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3620660 No.3620660 [Reply] [Original]

Thinking about moving all my crypto investments into Link. Currently I am 40% LINK 20%OMG 30% ETH 10%Fiat (just in case theres a dip). Is this a huge mistake? I am very uneasy of a black swan event. Also the fact LINK hasn't been listed on any exchanges besides ED concerns me. Help me /biz/

>> No.3620676

With September 30 coming who knows what black swan events may come...

FWIW I actually have a very similar portfolio to yours.

>> No.3620688

Might dip back just a bit

>> No.3620699

OMG has no significant news to look forward to that would propel it higher. I would sell your OMG and buy some LINK. I still think OMG has a lot of potential though. We know that they plan on releasing their wallet SDK or some shit like that before the end of 2017.

>> No.3620701

your ratios seem fine but personally I went 80% into LINK i have that much confidence

>> No.3620702
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What the fuck are you waiting for you should be 70% LINK otherwise you will NOT MAKE IT.

You're really concerned that one of the hottest and most exclusive ICOs of 2017 won't get listed on a major exchange?

The devs are working their assess off in prep for sibos.
Since you have doubted go 100% LINK. Your faith will be rewarded.

>> No.3620703

Read this thread anon, you will be very happy that you did: >>3600793

>> No.3620707

It is a portfolio that I believe has the best chance to recover from a major crypto crash. All 3 coins have a working product/prototype and fill important roles in Crypto.

>> No.3620760

Funny enough, I was reading biz when this thread was on the first page. I understand the tech behind ChainLink, I actually read the white paper! What I am worried about is crypto is driven by hype. If word doesn't get out, a coin can fade away. It seems that the team behind ChainLink is spending all of their time prepping for SIBOS (don't get me wrong this is exactly what they should be doing). However, this comes with a price, no new exchanges means the same few people keep trading with each other. It is very hard to get the word out, which I think must happen before SIBOS. This is the only thing that is keeping me from going 90% LINK.

>> No.3620819

i cant believe this scam is perpetuating

>1 billion coin supply
>2 devs
>well run ICO lol
>no official deal with Swift
>registered in Cayman Islands
>states on their site, they can literally do anything they want with the funds

>> No.3620832

Someone tell that cuck Rory that this shit is gonna crash to dust if they don't get an actual exchange soon. Fucking pathetic.

>> No.3620877

My goal in this thread was to have an intelectual conversation on the risks of LINK. Not for you to post falsehoods and retired memes.
1. Coin Supply does not matter. Total MarketCap is what is important. The supply is so high due to the fact several nodes must be run on the system.
2. 2 Developers is not a bad thing. These two guys have been working on the project since 2014. They have advisors, and a working product. So clearly they are capable.
3. The ICO was well run. There was high demand. They could have easily increased the amount of coins they gave out and taken in more Eth (which is what Bancor did) however they chose to stick with their cap. That is noble and I appreciate that.
4. Swift is a massive company. It is literally one of if not the most important company when it comes to international finance. They don't have a partnership with swift, you are correct. However they won a competition, beating out 3 great startups. This gave them the opportunity to work with Swift and present at SIBOS in association with Swift. This is huge.
5. Being registered in the Cayman Islands is not sketchy. It isn't like what you see on TV shows. It can be a very legitimate way to properly run a business and take advantage of very forgiving tax laws. This is smart accounting.
6. It is no doubt a risky investment. All cryptos are. However, I have no doubt SWIFT took a look at their financials and venture capitalists investors before they gave them the opportunity to present at SIBOS. These guys aren't going to run away with a few million dollars. They have their eyes set on a much bigger prize.

>> No.3620935

What do you think of competitors such as synapse market and ethereum's oracle software. Do you think that first mover advantage is enough to secure it as the mainstream oracle software of the future?

>> No.3620977

I am cautious with Ethereum. There is a chance that they can code an oracle solution right into the blockchain. However, this solution might be a ways away. They are very busy with Metropolis/Byzantine/Plasma. I think they need to improve on their base tech before adding any oracle fix. This gives ChainLink time to grow. Once the product is available I see no reason why Eth wouldn't just use it. It is an ERC-20 token after all.

To be honest, I don't know much about synapse. However, I do know a lot about the first mover advantage. It is crucial that ChainLink knocks it out of the park in the next few months, completely shutting the door on any competitors looking to take market share. I think SWIFT will help a lot with this, along with the fact ChainLink has a working product. To the best of my knowledge, no other competitor has this.

>> No.3621035

there's no way LINK crashes though before SIBOS regardless of whether new exchanges start offering it or not. People will keep buying all the way up to SIBOS and you should too, if the date comes around and you don't see any new exchanges offering then dump it if you want, you won't lose money, and stand to gain a lot. I'm 85k in link and seriously considering much more

>> No.3621076

Do uou think SIBOS hype alone is enough to keep the price moving upwards?

>> No.3621082

What are your predictions on the price of LINK towards the end of the year and in 6 months?

>> No.3621095

End of year if SIBOS went smoothly: 20x-30x.

6 months after that if good news keeps rolling in? 50x-100x.

>> No.3621109

>false hoods and retired memes

You did acknowledge a couple of my points as correct or neutral on.

>The ICO was well run
>I have no doubt SWIFT took a look at their financials and venture capitalists investors before they gave them the opportunity

How do you reconcile these points, since there was no KYC or AML followed? Is Swift even aware of this fact?

>> No.3621115


will need to be listed on big exchanges on top of everything "going smoothly"

There is no PR team, no advertising.

>> No.3621120

It is impossible to know. If SIBOS goes well and it gets listed on more exchanges I could see $1-2.

Over the next year? It depends if it gets used. If people use the product AND no other company steals market share. It could easily be a $5-10 coin.

If SIBOS tanks, no new exchanges, hype dies down, and nobody uses the product. We will be holding bags. I highly doubt this will be the outcome. However, know investment is without risk, and you must analyze all possibilities.

>> No.3621123

>implying KYC/AML measures mattering for a consumptive use token that doesn't promise anything beyond use in the ecosystem.

Stay fucking retarded

>> No.3621152

Correct. Those would be the retired memes, as I believe they are immaterial.

I am not sure if SWIFT was aware of the lack of KYC. As I said in my previous post above. No investment is without risk, especially in Crypto. I can think of many ICO's that did not have a KYC and AML. It is definitely risk/reward. If the risk is too great for you, I understand. This is not a sure thing investment. However, them running away with my money is the least of my concerns at the moment.

>> No.3621188

Sergey have 1.4k followers on twitter... You guys know crypto is all hype right?

Can't believe I almost bought a shitcoin with no PR or advertising team... Wow!

>> No.3621213

You're going to regret it when you're buying in over $3 because you have no common sense to understand something as basic as a snowball effect.

>> No.3621221


will it dip make to .10 - .15?

>> No.3621242

So true. OmiseGO really took off when it hit $3. Most people didn't give a shit about it before that.

>> No.3621248

>hey guys i think this coin is very likely to got to shit should i invest in it?

>> No.3621275

If we don't get listed on any exchanges and hype dies down. It will dip to around .15.

>> No.3621278

It'll dip. There is almost no doubt. Wat h that YouTube video of the dev meeting in SF. Terrible presentation terrible q&a. I'm holding 15k just bc but I dot trust these fools one bit. 2 dudes that can hardly pull off a presentation to 5 people.

>> No.3621317

The stuttering potheads who run this scam? Lol

>> No.3621332
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I'm unironically 100% LINK.

Fight me.

>> No.3621344

Fuck u. Ur obvious af

>> No.3621358

Me too. Thing is, i love the fud. Im an engineer at msoft (azure) and i can c that this tech is game changing.

>> No.3621363


Fuck you you're ugly. Go watch that pathetic pos presentation. Basically the whole fuck of coins are being run by autistic af nerds and we're falling for it. This is nothing more than a penny stock. Nothing more. I hope we Lambo but the chance is essentially 1 in a million or less

>> No.3621375

God damn. I was right about neo (@ $3) and i was right about omg (@$4) and i'll b right about this.

>> No.3621407

I encourage everyone to submit listing request forms for: Polo, Binance, Liqui, and Bitfinex. We need to get this on an exhange. It is clear the dev team is too busy.

>> No.3621412

100% my dude

>> No.3621425

The feb team is 2 dudes. That's it. This thing is going to flop so hard and when we said hey there are only 2 dudes working on this y'all will look back and say damn guess they were right about that one

>> No.3621451

Or most likely you're going to be the idiot that missed the rocket lol just put a 100 dollars in and you'll be glad you at least didn't miss some gains

>> No.3621514


Actually I was block 490 presage so I missed it but then I bought 15k at 1/3 more but who cares if this is a long term play. The point is despite that I don't trust it, just watch the YouTube video. It's clear as day dude has no clue and at sibos it'll be more clear. These guys need help but they are just 2 dudes. Why share the profits.

>> No.3621536


I would get out of OMG if for no other reason than that it is a mature coin. Why risk 10 and hope it goes to 20 when you can buy link for 20 cents and hope it goes to 1 dollar (which it will, in TIME, not necessarily tomorrow).

>> No.3621573

also 80%+ of the coins is on the hands of a few whales which is total wtf pricewise and stakingwise

>> No.3621707

>1 billion coin supply
350 million circulating.

>2 devs
-former RSA Chief Scientist Ari Juels (co-wrote the whitepaper)
-decentralized consensus expert Andrew Miller
-Ethereum Community Manager Hudson Jameson
-Facebook's Director of Engineering and LLVM developer Evan Cheng as an active Technical Advisor

>well run ICO lol
The devs purposely missed out on 12 million dollars by maintaining the $ cap of the ICO even after ETH rose a lot in price.

>No official deal with Swift
Here's the official announcement from SWIFT itself:

>registered in Cayman Islands
Literal non-issue.

>states on their site, they can literally do anything they want with the funds
Boilerplate legal conditions.

>> No.3621724

Sep 30: china shutdown ?

That should already be priced in.

>> No.3621728

Was the same with OMG. It's actually less worse in chainlink because biz got a good slice of presale

>> No.3621748


Give up FUDders, we have the high ground.

>> No.3621778

No, seriously. Make another thread to encourage people to get this on exchanges. The momentum is nice and this thing could really get rolling before SIBOS

>> No.3621808

Is everyone selling before SIBOS or are we hodling through it? Also, please dont FOMO in reply to me. We all know shilling on /biz/ won't do much in relation to the price, and it's too far away for what you say about it to matter now.

>> No.3621817
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>> No.3621824

I'm going to hold. They're going to be introduced to many more customers at the conference when the presentation is complete.

Read between the lines.



>> No.3621854

of course a coin with such a cute little logo is so polarizing. What does the cube even say on the side, it's probably reely important

>> No.3621861

SIBOS means tons of exposure, it's not some "make or break" unknown.

There might be a sell-off from retards clinging to the "sell the news" meme, but that meme does not apply here since "the news" was "Chainlink is doing a presentation at SIBOS".
Only good things will come from SIBOS: more exposure at the least, and very possibly partnerships as well.

>> No.3621878
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what wallet are you guys storing your link on?

I plan on taking my link out of ether and just sitting on it for quite a bit.

>> No.3621886


>> No.3621950

At this market cap, sure, but if it goes up like 5x then the market cap might just be inflated because of sibos. Wouldn't that be a good sell signal?

>> No.3621993

After SIBOS, Chainlink might go mainstream REAL fast, completely launching past something like Ripple which is 100x the current market cap of LINK.

Still, remind yourself this is crypto. Literally anything could happen.
But the signs are there, anon.

See >>3611370
for a better explanation on why SWIFT needs Chainlink.

>> No.3622038

It's not going to go that quickly. They're doing a 30 minute presentation to a bunch of people who probably won't know much about the blockchain at a time when other presentations are taking place. Sure, it's a high profile event, but I feel like unless they walk out with the CEO of swift and say "we're partnered now", the coins going to go down in value. It might go up in the months after that but I feel like selling before the event and buying afterwards (as long as the presentation isn't awful) is probably the best way to go about it

>> No.3622072

You might be surprised.

For instance, see: https://www.coindesk.com/barclays-joins-cls-blockchain-consortium-search-swift-alternative/

Financial institutions are in such a hurry to adopt blockchain tech that they can hardly even wait for SWIFT to finish its blockchain project.

Also, SWIFT's blockchain project consists of two parts:
1) Hyperledger (already rolling out)
2) Smart Contracts

Chainlink is the closest SWIFT have to getting part 2) ready for deployment, and they have absolutely no time to spare to look at other alternatives or in-house development.

>> No.3622653

80% link too reporting in