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File: 3.08 MB, 2108x1408, Screen Shot 2017-10-02 at 10.00.28 am.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3693768 No.3693768 [Reply] [Original]

LINK presale whale here.
Sold 10 BTC worth from my 650k stack for this new pussy magnet mobile.
Rate my poor decision. Might sprinkle some LINK dust on you guys too

>> No.3693777

Seems like a waste. Should've saved up for that lambo. -uh I mean it looks great OP


>> No.3693782

Where are you from anon? I feel like in western EU you won't get a second look driving around in that. It's quite common.
Still better than falling for the lambo meme, so props.

>> No.3693783

Is that a LAMBO?

>> No.3693788

> selling BTC, ever

ya dun goofed. Hope thats a $10 million car you got there faggot

>> No.3693800

literally the invicta of cars

>> No.3693809

Let's say someone is 100% invested into crypto. How do you suppose they buy things? By either cashing out or paying in btc. It's not like they're losing money. He could have paid in fiat and following this logic he would have lost money, since it could have been used to buy bitcoin instead.

>> No.3693814
File: 491 KB, 508x679, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Eh, nothing wrong with taking some profit and enjoying yourself. There's new opportunities every day and as long as you stay informed and keep learning, the profits you may have missed by cashing out will surely be replaced - probably supplanted - by future endeavors.

Here's a pic of my pepe. Could use some dust on my humble stash.


>> No.3693832

You didn't like the R8?

I'd be happy with the new Camry, they're pretty sexy.


>> No.3693848

I have over 1m LINK myself. I have never turned crypto into fiat myself, yet. I worry a lot that nobody will buy BTC/ETH off me when the time comes. Am I the only the that thinks like this?

>> No.3693853

Nice hog, OP. Here's wishing some puss luck! 0x444990653b34274f8f2699e248c9b2104e7284e0

>> No.3693856


could always use some Link dust

>> No.3693871

I'm an Ausfag
everyone here drives shitty utes
this is badass

>> No.3693884

Looks good, trying to do the same to afford a Subaru WRX, I'm only 18.
0x217c34e4191465e7ee8e48c69dbe83f25d02a952 If you're in the giving mood :p

>> No.3693886

Well, you can't hold it forever otherwise what is the point in having it right?
Gotta spoil yourself sometimes, and it wasn't too expensive yet you still stand above a normie in that car.
I'd say its worth it if you're trying to get women.

>> No.3693887

Bless me papi


>> No.3693905

You bought a pussy mobile, not a pussy magnet. Its a literal bitch car. Top fucking kek.

>> No.3693909

Lmao that's a chick car kys

>> No.3693918


sprinkle pl0x ye cunt

>> No.3693929

Old Audi grill looked better, but its' still a fine choice.


>> No.3693930

>this is badass
Audi tt badass in australia? You may as well be a 60 year old downlow or a 40 year old housewife.

>> No.3693936

The utes are cool though

>> No.3693940
File: 202 KB, 720x483, quattro.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Audis are underrated, I feel. Saw an RS7 the other day, god damn. Sleek as fuck, but it won't turn normie heads unless you open the throttle.


>> No.3693941

"I'm a whale, and I drive an Audi TT."

Do you have a hard time choosing your clothing, too?

>> No.3693959
File: 209 KB, 900x650, 1506861258294.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it's kinda slick looking. Not sure if I'd spend all that on a car but it's your choice I guess.

Also how did you cash out? Just sold it on coinbase or something?

Also thx

>> No.3693965

7/10 get decent body kit for quality pussy for 9/10

>> No.3693981
File: 108 KB, 800x500, grace-and-ride.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

plz op, wanna marry my GF someday soon... need more money though, help preserve the white race.


Summer 2031
>Driving home from weekend lake house
>Wife Grace sees antique store on side of road
>"Omg Anon, can we please stop?"
>Fucking wife loves early 2000s crap
>Pull in, fat neet owner in the window eating Ramen noodles
>Starts checking out my 10/10 wife
>Glare at him before realizing he's actually just checking out my lambo
>Start browsing wares
>Wife puts on MAGA hat and looks over; we both laugh our asses off
>Neets avoiding eye contact now, sweating profusely just moving around the shop
>Wife picks up a Kekistani Flag "What about this one?"
>"Well, the dog bed does need a new cover but we'll have to wash it first"
>Neet raging now
>Wife squeals grabbing a worn out waifu pillow. “Oh please Anon?"
>Neet holds breath
>"Ugh, put that disgusting thing down. We don't know where it's been"
>Finally finished and go to checkout, hand neet my American Express BlockCard
>"Sorry we don't support American Express blockchain"
>Neet points to bumper sticker on register that says "Support low merchant fees. Use public blockchains"
>liberal faggot bullshit
>Hand him my MasterCard
>"Do you mind using a public blockchain? MasterCard takes 20% of the sale"
>"Well... MasterCard gives me 90% of merchant fees as cash back..."
>Neet sighs and swipes my card, transaction instantly confirms on the MasterCard Blockchain
>Phone Notification - "Merchant fees ($5.98 - 90%) transferred to Savings Account. Thanks for using the MasterCard Blockchain"
>Tell wife she needs to shower as soon as we're home after touching all this filthy crap
>Tell neet we need everything double bag and it in the trunk
>Get the hell out of there

>> No.3693999

you buy things with shitcoins. in the future there will be no need to sell bitcoin for fiat. In the future, people will pay you dearly just to borrow a few satoshis.

>> No.3694000

you know you can always sell to the exchanges? they buy at a discount though.

>> No.3694020

Good job OP, I lost a lot of money on that shitty redd coin meme and I'm looking to join the hype train

>> No.3694038

I woke up at 2 in the morning because I couldn't sleep and saw a thread about link. Dropped like 1k when it was .27 feels pretty fucking good.

>> No.3694041

Stop calling cars pussy magnets and study some RSD shit, you don't want to be a mark that's used. Become emotional crack and don't spend a dime on a bitch. Listen to some old rsd vids on youtube, and if you have spare time, pirate rsd blueprint. You're rich, you probably won't get autistic about it. I had chicks legit convinced to sell their bodies for me. Of course I don't go trough with it because I'm a retard and I'd get caught, but it makes for hot sex.
This in an investment for the future. You'll score a better wife that way because larger pool.


>> No.3694046

>Dropped like 1k when it was .27 feels pretty fucking good
so why are you begging?

>> No.3694052
File: 106 KB, 1920x1048, 370z.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd prefer a 370Z but that TT is also fine. Take care of it.


Some starter LINK would be great.

>> No.3694054

How do you sell 10btc when the orderbook is flatter than than a washing board?

>> No.3694068


sprinkle some LINK on a bro who bought at 10.2k sats RIP


thx based legend of link OP

>> No.3694072

If my 35k makes it to pluto next year I'm gonna sell half of it and buy a small house. Already have a good enough car.

>> No.3694080

TTRS is badass. Regular TT is a soccermom car. or old man... pick one OP

>> No.3694111

who doesn't want more money?

>> No.3694147

>this new pussy magnet mobile
That's because it's a girl car

>> No.3694172

>he likes overt displays of wealth
I can smell the white trash insecurities leeching out of your skin from here, and no doubt the ladies will too.
Remember anon, money can't buy you class, just a gold digging gf.

>> No.3694203

Now go get some chicks homie, don't leave that passenger seat empty.


>> No.3694208

Hey op,

I'm a fat penniless bastard, still at uni, I haven't been laid in 2 years and I might unironically have breast cancer in my bitchtits.

Some coins would ease my mind, thanks.


>> No.3694214

also 10btc in australia is ~56k before tax and before exchange fees
a new audi tt costs 80k minimum

put some fucking effort in if youre going to shit up the board with begging threads.

>> No.3694254

haha trold guys im actually a poor fag with 600 link

>> No.3694255

Poor pajeet, please help.


>> No.3694282

Congrats on the car my dude. You've earned it by taking some risk and investing. Enjoy your life and your gains

>> No.3694300

I'm seriously considering ending myself. There is nothing going right for me and it's been this way for years... 30 now
BTC: 1F2UFXkhArzo7g2stApJZtnHNqVA4khSzT
ETH: 0xa7A662a7B2Fa40C245aB3632f3B44B6b60649469

>> No.3694302


kys faggot

Link plz



>> No.3694322

bless ya

>> No.3694339


>> No.3694393

Fucking TT. Does it have a fake flower holder like the vw bug had? Does it come with a strap-on too? Female empowerment is probably important for consumers like you. Your girl could peg you (assuming youre straight, no offense intended brah)

>> No.3694396

honestly i would have done the same thing myself + some coke and some thai ladyboys

if you're feeling it:

>> No.3694400

OP you're a sex god


>> No.3694430

Noice. Reminds me a bit of the car in this add from when I was a kid:


Enjoy your gains OP.


>> No.3694470

>losers still begging like the filth they are when OP is a larping faggot
kys, each and every single one of you

>> No.3694983

For the old videos how old do you mean? Used to follow them, meaning to get back into it. Is the new stuff not as good? OP listen to this man. Best advice you will get in your life.


>> No.3695035

5/7 would drive that car to lamboland


>> No.3695042
File: 616 KB, 684x676, 1491520851185.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Newfag just starting out with crypto. Send a couple bucks my way so I can test the waters? :)

BTC 1Av56MJqryTx3r9ihfH4VhPADE2u3nS2s1
ETH 0x2d841F29cb5461eee0F1B20745D92c0D148228bF
LTC LdKokLf9N88yutmvhb5eV5PkbWPHC7c6ER

>> No.3695062

I think it looks neat. Not a lambo, but lambos aren't always the answer:

LINK: 0xd6Bff34c2F6Cf6688cCb59192a156141f04416eB

>> No.3695077

8/10, Audi is a fucking good company and their shit is quality. Best German car out there better than BMW imho. Not even blowing smoke up your ass


>> No.3695101

Brave and ballsy. But a solid problem they're solving so I love it
Sprinkle some LINK on this if you wanna spread some pussy magnets around


>> No.3695102

dude that car is BAD ASS! Congratulations, seriously!!! Screw the lambo, i'll take that shit any day.


>> No.3695120


>> No.3695147

wow you poor fuck gimme your address lemme double that stack

>> No.3695166
File: 58 KB, 640x960, 1477894803736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nice car OP, I would be eternally grateful for receiving your dust.

>> No.3695184

Is it really true the presentation is going to be given next to the toilets ? Just saw a post on reddit about it a min ago.

>> No.3695196

>Guaranteed exposure

Link is unstoppable

>> No.3695533



I will mail you an ounce from Oregon.


>> No.3695644
File: 3 KB, 299x168, images[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


What size maxi pads do you use OP?

A little two door car like that of any brand says one thing, you are a feminine passive aggressive beta.

I'm not insulting you, I'm just telling you what other people (not NEETS) think about guys who drive those little two door cars. They are for girls only. Not guys

Unless you're a trap, or a pre-op trasngender, then good for you. :-)

In any case, that's the straight deal from an alpha chad who has a naked girl laying next to me in my bed while I'm typing on my laptop to you.

LINK my shit up for being the only non-pussy in this thread to give you an honest evaluation.


>> No.3695666

Hodling 7375 link for my dear life. Any link dust you wanna spread my way would be awesome. I might be able to get a decent Camry. Not exactly like your pussy wagon but its a start. Grats


>> No.3696105

is that trader joes orange chicken?

10/10 if it is

>> No.3696145

Also, why would anyone waste btc like that?

You could at least use that money to take a year off of work

In a year, youll have enough btc to take the next 50 years off work

>> No.3696152

Link the vids bruh

>> No.3696153
File: 13 KB, 366x340, pooor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Poorfag here, only hodling 182 link. I'm ready to buy some hotwheels


>> No.3696176

Okay guys. I'm really a poorfag. Should I put anything in LINK? Is there really any chance it hasn't hit its ceiling? I'm buying other coins I have more faith in so I'm not going to be able to spend the $250 of expendable cash I have all on link. I definitely don't have that much faith in it.

>> No.3696676
File: 177 KB, 780x768, sprinkle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


grats for the gains

>> No.3696698


Can you timestamp it?
I mean even just a quick one?
Would be appreciated.

4k linkfag here;

>> No.3696790

All these fags here disrespecting the TT yet none of them own a car that could outrun a stock RS. Fucking poorfags, all of you.

>> No.3696987
File: 54 KB, 700x405, Obama-hot-dog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hello sir,

you have nice pussy magnet my man! hahaha
you make lots pussy sex!
pussy/10 mister LINK man

I come from poor village. If you may sprinkle LINKs into my wallet I many thanks to you!


>> No.3697807


>> No.3698401
File: 52 KB, 800x599, 541F5AE8-8BF6-4E1B-9AB5-472820CCB553_4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bought into OMG real early and finally took some profits out for this fine whip and don't regret it at all I know that financially it was probably a bad move but I don't care because I'm cozy riding around now compared to my last car. Also sold some OMG for 5k link the other day for the long term hodl. Can't wait to upgrade to lambo jk

Link me up senpai 0x259f96722d69a5119b8449b651eea0af4d885de4

>> No.3698419


>> No.3698438
File: 97 KB, 1024x576, $_86.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

awful choice desu

>> No.3698476

It is not a poor decision. I am hoping to make some money in crypto to buy a car because I recently wrecked mine. Albeit, its not a far walk to work for me, but it can be inconvenient at times. Anyways, any link dust is appreciated if I'm not too late to the party!!

>> No.3699097


>> No.3699176


>> No.3699198
File: 29 KB, 408x389, 1476368725531.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is the future we chose

>> No.3699390

German cars are so fucking worth their money, except Opel. Fuck Opel.
But especially Audi is fucking worth it OP.
>german that is driving an asian fucking pile of shit automobile because not wealthy enough (yet)

In case you want to spread more dust: