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/biz/ - Business & Finance

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364273 No.364273 [Reply] [Original]

How do I become a banker?

>> No.364274

apply for a job at a bank and get accepted

but what type of banker are we talking about

>> No.364277

Thats just a way to become a clerk? I mean a banker.

>> No.364278

jesus fucking christ

>> No.364280


and again i'll ask what type?

corporate, investment, private, retail, merchant (often grouped with investment)

>> No.364319
File: 906 KB, 3986x2481, 1372750918067.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

be a jew.

>> No.364334


>> No.364369


Answer this first.

Don't say Retail. Unless you want to a salesman. (and I mean the bad kind of salesman, think used cars. Although its the sector where you have the best chance of working up from the bottom. Again by being a salesman)

>> No.364462


>> No.364487

top 10 MBA or network your ass off before you are 25

>> No.364533

Another thread started by a teenager who saw Wolf of Wall Street.

>> No.364536


>> No.364537

Im not a teenager nor have I seen Wolf of Wall Street. Is that broadway?

>> No.364540

a movie about being rich starring leonardo dicaprio

>> No.365936 [DELETED] 

Where are people getting housemaid loot boxes?

>> No.365939

Got that part covered. What else?

>> No.365962

What type of fucking banker do you want to be you piece of shit.

>> No.365991

Not OP, and I don't want to be a banker you twat.(protip: see ID)

>> No.366018


>> No.366034

Step 1: Raise $20MM
Step 2: Start your own bank
Congrats, you're now a banker.

>> No.366278

>lol look how not up to date I am with pop culture xDD what is an iphone am i rite xdDDxD im so cool and retro

fuck off

>> No.366602

Your autism is showing.

>> No.366631

get finance degree
save you money big time
buy country club membership
occasionally done at rich restaurant
buy expensive clothes
read about rich people stuff
friend rich people on fb
pretend to already be rich
rub elbows

>> No.367382

/biz/ noob here, what's the difference between either one?
What are the pro's and con's of either kind of banker?
Which one makes the most amount of money?
Which one does not require the sacrifice of a social life?

>> No.367389
File: 896 KB, 610x685, 1401008348190.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have to ask
No you won't be

>> No.367402

Who is this guy, and why is he an asexual predator? I demand an explanation.