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2023-11: Warosu is now out of extended maintenance.

/biz/ - Business & Finance

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3620368 No.3620368 [Reply] [Original]

EtherDelta isn't working. How much time do I have to buy this? A couple days/weeks? or hours?

>> No.3620375

No one knows.
16 october is sibos conference.

But it could moon way before if it get listed

>> No.3620384

I'd still buy this if it was $1, so just keep buying honestly. I'm still waiting for my wageslave paycheck to come through to get some more.

>> No.3620426

2 weeks tops imo, but maybe less

personally i'll keep buying it upto 3-4x what it is now. I think it'll go 10x+ soon and maybe 50-100x in the longer run. I'm basically all in

>> No.3620462

This is the next big thing after Ethereum. Let's all get rich and quit work together /biz

>> No.3620486

It actually is even if you are joking.

>> No.3620564

should I wait for this to dip again?

>> No.3620577

I have a decent amount of Link and I have been waiting for a dip to accumulate more. The longer I wait the more nervous I get. However, I am concerned that no exchange has listed it besides EtherDelta...

>> No.3620597


yeah, that concerns me a lot too.

the lack of comms from devs and lack of a marketing campaign scares me too.

also etherdelta is taking forever to process my eth deposit into the eth/link smart contract

>> No.3620600

I sold all my Kyber at 4x ICO for more LINK.

75 cents by october 15th

>> No.3620611

Anon once this is listed on a major exchange you won't be able to accumulate at these prices. It's still barely 2xed on ED.

>> No.3620617

I assume they are hard at work preparing for SIBOS... It is literally the most important day of their lives. They must successfully provide a proof of concept in front of the most power people in the Financial Industry.

>> No.3620632

Theres no reason to fud LINK when there are billion dollar cap coins with nothing to show for and with this magnitude

>> No.3620634

How long does it take to deposit eth from my eth delta eth wallet into the smart contract for LINK... reeeeeeee

>> No.3620638

Up your gas price fucking poorfag

>> No.3620654


I'm using the fuckin defaults not lowering it is that not enough?

>> No.3620655

It was confirmed that the two have been putting in major work for the upcoming event. The least of their concern is how their token sale is doing and when it should be at exchanges

>> No.3620658

buy up to the SIBOS conference, then sell when the demo fails.

>> No.3620670

It took like 5-6 hours for me at the default gas price (.0004 ETH or something).

>> No.3620693

>SWIFT are SmartContracts paying customers and invited them to SIBOS to show ChainLink working because they knew they it would fail. Clever girl.

>> No.3620698


can I cancel a pending transaction to change gas price or am i fucked to wait?

>> No.3620711

I don't think it's possible to cancel it, BUT I also have absolutely no idea. This was my first time using ED as well to buy some LINK.

>> No.3620713


it's cool cuase it only took like 2 minutes

>> No.3620724

Where is the official announcement that they are partners and Swift is a paying customer?

>> No.3620904

This is our chance /biz/, its our coin.

From the presale link that worked to the extreme FUD rebuttled with solid responses.

>> No.3620929

Agreed, I hope everyone has filed the forms for all the exchanges asking them to list it. If we don't get this thing listed it won't be pretty. Clearly the devs are too busy with SIBOS.

>> No.3620965

it varies tho, i did a bunch of transactions earlier on default and a few of them took 2-3 minutes and then one took 4 hours

i'll up the gas to like 12-20 on future ED transactions

>> No.3621247

It's usually a good sign when the devs are letting the product speak for itself (along with actually having one)

>> No.3621430

anyone used Mercatox to buy it?

>> No.3621472

Are you me?

>> No.3621973

I was one of the first people to make a post about Chainlink on /biz/, got called a shill and the thread died with like 7 replies. Oh how the tune has changed. It was fun watching everyone manage to get into the presale links, glad you all got to get in on the absolute ground floor of the best project of 2017. I'm not going to make any price predictions, I'm just going to say buy while you still can, and hold your bags tight.

>> No.3621999

is it still working buying this bullshit and I will be pissed when this becomes a heavy bag like everything else shilled on here

>> No.3622031

*worth buying

>> No.3622034
File: 29 KB, 800x522, reeeeee.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I thought I bought 1500 links back when it was 0.00045
Now its 0.00065
Fucken scumlord deltafag

You cannot trade this order because it already traded. Someone else already traded this order and the order book hasn't updated yet.


>> No.3622047

Yeah instead of hyping, focus on taking pictures in front of signs. Or making stickers lol

>> No.3622050

yeah I hate that shit. same thing happend to me on a different token like a week ago

>> No.3622059

I remember that thread. I didn't reply because after some research i realized if it was shilled any more. I probably wouldn't have got into the crowdsale. I was literally 3 blocks from missing out

>> No.3622068

Smartest man in thread. Teach me your ways.

>> No.3622073
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Thank you sir. You have already doubled my net worth.

>> No.3622094

You are a selfishfag. Serve the brothers, comrade!

>> No.3622110

And that is why we're having these threads now. Go buy some

>> No.3622117

It's basically the ETH of mainstream finance and business.

>ETH allowed smart contracts within crypto
>Chainlink/Smartcontract will allow smart contracts in mainstream finance and business.

It boggles the mind to think of the possibilities.

And they have the perfect fucking website name already: smartcontract.com.

>> No.3622120


>> No.3622131

The demo can't fail, dumb dumb.

It's a demonstration on rails. Like your computer science teacher showing you how to click through a wizard.

>> No.3622164


This is the official SIBOS website.

Remember that the S in SIBOS stands for SWIFT. They organize SIBOS.

Also, see >>3611370

Basically, SWIFT's blockchain project consists of two parts:
1) Hyperledger (already rolling out)
2) Smart Contracts

Chainlink is the closest SWIFT have to getting part 2) ready for deployment, and they have absolutely no time to spare to look at other alternatives or in-house development, see >>3621989

>> No.3622295

won't be pretty for the whales planning to dump or? I won't be scrounging around for exchanges desu

>> No.3622313

>Oracle problem
>next ETH
Holy shit. You LINKies are shilling this hard.

>> No.3622326

You misunderstand.
I'm not saying this is the next ETH, I'm saying this can become WAY bigger than ETH.

>> No.3622330

Isn't it build on the Ethereum blockchain? How can this be bigger than ETH?

>> No.3622331

the amount of shilling is scaring me

>> No.3622332

Could easily get to 1 billion in market cap

>> No.3622342

People who have LINK are genuinely excited to see the beginning of something big.
I don't want you to get fomo. I just suggest you not buy.

>> No.3622348

Then you missed the FUD campaign, paid by SOROS and Vitalik here. Half of the Board was full of FUD threads, selling and bullshiting about LINK. 3-4 days ago

>> No.3622357

So what's the product so far, broseph?

>> No.3622364

probably a week after SIBOS I foresee a long slow bleedout like 0x until an actual product circa Q2 2018, thoughts?

>> No.3622366

>Isn't it build on the Ethereum blockchain?
It's built on ETH, yes.
ETH might probably grow exponentially along with LINK, I was referring to ETH's current state.

>How can this be bigger than ETH?
Because LINK allows for smart contracts to take place in the mainstream world of finance and business. Through a decentralize node network.

What ETH did for crypto, Chainlink can do for the mainstream.

This is why SWIFT is pushing Chainlink at this year's SIBOS.
You should realize that the financial world is absolutely foaming at the mouth for a blockchain solution; they're growing so impatient that they can hardly even wait for SWIFT to finish developing its blockchain project; see: https://www.coindesk.com/barclays-joins-cls-blockchain-consortium-search-swift-alternative/

Of course, this is still crypto, so anything can happen; good or bad.

>> No.3622390

Google Chainlink smartcontract
Read the article coindesk about sibos and swift.
Also read the article about swift inviting sergey to provide a working demo
Then if your gut instincts rings some bells
Go to etherdelta
If you don't know how to use that then do more research.

>> No.3622399

I think there will be a small dump after sibos if all goes well and then a few climbs past ath. It won't bleed out unless sergey tanks the demo.

>> No.3622401

Why cant Etherium already do all of this?
>decentralized node network
Ahh, dirty fucking pajeet, I ain't falling for it. Bags will be staying in ARK.

>> No.3622407

They already have an "actual product".
You can set up smart oracles on their website right now.

And they are demoing two practical use cases with direct SWIFT integration on October 16th.

When /biz/ says "do your own research", it's not a joke.

>> No.3622412


>> No.3622422

If you have to ask this, don't bother.
Never buy unless you fully know what you're getting into, and once you've done the work you'll know when to go in

>> No.3622440

This Etherdelta site is woeful.
It's like standing in line to trade grain for stone.

>> No.3622443
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it'll be all worth it though m8
or we'll all lose a bunch

>> No.3622448

>Why cant Etherium already do all of this?
Because external data can't interact with ETH without middleware.

And this is exactly what Chainlink provides: the interaction of the outside world with the blockchain, through oracles set up within a decentralized network.

You should know that the Chainlink team has been working on this since before ETH.

The goal was always to allow smart contracts to be implemented anywhere, not just within crypto.
But ETH was probably a necessary intermediate step towards achieving that goal.

>> No.3622457

Okay boys I'm interested.

I was on Antshares and OmiseGO at $1 and I like the look of this, where can I read more?

>> No.3622469

Was anyone involved at the start of ANTs / OMG? Was it Fudded and shilled both ways on /biz/?Because this is crazy right now.

>> No.3622471

There's a few threads you can look over here and there's a few articles to read if you Google

>> No.3622474
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>Was it Fudded and shilled both ways on /biz/

>> No.3622478

Here's some good info on where Chainlink stands in its relationship with SWIFT: >>3611370

But ultimately, Chainlink doesn't need SWIFT or the traditional world of finance; it's the other way around.

>> No.3622479

Fucking encouraging.

>> No.3622480

YouTube. Type in Sergey Nazarov

>> No.3622484


What value does the LINK token provide?

>> No.3622485
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>mfw only 5k link

>> No.3622486

Not much talk about either when they were cheap. Can't speak for other anons but I only noticed neo threads when it was still ans and above $10
Omg hardly got talked about until it was $8

>> No.3622497

I got into ANS at 80k but not from Biz, I started shilling it just after buying.

>> No.3622505

The token is the lifeblood of the decentralized node network.

You either have a centralized source/store of data like Ripple, Oraclize, Reality Keys, ... or you have a decentralized source/store of data.
Why is decentralized better?
Bitcoin is bitcoin because it is DEcentralized; the proof is everywhere instead of in a central location where it is worthless as soon as it is even a little compromized.

>> No.3622508

I have researched it pretty thoroughly and Im bullish af on LINK
I have 101k and am all in
great to here /biz/ pros dissuade me of my fears!

>> No.3622514

OMG WTF Etherbeta.
2nd time my transactions don't work.
WTF is: Warning! Error encountered during contract execution [Bad jump destination]
This is why I didn't get it at 0.00045

>> No.3622530

Where are you guys storing your LINK? On etherdelta or elsewhere?

>> No.3622532

>You either have a centralized source/store of data like Ripple, Oraclize, Reality Keys, ... or you have a decentralized source/store of data.
Talking about projects that link external data with the blockchain specifically.

>> No.3622534


>> No.3622535

Yes. All on ED. Best cold storage on the market right now. And its decentralized.

>> No.3622545
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This is why Etherdelta is the worst

>> No.3622575

Be careful not to fat finger

>> No.3622599

How long should I keep my link on there? Should I transfer my link elsewhere after a period of time?

>> No.3622611


>> No.3622612

I transfer all my shit out of exchanges and into cold storage

>> No.3622613
File: 107 KB, 1600x746, Bildschirmfoto vom 2017-09-26 12-22-54.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How do I buy this? Etherdelta is in eternal loading mode, no matter in which browser I open it. Never used this before. Guys?

>> No.3622640

It's listed on mercatox, that exchange is even less mainstream than Etherdelta tho(due to different reasons tho, mercatox simply sucks)

>> No.3622651

Fuck me, 1.5 hours in and I get me some Link.

Peace out.

>> No.3622680

EtherDelta is based on a well-reviewed smart contract. The site front-end may be glitchy (order already traded...), but funds on it are safe. The admin can't steal funds. The only things that can remove funds out of your balance are buy/sell orders that your account signed, or withdrawal transactions from your account. Funds in your ED balance are as good as funds in your wallet. Even if the site goes down, you can withdraw your funds using the instructions here: https://www.reddit.com/r/EtherDelta/comments/6yrpb3/etherdelta_gone/dmpmuw4/

>> No.3622730

Thanks for the advice. If I wanted to convert my LINK to usd in the future, I would turn it back into eth and then transfer it through coinbase or something, right?

>> No.3622803

I bought it here now because Etherdelta doesn't work for me >>3622613
Ridiculous withdrawal fee of 10 LINK, but now at least I have some. Hope that I will make it.

>> No.3622805

dont cry poorfag

>> No.3622823
File: 7 KB, 196x250, hapjak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

we're all gonna make it m8

>> No.3622865

Should I dip my toes in?

>> No.3622882

Yes. Don't go all in if you're scurred.
Wait for a dip if you want to buy more, but know that this dip might be way above the current price point. (but then again it might not be)

>> No.3622894

so how long will this take to make us rich?

>> No.3622902

Don't fomo. Spend your time researching before you buy. Only then will you know if you should buy

>> No.3623076

This. I get paid thursday i might as for an advanve ffs it killed me watching it climbe to .19 this morning. I alreadyy have 1000 at .14 but i want more

>> No.3623134

It was fudded like hell, I bought at 2. I made a shill thread that only got like 5 replies. Went on a comfy vacation wasnt even checking ANS/NEO's price, came back, mind blown. Sold at 34

>> No.3623344

are you guys keeping some bitcoin and ETH too or just converting is all to LINK? or what are your percentages at

>> No.3623555

60% BTC
20% ETH
15% NEO

>> No.3623573

So since the whole Chainlink FUD went off, this isn't the best sign. Huh.

>> No.3623581

80% LINK

>> No.3623624


Antshares was thouroughly shit on for months. So was NEO.

The pump and dumpers, whales, shills and trolls are not normal humans. They have no conscience against lying and preying on your weakest instincts.

>> No.3623887

In that case LINK is a pump and Neo is FUD with potential to rise long term. Thanks 4Chan

>> No.3623917

>NEO is not shilled anymore to be fair.
It's pretty much reached its value right now, but some major news will see it 2x real quick, as lots of eyes are on it.

>> No.3623926

Where do I store my LINK?

>> No.3623946

in your ETH wallet. MEW or MetaMask choose your weapon.

>> No.3623953


Thanks anon

>> No.3623965

no wojack is pink enough if this shit dumps

>> No.3623994
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>> No.3624008

Just to be clear; Do i just send the LINK's to the same ETH account?

>> No.3624037

It hasn't even mooned yet, what the fuck are you talking about?

>> No.3624065


>> No.3624216

can you send ETH to etherdelta via your bittrex wallet?

>> No.3624230

How long can transfers take?

>> No.3624279

>I have researched it pretty thoroughly
>oh, it actually exists
As in you skimmed the whitepaper, got confused, then looked at the advisors and called it a day. Suck my dick hard, then lose all your money after you panic sell into synapse market you monkey CUNT

>> No.3624581

Very long. Half hour isn't unusual but most should take around 30sec to 5 min. Make sure you give enough gas.

>> No.3624707

that error is usually if either you entered a value you don't actually possess (like your wallet might show 0.552 when in reality you only had 0.5516) so when you put in a higher value it'll try to process and then say bad jump destination and fail. Or it's sometimes because multiple people attempted to buy from same sell order and theirs processed before yours did and so the order doesn't exist anymore and you get the bad jump destination error.

At least that has been my experience.

>> No.3624730

yea like any coin you would transfer it out of your wallet to an exchange that trades that particular coin and then sell it for USD directly, or if the particular exchange doesn't offer USD/fiat withdrawals, transfer to BTC or ETH or whatever and then transfer that to an exchange that offers USD/fiat withdrawals.

Can sometimes feel like a clunky process especially for altcoins but you get used to it and it's pretty easy once you've done it a couple times.

>> No.3624751

Previously I was 70% ETH 30% BTC but I sold a shitload and now I'm 75% LINK. I may honestly go 100% LINK before SIBOS and enjoy early retirement.

>> No.3624823


>> No.3624870

I wonder how many % of the link supply is in /biz/ hands, seeing that so many people have over 10 k here it must be a lot.

>> No.3624898

Whats a good entry point?

>> No.3624909
File: 139 KB, 388x421, OH_MY_GAH.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm at an hour waiting to move my fucking ETH from my personal wallet to the smart contract and it's still pending. How long does this motherfucker take? I wanna find who runs ED and beat them mercilessly with a baseball bat.


>> No.3624913

>unironically thinking soros pays people to shill in /biz/

>> No.3624923

Change your gas price to 5 (the arrow on the upper right).

>> No.3624929

No, Its the best.

>> No.3624937

Pays them to shill on /pol/, so why not?

>> No.3624944

thanks senpai

>> No.3624946


>> No.3624963


thanks anon.
how the fuck is it possible that i was waiting 90+ minutes for my deposit (and it was still confirming) but it went through withing seconds, when i increased the gas price by 1?

>> No.3625019
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FUCK you.

>> No.3625068

Because you're paying 25% more in tx-fees than all those ED-noobs.

>> No.3625128
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Does anyone here use bitsquare?

>> No.3625333

I was in on OMG when it hit exchanges at 30 cents and every thread I saw about it was inside and outright false FUD. They would constantly claim that you were buying 3x ICO and that it was a scam despite it being lower than ICO price. Literally every thread the same FUD.

>> No.3625711

How do I buy this, EtherDelta instantly made an account for me. Are these throw away accounts or sth?

>> No.3625756

yea I treat the etherdelta accounts as throw aways but you can reuse if you want

you need to create an account on an exchange, deposit fiat currency (USD) to buy ETH, then transfer the ETH to etherdelta, use it to buy LINK, then create a wallet on MyEtherWallet and send any LINK you buy to the MEW (it can hold basically all ETH-based crypto which LINK is) and use that as your "vault", don't leave anything on etherdelta once you're all finished.

Can sound complex if you've never done it but it's easy after you go through it once or twice. There are videos on youtube you can watch if you search something like "How to buy X on etherdelta"

>> No.3625933


Use meta mask and the guides on the ethetdelta subreddit

>> No.3625952

Any recommended target amount of Link to accumulate? 1K, 5K, 10K?

>> No.3625957


>> No.3626184

If you want a tidy profit just invest what you're comfortable with but if you literally want to retire within a year you should invest everything you can.

I'm holding 110k LINK and I still want more.

>> No.3626224

Can someone give me a gas donation so I can buy this?

>> No.3626229

how do i run a node?

>> No.3626244



>> No.3627133


>> No.3627207

god fucking damn, i thought it was going to be easy money. But now i see it will be another dgb with these shitty shills. Fuck you, biz.

>> No.3627238
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>kyber is on 3 exchanges before this shitcoin gets onto one
literally kill yourselfs you blind deluded shills
not saying it wont double in some time but holy shit get yourself together

>> No.3627255

BMC was on 3 exchanges within the hour of it being released. Kyber BTFO. How will it ever recover.

>> No.3627457

>speed of getting on exchanges matters so fucking much

>> No.3627493
File: 184 KB, 586x577, 1502083010702.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fucked up an moved too much from my wallet and am short Gas by .002 ETH. If someone helps a brother out I'll send you 5 LINK back for your kindness.


>> No.3627501

>send 5 LINK
>cost .01 ETH to move

>> No.3627522

Damn, you're right. I haven't slept in 2 days, this is what I get. I'll have to run to the bank and give them more shekels then. Fack.

>> No.3627574

i actually made the same mistake when i first used cancerdelta and transferred my entire wallet balance over thinking the gas would just come from that. luckily i had more eth so I could just send an extra 0.01 but ya in situations like yours thats some fucking bullshit, fuck delta

>> No.3627592

>EtherDelta isn't working
working fine for me. what's wrong with it on your end?

>> No.3627613

He's retarded, that's what's wrong

>> No.3627637

Buying $180 today, buying another $100 when my slavecheque comes in

>> No.3627751

i didn't want to be so blunt, but that's likely the case.

>> No.3627869
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Yay! I fixed it!. I'm not a baka after all!