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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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File: 589 KB, 2188x1160, Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 09.08.12.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
3660285 No.3660285 [Reply] [Original]

Transferred some Ether into Etherdelta, I then pressed deposit to send my ether to a smart contract, it wont let me conduct any trades so I wait several hours. Come back and see these trades executed. I assume I made some mistake and decide to eat these losses, so I send more ether to my etherdelta deciding to be extra careful and these trades happen AGAIN!

Look at the screencap they happen like five times. I did not enter this buy order in! I lost like 12k and feel like vomiting.

>> No.3660294


>> No.3660303

>using ED when Binance is available

>> No.3660304

Do it again.

>> No.3660306
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this should say it all for you

>> No.3660310
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>> No.3660312

Did you buy 0.001 LINK for 24 ETH ? HAAHHAHAHA

>> No.3660318
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>> No.3660320


I get it guys, I'm a fucking cuck. But does anyone have any idea how this is possible? How does this same order happen like 5 times when my balance empties and I transfer more Eth in? I know for a fact I didnt place the order. And the computer I use for Crypto I don't use for anything else.

>> No.3660335

Give us your private key, we will fix it for you buddy.

>> No.3660339

We thank you for your purchase and are proud to be able to count you among our customers

>> No.3660340


Why do you even want it? I have nothing left idiot.

>> No.3660344

When was this ?

>> No.3660347

Explanation attached!


>> No.3660350

Just figured you were a fucking retard

>> No.3660351

Your not going get any answers here, ED is way above the average /biz/tards intelligence level

>> No.3660352


See filename on screenshot.

>> No.3660353

newfag here, what did he do wrong?

>> No.3660358

Your private key may have been compromised if you ever clicked one of those script links that has been going around recently. A clever thief would then trade to themselves to launder the funds through ED by buying his own sell order of anything (in this case ChainLink) way above market prices and leaving you with a fraction of a bag, even worse, it's ChainLink.

>> No.3660366

Wait did you use metamask for this shit?

>> No.3660367

Nobody knows. It shouldn't be possible. You have to submit the buy orders yourself.

>> No.3660372


Instead of buying 30000 LINK for the price of 0.001 ETH each, I bought 0.001 ETH for the price of 30000 ETH each.

Think of it like buying 1 hot dog for 10k, when you wanted to buy 10k hot dogs for 1 dollar each.

>> No.3660378

You probably got hacked OP.

ED's frontend is very poorly coded and contains numerous XSS exploits which can be used execute trades.

>> No.3660381

You got rekt RIP

>> No.3660382

Seems fishy that you didnt place the orders yourself.. U know switched amount/Eth price "cause retard" Found the orders though. Sucks.

>> No.3660386


Do you honestly think I'd do it FIVE times though?

>> No.3660398

Site is laggy cancer shit.
Makes no sense from a hacking Perspective as there are several bots in competition for fuck-up orders.

>> No.3660401

Dude, that pathetic chart view tells me everything I need to know about Etherdelta.

>> No.3660409

Too hard, please provide more visual example.
But to be honest it must of been a script. Did you make sure thw website sent you right certificate?

>> No.3660415


Idk fuck this shit though. I have over 80K but losing 12k is devastating. I was debating buying a car for the last two months and decided not to, better to save, and I basically lost that in ten seconds.

>> No.3660429

Is the whole point of using Ether Delta to be disfunctional and profit off of newfags who click things wrong?

>> No.3660433

Sorry for your loss, Anon - Lost half my stash to ED.

>> No.3660435

This shit has kinda got me worried now. I love ED but its getting sketchier by the day

>> No.3660439

also money laundry and buying hot new shit before it hits the normie exchanges

>> No.3660447

>implying ED is nothing but shit code made by a fucking amateur js kid.

Shit is so buggy and got more loopholes in it than a compton nigger.

>> No.3660453

you do know that LINK is already listed on Binance right?

>> No.3660521
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, octopus.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"So I just traded one year of free rent, full pool privileges, and more room in the crisper for 0.000001 LINK?"

>> No.3660535

I fucking hate this site.

>> No.3660537


>> No.3660564


>Sending REAL money to a hastily thrown together meme exchange

>> No.3660576
File: 14 KB, 297x331, just.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

AutismDelta man.

>> No.3660581

check your metamask wallet and see if the funds didnt go there...

>> No.3660618

Oh look, EtherDelta finally moved off of Github.io

>> No.3660657
File: 583 KB, 644x978, Screen Shot 2017-09-29 at 07.19.07.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it makes you feel better m8, you ain't the only 1.

When i was loading up some link this morning, i saw this pop up in the order book and lol'd. Top order in screen.

>> No.3660710

I used ether delta to buy zrx. Was terrified the while time

>> No.3660738

LINKIES ARE THE MOST STUPID COINERS ON BIZ, WORSE THAN OMGERS, but seriously I'd caught your order, I'd given your money back. ED is utter cancer.

>> No.3660752

there are bots who grab orders like this with crazy high gas prices to make sure it gets filled.
the order book itself has no API and is not really decentralised, so i guess it are the guys from EtherDelta who run this.

>> No.3660775
File: 1.75 MB, 500x253, QYMzPFG.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Someone sell me your link reeee. Buy order has been on ErectileDysfunction for hours, I'm buying 1165 @ 0.000857

>> No.3660792

High transaction fees weren't required, because OP was the one filling the order. Or rather, someone used OP's private key to fill his own order. OP either has malware, or his ED private key has been compromised.

>> No.3660802

OP, why the fuck didn't you use metamask? that fox is cute as shit and is looking after you bro

>> No.3660829


Wait what? Seriously?

What should I do?

>> No.3660877

what do you mean? your key is compromised, dont use the address ever again. the fuck do you think?
go to emotionaltrader.tumblr.com/what-happened-to-the-link-fags to see how this happened to others

>> No.3660882

well you can't get your ETH back if that's what you're asking. If someone has your private key just make a new wallet (or abandon EtherDelta forever) and scan your computer for malware and/or do a full reformat/reinstall.

There were malicious links going around the other day where if you clicked one it would basically get your ED private key that's loaded in your browser. You may have clicked one of those links since people were trying to insert them into actual discussions.

>> No.3660893

Don't follow the link OP

>> No.3660909
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>> No.3660936


You do realise I stated earlier that I run EtherDelta on a seperate laptop used expressly for cryptotrading. So youre not going to achieve anything with that link.

I get that you guys assume I'm a noob because of how much I lost on ED. But I've been going on /biz/ daily for four years now.

>> No.3660939

So let me see if I understand this. You lost 3.7 eth 4 times, and so you decided fuck it, I'll just send 24.3 on over and see what happens? I mean, I can't understand why anyone would do this on accident.
What the fuck are you trying to pull right now OP? Last OP that looked this retarded pulled off one of the most clever scams I've ever seen, so this shit looks really fucking fishy right now.

>> No.3660964

well is the laptop connected to the internet? does it share a network with any of your other devices?

>> No.3660977


I think at this point I was wondering if anyone knew how this could have happened, like if it was some smart contract glitch. Also to warn people about ED I guess, and to provide you guys with some laughs.


This ain't no scam bro, you'll note that while I did talk about how shit I feel losing 12k, I didn't do the whole sob story 'this is my kids college fund, I'm broke now' bs. I have over 100K in profits this year from crypto, so I'm not looking for any charity. I'm just fucking upset and I felt like sharing it with someone and I don't exactly have any friends to talk about it with.

Also heres what happened exactly:

Transfer 24 eth, get fucked over with this insane trade. Think to myself 'fuck I must have fat fingered that', then being the smart person I am I think 'if I send another 12 ETH and buy LINK correctly, technically it's the same as having bought for 75 cents, so if it reaches 1 USD I'll be in the green'.

I transfer the 12 ETH and WATCH as it executes those trades without having entered anything in myself. That's what drives me mad, I didn't enter those last set of trades.

>> No.3661003

You have a bad case of computer herpes, dunno how you caught it but you need to sort that shit out.

>> No.3661039

A: DON'T FOLLOW THAT LINK, that /biz/ anon is not being a /biz/ bro. It was a malware script that high-jacked peoples ED accounts and cleaned them out.

B: Were you not using MetaMask? If not, you seriously fucked up. Don't ever use the private key again that got compromised. Back up all your crypto on a thumb, wipe your machine completely clean, and re-install windows. Install Chrome, Install MetaMask, don't click on stupid links, watch your ass, and happy trading.

Unfortunately you learned the really fucking hard way with this one. You're fucked.

>> No.3661064
File: 1.25 MB, 1904x9632, 1506633372510.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh, damn, that's pretty hardcore anon. I'd definitely quit fucking around until you figure out what's wrong with your shit.
I don't mean to accuse you, just shit's been pretty scammy around here lately.
>pic related

Also, ED supports Ledger Nano s, which holds your private keys and never shows them to the computer, and its $85 so let that shit sink in, then go buy one you dingus. Fuck that meme that people say you need to be rich to have a hardware wallet, because obviously its way smarter to pay fucking $85 to not lose $12k

>> No.3661112
File: 1.41 MB, 320x180, 09572930423.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.3661142


What link are you using? Maybe someone set up a page that looked exactly like ED, using their own smart contract. Don't see how this could happen unless someone had your private key, but then they'd just withdraw your eth without this ED nonsense.

>> No.3661554

I hate this fucking nigger site, can't wait for the first decentralized exchange that actually works.

>> No.3662141

It seems worse than Binance.

Also don't click links on here. Lots of good people but it only takes 1 shit stain to spam a malware script.

>> No.3662532

etherdelta is easy to use. don't try to make markets, though. Just take markets. That is, click on the order that you want to trade with and it automatically fills the fields with the correct information. Pay the 0.3% fee. It is easier than making a dumb mistake.

>> No.3662571

you clicked a phishing link and your ED private key was compromised. someone's executing trades on your behalf.

>> No.3662576

fucking kek this is just ice cold

>> No.3662606

Do not go to this link. We really should delete comments containing it

>> No.3662720

Didn't etherdelta patch this already?