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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3714387 No.3714387 [Reply] [Original]

End of week price predictions?

>> No.3714399

Bare minimum is 230k

>> No.3714414

End of week ~22k screenshot this

>> No.3714428

I still feel like going my last 500$ into odn was a mistake

>> No.3714450

How so, it's only mooning atm

>> No.3714472

I have a bad feeling that it's gonna dump soon, but I'm a brainlet

>> No.3714489

Quite the opposite since it's going to get listed on new exchanges soon

>> No.3714495

I mean it's at ATH so fucking sell then? Why wait until it's too late?

I'm calm af, ODN will 5x soon enough.

>> No.3714511

You recommend I go deeper into odn then? LINK is also getting shilled pretty hard and idk what to believe about that shit right now.

>> No.3714519

Fuck yes you go balls deep
LINK is dead

>> No.3714524

Ye fuck LINK, I sold that shit for good profit already, it will come back to earth really soon

>> No.3714540

ODN looking super strong atm, even kept its value as bitcoin and eth tanked

1$ wouldn't be unreasonable

>> No.3714553
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27k sats

>> No.3714559

When new exchange is released, it's going to $2-3 quick if it's a decent exchange.

>> No.3714575
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>> No.3714580

If it's binance, bittrex, (lol not happening) or polo ODN is heading straight to the moon

>> No.3714584
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>> No.3714590


surely you meant 23k

>> No.3714597

Where do I buy this coin?

>> No.3714601
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>> No.3714604
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bittrex seems to add coins again, as they just added ADA, but i doubt it tbqh

liqui will add it eventually, but i wouldn't call it high volume

high volume would mean binance, hitBTC, polo, bitfenix or bittrex, and thats just the western exchanges

>> No.3714614

Should I wait for a dip? Is there going to be a dip?

>> No.3714617



>> No.3714631
File: 54 KB, 599x705, 1505737591949.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Forgive me guys I was fudding the shit out of this coin because I needed another 1k ODN to get to masternode tier. Sold the top and bought the dip and now I'm there.

I fucking love this token brahs, based on the value of just the messenger alone (because the messenger enables transfer of value/money, not just because it's a fucking messenger service) this shit could easily sit at a $60 million marketcap, which would be around 2-2.5 dollars.

Now I will atone for my sins and continue to spread the word of this coin on all channels, although to be honest any weak hands that dropped their moon tickets to me at 12k sats are fucking dumbasses who deserve to lose their money.

>> No.3714645

More importantly, if they can develop the ecosystem of privacy oriented-Dapps on their platform this shit is destined for the moon.

Any retards thinking of selling this shit just do it now, and kill yourselves while you're at it, you don't deserve any of the gains coming to this coin once we hit bigger exchanges.

>> No.3714657

it also allows files to be transfered anonymously and securely

pedos can literally send the CP and get paid in the same DAPP, thats pretty big desu

>> No.3714734
File: 852 KB, 1122x1262, Screen Shot 2017-10-03 at 4.51.26 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

the possibilities for this platform are endless and its going to be the best thing since bitcoin using this app for christmas 60million market cap in 2-3 weeks screen cap this

>> No.3714745

I would love for it to dump to fill my buy order.

>> No.3714746
File: 2.72 MB, 1192x1108, Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 2.57.40 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Obsidian is a project designed to utilize the block-chain to provide for anonymous services. You could say it is the Philosopher's stone. The development team behind Obsidian is working on an application that can utilize the block-chain to allow for anonymous messaging, anonymous money transfers, and even the transfer of multimedia files such as pictures, videos, and music. Obsidian is more than just a token and the messenger/wallet application that the developer team is working on. Obsidian also stands to be a platform for developers to utilize so that they can build applications which stand to benefit from privacy.

You don't need marketers watching everything you buy, or police and centralized entities listening to & reading everything you say and share. If you want to spend your money on women and wine, you can get things done. Privately.

Imagine being able to purchase things off of craigslist without giving up your phone number or message vendors on the DarkMarket without using annoying PGP methods. Anonymous shopping on your phone for anything. There are endless possibilities here. One need only contemplate and reflect on what they might be for oneself.

Now let's do some comparisons.

Status Market Cap = $106,646,886
Obsidian Market Cap = $14,212,131

Is Obsidian better? Take a look.

Also, since Obsidian is a platform most similar to Stratis we should see similar market caps in the near future.

Stratis Market Cap = $ 384,401,276
Obsidian Market Cap = $14,212,131

We are the Ethereum of Monero in a way. The technical cofounder of Monero is also the technical advisor of Obsidian. This is a 1/1000 type of opportunity.

>> No.3714763

Thank you, without you I would have read this pasta one time less today, now i am finally at over 9000 reads. TY SO MUCH

>> No.3714774

This coin is more stable than fucknig tether right now, I love it

>> No.3714821
File: 749 KB, 2012x1332, Screen Shot 2017-10-03 at 5.02.52 AM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why you should buy ODN.
1. Advisers. One of the lead developers of Monero fluffy pony wouldn't touch this project with a 100 foot pole if this project was not legit. Specially given the fact that Fluffy has previously viciously attacked Verge and ZCash for the gimmicky tech, scammy tech),

FluffyPony (this XMR founding member), is not only incredibly passionate and at the cutting edge of privacy technology, but he is ALSO a believer AND very capable developer has worked alongside PHDs and top computer scientists and cryptographers to implement privacy in the Monero currency. He really wants to further the technology behind privacy focused projects. And he has the eye and technical expertise to weed out crappy gimmick projects from the real cutting edge.
There is no chance that this guy wouldn't scrutinize and shit on this project if it wasn't legit and onto something revolutionary (let alone act as an adviser) The fact that we have to consider is the fact that this project has a ton of potential but also attracts the eyes of saboteurs and other state actors. In part explains why Satoshi (who ever he/they were, remained anonymous). Anonymity and the inalienable right to privacy is a legal tradition found in more than 150 national constitutions. I honor that fact and will do my part to uphold that.
The stakes are extremely high. If this project succeeds, all the underworld will have a new playground for communication, information transfer and all sorts of other grey market enterprises activities completely anonymous (literally billions of dollars in data and business outside of the power of the government can become movable overnight when this project succeeds).

>> No.3714914

There may not be a dip notably below current. People aren't going to dump until at least the new exchange gets announced (days). Most likely the dropportunity will be after ithe is listed for a day on it.

>> No.3714987

Where can I see the dollar price of coins on cryptopia?

>> No.3715004

Just multiply the ODN/BTC price with current BTC dollar price.

So 0.00016085 * 4286.3 right now.(~$0.689)

>> No.3715011

>dollar price
use coinmarketcap.com keep refreshing currently its about .65 cents.

>> No.3715012

Never thought to do this, thanks anon

>> No.3715066

with a new exchange listing i can see this x3 at least in the near future

>> No.3715131

Guys how can i get a masternode if I only have 1300 ODT because i cant afford more? Is there any way for me to do this?

>> No.3715160

how much for a masternode?

>> No.3715171

day trade like a god. gl
10k i hear

>> No.3715245

We need to shill this coin more to the idiots on Faggit, these pastas are good material

>> No.3715264

way ahead of you go up vote


>> No.3715301

yes this good but there needs to be more. One thread don't cut it.

>> No.3715344

Wasent a masternode 30k and then they changed it post ico? Also what was the ico price?

>> No.3715353

ok go do it anon be the solution

>> No.3715356


>I feel like I'm slowly becoming a shill, but I'm just super excited about this coin.

we need to convert more

>> No.3715368

nvm found it.

>> No.3715378

nigg nog its only 20 cents above ico you really think this will forever be its ath?

>> No.3715452

lol no.
it was about 17 cents at ico.

>> No.3715477

And eth was about 350 at the time and now its 300 eth but it had a fixed rate of exchange during ico so 350 eth gave you no more odn than 300 eth. People paid a similar price than as they do now.

>> No.3715486

Kind of looks like a small dip is about to hit. If you wanted to get in, 30-60 minutes from now is probably ideal.

>> No.3715496

14 cents

>> No.3715542

well so far I have more than tripled my money.
that's not to say ODN wont grow, on the contrary.

>> No.3715571

actually I correct myself since I forgot how much fiat I spent on the ICO: I have almost six times the initial investment now.

>> No.3715617

You did good i legit only put one eth in it because it was my first ico. thinking back on it i should of put more but I still believe it can close the gap to a dollar on pure hype alone.

bought in after ico but not enough to have a masternode only 7k

>> No.3715630

Dip? Why..

>> No.3715706

I think I'm gonna buy more right now to get more grocery money kek

>> No.3715798

Fellow odn holders get a small bag of lrc

>> No.3715857

Spike was too quick without a resistance under it. The dip won't be that far, but oscillations like this are normal in a bull pattern. It will be up at end of day regardless.

>> No.3715903

>2 more confirmations needed

Dear god please stay up I need more on the dip

>> No.3715908

500 sats

>> No.3715939

You've got a bit. This will go to at least that 16k sat buy wall before reflecting back up.

>> No.3715957

despite buying rather high I would unironically love this coin to dump so I can buy more. But it wont happen AAAH

>> No.3716066
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Thanks for the faith. It just got enough confirmations.

I'm gonna take a shower and watch it crash to 1sat now.

>> No.3716098

as long as you know the direction you don't care wheter it goes up or down dude.

>> No.3716104

Yep, we're in a crawldown. Someone is trying to manipulate the price up (see those 1ODN purchases?).

Hang out until at least 16k sat, though you may be able to get in in the 14k-15k sat range.

>> No.3716165

love this coin. Still early as fuck 5-10 dollars a coin by june 2018.

>> No.3716191
File: 40 KB, 320x427, vitknc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bought my last round at 17k. Am i rekt biz

>> No.3716200

Nah. I'll blow past that after this dip cycle.

>> No.3716475


You're already back baby.

>> No.3716508

No. 230k.

>> No.3716593

230k is a good win for me.
Binance coming soon

>> No.3716641

do people seriously doubt ODN is going to be on better exchanges in the near future

I mean as far as things go in the crypto world, this seems like a good bet. i'm certainly betting on it.

>> No.3716659

I only have 16k from the ico.. Should i just say fuck it and get the second masternode?

>> No.3716669

Most people are short sighted. This coin has only been out for two days and was trading privately on the slack prior to cryptopia. Lots of fud because people missed this one. For once /biz/ is genuinely the ground floor and not some pnc group that doesn't see the potential.

>> No.3716705

If you can buy it without selling your kidney, do it brah, you'll thank yourself for it once those 10% staking rewards are hitting tens of thousands

>> No.3716753

But it's so expensive now compared to a few days ago

>> No.3716755


>> No.3716781

It's literally day 3 now. No one us at biz will sell to you cheap and neither will the slack users. Set a buy order for a flash crash and if you're lucky it'll get filled.

>> No.3716808

Thank you, I love redpills like this. You’ve got me convinced sir.

Didn’t know fluffypony was originally part of XMR. That makes a whole lot more sense for ODN then

>> No.3716851

I would but the money i need is tied up in blocknet. I cant fucking sell it because the wallet has been offline on bittrex for like a week.

Oh well... Is 16k odn enough for a lambo?

>> No.3716884

you will be fine as long as you got 10k for a masternode youll make it

>> No.3716925
File: 9 KB, 250x250, 1506836613612.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sold off 20% of my ODN at 13k yesterday because I was greedy and wanted to rebuy at 11k. It never dipped again. Aaaaaaaaahhhh

>> No.3716929

Fuck it, I'm going for a second masternode

>> No.3716938

>selling odn for cheap

Time to buy back in at a higher price.

>> No.3716951

all you need to do is hold and chill you are so early.

>> No.3717059

ODN is currently 1/4 the volume on cryptopia...this will be a perfect way to get on a more powerful exchange.

>> No.3717089

How many coins do I need to stake?

I only got 53 ODN. Is it worth it?

>> No.3717102

you can stake at any amount

10k coins will give you one staking reward 1 week roughly

>> No.3717108

if ur wallet is unlocked u stack automatically but the more you have the sooner you get your reward

>> No.3717122

the price is just going to keep going up... this is a complete decentralized app creating platform the messenger is just the first app to prove it works.

>> No.3717276

good luck guys

>> No.3717288

Anyone on eBTC?

>> No.3717346

If you sell link you are selling at a dip. Not smart friend. Of course all these ODN guys will tell you to buy their ODN bags at an ATH before the coming selloff.

>> No.3717348

Android and Iphone apps for ODN... will be out by xmas.


>> No.3717386

3.8x already my original 1 BTC investment.

Fuck feels so good.

>> No.3717407

I got in the airdrop and I will probably buy a few more while it is low

>> No.3717423

40k Satoshis. I've gotten in early on ETH, ANS, and OMG. ODN gives me the same vibes.

>> No.3717440


>> No.3717448
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>> No.3717465

How can i restore the wallet? I saw backup option but not how restore.

>> No.3717466

you realize bounties were already released and almost all of nthem put them into staking.


>> No.3717469

its called a bot...

>> No.3717474

lol your trying to imply its being pumped because there are multiple buy orderes for 1 odn?

>> No.3717478

i never understood shit like this
these fools pay fees for each transaction, right?

what the fuck is the point? to paint the order books and make it look like lots of buys are happening? anyone without mental retardation could see that the buys are so small it doesn't even matter...

>> No.3717501

Fees are .20% so very tiny. It does two things:
1) Makes the market history look bullish (lots of buys in a row)
2) "pushes off" any bad history in the market history to hide selloffs

>> No.3717504

They don't pay for any of the transactions.

>> No.3717517

Sorry im an idiot, they dont pay for any of the walls or oders I mean

>> No.3717534

ODN $10 end of the month. Calling it.

>> No.3717544

Good example just a few minutes ago. Notice how it dropped 1k sats? Followed prompt by the 1.2 buys.

>> No.3717562

I'm interested to hear why a bot would make 1 coin purchases in series.

>> No.3717668


Help contribute to this post! Let's expose the merits of ODN to normies~

>> No.3717674
File: 17 KB, 500x398, download.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Theres a coin that is already doing this and is further along in development.






Like Obsidian, like masternode coins?

Crave, 500 needed for masternode. Pure proof of stake. Same or objectively better roadmap than Obsidian with no premine and no ICO. Discover Crave.

Planned developments:
Surestyle end to end encryption for messaging and file sharing. Self serve markets and the capacity to mine without any hardware.

1.3Mil circulating supply with 500k annual inflation.

>> No.3717701

Shoo shoo Crave shill

>> No.3717741
File: 20 KB, 942x305, MUHSEKRITCLUB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who of you faggots is shilling /biz/ there

>> No.3717820

Seriously though, this coin does not need shilling on Reddit etc. The money will flood in as soon as the exchange gets announced. Let's not share this golden nugget to everyone just yet

>> No.3717869
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Got 32k ODN.

I'm gonna make it, aren't I?

>> No.3717932
File: 30 KB, 400x400, 1425132403971.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yes anon. We're all going to make it

>> No.3718209

1300 ODN here, I wont make it but its the first time I became a bizlieber

>> No.3718250

Guys i have 15 LTC locked up in my Kraken, forgot master key and must wait for unlock. Anyone here willing to trade ODN for LTC? i give you LTC/ODN for 25k satoshi per ODN

>> No.3718275

>giving an awful trade rate

>> No.3718299

For how much would be give your odn away realistically?

>> No.3718343


Are you fucking seriously use satoshis as a smaller unit of Litecoin?

>> No.3718424

Dude I don't give a fuck, we can use the distance from Earth to Andromeda in versta for all I care.

>> No.3718445

56k sats, good sir

>> No.3718472

We are all believers in ODN because we believe in doing what we want without being under the prying eyes of the government. I should be able to buy time with a prostitute without any needless stress.


Help contribute to this post. Help expose the merits of ODN to normies

>> No.3718496


Don't make this a memecoin you fucks. You're going to kill it before it starts.

>> No.3718541

Dude nothing can kill this coin, the platfor is just too good. If you invest into this without actually elieving and hodling to 0 you deserve your wagecuck life