take some more time though.
Fucking hell, why didn't I just get some ETH instead.

>> No.3729551

wtf lmao, the second I posted this message the money came
see you on the moon

>> No.3729556

Always do LTC, always faster... BTC and ETH are dinosaur slow.

>> No.3729810

Holy shit it is running now and has more legs to go. I heard they might list on bigger exchange, could be Polo or Kraken. But lots more news coming this week. Go COSS you good thing!

>> No.3729819

its COSS time boys strap in and get ready

>> No.3729822

takes fucking FOREVER for my ETH to reach COSS what the fuck

>> No.3729843

i just bought in again, got 300k now, lets pump this

>> No.3729939

Jesus I have like 3k
>tfw poorfag

How high are we feeling this will go? 25cents?

>> No.3729954

holy fuck is the site shit. i hope you fucks aren't trying to shit on me.

>> No.3730010


Ahahaha still under 10 cents. Shh for a moment, I need to get that 50k.

>> No.3730035

Getting a good rise on HitBTC

>> No.3730066


$3 before ETY.

>> No.3730079

Aren't those just futures

>> No.3730096
File: 233 KB, 1470x627, coss2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


No man, they replace the futures with the actual token onve the token is out. COSS has been out for a while. Get your ass on ED and buy, it's picking up. Clock is ticking.

>> No.3730120

Can anyone clarify about the revenue sharing? It will be paid in each crypto? So every week holders of coss will receive fractions of every coin traded there? How is that not a huge fucking deal if true? Someone tell me the truth I looked at the white paper and didn't see it anywhere as to how revenue is paid

>> No.3730126

LOL guys the pricing is jumping around, i basically just bought COSS with eth, sold it for BTC (gained like 15%), exchanged it to sub and then back to eth and the bought COSS back

i gained like 5% COSS for just swapping stuff

>> No.3730130


3k is enough for you to fund the next proper moon mission and make it from there. dont worry man.

>> No.3730153

i think you need to exchange it to COSS and hold it in your wallet on the site

it actually makes sense to do this to drive up the price from their perspective, it's pretty genius

basically the more the exchange is used the more cash you get for holding COSS in their exchange which means COSS price will go up.. it's pretty genius

>> No.3730171

my man taking advantage of the FOMO. nicely done. you will make it.

>> No.3730210

i just got 5 eth as divident

>> No.3730223


No you can hold it on mew also, they have instructions there on how to do it.

I'm just curious in what currency we will be paid

Will it be coss, or in fractions of every coin they trade on the exchange?

Because it's huge if it's every coin...this basically means you're gonna get a free weekly payout of all the coins listed there, including btc, eth, ark and many more. That's an amazing way to make passive income and if crypto moons like we all know it will, you'll basically have free coins coming in all the way up, and you'll be dollar cost averaging in every week at a cost of $0. Seems really juicy. Wish I would have found this gem earlier, oh well, still cheap.

>> No.3730233

it is ETH now

>> No.3730250

5eth as dividend? how much coss do you hold brosef?

>> No.3730253


Dividends haven't started yet, read the site. You didn't get 5 eth as a "divident"

if anything, someone fucked up and sent to you by mistake, or you sent to yourself and forgot or whatever.

>> No.3730290

i got 10 eth by accident now ? kek

>> No.3730293


Read the site, retard

Dividends havent started yet!!!!!!! fuck you!

>> No.3730301


The first revenue share distribution is scheduled for Sunday, 08.10.2017, at Ethereum block 4,347,200. In order to receive your revenue share there are 2 options:
- Keep your COSS Tokens inside your COSS wallet.
- If you keep your COSS Tokens in a separate wallet, you need to activate the revenue distribution by following the tutorial: https://coss.io/coss-token-revenue-share-tutorial





>> No.3730322

No reasonable sell orders on ED as of now


>> No.3730323

ok, even better lol
and i DID receive 10 eth, do not ask me where they came from, i have no idea but know i didnt deposit any

>> No.3730326

Been waiting over an hour for BTC deposit. Still slow as fuck for everyone?

>> No.3730330


I was in the thread yesterday where this pasta originated. And you absolutely misused the shit out of it, you fucking idiot.

>> No.3730331


Yeah been waiting 2.5 almost 3 hours now. Sucks

>> No.3730338

eat shit

>> No.3730342

slow as fuck, but it'll get there. Took me 5 hours.

>> No.3730358

those are mine, can you return them pls

>> No.3730366

Thanks guys. Just hope it doesn't moon too soon.

>> No.3730391

Does it also take so long to deposit ltc there? Been waitig for 1 hour already

>> No.3730432
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The feel when your eth coin take forever to arrive to the COSS rocket ship, will I make it guys?

>> No.3730457

Bought around 10.000. I´m ready for the moon mission.

>> No.3730459


AHAHAHA literally noone wants to sell anymore.

>> No.3730533

I sent btc can i see the confirmation? Or does it just pop up

>> No.3730542


Just pops up I guess, I'm still waiting myself with 11 confirmations and still nothing ugh

>> No.3730556
File: 358 KB, 1040x787, 24f4fb8e1dcdda53620356c85c09201c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sell orders are back, just got more. Fucking nice, who is dumping at this price? AHAHAHAHA

>> No.3730580

That sucks, most exchanges track the deposits, makes the users feel more reassured. They still have work to do, but it's a steal for this price. Transfering some Walton profits in it rn.

>> No.3730590

>tfw already up 70%

>> No.3730816

if only exchange itself was any good
right now its like ED tier shit
why would anybody use it?

>> No.3730889

cuz it returns the income to COSS holders lol

>> No.3730989

i mean why would anyone use exchange itself

>> No.3731059

Agreed. Hopefully they improve it over time, it's still a very young project.

>> No.3731132

things are looking up.....

